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原创 gitlab配置统一前缀路径源码版
官方文档https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/relative_url.htmlInstall GitLab under a relative URL/home/git/gitlab/config/initializers/relative_url.rbcp /home/git/gitlab/config/initializers/relative_url.rb.sample \ /home/git/gitlab/config/initializers/
2024-09-10 21:05:05 501
原创 Ubuntu源码安装gitlab13.7
ubuntugitlab http://localhost:4000/13.7/ee/install/installation.html注意事项ping gitlab.com 超时go 代理cookies set失败安装1. Packages and dependencies(ROOT)sudoBuild dependencies根据报错信息调整 依赖GitGraphicsMagickMail serverExiftoo
2024-09-10 20:46:14 1000
原创 主机dbeaver访问gitlab容器中的pg
查看gitlab database配置。重启pg并查看5432端口。创建新用户并授权(可忽略)配置pg开启外部端口监听。
2023-11-22 16:24:03 1066
原创 mysql批量插入数据,跳过唯一索引报错
2023-10-08 11:44:14 818
原创 chattr更改文件属性不被root用户删除
root rm: cannot remove ‘a.log’: Operation not permitted, chattr 更改文件属性保护文件不被root用户删除
2023-03-16 16:39:12 184
原创 gitlab Import multiple repositories by uploading a manifest file
manifest 私有项目批量导入gitlab
2023-02-22 17:05:07 179
原创 idea Kotlin compiled error
Error:Kotlin: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.5.1, expected version is 1.1.16.
2023-02-21 17:20:17 119
原创 find unzip dirname失效
ditto/unzip 解压文件到zip同级目录 unzip Illegal byte sequence
2022-12-13 17:46:27 149
原创 github action定时任务
github action 定时任务 refusing to allow a GitHub App to create or update workflow .github/workflows/action.yml without workflows permission
2022-11-18 17:26:52 760
原创 rails console打印实例变量
rails console打印实例变量 attr_reader attr_writer attr_accessor instance_variable_get
2022-11-15 17:58:21 157
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