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《Shell脚本学习指南》将告诉你这些有关UNIX主流工具的知识。除此之外,《Shell脚本学习指南》还会帮助你解决UNIX命令与标准的差异。 作者熟知UNIx程序使用的基本技巧与操作上细微的差异。他们不但会告诉你如何构建一个绝佳的脚本,还会教你如何避免落入让你功亏一篑的陷阱。有了《Shell脚本学习指南》,你可以节省很多力气。


python cookbook

Portable, powerful, and a breeze to use, Python is the popular open source object-oriented programming language used for both standalone programs and scripting applications. It is now being used by an increasing number of major organizations, including NASA and Google. Updated for Python 2.4, The Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition offers a wealth of useful code for all Python programmers, not just advanced practitioners. Like its predecessor, the new edition provides solutions to problems that Python programmers face everyday. It now includes over 200 recipes that range from simple tasks, such as working with dictionaries and list comprehensions, to complex tasks, such as monitoring a network and building a templating system. This revised version also includes new chapters on topics such as time, money, and metaprogramming. Here's a list of additional topics covered: * Manipulating text * Searching and sorting * Working with files and the filesystem * Object-oriented programming * Dealing with threads and processes * System administration * Interacting with databases * Creating user interfaces * Network and web programming * Processing XML * Distributed programming * Debugging and testing Another advantage of The Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition is its trio of authors--three well-known Python programming experts, who are highly visible on email lists and in newsgroups, and speak often at Python conferences. With scores of practical examples and pertinent background information, The Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition is the one source you need if you're looking to build efficient, flexible, scalable, and well-integrated systems.


Turbo C++3.0

TC编译器,Turbo C是美国Borland公司的产品,Borland公司是一家专门从事软件开发、研制的大公司。该公司相继推出了一套 Turbo系列软件, 如Turbo BASIC, Turbo Pascal, Turbo Prolog, 这些软件很受用户欢迎。



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