C learning (1)

1. function declaration

ø need to keep the variable type, the variable name is not neccessary.

2. function as a parameter to another function

ø passing the address of the function to another function

// g( func(), a)
int g(float (* func)(int), int a){
    return func(a);

3. recursion funciton

ø consider in different situation is the key.

4. two-dimension array stores in sequence

5. gcd and lcm

6. sprintf()

ø format the string

7. strlen

// return the length of a string
strlen (string);

8. strcpy

// copy string to copy

strcpy (copy, string);

9.Lexicographical order is used to compare strings.

10. strcmp

// compare two strings, string_1 < string_2 return negative number
//                      string_1 == string_2 return 0
//                      string_1 > string_2 return positive number
strcmp (string_1, string_2);

11. strcat

// add string_2 into string_1
strcat (string_1, string_2);

12. strncpy

// copy n characters from string_2 to string_1
strncpy (string_1, string_2, n_size);

13. apply memory

int *arr = (int *) malloc (n * sizeof (int));

int *arr = (int *) calloc (n, sizeof (int)); //two parameter, initialize elements to 0.

14. release memory

// Every time we need to release the memory after using it.
free (arr);
arr = NULL;

15. double pointer

int a, *p, **q;
a = 4;
p = &a;
q = &p;
printf ("a in %p, p is %p, *q is %p", &a, p, *q);

16. explicit type conversion

float num = 2.3f;
(int) num;

16a. implicit type conversion

 -  //try to keep the accuracy of variables. e.x. int to long, float to double.
 -  // data type is based on the data on the left side of the data. 

17. literal

2.3f // float type
4u   // unsigned type
2.4lf // long float type

18. bit operation

bitwise NOT ~
bitwise AND &
bitwise OR |
left shift <<
right shift >>
左补齐 %08x

19. longest name

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    int i, n, cnt = 0, max = 0;
    char *name_1 = (char *) calloc (100, sizeof (char));
    char *name;
    char c; 
    scanf ("%d\n", &n);
    while(scanf ("%c", &c) != EOF)
        if (c != '\n'){
            name_1[cnt] = c;
            cnt ++;
            //printf("%c", c);
            //printf ("\n");
            //printf ("%s\n", name_1);
            if (max < cnt)
                max = cnt;
                free (name);
                name = (char *) calloc (max, sizeof (char));
                strcpy (name, name_1);
            free (name_1);
            name_1 = (char *) calloc (100, sizeof (char));
            cnt = 0;
    if (max < cnt)
        max = cnt;
        free (name);
        name = (char *) calloc (max, sizeof (char));
        strcpy (name, name_1);
        cnt = 0;
    printf ("%s\n", name);
    return 0;
output error???

20. Hash Function

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int arr[32] = {0}, bits[32] = {0};
    char a;
    int i = 1, j = 0;
    while (scanf ("%c", &a) != EOF)
        arr[i % 32] += a;
    for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
        bits[j] = (arr[31 - j] ^ (arr[j] << 1));
        bits[j] = (bits[j] % 85) + 34;
        printf("%c", bits[j]); 
    return 0;

21. typedef

typedef original_type_name Alias_name

22. struct pointer

(* struct pointer_name).element;
// is equal to
struct pointer_name -> element;

23. linked list

typedef struct node {
	int number;
	struct node *next;
} Node;

Node *create_node (int number) {
	Node *temp_node;
	temp_node = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
	temp_node -> number = new_number;
	temp_node -> next = NULL;
	return temp_node;


// visit the same memory bloack
// embedded programming to save memory
unsigned char b1:1  // only use 1 bit (bit field)

25. enumeration

26. compile file

gcc -c -o set.o set.c // *.o relocatable object file.  produce a relocatable object file.   -o which called after -o
gcc -o program main.o set.o others.o // put relocatable file main.o, set.o and others.o together(目标代码文件), then output a excutable file program.
./program   // run excutable file program.

27.Macro define



array.o: array.c array.h
	gcc -c -o array.o array.c
### target: dependency 1, dependency 2 ... 
###   		command
### when we run      make array.o
### system will check if there is no array.o or any of array.c and array.h is newer, the system will run gcc -c -o array.o array.c

### can write different command in same makefile, divid them by suffix.

.PHONY: clean       ## Tell the system that if already exist a clean file, we can still run this command
	rm -f array.o main.o main  ## force delete array.o main.o main file. rm: delete. -f: means force

Apply variable in makefile

# sharp sign is a comment
# set the C compiler
CC = gcc
# -g add the debug information
# -Wall open the warning information
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
# main target dependency file
MAINOBJS = main.o array.o
.PHONY: clean
main: $(MAINOBJS)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o main $(MAINOBJS)
array.o: array.c array.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o array.o array.c
main.o: main.c array.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o main.o main.c
	rm if $(MAINOBJS) main

29.command line parameter

// ./program hello world
int main (int argc, char **argv)
// three parameters, argc = 3, argv[1] = hello, argv[2] = world, argv[0] = ./main hello world 

30. file operation

// declare a file pointer
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen (file_path, visit_type); // "r" read, "w" write, "a" add a
fgetc (fp); // get one character from fp
fputc ('c', fp); // write 'c' into fp.
fscanf (in_fp, "%c", &a);   //read from in_fp.
fscanf (stdin, "%c", &a); // is equal to
scanf ("%c", &a);
fclose (fp); // close file fp
// copy the content from one file to another
void filecopy (FILE *in_fp, FILE *out_fp){
	char ch,
	while ((ch = fgetc (in_fp)) != EOF)
		fputc (ch, out_fp);

31.debug program

gcc -o program -g main.c
gdb ./program    		#to use gdb debug app, need to type -g before the code.
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