
5/2/2006 10:06:01 AM    SSIS Scheduling Failure - AcquireConnection Error
In honor of the help that I have recently received in this group, I thought I  
would post the answer to a problem that had been plaguing me for a couple of  
weeks in the hopes that this posting will help someone else.  
Like many people, I am in the middle of upgrading from SQL Server 2000 to  
2005.  The biggest hurdle is converting the DTS packages to SSIS.  (Aside: I  
truly like many things about SSIS.  I don't mind a relatively big learning  
curve if the end result is an easier to understand working environment as  
well as one that will let me do more things faster in the long run.  On the  
other hand, it's definitely working like a first release for me. I'm looking  
forward to future releases, including true support for ODBC, conveniences,  
Anyway, I have a story similar to a lot of others out there, but I couldn't  
find the answer to this particular problem on the internet.  I had a package  
that ran fine in Business Studio.  It also ran fine when I imported the SSIS  
package into SSIS services in Management Studio and ran the job manually.  
However, I got the dreaded 'AcquireConnection' error when I tried to schedule  
the job:  
Error: 'The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager  
'conn_ORaccPublic_OLEDB' failed with error code 0xC0202009.  '  
I was very familiar in DTS with jobs running manually, but failing when  
scheduled.  However, in DTS, the problem was always an issue of resources  
being different on my personal PC compared to the server.  For example, if I  
ran a DTS package from my personal PC, DTS uses the ODBC drivers and ODBC  
DSNs on my personal PC to run the package. When I scheduled the package to  
run on the database server, however, SQL Server uses the resources on the  
server.  If the server didn't also have the same ODBC driver and same ODBC  
DSNs, then the job would fail.  
The difference in my SSIS packages is that I have been doing the development  
while logged onto the SQL Server 2005 database server itself.  All the  
resources available when I ran the job manually should also have been  
available when I scheduled the job.  
What was going on?  After doing a bunch of tests and research, I finally  
discovered something of the meaning behind the 'run as' box in the 'general'  
property page for the job.  It looks like I was experiencing a permissions  
issue or something like that.  When I ran the job manually, I was running it  
as myself.  But when I scheduled the job, the default value in 'run as' is  
the 'SQL Agent Service Account'.  Can't say that I understand much of what  
that account is or does, but it lead me to the first 'fix' for my problem:  
a) add a new 'credential' that had my own account attached to it  
b) a new 'proxy' that used the newly created credential  
c) changed the value in the 'run as' box to the newly created proxy  
I don't want my account to be the final answer for this problem, but it at  
least got the job running when scheduled - well sort of.  After a little  
victory dance when the scheduled job ran a few minutes into the future, I  
scheduled it to run in the middle of the night like it will have to do when  
it goes into production.  This was a mere formality, but I like to be  
thorough.  And guess what?!?  The job failed that night!  And I got the same  
** Running under me as TestProxy allowed me schedule the job that day, but  
when run at 3:15 AM that night, I got the same error again.  
--Theory: The error message talks about having an 'AcquireConnection'  
problem and issues with the 'connection' manager.  The SSIS test job was  
running at the same time as my production DTS job.  Maybe the production job  
was running a second first, getting locks on the tables, and preventing the  
SSIS job from making that all important connection.  
Test: run SSIS job at 2:14 AM, an hour earlier.  Since the job takes  
less than 3 minutes to run, this should prevent all conflict between the DTS  
job and the SSIS job.  
Result: still failing with same error message.  
--Theory: The schedule in the job itself was corrupted somehow or a bug  
tied it directly to a bad version of the SSIS package.  This made a little  
sense because of a web page I read about someone making a change to an SSIS  
package (or a maint plan?) or a schedule  and the changes not being  
recognized in the other place.  Or something like that.  Another somewhat  
supporting reason for this theory: I had logging turned on for the package.  
In addition to the OnError event, I eventually had the package log the pre  
and post validation events.  I could see that when the job was failing, it  
was validating tasks in a different order than when the job was suceeding,  
despite the job running the exact same package each time.  
Test: manually create a new schedule in the job to run the package that  
night (still at 2:14 AM).  
Result: still failing with same error message.  
--Theory: Perhaps the current problem is related to security and proxies  
just like it was the first time the error appeared.  When the job suceeded,  
it was a situation of me scheduling the job to start a few minutes in the  
future.  During the time that the job actually ran, I was logged onto the  
database server or at least our network.  Since the job is running under a  
proxy that is related to my windows login/account, maybe the job was  
suceeding during the day time, because I was logged onto the network--and  
failing at night because I was logged off of our network.  (Hey, I'm getting  
desperate here.)  
Test: Set job to run 15 minutes in the future.  Then, right away,  
completely log off of all computers on the network and go to a meeting.  
Result: When I logged back onto my computer an hour later, the  
job/package had run just fine.  So, whether or not I am logged onto the  
network does not seem to explain why the job is running fine in the daytime  
and failing when I schedule it to run at night.  [Don't stop here, because  
this didn't actually prove to be true.]  
--Theory: Perhaps this issue is related to both timing and our network  
situation.  I know that the source database is connectable during the times I  
have tested since the DTS package runs just great.  But what if the timing  
issue is somehow related to my account being active/available at certain  
times or maybe something is being done to our networks or test database  
server at night that I don't know about.  Can I narrow down the timing when  
the job works and when it doesn't?  
Test:  Schedule the job to run every 20 minutes from 4:50 PM in the  
evening to 7:30 AM the next morning.   I logged off the network about 4:30  
and got back on the next morning about 7:25.  
Result: EVERY SINGLE run failed.  
--Theory: I'm back to thinking that this has something to do with me being  
logged onto the computer or not.  Perhaps the test I did before was not  
sufficient.   I remembered that in the past, when administrators have changed  
some property of my account, there was sometimes a request that I wait 15 or  
so minutes for the property to work its way into the system (or something  
like that).  So, what if I just hadn't waited long enough in my previous test  
to see if me logging off was the issue or not.  
Test:  Create two schedules to run the job.  Each schedule ran the job  
every 20 minutes with these time brackets: from 3:10 PM to 9:00 PM and 6:10  
AM to 9:00 AM the next  morning.  During the day, I am typically logged onto  
both my own PC and remotely logged onto our database server.  I logged off  
both computers at 4:35 PM that afternoon.  When I returned to work the next  
morning at 7:20 AM, I logged onto my own PC only.  I waited until 8:13 (after  
the 8:10 run) to remotely log onto the database server.  
Result: You can see the schedule below.  
The timeline went like this:  
3:00 - I am logged onto both my PC and the database server  
3:10 - first job runs with success  
3:30 thru 4:30 - the jobs continue to run with success  
4:35 - I log off both computers  
4:50 - the job runs with *success*  (remember that the day before, when I  
had run the job at 4:50, but logged off at 4:30, the job had failed)  
5:10 pm thru 8:50 pm - the job runs with failure  
6:20 am thru 7:10 am - the job runs with failure  
7:20 - I log onto my own PC, but not the database server  
7:30 thru 8:10 - the job runs with failure  
8:13 - I remote log onto the database server (though I did not open  
Management Studio or connect to the database server thru Management Studio =  
one step at a time)  
8:30 - job runs with success!!  
CONCLUSION: It does indeed look like the problem is related to me being  
logged onto the database server or not.  If I am logged onto the server  
itself or within 15 minutes of logging off, the job will run fine.  
FYI: Issues I Am Still Working On:  
a) What is it about my account that makes the job run?  In other words,  
what permissions or properties of my account do I need to replicate into  
another non-personal windows account that can be used to make the SSIS job  
run in the future?  
b) How do I deal with the issue of logging on in the middle of the night?  
Do we have to have this new 'proxy can run SSIS jobs' windows account logged  
into the database server at all times or is there a way to get the database  
server to treat this new proxy windows account the same way it treats the  
default 'SQL Agent Service Account' as always being 'on'?  
When the job fails, I can see that it fails at the same data flow task each  
time.  This is true whether the failure occurs because I am running the job  
with the 'SQL Agent Service Account' or because I am running the job with my  
special TestProxy and yet am scheduling it for the middle of the night.  
When the job fails, I get the following events in the log file:  
1) prevalidate the package  
2) OnPreValidate a data flow task (the same one that it sticks at every time  
when failure occurs)  
3) OnError for the above data flow task.  There are actually four OnError  
records for this task.  The error messages are:  
a) 'The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager  
'conn_ORaccPublic_OLEDB' failed with error code 0xC0202009.  '  
b) 'component 'OLE DB Source' (1) failed validation and returned error  
code 0xC020801C.  '  
c) 'One or more component failed validation.  '  
d) 'There were errors during task validation.  '  
4) OnPostValidate for the data flow task  
(No post validate for the package appears in the log.)  
The data flow task that is failing is neither the first task in terms of  
'run' or 'path' order or in terms of alphabetical order.  It is also not the  
first or last task to be validated when the package is run sucessfully.  When  
the package is run sucessfully, the validation for the data flow task in  
question happens in the middle of the log rows.  
- JJ, Eugene OR

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5/3/2006 6:05:35 AM    RE: SSIS Scheduling Failure - AcquireConnection Error
Hi Eugene,  
Thanks for the post!  
From your description, my understanding of this issue is: You can manually  
run your SSIS job but can not scheduled runing your job and get the  
following error:  
Error: 'The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager  
'conn_ORaccPublic_OLEDB' failed with error code 0xC0202009.  '  
If I misunderstood your concern, please feel free to let me know.  
Please check what account your SQL Agent services is running.  
You could do this in SQL Server Configuration Manager  
1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server 2005 Services,  
and then right-click the SQL Server Agent service instance you want to  
2.On the Log On tab of the Service Properties - SQLSERVERAGENT dialog,  
select the Log on as type. You can select one of the following:  
-    Select Local System account if your jobs require resources  
from the local server only.  
-    Select This account if your jobs require resources across  
the network, including application resources; if you want to forward events  
to other Windows application logs; or if you want to notify operators  
through e-mail or pagers.  
The SQL Agent running account must be a windows account. Since you state  
you could run this job correct if you log in using your account, I think  
you could set the SQL Agent running account to be your account and check  
this issue again.  
Wei Lu  
Microsoft Online Community Support  
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so  
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.  
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

5/4/2006 6:54:27 AM    RE: SSIS Scheduling Failure - AcquireConnection Error
Hi JJ,  
Thanks for the update.  
If you get any progress, please let me know so that I can provide some  
further assistance.  
Wei Lu  
Microsoft Online Community Support  
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so  
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.  
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

5/12/2006 9:44:13 AM    RE: SSIS Scheduling Failure - AcquireConnection Error
Hi JJ,  
Thanks for the update and glad to hear the information helps you.  
Since you use SSIS to tranfer data, I think you would also need to grant  
your original account proper permission on the remote  server.  
You may provide the exactly job your ssis package do so I could provide  
some further troubleshoot steps.  
Wei Lu  
Microsoft Online Community Support  
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so  
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.  
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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