IIS 6.0 现在还是有很多问题,这点可以从网上的大量的问题看出来。IIS 6不是在IIS 5的基础上的升级,而是一个完全重写的新软件,因此出现这些问题就不奇怪了。
1 动态内容无法访问
要启用动态内容访问,到web service extensions中将 asp,aspx设置为enable即可。
2 IIS6中基本上不需要重启IIS服务,只需要重启应用程序池里的进程既可
3 IIS错误日志:系统日志中看不到太多东西,IIS自己的日志里有很多有价值的信息,IIS日志在c:/windows/system32/logfiles目录下,有好几个子目录,分别记录不同的信息。
4 测试IIS:在发生问题后,先要确定问题的源。确定那些request有效,那些无效。常用的测试类型
4.1 html, add a hello.htm
<H3>Hello World</H3>
4.2 asp文件
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write ("The time is now: " & Now() & "<p>")
Response.Write ("The authenticated user is (blank if anonymous) : " & _
Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") & _
Response.Write ("The application pool that served this request is: " & _
Request.ServerVariables("APP_POOL_ID") & _
4.3 aspx文件
<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="True" Trace="True" %>
<%@ Import Namespace=System.Web%>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
dim ctx as HttpContext = HttpContext.Current
lblTime.Text = Now()
lblUserIdentity.Text = ctx.Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
lblAppPool.Text = ctx.Request.ServerVariables("APP_POOL_ID")
End Sub
<body style="FONT: 8pt verdana">
<form runat="server">
The time is now:
<asp:Label id="lblTime" runat="server" /><p>
The authenticated user is (blank if anonymous):
<asp:Label id="lblUserIdentity" runat="server" /><p>
The application pool that served this request is:
<asp:Label id="lblAppPool" runat="server" /><p>
4.4 COM对象或net对象
做好一个简单的对象,如返回“hello world”部署到IIS的目录下。
5 重装
一般先重装NET framework,Net2.0使用aspnet_regiis /i 命令
6 Cannot find iisadmin.mfl durring IIS 6.0 Install
I have a clean W2K3 SP1 machine and via the Mange Your Server app, I am
trying to install IIS. I keeps looking for several files that are not on
the CD, or in the Service pack, one of which I have listed in the subject.
the other files are:
If I try the install from Add/Remove - Windows Components without selecting
ASP.NET, I can cancel the file, tell it to continue without the file, and it
appears to work, but I need to go back and manually install Active Server
Pages and Internet Data Connector and ASP.NET. What is missing from the
manual install that occurs with the wizard version?
Re: Cannot find iisadmin.mfl durring IIS 6.0 Install
I had the same problem yesterday. If you don't have a slipstreamed
install CD, you can fix it by:
1. Running the W2K3S SP1 install package
2. Copying the temporary I386 directory it creates to a safe location
3. Cancel the install wizard
4. At the add/remove program prompt for IISADMIN.mfl, point it to the
i386 safe location