MiXinJiang Professor of Langfang Teachers College

Inorder to celebrate the 33th teacher, as the Chinese teacher's "her familynewspaper", "China Teachers" will launch a heavy report"the charm of teachers", on September 13 officially published.

Thereport interviewed a total of 10 backbone of the teachers, in the 10 teachers,a teacher's achievements are particularly prominent.





Professor of Langfang TeachersCollege




MiXinjiang a person, with four grades of more than 400 students, set up more than200 courses;


Heaccording to each student's learning characteristics and learning progress todevelop training programs for them;


Here,everyone is someone else's teacher, but also someone else's students, there isno absolute authority, Mi Xinjiang is not.


Studentsfrom the biological, Chinese, economic, trade, physics, chemistry, law and evensports and other non-computer professional students, the use of four years ofspare time, "amateur" computer learning, all can get the computerself- Can be tested by the Chinese computer software engineer intermediategrade, there are many students admitted to the computer professional graduatestudents;


Thesetwo ordinary college students, after 4 years of spare time to learn, graduationcan get a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, and the follow-up after thedevelopment of work is far higher than their peers.






Onlythe students than he is strong, he was equipped with "teacher"

    Aperson with four or five hundred students, each student to learn more than 100courses, which sounds almost incredible.

    MiXinjiang said that these courses are not their own development of a person,more than 200 courses, many of the graduates of the previous class are involvedin the design and development. Without these students, there is no improvementclass today.

    Inthe promotion of classes, each grade has a self-management committee, theCommission is subdivided into academic committees, disciplinary committees,etc., but also have different project groups, learning groups. This set ofmanagement system, but also the new river and students in 20 years of time todevelop together, and jointly improved.

    Everyoneis someone else's teacher, but also someone else's students, there is noabsolute authority, Mi Xinjiang is not. He always said, I am not as good as mystudents, they will be a lot of things I will not. In his view, the teacher'sfirst standard is to see the teacher taught how much stronger than theirstudents, only students than teachers, teachers with the "teacher."Although the new scientific research capacity is also strong, but he thinks heis undoubtedly more successful in teaching.

    "Myfriend asked me, you to improve the class of students so hard work, what is themotivation? My students asked me, you do improve classes adhere to the 20years, what is the motivation? Students parents understand why you Your studentis so good? Someone asked me, you are 50 years old, how do you master so muchnew knowledge and new technology? Do you want to know my answer? In fact, verysimple, is the teaching and learning!

    "I'mnot so powerful, it 's the time that makes it all possible."

    "Inimproving classes, students take full advantage of information technology,overcome the shortcomings of the traditional learning environment, theimplementation of open learning, so that teachers around the world have becometeachers to improve class students." Mi Xinjiang said.

    Intothe information age, teachers are no longer students to learn the"ceiling", students beyond the teachers become possible, but also theinevitable development.

    "Ourlearning and management are all online." Then, Mi Xinjiang opened thephone to the reporter to show, "You see, although I am not in theclassroom, but I deal with many of the affairs of the class." Eachperson's learning, living conditions, the operation and management of eachorganization, at a glance. And these management software, many students aretheir own development.

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