写了个DOM4J 的工具类。欢迎拍砖

package jason.xml.util;

import java.util.List;

import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Node;

 * @author Jason
 * @date 2011-09-29
public interface XMLManager {

	public static final int ELEMENT_NODE = 1;

	public static final int CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4;

	public Document xmlFileToDom(String strXmlFilePath) throws XMLManagerException;

	public Document xmlStrToDom(String strXmlContent) throws XMLManagerException;

	public String convertToString(Document dmDom) throws XMLManagerException;

	public String convertDomToString(Document dmDom) throws XMLManagerException;

	public Element getRootElement(Document doc) throws XMLManagerException;

	public String getNodeAttribute(Node nNode, String strNodeAttributeName);

	public String getNodeValue(Node sNode, boolean isTrim);

	public Node findChildNode(String strChildNodeName, Node nParent);

	public Node findNode(Node nFromNode, String strNodeName);

	public Node find(List<Node> nodes, String nodeName);

	public List<Node> findChildNodes(Node nParent, String strNodeName);

	public String getChildNodeValue(Node nParent, String strChildNodeName, boolean isTrim);

	public String getNodeValue(Document dmDom, String strNodeName, boolean isTrim);

	public void setNodeAttribute(Node node, String attriName, String value);

	public void removeChildNode(Node parentNode, String childName);

	 * @deprecated <p>
	 *             Note: use the method
	 *             {@link XMLManager#populateElement(Node, String, String, boolean)}
	 *             instead
	 *             </p>
	 * @param dom
	 * @param parentNode
	 * @param eleName
	 * @param eleValue
	 * @param isCData
	 * @return
	public Element populateElement(Document dom, Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue, boolean isCData);

	public Element populateElement(Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue, boolean isCData);

	 * @deprecated <p>
	 *             Note: use the method
	 *             {@link XMLManager#populateCDATAElement(Node, String, String)}
	 *             instead
	 *             </p>
	 * @param dom
	 * @param parentNode
	 * @param eleName
	 * @param eleValue
	 * @return
	public Element populateCDATAElement(Document dom, Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue);

	public Element populateCDATAElement(Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue);

	 * @deprecated <p>
	 *             Note: use the method
	 *             {@link XMLManager#populateTextElement(Node, String, String)}
	 *             instead
	 *             </p>
	 * @param dom
	 * @param parentNode
	 * @param eleName
	 * @param eleValue
	 * @return
	public Element populateTextElement(Document dom, Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue);

	public Element populateTextElement(Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue);

	 * @deprecated <p>
	 *             Note: use the method
	 *             {@link XMLManager#renameElementName(Node, String)} instead
	 *             </p>
	 * @param doc
	 * @param objectEle
	 * @param newName
	public void renameElementName(Document doc, Node objectEle, String newName);

	public void renameElementName(Node objectEle, String newName);

	 * Adds the node new child to the end of the list of the nAppendTo node. if
	 * the new child is already in the tree,it is first removed,
	 * @param nAppendTo
	 *            the parent node to append.
	 * @param nAppendNode
	 *            the newchild to be appended.
	public void appendUnderElement(Node nAppendTo, Node nAppendNode);

	 * Adds the node new child to the end of the list of the root element of the
	 * document. if the new child is already in the tree,It is first removed.
	 * @param dmDom
	 *            The document to add new child under root element.
	 * @param nAppendNode
	 *            The new child to be appended.
	public void appendUnderRoot(Document dmDom, Node nAppendNode);

	 * create a document that only contains a root element
	 * @param rootName
	 *            the root element's name
	 * @return Document
	public Document createDocument(String rootName);
package jason.xml.util;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.CDATA;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.dom4j.Text;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;

 * @author Jason
 * @date 2011-09-29
public class XMLManagerDom4j implements XMLManager {

	public Document xmlFileToDom(String strXmlFilePath) throws XMLManagerException {
		if (isEmpty(strXmlFilePath)) {
			throw new XMLManagerException("The xml file path is null or ''");
		Document docImpl = null;
		SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
		try {
			docImpl = reader.read(new File(strXmlFilePath));
		} catch (DocumentException e) {
			throw new XMLManagerException(e);
		return docImpl;

	private boolean isEmpty(String path) {
		return (path == null || path.length() == 0) ? true : false;

	private boolean isNotEmpty(String arg) {
		return (arg != null && arg.length() > 0) ? true : false;

	public Document xmlStrToDom(final String strXmlContent) throws XMLManagerException {
		if (isEmpty(strXmlContent)) {
			throw new XMLManagerException("The xml content is null or ''");
		String s = strXmlContent;
		s = s.trim();
		if (s.length() > 0) {
			if (s.charAt(0) != '<')
				throw new XMLManagerException("The String format is not a xml format");
		Document docImpl = null;
		// SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
		// try {
		// StringReader strReader = new StringReader(s);
		// docImpl = reader.read(new InputSource(strReader));
		// } catch (DocumentException e) {
		// throw new XMLManagerException(e);
		// }
		try {
			docImpl = DocumentHelper.parseText(s);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new XMLManagerException(e);
		return docImpl;

	public Element getRootElement(Document doc) throws XMLManagerException {
		if (doc == null) {
			throw new XMLManagerException("The document is null, connot get it's root element");
		return doc.getRootElement();

	public String getNodeAttribute(Node nNode, String strNodeAttributeName) {
		if (nNode == null) {
			return null;
		if (nNode.getNodeType() == XMLManager.ELEMENT_NODE) {
			Element e = (Element) nNode;
			return e.attributeValue(strNodeAttributeName);
		return null;

	public String getNodeValue(Node sNode, boolean isTrim) {
		if (sNode == null) {
			return null;
		try {
			String sv = null;
			if (sNode.getNodeType() == XMLManager.ELEMENT_NODE || sNode.getNodeType() == XMLManager.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
				sv = sNode.getText();
				if (sv != null && isTrim) {
					sv = sv.trim();
			return sv;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;

	public Node findChildNode(String strChildNodeName, Node nParent) {
		if (nParent == null) {
			return null;
		Element e = (Element) nParent;
		return e.element(strChildNodeName);

	public Node findNode(Node nFromNode, String strNodeName) {
		if (nFromNode == null) {
			return null;
		if (nFromNode.getName().equals(strNodeName)) {
			return nFromNode;
		Element e = (Element) nFromNode;
		Iterator it = e.elementIterator();
		Node n = null;
		int nodeType = 1;
		String nodeName = null;
		Node returnNode = null;
		while (returnNode == null) {
			while (it.hasNext()) {
				n = (Element) it.next();
				nodeType = n.getNodeType();
				nodeName = n.getName();
				if (nodeType == XMLManager.ELEMENT_NODE && nodeName.equals(strNodeName)) {
					returnNode = n;
				} else {
					returnNode = findNode(n, strNodeName);
					if (returnNode != null) {
		return returnNode;

	public List findChildNodes(Node nParent, String strNodeName) {
		if (nParent == null) {
			return null;
		Element e = (Element) nParent;
		return e.elements(strNodeName);

	public String getChildNodeValue(Node nParent, String strChildNodeName, boolean isTrim) {
		if (nParent == null) {
			return null;
		if (isNotEmpty(strChildNodeName)) {
			Node cNode = findChildNode(strChildNodeName, nParent);
			return getNodeValue(cNode, true);
		} else {
			return null;

	public String getNodeValue(Document dmDom, String strNodeName, boolean isTrim) {
		if (dmDom == null) {
			return null;
		Node sNode = this.findNode(dmDom.getRootElement(), strNodeName);
		return getNodeValue(sNode, true);

	public String convertToString(Document dmDom) throws XMLManagerException {
		if (dmDom == null) {
			throw new XMLManagerException("The document is null, cannot convert to String");
		return dmDom.asXML();

	public String convertDomToString(Document dmDom) throws XMLManagerException {
		return convertToString(dmDom);

	public void setNodeAttribute(Node node, String attriName, String value) {
		Element e = (Element) node;
		Attribute attr = e.attribute(attriName);
		if (attr != null) {
		e.addAttribute(attriName, value);

	public void removeChildNode(Node parentNode, String childName) {
		if (parentNode == null || childName == null) {
		List childNodes = findChildNodes(parentNode, childName);
		Element pe = (Element) parentNode;
		if (childNodes != null && childNodes.size() > 0) {
			Node ce = null;
			for (int i = 0, len = childNodes.size(); i < len; i++) {
				ce = (Node) childNodes.get(i);
		childNodes = null;

	public Element populateElement(Document dom, Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue, boolean isCData) {
		return populateElement(parentNode, eleName, eleValue, isCData);

	public Element populateElement(Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue, boolean isCData) {
		Element childElement = DocumentHelper.createElement(eleName);
		Element eParentNode = (Element) parentNode;
		if (isNotEmpty(eleValue)) {
			if (isCData) {
				CDATA cdata = DocumentHelper.createCDATA(eleValue);
			} else {
				Text text = DocumentHelper.createText(eleValue);
		return childElement;

	public Element populateCDATAElement(Document dom, Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue) {
		return populateCDATAElement(parentNode, eleName, eleValue);

	public Element populateCDATAElement(Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue) {
		return populateElement(parentNode, eleName, eleValue, true);

	public Element populateTextElement(Document dom, Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue) {
		return populateTextElement(parentNode, eleName, eleValue);

	public Element populateTextElement(Node parentNode, String eleName, String eleValue) {
		return populateElement(parentNode, eleName, eleValue, false);

	public Node find(List<Node> nodes, String nodeName) {
		String ndName = null;
		for (Node nd : nodes) {
			ndName = nd.getName();
			if (ndName.equals(nodeName)) {
				return nd;
		return null;

	public void renameElementName(Node objectEle, String newName) {
		Element e = (Element) objectEle;

	public void renameElementName(Document doc, Node objectEle, String newName) {
		renameElementName(objectEle, newName);

	public void appendUnderElement(Node nAppendTo, Node nAppendNode) {
		Element e = (Element) nAppendTo;
		String ndName = nAppendNode.getName();
		Node nd = findChildNode(ndName, nAppendTo);
		if (nd != null) {

	public void appendUnderRoot(Document dmDom, Node nAppendNode) {
		appendUnderElement(dmDom.getRootElement(), nAppendNode);

	public Document createDocument(String rootName) {
		Element eRoot = DocumentHelper.createElement(rootName);
		return DocumentHelper.createDocument(eRoot);

package jason.xml.util;

 * @author Jason
 * @date 2011-09-29
public class XMLManagerException extends Exception {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	public XMLManagerException(String message) {

	public XMLManagerException(Exception e) {






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