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原创 计算机中数据的表示


2020-03-07 20:55:00 2469 3

原创 LeetCode 2335. Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups

【代码】LeetCode 2335. Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups。

2023-02-12 12:12:35 98

原创 Valine: Failed to load resource && 匿名头像不显示

Recently, I found my blog comment system can't be used, with an error showing Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. And the avatar for the anonymous user is also not shown.

2023-02-12 12:08:56 169

原创 The last Internal Node of a Complete Binary Tree

This problem derives from Heap Sort.When you start to build the heap, you should start with the last internal node of the tree. And the index is usually N2−1\frac{N}{2} - 12N​−1, N is the total length of the array.But why is that ?Complete Binary Tre

2021-09-01 14:55:08 131

原创 PicGo+GitHub+Typora for Blog

Recently, while trying to accelerate my blog load speed, I also want to get all my pictures a cdn. Also I’m tired of uploading the picture every time I want to quote a picture in my post, So I found a softeware PicGo.PreparationsI’m using Typora to edi

2021-09-01 14:53:33 93

原创 开关灯&调整电平

乐鑫02. 调整电平某实验逻辑电路中,初始时有 cnt 个观测点处于低电平状态。对于某个观测点的电平调整意味着:如果观测点处于低电平,会被调整为高电平;而观测点处于高电平,会被调整为低电平。第 1 轮,每个观测点调整一次电平。即,所有观测点处于高电平;第 2 轮,每两个观测点调整一次电平。即,第 1、3、5 … 个观察点不调整,第 2、4、6 … 个观察点调整;第 3 轮,每三个观测点调整一次电平。即,第 1、2、4、5 … 个观察点不调整,第 3、6 … 个观察点调整;第 i 轮,每 i 观测

2021-09-01 14:52:10 199

原创 How to encrypt your post

Check here to preview the encrypt style: https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/08/11/How-to-encrypt-your-post/InstallUse npm to install.npm install hexo-blog-encryptUse yarn to installyarn add hexo-blog-encryptSettingsIn your root _config.yml file, add

2020-08-11 23:27:15 177

原创 How to add rating star to Blog

See orginal article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/08/11/How-to-add-rating-star-to-Blog/Widget PackWe use Widget Pack to get the function. It’s an powerful widget that has many function. Here we will just use it’s rating function because I thinks valin

2020-08-11 17:56:09 265

原创 Git Save Username and Keys

See the original article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/08/07/Git-Save-usrname-and-keys/Every time I use git to commit to my repository, I need to type my username and keys. So how can I get rid of it?First, type these:git config --global user.email "

2020-08-11 10:20:45 181

原创 Share Functin for Website

See the original article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/08/07/Share-Functin-for-Blog/ .I want to add a share function to my blog. So that readers can share my articles easily. I use a plugin Share.js. Even though this project has been not maintained for

2020-08-11 10:18:41 117

原创 Hexo The “path“ argument must be of type string

See the origial article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/08/07/The-path-argument-must-be-of-type-string-Hexo/ProblemWhile installing and using the Hexo Plugin hexo-related-popular-posts, I ran Into a problem. I got an error after Hexo s. The followings

2020-08-07 13:07:07 582

原创 How to use hexo related popular posts plugin

See the original article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/08/07/How-to-use-hexo-related-popular-posts/InstallThe most convenient way is to use npm to install.npm install hexo-related-popular-posts --saveOr you can click here to download zip. https://g

2020-08-07 12:53:26 546

原创 CSS Opacity 透明度解析

See original article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/04/10/CSS-Opacity/The followings are some ways of making one element transparent. Since different browser’s compatibility is different, we need m...

2020-04-10 14:24:15 216

原创 CSS 高度塌陷 Height crash

See original article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/04/09/Height-crash/Environment: When you set float to an element, and it’s parent’s width or height follows the element’s width or height. Then, ...

2020-04-10 01:21:53 146

原创 导航条练习 Navigation Bar

See original article https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/04/09/%E5%B0%9A%E7%A1%85%E8%B0%B7-Practice-Navigation-Bar/This is an easy Navigation bar with no so many functions. When you hover on one item, t...

2020-04-09 18:00:02 243

原创 Gnome Oh no! 灰屏问题

Solve for the problem about the gray screen problem occurred by gnome.ProblemAlso, I found that my style of desktop has changed and can’t be changed by Tweaks.The extensions are gray too.Soluti...

2020-03-26 20:14:41 446

原创 矩阵的定义及其基本运算

学的BiliBili上面的《约学习 父子局》的视频。做一下笔记。矩阵的定义由m×nm \times nm×n个数,排成的m行n列的表格[a11a12⋯a1na21a22⋯a2n⋮⋮⋮am1am2⋯amn]\left[\begin{array}{llll}a_{11} & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{1n} \\a_{21} & a_{22} ...

2020-03-19 10:52:44 2722

原创 Reboot phone on computer

See this on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/17/Reboot-phone-on-computer/I accidentally put my phone in the sea once, and then keep the power on and it broke down. After fixing it, the...

2020-02-18 20:07:33 242

原创 CodeForeces-1301 A Three Strings

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/14/CodeForeces-1301A-Three-Strings/ A. Three Strings time limit per test: ...

2020-02-14 16:22:49 185 1

原创 Draw map with Color

See this ariticle on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/13/Draw-map-with-Color/Last article, we learned how to draw a uncolored map with python. Now, we are going to fill our country wit...

2020-02-13 22:46:21 221

原创 HTML Tags

See this on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/10/HTML-Tags/Some of the most often used tags of HTML. And it’s also a record of learning process.Title<h1> Title </h1><...

2020-02-10 23:39:46 401

原创 Draw maps

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/06/Draw-map/PreparationBefore you start to draw maps with python, you first need to install basemap and pyshp. Click here to see h...

2020-02-10 12:13:07 488

原创 CodeForces-1300 B Assigning to Classes

See this ariticle on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/09/CodeForces-1300B-Assigning-to-Classes/ B. Assigning to Classes time li...

2020-02-10 12:02:32 205

原创 CodeForces-1300 A Non-zero

See this ariticle on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/09/CodeForces-1300A-Non-zero/ A. Non-zero time limit per test: 1 second ...

2020-02-10 12:02:19 201

原创 Install Basemap of Python(Linux)

See this on my on blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/05/Install-Basemap-of-Python/Basemap is a plug-in of matplotlib. Matplotlib is a drawing library that helps to draw data in multiple ways us...

2020-02-06 18:33:38 383

原创 CodeForces-1296 A Array with Odd Sum

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/05/CodeForces-1296A-Array-with-Odd-Sum/A. Array with Odd Sumtime limit per test: 1 secondmemory limit per test: 256 megabytesinp...

2020-02-05 14:21:49 263

原创 CodeForces-1296 C Yet Another Walking Robot

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/05/CodeForces-1296C-Yet-Another-Walking-Robot/C.Yet Another Walking Robottime limit per test: 1 secondmemory limit per test: 256 ...

2020-02-05 14:20:34 361

原创 CodeForces-1296 B Food Buying

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/02/05/CodeForces-1296B-Food-Buying/B. Food Buyingtime limit per test: 1 secondmemory limit per test: 256 megabytesinput: standard i...

2020-02-05 14:20:09 277

原创 Git Commands

See the article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/30/Git-Commands/Just because I want to solve a problem while setting my gitee(It needs to input user name and password every time I...

2020-02-04 00:49:51 276

原创 CodeForces 1295 A Display The Number

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/30/CodeForces-1295A-Display-The-Number/A. Display The Numbertime limit per test: 1 secondmemory limit per test: 256 megabytesinp...

2020-01-30 02:12:20 188

原创 Make previous windows blog available on Linux

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/29/Linux-Blog/While using windows, I have already had a blog and using hexo system. And my blog is on my mechanical hard disk. I wa...

2020-01-30 02:11:24 86

原创 Absolute path and Relative path

See this ariticle on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/29/Absolute-path-Relative-path/There are two ways to represents a directory, Absolute path and Relative path.pathstartstart...

2020-01-29 21:22:54 318

原创 Linux挂载机械硬盘

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/29/Mount-mechanical-hard-disk-on-Linux/我最近遇到了一个新问题:我切换到Linux系统,但是我的Blog文件夹在机械硬盘下。我希望我的Blog文件夹可用命令而不是手动访问。因此,要实现这一目标,我学到了一个词“挂载”。通过使...

2020-01-29 17:38:43 2474

原创 How to mount mechanical hard disk on Linux

See this article on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/29/Mount-mechanical-hard-disk-on-Linux/I’ve met a new problem recently: I switched into Linux but my Blog folder is under my mechan...

2020-01-29 16:51:53 259

原创 CodeForces-1293B JOE is on TV!

See the original article on https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/19/CodeForces-1293B-JOE-is-on-TV!/B. JOE is on TV!time limit per test: 1 secondmemory limit per test: 256 megabytesinput: standard i...

2020-01-20 19:01:08 217

原创 CodeForces-1293A ConneR and the A.R.C. Markland-N

See the original article on https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/19/CodeForces-1293A-ConneR-and-the-A.R.C.-Markland-N/A. ConneR and the A.R.C. Markland-Ntime limit per test: 1 secondmemory limit per...

2020-01-20 18:58:54 269

原创 Spawn-Failed

See the original article on https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/19/Spawn-Failed/Recently, I’ve met a problem like this when I deploying my blog. hexo d gets error.ssh: connect to host github.com por...

2020-01-20 18:56:03 2208

原创 Sorts

See this ariticle on my own blog https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/16/Sorts/Here are some sorting ways and I use many data to test and compare. Just to illustrate the property of each algorithm.I...

2020-01-16 15:11:27 243

原创 CodeForces-1288 B Yet Another Meme Problem

See this problem on https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/15/CodeForces-1288B-Yet-Another-Meme-Problem/B. Yet Another Meme Problemtime limit per test1 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinpu...

2020-01-15 22:45:16 256

原创 CodeForces-1288 A Deadline

See this article on https://dyingdown.github.io/2020/01/15/CodeForces-1288A-Deadline/A. Deadlinetime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinput: standard inputoutput: standa...

2020-01-15 22:39:39 377



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