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原创 ogp

http://ogp.me/facebook google paypal logonhttp://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-social-login-create-social-apps/http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/windows-usb-dvd-download-to...

2015-07-18 12:09:58 222

原创 sbt


2015-06-30 11:48:42 159

原创 持续集成工具


2015-06-27 12:18:28 188

原创 gitlab

较快捷的安装gitlba首先去下载 https://bitnami.com/stack/gitlab下载 bitnami-gitlab-7.12.0-0-linux-x64-installer.run然后给该文件加最大的权限:chmod 777 bitnami-gitlab-7.12.0-0-linux-x64-installer.run运行软件:sudo ./bitn...

2015-06-27 10:09:54 118

原创 java序列化

Java序列化 Serializable的规定(不能有带参数的构造函数)

2015-04-28 14:51:58 84

原创 mvnrepository


2015-04-20 15:16:33 145

原创 索引在哪些条件下会失效

IS NULL 或IS NOT NULL操作(判断字段是否为空)判断字段是否为空一般是不会应用索引的,因为B树索引是不索引空值的。 SELECT * FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt WHERE mmt.shipment_number IS NOT NULL> 及 < 操作符(大于或小于操作符) 大于或小于操作符一般情况下是...

2015-03-19 11:40:23 533

原创 hibernate的缓存机制

转载:http://www.360doc.com/content/14/0801/16/1073512_398635409.shtml在本篇随笔里将会分析一下hibernate的缓存机制,包括一级缓存(session级别)、二级缓存(sessionFactory级别)以及查询缓存,当然还要讨论下我们的N+1的问题。随笔虽长,但我相信看完的朋友绝对能对hibernate的 N+1问题...

2015-03-19 10:49:06 111

原创 spring 之web配置

Processes a "contextConfigLocation" context-param and passes its value to the context instance, parsing it into potentially multiple file paths which can be separated by any number of commas and space...

2015-03-11 11:03:38 93

原创 response 返回文件类型设置

转载自   http://xiangtui.iteye.com/blog/660169  //设置返回文件的类型response.setContentType()的String参数及对应类型&lt;option   value="image/bmp"&gt;BMP&lt;/option&gt;   &lt;option   value="image/gif"&gt;GIF...

2014-10-20 12:02:33 2204

原创 spring-Advice

Advice 接口只是一个用于标记的接口,它里面没有定义任何方法它在AOP中就是用户自己实现功能点的统称它的子类通常是拦截器Interceptor @Around(value="updateOperateLog()",argNames="a,b")public Object updateProcess(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp,a,b) throws ...

2014-09-28 16:35:48 92

原创 mybatis学习笔记-高级嵌套

AttributeDescriptioncolumnThe column name from the database, or the aliased column label that holds the value that will be passed to the nested statement as an input parameter. This is the ...

2014-09-04 19:03:32 373

原创 jQuery选择器-4

8.xPath路径查询: 先介绍下xPath的语法: /:选取根节点 //:选取文档中所有符合条件的节点,不管该节点位于何处 .:选取当前节点 ..:选取单前节点的父节点 @:选取属性,这个在之前说过了(属性选择器) nodename:选取节点下的所有节点 jQuery中的应用: 根节点是很少用到的,常用的如下面的例子: $("div/p")相当于$("div&gt;p") $("div//p...

2014-07-18 16:18:31 75

原创 jQuery选择器-3

 E:hidden:选择所有隐藏元素(非Hide域,且display值为block或visible,visibility值为visible的元素) E:not(s):类型为E,不匹配选择器s E:eq(n),E:gt(n),E:lt(n):元素限定 E:first:相当于E:eq(0) E:last:最后一个匹配的元素 E:even:从匹配的元素集中取序数为偶数的元素 E:odd:从匹配的元...

2014-07-18 16:16:26 82

原创 jQuery选择器-2

7.进一步选择器: 这个名称是我自己起的,其实选择器组合都有进一步的意思,你明白后面所介绍的知识即可. 具有限定子节点选择器:$("mix1[mix2]"):返回包含mix2的mix1节点.如:$("div[a]"):包含a标签的div. 这个和$("div a")不相同.后者表示div中的a标签,返回的是a标签对象,前者返回的是div标签对象 冒号限定结点选择器:$("mix:co...

2014-07-18 16:15:53 88

原创 jQuery选择器-1

4.子选择器: $("mix&gt;mix"),这个放在后代选择器后面是为了和它做对比.子选择器只能选择第一代子代.不处理深层嵌套.例子: $("div&gt;.test") &lt;div&gt;&lt;p class="test"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/div&gt;对这里的p段落标签有效.但对 &lt;div&gt;&l

2014-07-18 16:12:39 80

原创 jQuery选择器

$的选择器部分: 凡是运用$,其返回值是一个object $选择器主要用于选择标签.基本用法是同css的选择器.但是,很让人兴奋的是,他支持常见的浏览器,而css中很多选择器是IE6所不支持的. 1.基本选择器(3种): $("标签名"),如$("p")是选取了所有的p标签节点 $("#id名"),如$("#test")是选取了id为test的标签节点 $(".class名"),如$(".t.

2014-07-18 16:10:57 73

原创 hibernate-Property

Property name Purpose hibernate.dialect The classname of a Hibernate org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect which allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular relational database. e.g. full.cla...

2014-07-17 13:03:11 110

原创 Wildcard-5

Advanced WildcardsFrom 2.1.9+ regular expressions can be defined defined in the action name. To use this form of wild card, the following constants must be set:&lt;constant name="struts.enab...

2014-06-27 11:39:33 94

原创 Wildcard-6

The regular expression can also be in the form {FIELD_NAME:REGULAR_EXPRESSION}. The regular expression is a normal Java regular expression. For example:&lt;package name="books" extends="struts...

2014-06-27 11:39:19 100

原创 struts 动态方法调用

&lt;constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="true"&gt;&lt;/constant&gt; /project/chartInfo!getDevelopProgress.action

2014-06-27 10:22:53 82

原创 Wildcard-4

Parameters after the action nameTo use parameters in the URL, after the action name, make sure this is set:&lt;constant name="struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames" value="true"/&gt;&lt;consta...

2014-06-24 20:15:55 88

原创 Wildcard-3

Parameters in namespacesFrom Struts 2.1+ namespace patterns can be extracted as request parameters and bound to the action. To enable this feature, set the following constant in struts.xml:&l...

2014-06-24 20:15:24 88

原创 Wildcard-2

Wildcard patterns can contain one or more of the following special tokens:*Matches zero or more characters excluding the slash ('/') character.**Matches zero or more characters includin...

2014-06-24 20:14:53 107

原创 Wildcards

 As an application grows in size, so will the number of action mappings. Wildcards can be used to combine similar mappings into one more generic mapping.The best way to explain wildcards is to sh...

2014-06-24 20:14:06 136

原创 RegexPatternMatcher

public class RegexPatternMatcherextends Objectimplements PatternMatcher&lt;RegexPatternMatcherExpression&gt;Allows regular expressions to be used in action names. The regular expressions can be...

2014-06-24 19:34:35 177

原创 package配置 Global Results

Global ResultsMost often, results are nested with the action element. But some results apply to multiple actions. In a secure application, a client might try to access a page without being authoriz...

2014-06-20 16:43:49 117

原创 package配置

abstract 标识这个package的定义是一个抽象定义,也就是允许他仅包含声明式的定义,而不需要在package定义中包含action的定义。   extends  a,b,c通过使用extends,你可以指定本package继承另外一个package的所有的配置。当某个package继承了另外一个package的所有配置,那么你就无需对父package中已经声明过的配置定义做再...

2014-06-20 15:50:05 275

原创 struts-web配置

&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;&lt;web-app version="2.5"&gt;  &lt;welcome-file-list&gt;    &lt;welcome-file&gt;index.jsp&lt;/welcome-file&gt;  &lt;/welcome-fil

2014-06-19 10:19:32 72

原创 strusts 常量配置

struts.multipart.maxSize 文件上传大小

2014-04-24 20:20:40 99

原创 StrutsResultSupport

A base class for all Struts action execution results. The "location" param is the default parameter, meaning the most common usage of this result would be:This class provides two common parameters ...

2014-04-22 19:50:08 161

原创 StaticParametersInterceptor

This interceptor populates the action with the static parameters defined in the action configuration. If the action implements Parameterizable, a map of the static parameters will be also be passed d...

2014-04-22 19:14:54 90

原创 FileUploadInterceptor

Interceptor that is based off of MultiPartRequestWrapper, which is automatically applied for any request that includes a file. It adds the following parameters, where [File Name] is the name given to...

2014-04-21 21:19:43 257

原创 ScopedModelDrivenInterceptor

An interceptor that enables scoped model-driven actions.This interceptor only activates on actions that implement the ScopedModelDriven interface. If detected, it will retrieve the model class from...

2014-04-21 21:01:21 105

原创 ChainingInterceptor

An interceptor that copies all the properties of every object in the value stack to the currently executing object, except for any object that implementsUnchainable. A collection of optional include...

2014-04-21 20:50:48 76

原创 I18nInterceptor

An interceptor that handles setting the locale specified in a session as the locale for the current action request. In addition, this interceptor will look for a specific HTTP request parameter and ...

2014-04-21 20:34:56 129

原创 ServletConfigInterceptor 总结

An interceptor which sets action properties based on the interfaces an action implements. For example, if the action implements ParameterAware then the action context's parameter map will be set on ...

2014-04-21 20:23:52 126

原创 ExceptionMappingInterceptor 总结

This interceptor forms the core functionality of the exception handling feature. Exception handling allows you to map an exception to a result code, just as if the action returned a result code inste...

2014-04-17 20:50:48 563

原创 AliasInterceptor 总结

The aim of this Interceptor is to alias a named parameter to a different named parameter. By acting as the glue between actions sharing similiar parameters (but with different names), it can help gr...

2014-04-17 20:46:49 93

原创 extjs中怎么通过按钮获取父节点

var combo = this.findParentByType("DevelopmentGridPanel").topToolbar.findByType("combo");

2014-03-18 16:42:04 336



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