Java Networking and Proxies


Java Networking and Proxies
1) Introduction

In today's networking environments, particularly corporate ones, application d
evelopers have to deal with proxies almost as often as system administrators.
In some cases the application should use the system default settings, in other
 cases it will we want to have a very tight control over what goes through whi
ch proxy, and, somewhere in the middle, most applications will be happy to del
egate the decision to their users by providing them with a GUI to set the prox
y settings, as is the case in most browsers.

In any case, a development platform, like Java, should provide mechanisms to d
eal with these proxies that are both powerful and flexible. Unfortunately, unt
il recently, the Java platform wasn't very flexible in that department. But al
l that changed in J2SE 5.0 as new API have been introduced to address this sho
rtcoming, and the purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth explanation
of all these APIs and mechanisms, the old ones, which are still valid, as well
 as the new ones.
2) System Properties

Up until J2SE 1.4 system properties were the only way to set proxy servers wit
hin the Java networking API for any of the protocol handlers. To make matters
more complicated, the names of these properties have changed from one release
to another and some of them are now obsolete even if they are still supported
for compatibility's sake.

The major limitation of using system properties is that they are an “all or n
othing” switch. Meaning that once a proxy has been set for a particular proto
col, it will affect all connections for that protocol. It's a VM wide behavior

There are 2 main ways to set system properties:

    * As a command line option when invoking the VM
    * Using the System.setProperty(String, String) method, assuming, of course
 that you have permission to do so.

Now, let's take a look, protocol by protocol, at the properties you can use to
 set proxies. All proxies are defined by a host name and a port number. The la
ter is optional as, if it is not specified, a standard default port will be us
2.1) HTTP

There are 3 properties you can set to specify the proxy that will be used by t
he http protocol handler:

    * http.proxyHost: the host name of the proxy server
    * http.proxyPort: the port number, the default value being 80.
    * http.nonProxyHosts: a list of hosts that should be reached directly, byp
assing the proxy. This is a list of regular expressions separated by '|'. Any
host matching one of these regular expressions will be reached through a direc
t connection instead of through a proxy.

Let's look at a few examples assuming we're trying to execute the main method
of the GetURL class:

$ java GetURL

All http connections will go through the proxy server at
 listening on port 80 (we didn't specify any port, so the default one is used)

$ java -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
-Dhttp.noProxyHosts=”localhost|” GetURL

In that second example, the proxy server will still be at
m, but this time listening on port 8080. Also, the proxy won't be used when co
nnecting to either localhost or

As mentioned earlier, these settings affect all http connections during the en
tire lifetime of the VM invoked with these options. However it is possible, us
ing the System.setProperty() method, to have a slightly more dynamic behavior.

Here is a code excerpt showing how this can be done:

//Set the http proxy to

System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
System.setPropery("http.proxyPort", "8080");

// Next connection will be through proxy.
URL url = new URL("
InputStream in = url.openStream();

// Now, let's 'unset' the proxy.
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", null);

// From now on http connections will be done directly.

Now,this works reasonably well, even if a bit cumbersome, but it can get trick
y if your application is multi-threaded. Remember, system properties are “VM
wide” settings, so all threads are affected. Which means that the code in one
 thread could, as a side effect, render the code in an other thread inoperativ
2.2) HTTPS

The https (http over SSL) protocol handler has its own set of properties:

    * htttps.proxyHost
    * https.proxyPort

As you probably guessed these work in the exact same manner as their http coun
terparts, so we won't go into much detail except to mention that the default p
ort number, this time, is 443 and that for the "non proxy hosts" list, the HTT
PS protocol handler will use the same as the http handler (i.e. http.nonProxyH
2.3) FTP

Settings for the FTP protocol handler follow the same rules as for http, the o
nly difference is that each property name is now prefixed with 'ftp.' instead
of 'http.'

Therefore the system properties are:

    * ftp.proxHost
    * ftp.proxyPort
    * ftp.nonProxyHosts

Note that, this time, there is a separate property for the "non proxy hosts" l
ist. Also, as for http, the default port number value is 80. It should be note
d that when going through a proxy, the FTP protocol handler will actually use
HTTP to issue commands to the proxy server, which explains why this is the sam
e default port number.

Let's examine a quick example:

$ java
-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dftp.proxyPort=80
80 GetURL

Here, both the HTTP and the FTP protocol handlers will use the same proxy serv
er at
2.4) SOCKS

The SOCKS protocol, as defined in RFC 1928, provides a framework for client se
rver applications to safely traverse a firewall both at the TCP and UDP level.
 In that sense it is a lot more generic than higher level proxies (like HTTP o
r FTP specific proxies). J2SE 5.0 provides SOCKS support for client TCP socket

There are 2 system properties related to SOCKS:

    * socksProxyHost for the host name of the SOCKS proxy server
    * socksProxyPort for the port number, the default value being 1080

Note that there is no dot ('.') after the prefix this time. This is for histor
ical reasons and to ensure backward compatibility. Once a SOCKS proxy is speci
fied in this manner, all TCP connections will be attempted through the proxy.


$ java GetURL

Here, during the execution of the code, every outgoing TCP socket will go thro
ugh the SOCKS proxy server at

Now, what happens when both a SOCKS proxy and a HTTP proxy are defined? Well t
he rule is that settings for higher level protocols, like HTTP or FTP, take pr
ecedence over SOCKS settings. So, in that particular case, when establishing a
 HTTP connection, the SOCKS proxy settings will be ignored and the HTTP proxy
will be contacted. Let's look at an example:

$ java -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 GetURL

Here, an http URL will go through because the http
settings take precedence. But what about an ftp URL? Since no specific proxy s
ettings were assigned for FTP, and since FTP is on top of TCP, then FTP connec
tions will be attempted through the SOCKS proxy server at
1080. If an FTP proxy had been specified, then that proxy would have been used
3) Proxy class

As we have seen, the system properties are powerful, but not flexible. The "al
l or nothing" behavior was justly deemed too severe a limitation by most devel
opers. That's why it was decided to introduce a new, more flexible, API in J2S
E 5.0 so that it would be possible to have connection based proxy settings.

The core of this new API is the Proxy class which represents a proxy definitio
n, typically a type (http, socks) and a socket address. There are, as of J2SE
5.0, 3 possible types:

    * DIRECT which represents a direct connection, or absence of proxy.
    * HTTP which represents a proxy using the HTTP protocol.
    * SOCKS which represents proxy using either SOCKS v4 or v5.

So, in order to create an HTTP proxy object you would call:

SocketAddress addr = new
InetSocketAddress("", 8080);
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, addr);

Remember, this new proxy object represents a proxy definition, nothing more. H
ow do we use such an object? A new openConnection() method has been added to t
he URL class and takes a Proxy as an argument, it works the same way as openCo
nnection() with no arguments, except it forces the connection to be establishe
d through the specified proxy, ignoring all other settings, including the syst
em properties mentioned above.

So completing the previous example, we can now add:

URL url = new URL("
URConnection conn = url.openConnection(proxy);

Simple, isn't it?

The same mechanism can be used to specify that a particular URL has to be reac
hed directly, because it's on the intranet for example. That's where the DIREC
T type comes into play. But, you don't need to create a proxy instance with th
e DIRECT type, all you have to do is use the NO_PROXY static member:

URL url2 = new URL("
URLConnection conn2 = url2.openConnection(Proxy.NO_PROXY);

Now, this guarantees you that this specific URL will be retrieved though a dir
ect connection bypassing any other proxy settings, which can be convenient.

Note that you can force a URLConnection to go through a SOCKS proxy as well:

SocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("", 1080);
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, addr);
URL url = new URL("
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(proxy);

That particular FTP connection will be attempted though the specified SOCKS pr
oxy. As you can see, it's pretty straightforward.

Last, but not least, you can also specify a proxy for individual TCP sockets b
y using the newly introduced socket constructor:

SocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("", 1080);
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, addr);
Socket socket = new Socket(proxy);
InetSocketAddress dest = new InetSocketAddress("", 1234);

Here the socket will try to connect to its destination address (
:1234) through the specified SOCKS proxy.

As for URLs, the same mechanism can be used to ensure that a direct (i.e. not
through any proxy) connection should be attempted no matter what the global se
ttings are:

Socket socket = new Socket(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
socket.connect(new InetAddress("localhost", 1234));

Note that this new constructor, as of J2SE 5.0, accepts only 2 types of proxy:
 SOCKS or DIRECT (i.e. the NO_PROXY instance).
4) ProxySelector

As you can see, with J2SE 5.0, the developer gains quite a bit of control and
flexibility when it comes to proxies. Still, there are situations where one wo
uld like to decide which proxy to use dynamically, for instance to do some loa
d balancing between proxies, or depending on the destination, in which case th
e API described so far would be quite cumbersome. That's where the ProxySelect
or comes into play.

In a nutshell the ProxySelector is a piece of code that will tell the protocol
 handlers which proxy to use, if any, for any given URL. For example, consider
 the following code:

URL url = new URL("
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();

At that point the HTTP protocol handler is invoked and it will query the proxy
Selector. The dialog might go something like that:

    Handler: Hey dude, I'm trying to reach, should I use a proxy?

    ProxySelector: Which protocol do you intend to use?
    Handler: http, of course!
    ProxySelector: On the default port?
    Handler: Let me check.... Yes, default port.
    ProxySelector: I see. Then you shall use on port 808
0 as a proxy.
    Handler: Thanks. <pause> Dude, doesn't seem to
be responding! Any other option?
    ProxySelector: Dang! OK, try, on port 8080 as well.

    Handler: Sure. Seems to be working. Thanks.
    ProxySelector: No sweat. Bye.

Of course I'm embellishing a bit, but you get the idea.

The best thing about the ProxySelector is that it is plugable! Which means tha
t if you have needs that are not covered by the default one, you can write a r
eplacement for it and plug it in!

So what is a ProxySelector? Let's take a look at the class definition:

public abstract class ProxySelector {
 public static ProxySelector getDefault();
 public static void setDefault(ProxySelector ps);
 public abstract List<Proxy> select(URI uri);
 public abstract void connectFailed(URI uri,
  SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe);

As we can see, ProxySelector is an abstract class with 2 static methods to set
, or get, the default implementation, and 2 instance methods that will be used
 by the protocol handlers to determine which proxy to use or to notify that a
proxy seems to be unreachable. If you want to provide your own ProxySelector,
all you have to do is extend this class, provide an implementation for these 2
 instance methods then call ProxySelector.setDefault() passing an instance of
your new class as an argument. At this point the protocol handlers, like http
or ftp, will query the new ProxySelector when trying to decide what proxy to u

Before we see in details how to write such a ProxySelector, let's talk about t
he default one. J2SE 5.0 provides a default implementation which enforces back
ward compatibility. In other terms, the default ProxySelector will check the s
ystem properties described earlier to determine which proxy to use. However, t
here is a new, optional feature: On recent Windows systems and on Gnome 2.x pl
atforms it is possible to tell the default ProxySelector to use the system pro
xy settings (both recent versions of Windows and Gnome 2.x let you set proxies
 globally through their user interface). If the system property
stemProxies is set to true (by default it is set to false for compatibility sa
ke), then the default ProxySelector will try to use these settings. You can se
t that system property on the command line, or you can edit the JRE installati
on file lib/, that way you have to change it only once on a give
n system.

Now let's examine how to write, and install, a new ProxySelector.

Here is what we want to achieve: We're pretty happy with the default ProxySele
ctor behavior, except when it comes to http and https. On our network we have
more than one possible proxy for these protocols and we we'd like our applicat
ion to try them in sequence (i.e.: if the 1st one doesn't respond, then try th
e second one and so on). Even more, if one of them fails too many time, we'll
remove it from the list in order to optimize things a bit.

All we need to do is subclass and provide implementatio
ns for both the select() and connectFailed() methods.

The select() method is called by the protocol handlers before trying to connec
t to a destination. The argument passed is a URI describing the resource (prot
ocol, host and port number). The method will then return a List of Proxies. Fo
r instance the following code:

URL url = new URL("
InputStream in = url.openStream();

will trigger the following pseudo-call in the protocol handler:

List<Proxy> l = ProxySelector.getDefault().select(new URI("


In our implementation, all we'll have to do is check that the protocol from th
e URI is indeed http (or https), in which case we will return the list of prox
ies, otherwise we just delegate to the default one. To do that, we'll need, in
 the constructor, to store a reference to the old default, because ours will b
ecome the default.

So it is starting to look like this:

public class MyProxySelector extends ProxySelector {
 ProxySelector defsel = null;
 MyProxySelector(ProxySelector def) {
  defsel = def;
 public java.util.List<Proxy> select(URI uri) {
  if (uri == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI can't be null.");
  String protocol = uri.getScheme();
  if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol) ||
   "https".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol)) {
   ArrayList<Proxy> l = new ArrayList<Proxy>();
   // Populate the ArrayList with proxies
   return l;
  if (defsel != null) {
  } else {
   ArrayList<Proxy> l = new ArrayList<Proxy>();
   return l;

First note the constructor that keeps a reference to the old default selector.
 Second, notice the check for illegal argument in the select() method in order
 to respect the specifications. Finally, notice how the code defers to the old
 default, if there was one, when necessary. Of course, in this example, I didn
't detail how to populate the ArrayList, as it not of particular interest, but
 the complete code is available in the appendix if you're curious.

As it is, the class is incomplete since we didn't provide an implementation fo
r the connectFailed() method. That's our very next step.

The connectFailed() method is called by the protocol handler whenever it faile
d to connect to one of the proxies returned by the select() method. 3 argument
s are passed: the URI the handler was trying to reach, which should be the one
 used when select() was called, the SocketAddress of the proxy that the handle
r was trying to contact and the IOException that was thrown when trying to con
nect to the proxy. With that information, we'll just do the following: If the
proxy is in our list, and it failed 3 times or more, we'll just remove it from
 our list, making sure it won't be used again in the future. So the code is no

public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) {
 if (uri == null || sa == null || ioe == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments can't be null.");
 InnerProxy p = proxies.get(sa);
 if (p != null) {
  if (p.failed() >= 3)
 } else {
  if (defsel != null)
   defsel.connectFailed(uri, sa, ioe);

Pretty straightforward isn't it. Again we have to check the validity of the ar
guments (specifications again). The only thing we do take into account here is
 the SocketAddress, if it's one of the proxies in our list, then we do deal wi
th it, otherwise we defer, again, to the default selector.

Now that our implementation is, mostly, complete, all we have to do in the app
lication is to register it and we're done:

public static void main(String[] args) {
 MyProxySelector ps = new MyProxySelector(ProxySelector.getDefault());
 // rest of the application

Of course, I simplified things a bit for the sake of clarity, in particular yo
u've probably noticed I didn't do much Exception catching, but I'm confident y
ou can fill in the blanks.

It should be noted that both Java Plugin and Java Webstart do replace the defa
ult ProxySelector with a custom one to integrate better with the underlying pl
atform or container (like the web browser). So keep in mind, when dealing with
 ProxySelector, that the default one is typically specific to the underlying p
latform and to the JVM implementation. That's why it is a good idea, when prov
iding a custom one, to keep a reference to the older one, as we've done in the
 above example, and use it when necessary.
5) Conclusion

As we have now established J2SE 5.0 provides quite a number of ways to deal wi
th proxies. From the very simple (using the system proxy settings) to the very
 flexible (changing the ProxySelector, albeit for experienced developers only)
, including the per connection selection courtesy of the Proxy class.

Here is the full source of the ProxySelector we developed in this paper. Keep
in mind that this was written for educational purposes only, and was therefore
 kept pretty simple on purpose.

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class MyProxySelector extends ProxySelector {
 // Keep a reference on the previous default
    ProxySelector defsel = null;
  * Inner class representing a Proxy and a few extra data
 class InnerProxy {
     Proxy proxy;
  SocketAddress addr;
  // How many times did we fail to reach this proxy?
  int failedCount = 0;
  InnerProxy(InetSocketAddress a) {
   addr = a;
   proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, a);
  SocketAddress address() {
   return addr;
  Proxy toProxy() {
   return proxy;
  int failed() {
   return ++failedCount;
  * A list of proxies, indexed by their address.
 HashMap<SocketAddress, InnerProxy> proxies = new HashMap<SocketAddress, Inner

 MyProxySelector(ProxySelector def) {
   // Save the previous default
   defsel = def;
   // Populate the HashMap (List of proxies)
   InnerProxy i = new InnerProxy(new InetSocketAddress("
", 8080));
   proxies.put(i.address(), i);
   i = new InnerProxy(new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));

   proxies.put(i.address(), i);
   i = new InnerProxy(new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));

   proxies.put(i.address(), i);
    * This is the method that the handlers will call.
    * Returns a List of proxy.
   public java.util.List<Proxy> select(URI uri) {
  // Let's stick to the specs.
  if (uri == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI can't be null.");
   * If it's a http (or https) URL, then we use our own
   * list.
  String protocol = uri.getScheme();
  if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol) ||
   "https".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol)) {
   ArrayList<Proxy> l = new ArrayList<Proxy>();
   for (InnerProxy p : proxies.values()) {
   return l;
   * Not HTTP or HTTPS (could be SOCKS or FTP)
   * defer to the default selector.
  if (defsel != null) {
  } else {
   ArrayList<Proxy> l = new ArrayList<Proxy>();
   return l;
  * Method called by the handlers when it failed to connect
  * to one of the proxies returned by select().
 public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) {
  // Let's stick to the specs again.
  if (uri == null || sa == null || ioe == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments can't be null.");
   * Let's lookup for the proxy
  InnerProxy p = proxies.get(sa);
   if (p != null) {
     * It's one of ours, if it failed more than 3 times
     * let's remove it from the list.
    if (p.failed() >= 3)
   } else {
     * Not one of ours, let's delegate to the default.
    if (defsel != null)
      defsel.connectFailed(uri, sa, ioe);


Java的网络编程类库(java.networking)提供了一组用于创建网络应用程序的类和接口。它包含了许多用于处理网络通信、传输数据和建立连接的类。以下是一些java.networking类库中常用的类和接口: 1. Socket类:Socket类用于创建客户端套接字,它提供了与服务器进行通信的方法。通过Socket类,可以建与服务器的连接,并发送和接收数据。 2. ServerSocket类:ServerSocket类用于创建服务器套接字,它监听指定端口上的连接请求。一旦有客户端请求连接,ServerSocket会创建一个新的Socket对象,用于与客户端进行通信。 3. InetAddress类:InetAddress类表示IP地址,它提供了获取主机名和IP地址之间的转换方法。可以使用InetAddress类获取本地主机的IP地址,或者通过主机名获取远程主机的IP地址。 4. URL类:URL类用于表示统一资源定位符,它提供了访问和操作URL的方法。可以使用URL类打开连接、读取URL内容等。 5. HttpURLConnection类:HttpURLConnection类是URL类的子类,它提供了与HTTP服务器进行通信的方法。可以使用HttpURLConnection发送HTTP请求、接收响应等。 6. DatagramSocket类:DatagramSocket类用于进行UDP通信,它提供了发送和接收数据报的方法。与TCP不同,UDP是一种无连接的协议,适用于一对多的通信。 以上是java.networking类库中的一些常用类和接口。通过这些类和接口,可以实现网络应用程序的开发和通信。如果你有任何进一步的问题,请随时提问。




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