vim 配置

if v:lang =~ "utf8$" || v:lang =~ "UTF-8$"
   set fileencodings=utf-8,latin1

set nu
syntax on
set tags+=tags
set hlsearch
set showmatch
set showcmd
set nocompatible    " Use Vim defaults (much better!)
set bs=indent,eol,start     " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set viminfo='20,\"50    " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more
            " than 50 lines of registers
set history=100     " keep 50 lines of command line history
set ruler       " show the cursor position all the time

 "Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands
if has("autocmd")
  " In text files, always limit the width of text to 78 characters
  autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78
  " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position
  autocmd BufReadPost *
  \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") |
  \   exe "normal! g'\"" |
  \ endif

if has("cscope") && filereadable("/usr/bin/cscope")
   set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
   set csto=0
   set cst
   set nocsverb
   " add any database in current directory
   if filereadable("cscope.out")
      cs add cscope.out
   " else add database pointed to by environment
   elseif $CSCOPE_DB != ""
      cs add $CSCOPE_DB
   set csverb

" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
  syntax on
  set hlsearch

set vb t_vb=
set laststatus=2
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-
highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=red guibg=red 
match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/

" Vim indent file
" Language:     C++
" Maintainer:     Konstantin Lepa <>
" Last Change:     2010 May 20
" License: MIT
" Version: 1.1.0
" Changes {{{
" 1.1.0 2011-01-17
"   Refactored source code.
"   Some fixes.
" 1.0.1 2010-05-20
"   Added some changes. Thanks to Eric Rannaud <>

if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1

function! GoogleCppIndent()
    let l:cline_num = line('.')

    let l:orig_indent = cindent(l:cline_num)

    if l:orig_indent == 0 | return 0 | endif

    let l:pline_num = prevnonblank(l:cline_num - 1)
    let l:pline = getline(l:pline_num)
    if l:pline =~# '^\s*template' | return l:pline_indent | endif

    " TODO: I don't know to correct it:
    " namespace test {
    " void
    " ....<-- invalid cindent pos
    " void test() {
    " }
    " void
    " <-- cindent pos
    if l:orig_indent != &shiftwidth | return l:orig_indent | endif

    let l:in_comment = 0
    let l:pline_num = prevnonblank(l:cline_num - 1)
    while l:pline_num > -1
        let l:pline = getline(l:pline_num)
        let l:pline_indent = indent(l:pline_num)

        if l:in_comment == 0 && l:pline =~ '^.\{-}\(/\*.\{-}\)\@<!\*/'
            let l:in_comment = 1
        elseif l:in_comment == 1
            if l:pline =~ '/\*\(.\{-}\*/\)\@!'
                let l:in_comment = 0
        elseif l:pline_indent == 0
            if l:pline !~# '\(#define\)\|\(^\s*//\)\|\(^\s*{\)'
                if l:pline =~# '^\s*namespace.*'
                    return 0
                    return l:orig_indent
            elseif l:pline =~# '\\$'
                return l:orig_indent
            return l:orig_indent

        let l:pline_num = prevnonblank(l:pline_num - 1)

    return l:orig_indent

setlocal shiftwidth=4
setlocal tabstop=4
setlocal softtabstop=4
setlocal expandtab
"setlocal textwidth=80
"setlocal wrap

setlocal cindent
setlocal cinoptions=h1,l1,g1,t0,i4,+4,(0,w1,W4

setlocal indentexpr=GoogleCppIndent()

let b:undo_indent = "setl sw< ts< sts< et< tw< wrap< cin< cino< inde<"

" Vim color file
" Maintainer:   Prachya Boonkwan <>
" Last Change:  April 29, 2003
" Licence:      Public Domain

" This package offers a eye-catching color scheme that resembles the
" default color scheme of Putty telnet terminal.

" First remove all existing highlighting.
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
  syntax reset

let colors_name = "putty"

hi Normal guifg=Grey guibg=Black

hi ErrorMsg guibg=Red guifg=White
hi IncSearch gui=reverse
hi ModeMsg gui=bold
hi StatusLine gui=reverse,bold
hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
hi VertSplit gui=reverse
hi Visual gui=reverse guifg=Grey guibg=fg
hi VisualNOS gui=underline,bold
hi DiffText gui=bold guibg=Red
hi Cursor guibg=Green guifg=NONE
hi lCursor guibg=Cyan guifg=NONE
hi Directory guifg=Blue
hi LineNr guifg=#BBBB00
hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi NonText gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=Black
hi Question gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi Search guibg=#BBBB00 guifg=NONE
hi SpecialKey guifg=Blue
hi Title gui=bold guifg=Magenta
hi WarningMsg guifg=Red
hi WildMenu guibg=Cyan guifg=Black
hi Folded guibg=White guifg=DarkBlue
hi FoldColumn guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue
hi DiffAdd guibg=LightBlue
hi DiffChange guibg=LightMagenta
hi DiffDelete gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan

hi Comment guifg=Blue guibg=Black
hi Constant guifg=#BB0000 guibg=Black
hi PreProc guifg=#BB00BB guibg=Black
hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=#BBBB00 guibg=Black
hi Special guifg=#BB00BB guibg=Black
hi Ignore guifg=Grey
hi Identifier guifg=#00BBBB guibg=Black
hi Type guifg=#00BB00 guibg=Black

hi link IncSearch       Visual
hi link String          Constant
hi link Character       Constant
hi link Number          Constant
hi link Boolean         Constant
hi link Float           Number
hi link Function        Identifier
hi link Conditional     Statement
hi link Repeat          Statement
hi link Label           Statement
hi link Operator        Statement
hi link Keyword         Statement
hi link Exception       Statement
hi link Include         PreProc
hi link Define          PreProc
hi link Macro           PreProc
hi link PreCondit       PreProc
hi link StorageClass    Type
hi link Structure       Type
hi link Typedef         Type
hi link Tag             Special
hi link SpecialChar     Special
hi link Delimiter       Special
hi link SpecialComment  Special
hi link Debug           Special

" vim: sw=2





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


