国际标准图像分辨率测试ISO12233 - 2017中文翻译

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注意:本篇为标准图像分辨率测试ISO12233 - 2017文档的中文翻译,用作测试相机解析力的ISO12233标准图卡的参考文档,此翻译文档基本与英文原版一致。



ISO 12233 Third Edition (2017-01)




Methods for measuring SFR and resolution — Selection rationale and guidanc


Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses

1 Scope (范围)

2 Normative references (规范性引用文件)

3     Terms and definitions(术语和定义)

3.1 addressable photoelements 可寻址光电元件

3.3 cycles per millimetre (cy/mm) 每毫米周期数

3.4 edge spread function(ESF) 边缘扩散函数

3.5  effectively spectrally neutral 有效光谱中性

3.6 electronic still-picture camera  电子图片照相机

3.7 gamma correction 伽马校正

3.8 horizontal resolution 水平分辨率

3.9 image aspect ratio 图像纵横比

3.10 image compression 图像压缩

3.11 image sensor 图像传感器

3.12  line pairs per millimetre (lp/mm)每毫米线对

3.13 line spread function (LSF)  线性扩展函数

3.14 line widths per picture height (LW/PH)每幅图片高度的线宽

3.15 linearized 线性化

3.16  lines per millimetre (lines/mm) 线/毫米

3.17  modulation 调制

3.18 modulation transfer function (MTF) 调制传递函数

3.19  normalized spatial frequency 归一化空间频率

3.20 optical transfer function (OTF) 光学传递函数

3.21 point spread function (PSF)点扩展函数

3.22 resolution 分辨率

3.23 sampled imaging system 采样成像系统

3.24 spatial frequency response (SFR)空间频率响应

3.24.1 edge-based spatial frequency response (e-SFR) 基于边缘的空间频率响应

3.24.2 sine wave-based spatial frequency response (s-SFR) 基于正弦波的空间频率响应

3.25 spectrally neutral 光谱中性

3.26 test chart 测试图

3.27  test pattern 测试模式

3.27.1 bi-tonal pattern 双调模式

3.27.2 hyperbolic wedge test pattern 双曲线楔形试验模式

3.28 vertical resolution 垂直分辨率

3.29 visual resolution 视觉分辨率

4 Test conditions 测试条件

4.1 Test chart illumination 测试图照明

4.2 Camera framing and lens focal length setting 摄像机取景和镜头焦距设置

4.3 Camera focusing 摄像机对焦

4.4 Camera settings 摄像机设置

4.5 White balance (白平衡)

4.6 Luminance and colour measurements 亮度和颜色测量

4.7 Gamma correction 伽马校正

5 Visual resolution measurement 视觉分辨率测量

5.1 General 概述

5.2 Test chart 测试图

5.2.1 General 概述

5.2.2 Material 材料

5.2.3 Size 尺寸

5.2.4 Test patterns 测试模式

5.2.5 Test pattern modulation 测试模式调制

5.2.6 Positional tolerance 位置公差

5.3 Rules of judgement for visual observation 目测判断规则

5.3.1 Rules of judgement 判定规则

5.3.2 An example of a correct visual judgement 正确视觉判断示例

6  Edge-based spatial frequency response (e-SFR) 基于边缘的空间频率响应

6.1 General 概述

6.2 Methodology 方法

6.2.1 Selection of the edge region of interest (ROI)  感兴趣的边缘区域(ROI)的选择

6.2.2 Transformation into effective exposure 转化为有效曝光

6.2.3 Estimation of the location of the edge 边缘位置估计 Initial estimation of edge location (offset) and slope 边缘位置(偏移)和坡度的初始估计 Final estimation of edge location (offset) and slope 边缘位置(偏移)和坡度的最终估算 Final estimation of edge location 边缘位置的最终估计 Computation of final location of the edge for each line of data 计算每条数据线边缘的最终位置 Estimation of final slope and location of the edge 最终坡度和边缘位置的估算

6.2.4 Formation of a super-sampled line spread function array 超采样线扩展函数阵列的形成

6.2.5 Computation of the e-SFR e-SFR的计算

7 Sine-based spatial frequency response (s-SFR) measurement 基于正弦的空间频率响应(s-SFR)测量

8 Presentation of results 结果展示

8.1 General 概述

8.2 Resolution 分辨率

8.2.1 General 概述

8.2.2 Basic presentation 基本展示

8.2.3 Representative presentation 代表性展示

8.3 Spatial frequency response (SFR) 空间频率响应

8.3.1 General 概述

8.3.2 Spatial frequency response 空间频率响应

8.3.3 Report of resolution value derived from the s-SFR s-SFR分辨率值报告

Annex A(informative) CIPA resolution test chart 附录A(资料性附录)CIPA分辨率测试图

A.1 Test chart features 测试图特征

A.2 Test chart tolerance 测试图公差

A.3 Dimensional specification of the test chart 试验图的尺寸规格

Annex B (informative) Visual resolution measurement software 附录B(资料性附录)视觉分辨率测量软件

B.1 Background and purpose 背景和目的

B.2 Downloading the software 下载软件

B.3 Measurement procedure 测量程序

B.4 The outline of the software processing 软件处理概述

B.4.1 Main process 主要流程

B.4.2 Black line detection 黑线检测

B.4.3 Image rotation process 图像旋转过程

Annex C(informative) Low contrast edge SFR test chart with OECF patches 附录C(资料性附录)带OECF补丁的低对比度边缘SFR测试图

Annex D (normative) Edge spatial frequency response (e-SFR) algorithm 附录D(规范性附录)边缘空间频率响应(e-SFR)算法

Annex E (normative) Sine wave star test chart 附录E(规范性附录)正弦波星形试验图

Annex F (normative) Sine wave spatial frequency response (s-SFR) analysis algorithm 附录F(规范性附录)正弦波空间频率响应(s-SFR)分析算法

Annex G (informative) Colour-filtered resolution measurements 附件G(参考性)彩色过滤分辨率测量

G.1 General 概述

G.2 Choice of colour filters 彩色滤镜的选择

G.3 Camera settings 摄像机设置

Annex H (informative) Units and summary metrics 附件H(信息性)单位和汇总指标

H.1 Conversions between commonly used units

H.2 Relation between SFR, sharpness, and acutance SFR关系、锋利度和锐度

H.3 Sampling efficiency rating (Es) 采样效率等级

Annex I (informative) Original test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 附录I(资料性附录)ISO 12233:2000中定义的原始试验图

I.1 General 概述

I.2 The original test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 (ISO 12233:2000中规定的原始试验图表)

I.3 Limiting resolution measurements in ISO 12233:2000 (ISO 12233:2000中的极限分辨率测量)

I.4 Spatial frequency response measurement in ISO 12233:2000 (high contrast edge SFR) 

Bibliography 参考文献

ISO 12233 Third Edition (2017-01)

Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses摄影 - 电子静态图像成像 - 分辨率和空间频率响应


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.


The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).


Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).


Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.


For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html.


The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 42, Photography.

负责本文件的委员会是ISO/TC 42,摄影。

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 12233:2014), of which it constitutes a minor revision with changes in Annex D.

第三版取消并取代了第二版(ISO 12233:2014),包括附录D中的小修订版。



The spatial resolution capability is an important attribute of an electronic still-picture camera. Resolution measurement standards allow users to compare and verify spatial resolution measurements. This document defines terminology, test charts, and test methods for performing resolution measurements for analogue and digital electronic still-picture cameras.


Technical background(技术背景)

For consumer digital cameras, the term resolution is often incorrectly interpreted as the number of addressable photoelements. While there are existing protocols for determining camera pixel counts, these are not to be confused with the interpretation of resolution as addressed in this document. Qualitatively, resolution is the ability of a camera to optically capture finely spaced detail, and is usually reported as a single valued metric. Spatial frequency response (SFR) is a multi-valued metric that measures contrast loss as a function of spatial frequency. Generally, contrast decreases as a function of spatial frequency to a level where detail is no longer visually resolved. This limiting frequency value is the resolution of the camera. A camera’s resolution and its SFR are determined by a number of factors. These include, but are not limited to, the performance of the camera lens, the number of addressable photoelements in the optical imaging device, and the electrical circuits in the camera, which can include image compression and gamma correction functions.


While resolution and SFR are related metrics, their difference lies in their comprehensiveness and utility. As articulated in this document, resolution is a single frequency parameter that indicates whether the output signal contains a minimum threshold of detail information for visual detection. In other words, resolution is the highest spatial frequency that a candidate camera can usefully capture under cited conditions. It can be very valuable for rapid manufacturing testing, quality control monitoring, or for providing a simple metric that can be easily understood by end users. The algorithm used to determine resolution has been tested with visual experiments using human observers and correlates well with their estimation of high frequency detail loss.


SFR is a numerical description of how contrast is changed by a camera as a function of the spatial frequencies that describe the contrast. It is very beneficial for engineering, diagnostic, and image evaluation purposes and serves as an umbrella function from which such metrics as sharpness and acutance are derived. Often, practitioners will select the spatial frequency associated with a specified SFR level as a modified non-visual resolution value.


In a departure from the first edition of this document, two SFR measurements are described. Additionally, the first SFR metrology method, edge-based spatial frequency response, is identical to that described in the first edition, except that a lower contrast edge is used for the test chart. Regions of interest (ROI) near slanted vertical and horizontal edges are digitized and used to compute the SFR levels. The use of a slanted edge allows the edge gradient to be measured at many phases relative to the image sensor photoelements and to yield a phase-averaged SFR response.


A second sine wave-based SFR metrology technique is introduced in the second edition. Using a sine wave modulated target in a polar format (e.g. Siemens star), it is intended to provide an SFR response that is more resilient to ill-behaved spatial frequency signatures introduced by the image content driven processing of consumer digital cameras. In this sense, it is intended to enable easier interpretation of SFR levels from such camera sources. Comparing the results of the edge-based SFR and the sine-based SFR might indicate the extent to which nonlinear processing is used.

第二版介绍了第二种基于正弦波的SFR计量技术。使用极坐标格式的正弦波调制目标(例如Siements star),旨在提供SFR响应,该响应对消费类数码相机的图像内容驱动处理引入的不正常空间频率特征更具弹性。从这个意义上说,其目的是使得能够更容易地解析来自此类相机源的SFR值。比较基于边缘的SFR和基于正弦的SFR的结果,可以看出非线性处理的应用程度。

The first step in determining visual resolution or SFR is to capture an image of a suitable test chart with the camera under test. The test chart should include features of sufficiently fine detail and frequency content such as edges, lines, square waves, or sine wave patterns. The test chart defined in this document has been designed specifically to evaluate electronic still-picture cameras. It has not necessarily been designed to evaluate other electronic imaging equipment such as input scanners, CRT displays, hardcopy printers, or electro-photographic copiers, nor individual components of an electronic still-picture camera, such as the lens.


Some of the measurements described in this document are performed using digital analysis techniques. They are also applicable with the analogue outputs of the camera by digitizing the analogue signals if there is adequate digitizing equipment.


Methods for measuring SFR and resolution — Selection rationale and guidance


This section is intended to provide more detailed rationale and guidance for the selection of the different resolution metrology methods presented in this document. While resolution metrology of analogue optical systems, by way of spatial frequency response, is well established and largely consistent between methodologies (e.g. sine waves, lines, edges), metrology data for such systems are normally captured under well-controlled conditions where the required data linearity and spatial isotropy assumptions hold. Generally, it is not safe to assume these conditions for files from many digital cameras, even under laboratory capture environments. Exposure and image content dependent image processing of the digital image file before it is provided as a finished file to the user prevents this. This processing yields different SFR responses depending on the features in the scene or in the case of this document, the target. For instance, in-camera edge detection algorithms might specifically operate on edge features and selectively enhance or blur them based on complex nonlinear decision rules. Depending on the intent, these algorithms might also be tuned differently for repetitive scene features such as those found in sine waves or bar pattern targets. Even for constrained camera settings recommended in this document, these nonlinear operators can yield differing SFR results depending on the target feature set. Naturally, this causes confusion on which targets to use, either alone or in combination. Guidelines for selection are offered below.


Edges are common features in naturally occurring scenes. They also tend to act as visual acuity cues by which image quality is judged and imaging artefacts are manifested. This logic prescribed their use for SFR metrology in the past and current editions of this document. It is also why edge features are prone to image processing in many consumer digital cameras: they are visually important. All other imaging conditions being equal, camera SFRs using different target contrast edge features can be significantly different, especially with respect to their morphology. This is largely due to nonlinear image processing operators and would not occur for strictly linear imaging systems. To moderate this behaviour, a lower contrast slanted edge feature (Figure C.1) was chosen to replace the higher contrast version of the first edition. This feature choice still allows for acuity-amenable SFR results beyond the half-sampling frequency and helps prevent nonlinear data clipping that can occur with high contrast target features. It is also a more reliable rendering of visually important contrast levels in naturally occurring scenes.


Sine wave features have long been the choice for directly calculating SFR of analogue imaging systems and they are intuitively satisfying. They have been introduced into the second edition based on experiences from the edge-based approach. Because sine waves transition more slowly than edges, they are not prone to being identified as edges in embedded camera processors. As such, the ambiguity that image processing imposes on the SFR can be largely avoided by their use. Alternatively, if the image processing is influenced by the absence of sharp features, more aggressive processing might be used by the camera. A sine wave starburst test pattern (Figure 6) is adopted in the second edition. With the appropriate analysis software, a sine wave-based SFR can be calculated up to the half-sampling frequency. For the same reasons stated above, the sine wave-based target is also of low contrast and consistent with that of the edge-based version. An added benefit of the target’s design over other sine targets is its compactness and bi-directional features.


All experience suggests that there is no single SFR for today’s digital cameras. Even under the strict capture constraints suggested in this document, the allowable feature sets that most digital cameras offer prevent such unique characterization. Confusion can be reduced through complete documentation of the capture conditions and camera setting for which the SFR was calculated. It has been suggested that comparing edge-based and sine wave-based SFR results under the same capture conditions could be a good tool in assessing the contribution of spatial image processing in digital cameras.


Finally, at times, a full SFR characterization is simply not required, such as in end of line camera assembly testing. Alternately, SFR might be an intimidating obstacle to those not trained in its utility. For those in need of a simple and intuitive space domain approach to resolution using repeating line patterns, a visual resolution metric is also provided in this third edition of this document.


With such a variety of methods available for measuring resolution, there are bound to be differences in measured resolution results. To benchmark the likely variations, the committee has published the results of a pilot study using all of the proposed techniques and how they relate to each other. These results are provided in Reference [20].


Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses


1 Scope (范围)

This document specifies methods for measuring the resolution and the SFR of electronic still-picture cameras. It is applicable to the measurement of both monochrome and colour cameras which output digital data or analogue video signals.


2 Normative references (规范性引用文件)

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.


ISO 14524, Photography — Electronic still-picture cameras — Methods for measuring opto-electronic conversion functions (OECFs)

ISO 14524,摄影-电子静止图像照相机-光电转换功能(OECFs)的测量方法

3     Terms and definitions(术语和定义)

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.


ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:


— IEC Electropedia: available at IEC 60050 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Welcome

— ISO Online browsing platform(ISO在线浏览平台): available at http://www.iso.org/obp

3.1 addressable photoelements 可寻址光电元件

number of active photoelements in an image sensor (3.11)


Note 1 to entry: This equals the product of the number of active photoelement lines and the number of active photoelements per line.


3.2 aliasing (混叠)

output image artefacts that occur in a sampled imaging system (3.23) due to insufficient sampling


3.3 cycles per millimetre (cy/mm) 每毫米周期数

spatial frequency unit defined as the number of spatial periods per millimetre


3.4 edge spread function(ESF) 边缘扩散函数

normalized spatial signal distribution in the linearized (3.15) output of an imaging system resulting from imaging a theoretical infinitely sharp edge


3.5  effectively spectrally neutral 有效光谱中性

having spectral characteristics which result in a specific imaging system producing the same output as for a spectrally neutral (3.25) object


3.6 electronic still-picture camera  电子图片照相机

camera incorporating an image sensor (3.11) that outputs an analogue or digital signal representing a still picture


Note 1 to entry: This camera may also record or store an analogue or digital signal representing a still picture on a removable media, such as a memory card or magnetic disc.


3.7 gamma correction 伽马校正

signal processing operation that changes the relative signal levels


Note 1 to entry: Gamma correction is performed, in part, to correct for the nonlinear light output versus signal input characteristics of the display. The relationship between the light input level and the output signal level, called the camera opto-electronic conversion function (OECF), provides the gamma correction curve shape for an image capture device.


Note 2 to entry: The gamma correction is usually an algorithm, lookup table, or circuit which operates separately on each colour component of an image.


3.8 horizontal resolution 水平分辨率

resolution (3.22) value measured in the longer image dimension, corresponding to the horizontal direction for a “landscape” image orientation, typically using a vertical or near vertical oriented testchart feature.


3.9 image aspect ratio 图像纵横比

ratio of the image width to the image height


3.10 image compression 图像压缩

process that alters the way digital image data are encoded to reduce the size of an image file


3.11 image sensor 图像传感器

electronic device that converts incident electromagnetic radiation into an electronic signal


EXAMPLE:Charge coupled device (CCD) array, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) array


3.12  line pairs per millimetre (lp/mm)每毫米线对

spatial frequency unit defined as the number of equal width black and white line pairs per millimetre


3.13 line spread function (LSF)  线性扩展函数

normalized spatial signal distribution in the linearized (3.15) output of an imaging system resulting from imaging a theoretical infinitely thin line


3.14 line widths per picture height (LW/PH)每幅图片高度的线宽

spatial frequency unit for specifying the width of a feature on a test chart (3.26) relative to the height of the active area of the chart


Note 1 to entry: The value in LW/PH indicates the total number of lines of the same width which can be placed edge to edge within the height of a test target or within the vertical field of view of a camera.


Note 2 to entry: This unit is used whatever the orientation of the “feature” (e.g. line). Specifically, it applies to horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines.


EXAMPLE   If the height of the active area of the chart equals 20 cm, a black line of 1 000 LW/PH has a width equal to 20/1 000 cm.

例如,如果图表活动区域的高度等于20 cm,则1000 LW/PH的黑线宽度等于20/1000 cm。

3.15 linearized 线性化

digital signal conversion performed to invert the camera opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) to focal plane exposure or scene luminance


3.16  lines per millimetre (lines/mm) 线/毫米

spatial frequency unit defined as the number of equal width black and white lines per millimetre


Note 1 to entry: One line pair per millimetre (lp/mm) is equal to 2 lines/mm.


3.17  modulation 调制

normalized amplitude of signal levels


Note 1 to entry: This is the difference between the minimum and maximum signal levels divided by the average signal level.


3.18 modulation transfer function (MTF) 调制传递函数

modulus of the optical transfer function (3.20)


Note 1 to entry: For the MTF to have significance, it is necessary that the imaging system be operating in an isoplanatic region and in its linear range. Because most electronic still-picture cameras (3.6) provide spatial colour sampling and nonlinear processing, a meaningful MTF of the camera can only be approximated through the SFR. See ISO 15529:2010.

注1:为了使MTF具有重要意义,成像系统必须在等平面区域及其线性范围内工作。由于大多数电子静态图像照相机(3.6)提供空间色彩采样和非线性处理,因此照相机的有意义MTF只能通过SFR来近似。见ISO 15529:2010。

3.19  normalized spatial frequency 归一化空间频率

spatial frequency unit for specifying resolution characteristics of an imaging system in terms of cycles per pixel rather than in cycles/millimetre or any other unit of length


3.20 optical transfer function (OTF) 光学传递函数

two-dimensional Fourier transform of the imaging system’s point spread function (3.21)


Note 1 to entry: For the OTF to have significance, it is necessary that the imaging system be operating in an isoplanatic region and in its linear range. The OTF is a complex function whose modulus has unity value at zero spatial frequency (see ISO 9334). Because most electronic still-picture cameras (3.6) provide spatial colour sampling and nonlinear processing, a meaningful OTF of the camera can only be approximated through the SFR.


3.21 point spread function (PSF)点扩展函数

normalized spatial signal distribution in the linearized (3.15) output of an imaging system resulting from imaging a theoretical infinitely small point source


3.22 resolution 分辨率

measure of the ability of a camera system, or a component of a camera system, to depict picture detail


3.23 sampled imaging system 采样成像系统

imaging system or device which generates an image signal by sampling an image at an array of discrete points, or along a set of discrete lines, rather than a continuum of points


3.24 spatial frequency response (SFR)空间频率响应

relative amplitude response of an imaging system as a function of input spatial frequency


Note 1 to entry: The SFR is normally represented by a curve of the output response to an input sinusoidal spatial luminance distribution of unit amplitude, over a range of spatial frequencies. The SFR is divided by its value at the spatial frequency of 0 as normalization to yield a value of 1,0 at a spatial frequency of 0.


3.24.1 edge-based spatial frequency response (e-SFR) 基于边缘的空间频率响应

measured amplitude response of an imaging system to a slanted-edge input


Note 1 to entry: Measurement of e-SFR is as defined in Clause 6.


3.24.2 sine wave-based spatial frequency response (s-SFR) 基于正弦波的空间频率响应

measured amplitude response of an imaging system to a range of sine wave inputs


Note 1 to entry: Measurement of s-SFR is as defined in Clause 7.


3.25 spectrally neutral 光谱中性

exhibiting reflective or transmissive characteristics which are constant over the wavelength range of interest


3.26 test chart 测试图

arrangement of test patterns (3.27) designed to test particular aspects of an imaging system


3.27  test pattern 测试模式

specified arrangement of spectral reflectance or transmittance characteristics used in measuring an image quality attribute


3.27.1 bi-tonal pattern 双调模式

pattern that is spectrally neutral (3.25) or effectively spectrally neutral (3.5), and consists exclusively of two reflectance or transmittance values in a prescribed spatial arrangement


Note 1 to entry: Bi-tonal patterns are typically used to measure resolution (3.22) by visual resolution method.


3.27.2 hyperbolic wedge test pattern 双曲线楔形试验模式

bi-tonal pattern (3.27.1) that varies continuously and linearly with spatial frequency


Note 1 to entry: A bi-tonal hyperbolic wedge test pattern is used to measure resolution (3.22) by the visual resolution method in this document.


3.28 vertical resolution 垂直分辨率

resolution (3.22) value measured in the shorter image dimension, corresponding to the vertical direction for a “landscape” image orientation, typically using a horizontal or near horizontal oriented test-chart feature


3.29 visual resolution 视觉分辨率

spatial frequency at which all of the individual black and white lines of a test pattern frequency can no longer be distinguished by a human observer


4 Test conditions 测试条件

4.1 Test chart illumination 测试图照明

The luminance of the test chart shall be sufficient to provide an acceptable camera output signal level. The test chart shall be uniformly illuminated as shown in Figure 1, so that the illuminance at the chart is within ±10 % of the illuminance in the centre of the chart at any position within the chart. The illumination sources should be baffled to prevent direct illumination of the camera lens by the illumination sources. The area surrounding the test chart should be of low reflectance to minimize flare light. The chart should be shielded from any reflected light. The illuminated test chart shall be effectively spectrally neutral within the visible wavelengths.


4.2 Camera framing and lens focal length setting 摄像机取景和镜头焦距设置

The camera shall be positioned to properly frame the test target. The vertical framing arrows are used to adjust the magnification and the horizontal arrows are used to centre the target horizontally. The tips of the centre vertical black framing arrows should be fully visible and the tips of the centre white framing arrows should not be visible. The target shall be oriented so that the horizontal edge of the chart is approximately parallel to the horizontal camera frame line. The approximate distance between the camera and the test chart should be reported along with the measurement results.


4.3 Camera focusing 摄像机对焦

The camera focus should be set either by using the camera autofocusing system, or by performing a series of image captures at varying focus settings, and selecting the focus setting that provides the highest average modulation level at a spatial frequency approximately 1/4 the camera Nyquist frequency. (In the case of a colour camera, the Nyquist frequency is of the conceptual monochrome image sensor without colour filter array). Auto focus accuracy is often limited and this limitation might have an impact on the results.


4.4 Camera settings 摄像机设置

The camera lens aperture (if adjustable) and the exposure time should be adjusted to provide a near maximum signal level from the white test target areas. The settings shall not result in signal clipping in either the white or black areas of the test chart, or regions of edge transitions.


Electronic still-picture cameras might include image compression, to reduce the size of the image files and allow more images to be stored. The use of image compression can significantly affect resolution measurements. Some cameras have switches that allow the camera to operate in various compression or resolution modes. The values of all camera settings that might affect the results of the measurement, including lens focal length, aperture and image quality (i.e. recording pixel number or compression) mode (if adjustable), shall be reported along with the measurement results.


Multiple SFR measurements can be reported for different camera settings, including a setting that uses the maximum lens aperture size (minimum f-number) and maximum camera gain.


4.5 White balance (白平衡)

For a colour camera, the camera white balance should be adjusted, if possible, to provide proper white balance [equal red, green, and blue (RGB) signal levels] for the illumination light source, as specified in ISO 14524.

对于彩色相机,应根据ISO 14524的规定,调整相机白平衡,为照明光源提供适当的白平衡[相等的红色、绿色和蓝色(RGB)信号强度。

4.6 Luminance and colour measurements 亮度和颜色测量

Resolution measurements are normally performed on the camera luminance signal. For colour cameras that do not provide a luminance output signal, a luminance signal should be formed from an appropriate combination of the colour records, rather than from a single channel such as green. The reader is referred to ISO 12232 for the luminance signal calculation. Colour-filtered resolution measurements can be performed as described in Annex G.


4.7 Gamma correction 伽马校正

The signal representing the image from an electronic still-picture camera will probably be a nonlinear function of the scene luminance values. Since the SFR measurement is defined on a linearized output signal and such a nonlinear response can affect SFR values, the signal shall be linearized before the data analysis is performed. Linearization is accomplished by applying the inverse of the camera OECF to the output signal via a lookup table or appropriate equation. The measurement of the OECF shall be as specified in ISO 14524, using the standard reflection camera OECF test chart or using an integrated OECF/resolution chart.

表示来自电子静止图像照相机的图像的信号,可能是场景亮度值的非线性函数。由于SFR测量是在线性化的输出信号上定义的,这种非线性响应会影响SFR值,因此在进行数据分析之前,应将信号线性化。可以使用相机OECF的逆函数通过查找表输出的方式进行线性化,或者使用合适的方程式。OECF的测量应符合ISO 14524的规定,使用标准反射相机OECF测试图或综合OECF/分辨率图。

5 Visual resolution measurement 视觉分辨率测量

5.1 General 概述

The visual resolution is the maximum value of the spatial frequency in LW/PH within a test pattern that is able to be visually distinguished. A black and white hyperbolic wedge is used as the test pattern


Because of aliasing artefacts in the high frequencies, actual resolution judgements can be ambiguous. The objective visual resolution method cited herein using a hyperbolic wedge test pattern gives more stable results by adopting the visual judgement rules described in 5.3 which have been used by a highly skilled observer.


It can be measured analytically using computer analysis of captured images, as defined in Annex B. The computer analysis method is intended to correlate with the subjective judgement of visual resolution made by a skilled observer but is likely to yield a more consistent and objective result compared to actual visual judgements. However, if there is a discrepancy between the results of the computer analysis method and the judgement of a human observer, the judgement of the human observer takes priority.


5.2 Test chart 测试图

5.2.1 General 概述

The preferred test chart for measuring the visual resolution is the CIPA resolution chart, which is shown in Figure 2 and specified in Annex A.


The chart shown in Figure 2 is designed to measure cameras having a resolution of less than 2 500 LW/PH. Nevertheless, it is possible to use the chart to measure the resolution of an electronic still camera having a resolution greater than 2 500 LW/PH. This is accomplished by adjusting the camera to target distance, or the focal length of the camera lens, so that the test chart active area fills only a portion of the vertical image height of the camera. This fraction is then measured in the digital image, by dividing the number of image lines in the camera image by the number of lines in the active chart area. The values of all test chart features, in LW/PH, printed on the chart or specified in this document, are multiplied by this fraction, to obtain their correct values. For example, if the chart fills 1/2 of the vertical image height of the camera, then the multiplication factor is equal to 2 and a feature labelled as 2 000 LW/PH on the chart corresponds to 4 000 LW/PH using this chart framing.

图2所示的图表设计用于测量分辨率小于2500 LW/PH的相机。然而,可以使用图表测量分辨率大于2500 LW/PH的电子静态相机的分辨率。这是通过调整相机到目标的距离来实现的,或相机镜头的焦距,以便测试图表活动区域仅填充相机垂直图像高度的一部分。然后,通过将相机图像中的图像行数除以活动图表区中的行数,在数字图像中测量该分数。打印在图表上或本文件中规定的所有试验图表特征值(单位:LW/PH)乘以该分数,以获得其正确值。例如,如果图表填充相机垂直图像高度的1/2,则倍增因子等于2,并且图表上标记为2000 LW/PH的特征对应于使用此图表框架的4000 LW/PH。

NOTE   Figure 2 includes an improved version of the test chart features originally defined in ISO 12233:2000. This original test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 is described in Annex I.

注:图2包括ISO 12233:2000中最初定义的测试图特征的改进版本。ISO 12233:2000中定义的原始试验图表见附录I。

5.2.2 Material 材料

The test chart can be either a transparency that is rear illuminated or a reflection test card that is front illuminated. A reflection chart shall have an approximately Lambertian base material. A transparency chart shall be rear illuminated by a diffuse source.


5.2.3 Size 尺寸

The active height of reflection test charts should be no less than 20 cm. The active height of transparencies shall be not less than 10 cm.


5.2.4 Test patterns 测试模式

The test chart shall have bi-tonal patterns and should be spectrally neutral.


NOTE Bi-tonal test charts are easily manufactured and minimize the cost of producing the chart.


5.2.5 Test pattern modulation 测试模式调制

For reflective charts, the ratio of the maximum chart reflectance, Rmax, to the minimum chart reflectance, Rmin, for large test pattern areas should be not less than 40:1 and not greater than 80:1, and shall be reported if it is outside this range. For transmissive charts, the ratio of the maximum chart transmittance, Tmax, to the minimum chart transmittance, Tmin, for a large test pattern should be not less than 40:1 and not greater than 80:1, and shall be reported if it is outside this range. For a paper base optical density of 0,10, these minimum and maximum numbers translate to optical densities of 1,7 and 2,0, respectively. Modulation ratios for the finer test chart features, relative to the ratio for large test pattern areas, should preferably be reported by the chart manufacturer for reference.

对于反射图卡,最大图表反射率Rmax与最小图表反射率Rmin之比, 对于大的测试图形区域的应不小于40:1且不大于80:1,如果超出此范围,则应报告。对于透射式图卡,对于较大的测试图形,最大图表透射率Tmax与最小图表透射率Tmin之比应不小于40:1且不大于80:1,如果超出此范围,则应报告。对于0,10的纸基光密度,这些最小值和最大值分别转换为1,7和2,0的光密度。较细测试图特征的调制比,相对于较大测试图案区域的调制比,最好由图表制造商提供报告以供参考。

5.2.6 Positional tolerance 位置公差

The position of any test chart feature shall be reproduced with a tolerance of ±1/1 000 picture heights (equivalent to ±1/10 % of the active test chart height). In addition, the width and duty cycle ratio of each feature (white or black line) of the wedge pattern shall be reproduced with a tolerance of ±5 % of the feature width.


5.3 Rules of judgement for visual observation 目测判断规则

5.3.1 Rules of judgement 判定规则

The viewer shall observe the following rules when judging the resolution value. These rules are intended to achieve correct measurement value in the presence of unavoidable aliasing artefacts.


a) Beginning from the low frequency side, treat a spatial frequency as “Resolved” only when all lower spatial frequencies are also resolved. The resolution limit is achieved at the line just before the first occurrence of unresolved line features.

a) 从低频侧开始,仅当所有较低的空间频率也被解析时,才将空间频率视为“已解析”。分辨率限制出现在第一次未解析到线特征之前。

b) Treat a spatial frequency as “Not resolved” when the black and white lines appear to change polarity or lines are blurred together to produce a reduced number of lines, compared to the number in the test chart.

b) 当黑白线出现极性变化或线模糊在一起时,与测试图中的线数相比,产生的线数减少时,将空间频率视为“未解析”。

5.3.2 An example of a correct visual judgement 正确视觉判断示例

As shown in Figure 3, the boundary between the resolved (Key 1) and not resolved (Key 2) regions is indicated by a dashed arrow, which corresponds to resolution value to be measured.


6  Edge-based spatial frequency response (e-SFR) 基于边缘的空间频率响应

6.1 General 概述

The edge-based spatial frequency response (e-SFR) of an electronic still-picture camera is measured by analysing the camera data near a slanted low contrast neutral edge. The preferred test chart for measuring e-SFR is shown in Figure 4 and specified in Annex C.


The e-SFR measurement includes the capture of a digital image of the test chart and analysis of the contents of the image file by a software program. This software can be accessed from www.iso.org/12233. The SFR algorithm is defined in Annex D. A diagram depicting the key steps of the SFR algorithm is shown in Figure 5.

e-SFR测量包括捕获测试图卡的数字图像和通过软件程序分析图像内容。此软件可从www.iso.org/12233访问. SFR算法见附录D。图5显示了SFR算法的关键步骤。

The algorithm can automatically compute the e-SFR, using image data from a user-defined rectangular region of the image which represents a near-vertically or near-horizontally oriented dark to light or light to dark edge. The algorithm will be described assuming a near-vertical edge. To measure nearhorizontally, the selected edge image data are rotated 90° before performing the calculation. Note that a near vertical edge is used to measure a horizontal e-SFR, since the e-SFR is a measure of the image transition across the edge, rather than along it. Likewise, a near horizontal edge is used to measure the vertical e-SFR.

该算法利用来自用户定义的矩形区域的图像数据自动计算e-SFR,该矩形区域表示近垂直或近水平方向的暗到亮或亮到暗边缘。该算法将在假设接近垂直边缘的情况下进行描述。若要在水平方向上进行近测量,在执行计算之前请将选定的边缘图像数据旋转90° 。注意,近垂直边缘用于测量水平e-SFR,因为e-SFR是跨边缘而不是沿边缘的图像过渡的测量。同样,近水平边缘用于测量垂直e-SFR。

6.2 Methodology 方法

6.2.1 Selection of the edge region of interest (ROI)  感兴趣的边缘区域(ROI)的选择

The user selects the region containing the slightly slanted edge. If the image is coloured, a luminance record is created before the SFR calculation is performed. The result is a two-dimensional matrix of data of values (n lines, m pixels). See item A in Figure 5.


6.2.2 Transformation into effective exposure 转化为有效曝光

The image code values shall then be linearized by inverting the opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) of the camera. The OECF shall be measured as specified in ISO 14524. Each pixel value in the ROI is now transformed into an equivalent target reflectance value. See item B in Figure 5.

相机的光电转换函数(OECF)将图像数据线性化。OECF应按照ISO 14524的规定进行测量。ROI中的每个像素值现在都转换为等效的目标反射率值。参见图5中的B项。

6.2.3 Estimation of the location of the edge 边缘位置估计

This is done in two steps. See items C1 and C2 in Figure 5.

分两步完成。参见图5中的C1和C2项。 Initial estimation of edge location (offset) and slope 边缘位置(偏移)和坡度的初始估计 Final estimation of edge location (offset) and slope 边缘位置(偏移)和坡度的最终估算

----Compute one-dimensional derivative 计算一维导数

For each line of pixels perpendicular to the edge, the data are multiplied with a Hamming window vector of the same length (m). For each line of pixels in the resulting array, the derivative of the linearized image data is computed using a [−1/2, +1/2] finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The result is an array which is the same size as the input ROI.


----Compute location of the edge for each line of data 计算每行数据的边缘位置

The one-dimensional centroid of this derivative matrix is calculated line by line, to determine the position of the edge on each line. The result is a vector of centroid locations (1, n).


----Estimate slope and location of the edge 估计坡度和边缘位置

A linear best-line fit to the centroid locations as a function of line number is then calculated. That is, from Formula (1)


y = mx + b           (1)

where y is the set of centroid location and x is the set of line location (1, n), compute the best-fit values for the slope, m, and offset, b. Error messages shall be reported if any centroid is within two pixels of either side of the input image edges, or if the edge does not contain at least 20% modulation.

其中y是质心位置集,x是直线位置集(1,n),计算斜率m和偏移量b的最佳拟合值。如果任何质心位于输入图像边缘两侧的两个像素范围内,或者如果边缘不包含至少20%的调制,则应报告错误消息。 Final estimation of edge location 边缘位置的最终估计

For each line of pixels perpendicular to the edge, the location of the centroid of the line is computed from Formula (2)


y1 =  m1*x + b1        (2)

where y1 represents the vector of centroid location computed as illustrated in Figure 6. This results in a vector of y’ values.


The transformed image data are multiplied with a Hamming window vector of the same length (n). In this case, the Hamming window function is centred at y’ for each line. For each line of pixels multiplied with thus-centred Hamming window array, the derivative of the image data is computed using a [−1/2, +1/2] finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The result is an array which is the same size as the input ROI.

将变换后的图像数据与相同长度(n)的汉明窗向量相乘。在这种情况下,对于每一行,Hamming窗函数以y'为中心。对于每一行像素乘以如此居中的Hamming窗阵列,使用[−1/2,+1/2]有限冲激响应(FIR)滤波器。结果是一个与输入ROI大小相同的数组。 Computation of final location of the edge for each line of data 计算每条数据线边缘的最终位置

The one-dimensional centroid of this derivative matrix is calculated line by line, to determine the position of the edge on each line. The result is a vector of centroid locations (1, n).

该导数矩阵的一维质心是逐行计算的,以确定每一条线上的边的位置。结果是质心位置的向量(1,n)。 Estimation of final slope and location of the edge 最终坡度和边缘位置的估算

A linear best-line fit to the centroid locations as a function of line number is then calculated. That is, from Formula (3)


y = mx +b       (3)

where y is the set of centroid location and x is the set of line location (1, n), compute the best-fit values for the slope, m, and offset, b.


6.2.4 Formation of a super-sampled line spread function array 超采样线扩展函数阵列的形成

A one-dimensional super-sampled edge spread function shall be formed using the data of the truncated two-dimensional ROI image data. Using the first line as reference points, the data points from all the other lines shall be placed into one of four “bins” between these reference points, according to the distance from the edge for that particular line. This creates a single super-sampled “composite” edge spread function, having four times as many points along the line as the original image data.


From this vector, a corresponding line spread function array shall be derived by computing the length-3 discrete derivative. The derivative vector is computed using a [−1/2, 0, +1/2] finite impulse response (FIR) filter, meaning that the derivative value for pixel “X” is equal to −1/2 times the value of the pixel immediately to the left, plus 1/2 times the value of the pixel to the right. The result is a vector which is the same size as the super-sampled edge spread function.


6.2.5 Computation of the e-SFR e-SFR的计算

The line spread function array shall be centred by circular rotation, so that the maximum value shall be at location trunk (N/2), where N is the length of the vector (4n). The centred line spread function shall be multiplied by a centred Hamming window. This reduces the effects of noise by reducing the influence of pixels at the extremes of the window, which have response due to noise but little response due to the image edge located at the centre of the window. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the windowed line spread function shall be calculated. The e-SFR is the normalized modulus of the DFT of the centred, windowed line spread function. The final e-SFR is corrected for the bias introduced by the discrete derivative FIR filter. This correction is in the form of a frequency-by-frequency (elementby-element) multiplication by the reciprocal of a sinc function. See References [13], [17] and [20] for supplementary information on the e-SFR method.


7 Sine-based spatial frequency response (s-SFR) measurement 基于正弦的空间频率响应(s-SFR)测量

The sine-based spatial frequency response (s-SFR) of an electronic still-picture camera is measured by analysing the camera image taken of a sine wave-modulated starburst pattern. The preferred test chart for measuring the maximum resolution is shown in Figure 7 and will be specified in Annex E.


An executable version of software has been developed to perform measurements using this test chart. The software, which was created using Matlab®1), can be accessed from www.iso.org/12233.

已经开发了一个可执行版本的软件来使用这个测试图进行测量。该软件是用Matlab编写的®1) ,可从www.iso.org/12233.

The software can report the results from a single image, or can average the results from numerous images. The star is divided into a user-selected number of segments (typically eight segments) for analysis. The user selects the area of the captured image that contains the chart. The Siemens star is surrounded by 16 grey patches used to linearize the image code values by inverting the opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) of the camera. The opto-electronic conversion function shall be measured as specified in ISO 14524. The posted software requires the lightest patch to be in the upper right corner. The result shows the modulation versus frequency [in line pairs/picture height (LP/PH)] for each of the segments.

软件可以报告来自单个图像的结果,也可以平均来自多个图像的结果。星形被分成用户选择的若干段(通常为八段)进行分析。用户选择包含图表的捕获图像区域。Siemens star由16个灰色贴片包围,用于通过反转相机的光电转换函数(OECF)将图像代码值线性化。光电转换功能的测量应符合ISO 14524的规定。发布的软件要求最轻的补丁位于右上角。结果显示了每个片段的调制与频率[线对/图片高度(LP/PH)]。

A detailed description of the algorithm used is specified in Annex F.


1) Matlab is an example of a suitable product available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO of this product.

1) Matlab是一个合适的商业产品的例子。此信息是为了方便本文档的用户而提供的,并不构成ISO对本产品的认可。

8 Presentation of results 结果展示

8.1 General 概述

The results of the resolution and SFR measurements shall be reported as described below. The following information should be reported along with the measurement results:


a) the values of all camera settings that might affect the results of the measurement, including the sharpness setting, lens focal length and aperture, and resolution or ompression mode (if adjustable);

a) 可能影响测量结果的所有相机设置值,包括锐度设置、镜头焦距和光圈、分辨率或压缩模式(如果可调);

b) whether or not dark-field and flat-field correction was used;

b) 是否采用暗场和平场校正;

c) the illuminating source colour temperature and illumination level;

c) 光源的色温和照明亮度;

d) for cameras equipped with interchangeable lenses, the type and characteristics of the lens used in the tests.

d) 对于装有可互换镜头的摄像机,试验中所用镜头的类型和特性。

If the effect of the lens and the test target can be mathematically removed by using their modulation data (i.e. if the calculated response data can be the same for any interchangeable lens), the calculated camera measurements without a lens can also be reported in the case of SFR.


NOTE 1 Conversion between commonly used units can be performed as described in Annex H.


NOTE 2 While reporting all of the above conditions is important for full technical reports, it can make the data collection and reporting complex. Abridged reporting of the capture conditions is acceptable and often preferable for catalogue or casual user information.


8.2 Resolution 分辨率

8.2.1 General 概述

The resolution values acquired by visual resolution measurement shall be reported as spatial frequency values, in LW/PH.


The resolution value derived from the SFR as the spatial frequency value for a given modulation level (see 8.3.1) may also be used as the summary resolution metric, as long as it is consistent with the visual resolution.


The resolution value shall be measured for at least the four basic directions of horizontal, vertical, +45°, and −45° for the presentation of results, and the manner of presentation shall be selected as follows.


8.2.2 Basic presentation 基本展示

The resolution value of each measuring direction shall be reported with its direction for all measured directions.


8.2.3 Representative presentation 代表性展示

The minimum resolution value for all measured directions shall be reported without its direction.


The average resolution value can be reported as a representative value additionally if each of the minimum (with its direction, mentioned above) and average is clearly specified.


8.3 Spatial frequency response (SFR) 空间频率响应

8.3.1 General 概述

The SFR result is reported as the modulation level of each spatial frequency. It can also be reported as the frequency value associated with a given modulation level. It shall be reported using a graph plot or a chart diagram.


Summary resolution metrics derived from the SFR may also be used. Depending on the use case, the spatial frequency associated with selected SFR response levels (ordinate value) may also be used. The SFR criterion levels and SFR methodology used shall be cited in this case. The reader is referred to Reference [20] for a comparison of SFR results between the two methods.


8.3.2 Spatial frequency response 空间频率响应

The SFR results shall be reported using a graph plotting the modulation level (having a value of 1 at 0 spatial frequency) versus spatial frequency, or in a list of SFR values versus spatial frequency. The SFR values shall be reported separately for the horizontal and vertical directions. The values shall be the average of four replicate SFR measurements of a low contrast edge. The spatial frequency axis should preferably be labelled with one of three units: frequency relative to the sensor sampling frequency (cycles/pixel), line widths per picture height (LW/PH), or cycles/mm on the sensor, or with equations representing the relationship between these units. There shall be a minimum of 32 equally spaced measurement values for spatial frequencies between 0 and the sensor sampling frequency. The camera half-sampling frequency shall be reported. Values between 1/2 and 1 times the sampling frequency shall be marked to indicate the area of potential aliasing. Figure 8 demonstrates one suitable method of graphically reporting SFR values.


The SFR at angles other than horizontal and vertical positions should also be measured. Typically, tangential and radial direction SFRs are necessary for understanding the influence of the optics on the combined optical and sensor SFR behaviour.


8.3.3 Report of resolution value derived from the s-SFR s-SFR分辨率值报告

The s-SFR values should be reported separately for each measured direction. If the resolution is determined for more than horizontal and vertical orientations, a radar chart diagram is a recommended way to present it. Figure 9 shows an example of a suitable method for reporting the frequency values corresponding to certain modulation levels (e.g. 10 %) in any direction. It indicates the resolution behaviour as a function of angular orientation. Multiple plots may also be graphed on the same chart to show the relationship of differing SFR modulations to one another.


Annex A(informative) CIPA resolution test chart 附录A(资料性附录)CIPA分辨率测试图

A.1 Test chart features 测试图特征

The CIPA test chart includes the features listed in Table A.1, which are located as shown in Figures A.1 to A.5.


Table A.1 — Description of CIPA test chart features

Code 编号        Characteristics and application 特点及应用

A        Black border with inner edge which defines active target area 带内边缘的黑色边框,用于定义活动目标区域

B        White framing arrows used to frame target vertically 白色框架箭头用于垂直框架目标

C        Centre pattern used to set focus 用于设置焦点的中心模式

D        Framing lines and arrows that define 1:1, 4:3, and 3:2 aspect ratios 定义1:1、4:3和3:2纵横比的框架线和箭头

J        200 LW/PH to 2 500 LW/PH hyperbolic zone plates used to measure visual resolution用于测量视觉分辨率的200 LW/PH至2500 LW/PH双曲线波带片

L        Slightly slanted (approx. 5° or 50°) small black squares used to measure SFR略微倾斜(约5° 或50°) 用于测量SFR的黑色小方块

P        200 LW/PH to 2 500 LW/PH square wave sweep200 LW/PH至2500 LW/PH方波扫描

Q        For checking whether the peripheral portions are in focus用于检查外围部分是否对焦

S        Concentric circles for reference when other patterns are added添加其他图案时参考的同心圆

A.2 Test chart tolerance 测试图公差

This chart satisfies the following requirements. 此图表满足以下要求。

a) The ratio of the reflectance of the white background, Rmax, and the reflectance of the large black areas, Rmin, shall satisfy the following: 80 > Rmax/Rmin > 40.

a) 白色背景的反射率Rmax和大块黑色区域的反射率Rmin之比应满足以下要求:80>Rmax/Rmin>40。

b) The positional tolerance of the test patterns shall be within 0,2 mm of the specified location (±0,1 % of the image height).

b) 试验图案的位置公差应在规定位置的0,2 mm范围内(图像高度的±0.1%)。

c) The line width tolerance shall be within ±5 %.

c) 线宽公差应在±5 %.

d) The reflectance ratio, Rmax/Rmin, for the finest features of the hyperbolic patterns J and Q should be 18 or greater.

d) 双曲线模式J和Q的最佳特征的反射比Rmax/Rmin应为18或更大。

A.3 Dimensional specification of the test chart 试验图的尺寸规格

Annex B (informative) Visual resolution measurement software 附录B(资料性附录)视觉分辨率测量软件

B.1 Background and purpose 背景和目的

The HYResACE(2) measurement software correlates well with visual resolution measurements while avoiding some of the problems of using visual observations. It is also automatic, highly repeatable, and does not depend on an image display device. It supports both JPEG and BMP image file formats.


The HYResACE also avoids visual observation errors due to aliasing, by determining when the number of lines in the captured image of a resolution wedge decreases below that in the test chart. Once this condition occurs, the spatial frequency is considered to be “not resolved”. In other words, the measurement software uses the same judging rules as described in 5.3 of this document to remove the influence of artefacts.


B.2 Downloading the software 下载软件

The HYResACE measurement software that performs this measurement and the document “CIPA standard DC-003”, which contains a more detailed description of the software algorithm, can be downloaded (at no cost) from the following URL:



This web page is labelled “List of new or revised standards” under CIPA’s homepage, and the link to HYResACE download page is added at the bottom in the column of DC-003.


The document includes some annexes for HYRes (the original HYResACE software that uses the same algorithm) and a flowchart that completely describes the corresponding source code. There is also an annex report that describes the experiment and results used to validate HYRes. The objective results provided by the HYRes software were in good agreement with judged visual resolution by human observers.


B.3 Measurement procedure 测量程序

The following is a step-by-step description of the visual resolution measurement procedure.


1) Capture a digital image of the visual resolution test chart shown in Figure 1 under the test conditions specified in Clause 4.

1) 在第4条规定的试验条件下,拍摄图1所示视觉分辨率试验图的数字图像。

2) Read in the image file to the HYResACE software in the image trimming mode. Manually select the type of wedge (the black line number of the wedge, etc.) to be measured. Then, define the rectangular region of interest (ROI) which includes the wedge pattern from this test chart image by using the image trimming function of HYResACE, as shown in Figure B.1.

2) 在图像修剪模式下,将图像文件读入HYResACE软件。手动选择要测量的楔块类型(楔块的黑线号等)。然后,通过使用HYResACE的图像修剪功能,定义矩形感兴趣区域(ROI),其中包括来自该测试图图像的楔形图案,如图B.1所示。

3) HYResACE automatically opens the “Measuring window”, which is a mode for calculating the visual resolution, and displays the selected ROI. The visual resolution limit is then calculated and the measured value is displayed when the operator clicks the “Execute” button, as shown in Figure B.2.

3) HYResACE会自动打开“测量窗口”,这是一种计算视觉分辨率的模式,并显示选定的ROI。然后计算视觉分辨率极限,当操作员单击“执行”按钮时显示测量值,如图B.2所示。

4) HYResACE measures the visual resolution in four directions: horizontal, vertical, +45°, and –45°. The user only needs to specify the direction of the wedge when executing the image trimming process, as shown in Figure B.3.

4) HYResACE在四个方向上测量视觉分辨率:水平、垂直、+45°, 和–45°. 用户只需在执行图像修剪过程时指定楔块的方向,如图B.3所示。

B.4 The outline of the software processing 软件处理概述

B.4.1 Main process 主要流程

HYResACE detects the length of the wedge from the selected ROI and the position of the visual resolution limit line on the wedge in integer pixel units. To find these, a subprocess named “black line detection”, described below, is applied to each scan line sequentially. “Black line detection” is a process which simulates human visual perception of the wedge pattern.


NOTE This “line” is a horizontal raster scan line, not a black or white line of the wedge.


The reported visual resolution is easily calculated by taking the ratio of the calculated position of the resolution limit line to the overall wedge length. The correct absolute value is calculated by correcting the ratio to the actual magnification by using the wedge length and the image height (vertical pixel number) data of the original image before trimming. In this way, the magnification of the process is not required.


B.4.2 Black line detection 黑线检测

One’s ability to visually distinguish white spaces from the black lines of the hyperbolic resolution wedges in Figure B.1 relies on sophisticated and complex processing in the visual cortex. This processing accommodates and adapts to low frequency luminance differences and treats them as though they are effectively uniform. For example, in the high frequency regions of the wedge, near the visual resolution limit, the signal amplitude becomes very small, and any local amplitude change in luminance at the black/white lines can be smaller than the changes in luminance at lower frequencies across the entire wedge due to the spatial frequency behaviours of the camera and/or light shading and falloff. In such cases, there is a possibility that the minimum luminance value of a pixel on a black line is greater than the value of a pixel on a white line. This could be due to either stochastic noise or shading effects. Regardless, human vision will still distinguish the black and white lines of the wedge in response to their actual line luminance changes without being affected by changes unrelated to the line detection task at hand.


Also, in the low frequency range of the wedge, sharpening effects can often introduce “ringing” near the black/white edges that are interpreted as luminance changes. Often, such localized changes in luminance are much larger than the amplitude of the wedge image near the high frequency portion where the visual resolution limit is measured. In such cases, as long as the amplitude due to ringing is sufficiently small compared to the luminance amplitude of the wedge image at the low frequencies, human perception will filter and ignore it. In addition, human vision often ignores other noise sources (e.g. stochastic noise, etc.) in the image when they are sufficiently small. In summary, human vision often ignores luminance changes due to low and high frequency noise when a particular task, like line detection, is required. It is as though a spatially matched filter is imposed that allows the viewer to ignore absolute luminance changes that are irrelevant to the task at hand, namely line detection. The 

black line detection algorithm is able to simulate this process.


It does so in two important ways.


a) Detection of a black line at a locally minimum point in the scanning line is done by inflection point detection through analysis of neighbouring point differences.

a) 通过分析相邻点的差异,通过拐点检测在扫描线的局部最小点处检测黑线。

b) Significant signal differences are judged based on a variable threshold technique that is line frequency adaptive.

b) 基于一种自适应的可变阈值技术,判断显著的信号差异。

At the start of the algorithm’s line scanning process, a suitably high threshold level is chosen to accommodate the relatively large signal levels of the low frequency portions of the wedge. This threshold is decremented as higher frequency lines are probed in an attempt to detect the specified number of black lines (i.e. five). After the specified number of black lines is detected, the process continues onto the next scan lines until all five lines can no longer be detected using the same threshold level. At this point, the threshold level is decremented and the scan line under consideration is again analysed with the new threshold. If all five lines can still not be detected with this new threshold, the processing ceases and the visual resolution limit is reached.


B.4.3 Image rotation process 图像旋转过程

HYResACE operates on the data assuming that the main scanning direction crosses a hyperbolic wedge perpendicularly. In other words, the basic measurement process operates on the horizontal resolution wedge. The vertical and 45° slanted resolution measurements are performed by rotating the captured wedge images before performing the measurement.

假设主扫描方向与双曲楔体垂直相交,HYResACE对数据进行操作。换句话说,基本的测量过程是在水平分辨率上进行的。垂直和45° 倾斜分辨率测量是通过在执行测量之前旋转捕获的楔形图像来执行的。

The 90° rotation is a simple coordinate change and does not apply interpolation to generate new pixel values. Nearest neighbour interpolation is applied to fill vacant pixels with existing pixel values without creating new numerical values for the 45° (or its multiple) rotation. This is shown in Figures B.4 and B.5.

90° 旋转是一个简单的坐标更改,不应用插值来生成新的像素值。45°旋转(或它的倍数),最近邻插值使用现有像素值填充空白像素,而不应为像素创建新的数值 。如图B.4和B.5所示。

Because a 45° rotation increases the relative size of the image (as shown in Figure B.5), compensation for this factor is necessary in calculating resolution. HYResACE automatically compensates for this factor as required.

因为45° 旋转会增加图像的相对大小(如图B.5所示),在计算分辨率时需要对该因素进行补偿。HYResACE会根据需要自动补偿此因素。

Annex C(informative) Low contrast edge SFR test chart with OECF patches 附录C(资料性附录)带OECF补丁的低对比度边缘SFR测试图

A lower contrast SFR test chart is used based on experiences from ISO 12233:2000 target shown in Figure I.1. The high contrast edge features of ISO 12233:2000 target often yielded clipped count values in the final image file, especially for processed image files. This led to corrupted and variable SFR results. The lack of OECF patches in the original target also made it inconvenient to account for the OECF response without a separate capture. The revised test chart is shown in Figure C.1 and defined in Table C.1. It is a grey scale test chart which includes a low modulation slanted edge. The test chart also includes grey scale patches which are used to determine the OECF. While the example chart in Figure C.1 uses 16 OECF test patches, a 20 patch version as described in ISO 14524 may also be substituted.

根据图I.1所示ISO 12233:2000目标的经验,使用低对比度SFR测试图。iso12233:2000目标中的高对比度边缘特征通常会在最终图像文件中产生处理的记录,特别是对于处理过的图像文件。这导致SFR结果损坏和可变。原始目标中缺少OECF补丁也使得在没有单独捕获的情况下很难解释OECF响应。修改后的试验图表如图C.1所示,并在表C.1中进行了定义。这是一个灰度测试图,其中包括一个低调制斜边。测试图还包括用于确定组织环境足迹的灰度图。虽然图C.1中的示例图表使用16个OECF测试补丁,但也可以替换ISO 14524中描述的20个补丁版本。

Table C.1 — Details and requirements of the low contrast edge SFR test chart in Figure C.1

Code 编号        Characteristics and application 特点及应用

A        Black border with inner edge which defines active target area带内边缘的黑色边框,用于定义活动目标区域

B         White framing arrows used to frame target horizontally or vertically用于水平或垂直框定目标的白色框架箭头

C        Active target area. The integrated reflectance (or transmittance) of the area within the 4:3 aspect ratio bounds (RL) shall be between 0,15 and 0,25.活动目标区域。4:3纵横比界限(RL)内区域的综合反射率(或透射率)应在0.15和0.25之间。

D        Framing lines and arrows that define 4:3 and 3:2 aspect ratios定义4:3和3:2纵横比的框架线和箭头

E        Centre slanted edge square (5°) with focusing aid to provide on-axis SFR metrology. This feature shall be of sufficient size to satisfy the 32 frequency sample requirement of 8.3.2 for a 640 × 480 pixel dimension of the active area. It shall be centred within the active area. The modulation contrast shall be between 0,55 and 0,65.

中心斜边正方形(5°) 借助聚焦辅助装置提供轴上SFR计量。该特征应具有足够的尺寸,以满足8.3.2中针对640x480像素尺寸活动区域的32倍频率样本的要求。它应位于活动区域的中心。调制对比度应在0.55和0.65之间。

F        Slanted edge squares used to measure SFR at 50 % field position for 4:3 aspect ratio. This feature shall be of sufficient size to satisfy the 32 frequency sample requirement of 8.3.2 for a 640 × 480 pixel dimension of the active area. There shall be four of these features, two centred horizontally and two centred vertically on either side of the feature E. A 5 % positional tolerance relative to the 50 % field position is allowed. The modulation contrast shall be between 0,55 and 0,65. 斜边正方形用于在50%视场位置测量SFR,宽高比为4:3。该特征应具有足够的尺寸,以满足8.3.2中针对640x480像素尺寸活动区域的32倍频率样本的要求。这些特征应有四个,两个水平居中,两个垂直居中,位于特征E的两侧。相对于50%的现场位置,允许有5%的位置公差。调制对比度应在0.55和0.65之间。

G        Slanted edge squares used to measure SFR at 70 % field position for 4:3 aspect ratio. This feature shall be of sufficient size to satisfy the 32 frequency sample requirement of 8.3.2 for a 640 × 480 pixel dimension of the active area. There shall be four of these features positioned on the active area diagonals as shown in Figure C.1. A 5 % positional tolerance relative to the 70 % field position is allowed. The modulation contrast shall be between 0,55 and 0,65.斜边正方形用于在70%视场位置测量SFR,宽高比为4:3。该特征应具有足够的尺寸,以满足8.3.2中针对640x480像素尺寸活动区域的32倍频率样本的要求。如图C.1所示,活动区域对角线上应有四个这些特征。相对于70%的现场位置,允许有5%的位置公差。调制对比度应在0.55和0.65之间。

H        OECF patches whose reflectances, circular symmetry, and geometric order are consistent with the requirements in ISO 14524. Due to space limitations, the patch sizes should be scaled to fit within the active area without interfering with the slanted edge features. The OECF patches should be numbered as indicated in Figure C.1.反射、圆对称性和几何顺序符合ISO 14524要求的OECF补丁。由于空间限制,应缩放补丁大小以适应活动区域,而不干扰斜边特征。OECF补丁应按图C.1所示进行编号。

I        Asymmetric features for automatic target detection. These features should be placed within the 4:3 active area aspect ratio, but can be placed for convenience as dictated by use cases.自动目标检测的不对称特征。这些特性应该放置在4:3的活动区域宽高比范围内,但是可以根据用例的要求方便地放置。

Annex D (normative) Edge spatial frequency response (e-SFR) algorithm 附录D(规范性附录)边缘空间频率响应(e-SFR)算法

The software that performs this measurement can be accessed from www.iso.org/12233.


The edge-based SFR (e-SFR) measurement algorithm used in this document for analysis of the low contrast tilted edge uses the normalized discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a single line spread function (LSF):


k is the index for spatial frequency;


LSF'w  is the windowed, average, centred, super-sampled line spread function formed from the selected region of the chart image; much of the data processing in the algorithm and employed in the SFR measurement algorithm is involved in preparing LSF'w  for the DFT;


D ( k) is the correction for the frequency response of the discrete derivative used to derive the point spread function from the edge spread function,

D ( k)是对离散导数频率响应的校正,用于从边缘扩展函数导出点扩展函数,

The SFR measurement algorithm does not constrain the selection region to be an even number of pixels (P) and rows (R). The selected region is converted from digital code values to an edge spread image of normalized photopic intensities via the OECF and colour weighting coefficients a, b, and c [see Formula (D.2)].


DN is the digital output level;


(p, r) is the index of each pixel.


Each row (r) of the edge spread image is an estimate of the camera edge spread function (ESF). Each of these ESFs is differentiated to form its discrete line spread function (LSF). The position of the centroid (C) of each r LSF is determined along the continuous variable x, where x has the range (1, X) [see Formula (D.3)].

边缘扩展图像的每一行(r)是相机边缘扩展函数(ESF)的估计。每一个ESF被区分形成它的离散线扩展函数(LSF)。每个r LSF的质心(C)的位置沿连续变量x确定,其中x具有范围(1,x)[见公式(D.3)]。

The slope, m, of the best-fit line relating the x positions of the centroids to the r index of each row is computed as follows


where the bar indicates the average, and Δr = 1 row.


This slope, m, is used to compute a shift, S(r), to be applied to each row to bring each ESF to coincidence around a common origin at x = 0. It effectively takes the tilt out of the edge.


The next step is the super sampling and averaging. This step forms a composite requantized edge spread function (ESF) over the discrete variable j, where j is four times more finely sampled than p but is not a continuous variable like x. The super sampling factor is 4, so 4PX bins are created, each with a width of 1/4 pixels.


The function alpha (α) is simply a counter and a switch to include or exclude a value in any bin.

函数alpha(α) 只是一个计数器和一个开关,用于包含或排除任何bin中的值。

j is an integer.


The average super-sampled edge spread function is then differentiated and windowed.


The first and last values of the computed LSF are then repeated, so the LSF vector has a length N = 4P (4X)


Substitution of Formula (D.8) into Formula (D.1) produces SFR(f), where f = k/X, so that the data are reported in cycles/pixel.


To report the data in frequency units of LW/PH, multiply the frequency values by the number of rows of pixels per image height (for vertical SFR measurements) or by the number of columns of pixels within a horizontal distance equal to the image height (for horizontal SFR measurements).


To report the data in frequency units of cycles per millimetre on the image sensor, the frequency values are multiplied by 1/2 times the number of rows of photosites per millimetre on the sensor (for vertical SFR measurements) or 1/2 times the number of columns of pixels per millimetre on the sensor (for horizontal SFR measurements).


To report the data in frequency units of cycles per millimetre on the test chart, the frequency values are multiplied by the number of rows of photosites on the sensor divided by the height of the active area of the test chart (for vertical SFR measurements) or by the number of columns of pixels on the sensor divided by the width of the active area of the test chart (for horizontal SFR measurements).


A diagram depicting the key steps of the e-SFR algorithm is shown in Figure D.1.


Annex E (normative) Sine wave star test chart 附录E(规范性附录)正弦波星形试验图

The sine wave star test chart shown in Figure E.1 can be used as a single chart or multiple charts can be arranged in one image. The chart should be grey. The camera should be white balanced prior to the measurement.


The chart includes the features listed in Table E.1.


Table E.1 — Features of sine wave test chart

Code 编号        Application 应用        特点

A        Markers for the region of interest感兴趣区域的标记   Black squares with a smaller white square inside内有较小的白色正方形的黑色正方形

B        16 grey patches for linearization16个灰色图卡用于线性化   Squares aligned along the ROI markers equally spaced in reflection from white to max. black沿ROI标记对齐的正方形,在反射中从白色到最大黑色等距排列

C        Background背景    The background should have a reflection of 18 %.背景应具有18%的反射。

D        Sine wave star正弦波星    The star should be a sine wave (in reflection) modulated starburst pattern with a frequency of typically 144 cycles. For lower resolution cameras, a 72-cycle star can be used.星图应该是正弦波(反射)调制的星暴模式,频率通常为144个周期。对于低分辨率相机,可以使用72周期的星。

E        Centre marker for the exact positioning of the star用于精确定位星图的中心标记     A circle with two white and two black segments opposite to each other. The size of the circle should be chosen to cover the area that should not be used due to the lack of resolution of the output system used to produce the star.两个白色和两个黑色部分相对的圆。选择圆的大小应该覆盖不使用的区域,因为用于产生星图的输出系统缺乏分辨率。

The charts are limited in their application because of the production method used to generate the chart. Therefore, the manufacturer should report the maximum number of pixels the chart shall cover in an image.


The given sizes are scaled to a chart width of 29 cm and a height of 27 cm. The diameter of the starburst pattern is 25 cm. If the design is carried out in a vector-based software, it is possible to scale the chart to any size required, keeping production and application limits in mind. The contrast of the structures should be above 50:1 and below 250:1 reflectance ratio. A listing of the design features of the sine wave star test chart can be found in Table E.2.


Annex F (normative) Sine wave spatial frequency response (s-SFR) analysis algorithm 附录F(规范性附录)正弦波空间频率响应(s-SFR)分析算法

An executable version of software has been developed to perform measurements using this test chart. The software, which was created using Matlab®3), can be accessed from www.iso.org/12233. The software can report the results from a single image or can average the results from numerous images. The star is divided into a user-selected number of segments (typically eight segments) for analysis. The user selects the area of the captured image that contains the chart, with the lightest patch in the upper right corner. The result shows the modulation versus frequency (in LP/PH) for each of the segments.


The Siemens star elements are identified using the marks in the corners and the centre of each star. Then, the OECF of the camera is determined using the 16 grey patches of the central star. The image is linearized using the inverse of the OECF. See Figure F.1.


From the diameter of the stars and the image height, the scale is determined to translate the star frequency into line pairs per picture height (LP/PH). See Table H.1 for conversion between different resolution metrics.


res     is the resolution, in LP/PH;

res    为分辨率,单位LP/PH;

Np     is the number of cycles for the Siemens star;

Np    是Siemens星内的圆圈数;

Ny     is the image height in pixel;

Ny    为图像高度,以像素为单位;

rPixel is the radius of the circle (from the centre of the star).


NOTE To get LW/PH, the above result needs to be multiplied by 2. See Table I.1.


To correct for a possible distortion, the star is divided into 24 segments, and for each segment, the boundary of the star is detected. The appropriate radii for the evaluation (Figure F.2) of the stars are calculated. These calculated radii are corrected with a factor depending on the irregular circular shape which was found for the single star. This way, a distortion can be corrected without modification of the image itself.


Then, the star is divided into 24 segments. In one segment on one single radius, the nearest pixels to that radius are searched, and the digital value and the angle under which the pixel was found are stored. There is no interpolation for pixel values on the radius. Instead of using interpolation methods, the nearest pixel beside the correct radius position is used, if there is no pixel in the exact place (Figure F.3). This leads to lower errors in the result than pixel value interpolation. The mean value of the data of three segments is calculated. So finally, data of eight segments are obtained. This provides information on vertical, horizontal, and diagonal contrast behaviour of the cameras.


For the s-SFR measurement, a minimum of four images of the test chart described in Annex E shall be evaluated and averaged. Using the software which can be accessed from www.iso.org/12233, the star can be divided into a user-selected number of segments (typically eight). For each segment, a minimum of 32 equally spaced radii should be analysed.


The following is a detailed description of the steps taken by the analysis.


Step 1: The star is located using the four surrounding markers for the region of interest.


Step 2: The image is linearized using the 16 grey patches around the star.


Step 3: A user-selectable segmentation of the star is made.


Step 4: A minimum of 32 radii are analysed by localizing the pixels along the radius and selecting the digital code values for the linearized image as a function of the angle (see Figure F.4).


For a harmonic Siemens star, the intensity is given as:


The angle for each pixel can be calculated using


with x = 0 and y = 0 as the centre of the star. Since the phase of the signal, ϕ0 , is not known, Formula (F.5) has to be used instead of Formula (F.3).

以x = 0 y = 0为中心。由于信号的相位ϕ0不知道,因此用公式(F.5)代替公式(F.3)。

Step 5: A sine curve with the expected frequency is fitted into the measured values by minimizing the square error.


Step 6: The contrast of the sine curve is determined by calculating the contrast from Figure F.5.


Step 7: The modulation as a function of the frequency is the result of the analysis and shall be reported as stated in 8.3.2 or 8.3.3.


Annex G (informative) Colour-filtered resolution measurements 附件G(参考性)彩色过滤分辨率测量

G.1 General 概述

Although it is well known that luminance resolution is most important, the ability to accurately render coloured details, colour textures, and coloured fabrics cannot be overlooked. This includes the ability to accurately render single-pixel colour details, as well as avoiding colour aliasing. All consumer digital cameras on the market today record in colour and the scenes people are photographing are usually in colour. In this annex, a technique for measuring how well a camera can reproduce the details of a test scene that includes saturated colours is recommended.


The proposed method is to use the standard black and white targets and their existing analysis methods (as described in this document), but have these photographed through colour separation filters. This method is easily implemented and controlled and is an easy way to isolate a camera’s ability to render modulation of patterns formed by coloured objects. By simple specification of the appropriate colour separation filters, a method is suggested that avoids the problems and variation involved in fabricating a coloured resolution target. The red colour filter, for example, produces a scene which includes saturated red patterns on a black background.


G.2 Choice of colour filters 彩色滤镜的选择

One set of colour filters proposed is the “Status T” filters specified in ISO 5-3:2009. Kodak Wratten4) filter sets could also be used for this application, such as numbers 29 (red), 61 (green), and 47B (blue) or the less aggressive colour separation set numbers 25 (red), 58 (green), and 47 (blue). Although these filters provide a better analysis of a camera’s ability to resolve coloured details, other filters could be used either to avoid an overly sensitive interaction with a particular camera’s internal filters or as an additional comparison aimed at increasing the range of colours considered. The colour filters used in the measurements should be reported with the results. Because these filters are chosen to separate the red, green, and blue components employed in most camera implementations, the Nyquist frequencies of the colour components can be estimated depending on the results and the particular sensor configuration.

提出的一套颜色滤镜是ISO 5-3:2009中规定的“状态T”滤镜。柯达Wratten4)滤镜组也可用于此应用,如数字29(红色)、61(绿色)和47B(蓝色),或较弱的分色组数字25(红色)、58(绿色)和47(蓝色)。虽然这些滤镜可以更好地分析相机分辨彩色细节的能力,但其他滤镜可以用于避免与特定相机内部滤镜的过度敏感交互,或者用于增加考虑的颜色范围的额外比较。测量中使用的滤色片应与测量结果一起报告。由于在大多数相机实现中,选择这些滤波器来分离红色、绿色和蓝色成分,颜色成分的奈奎斯特频率可以根据结果和特定的传感器配置进行估计。

G.3 Camera settings 摄像机设置

In these measurements, it is important to make sure that the camera’s settings are consistent. We recommend that the camera be adjusted as described in Clause 4 and the illumination used as described in 4.1. In particular, the camera should be focused on the target before the colour filters are placed in front of the camera lens either by the auto-focusing system or by selecting the focus position as described in 4.3. Using this method, the chromatic properties of the camera lens are integrated into the measurement, in addition to the sensor design and the processing algorithms. This technique best represents the typical photographic scene where a range of coloured scene content exists. White balance should also be either manually set to the illumination conditions (without the coloured filter) or set to the test chart before the filter is added to the optical path (if a pre-shutter release position is used in the camera for this function). In order to obtain sufficient signal-to-noise ratio of the test image, the exposure energy and/or camera ISO speed can be adjusted for each filter so long as the camera’s aperture does not change and the shutter speed and ISO speed settings are noted.


Another option, applicable for some applications, would be to focus the camera lens on the target separately for each filter being used in the study. This method segregates the effects of the sensor and processing algorithms from the optical properties of the camera lens (by providing image signals that are optimally focused for each exposure).


Annex H (informative) Units and summary metrics 附件H(信息性)单位和汇总指标

H.1 Conversions between commonly used units

LW/PH     Line width per picture height 每幅图片高度的线宽

LP/mm    Line pairs per millimetre 每毫米线对数

L/mm       Lines per millimetre 每毫米线数

To convert from left column units to top row units, use the operation at their row/column intersection.


EXAMPLE 实例 5 LP/mm × 2,0 = 10,0 L/mm.

NOTE 1 The pixel pitch in the 45° diagonal direction is not the same as in the vertical and horizontal directions. Therefore, the diagonal pixel pitch is used when applying this table to measurements in the diagonal directions.


NOTE 2 The pixel pitch is the pitch of pixels in the image file. The picture height and pixel pitch used, in millimetres, are for the same magnification at which the lines per millimetre was determined, or vice versa.


H.2 Relation between SFR, sharpness, and acutance SFR关系、锋利度和锐度

It is important to note the relation between spatial resolution and image sharpness. Spatial resolution, as defined in this document, is an objective analytical measure of a digital capture device’s ability to maintain the optical contrast or modulation of increasingly finer spaced details in a scene. This is what the SFR characterizes. Image sharpness is the subjective impression of visually detecting finely spaced detail or edge transitions. The higher the contrast of visually important details (i.e. the greater the SFR over a wide range of details), the greater the likelihood of visually judging a rendered image of those details as sharp. While image noise and tone reproduction are also influential in the perception of image sharpness, the SFR of the imaging system (e.g. camera plus print) has proven to be the strongest correlate to image sharpness and is the basis for all acutance-type image sharpness predictors. A number of sharpness or acutance metrics based on SFR metrology have been proposed and demonstrated over the years. An excellent review of early metrics can be found in References [19] and [25].


H.3 Sampling efficiency rating (Es) 采样效率等级

For digital imaging, there are primarily two items that determine true optical resolution.


a) Sampling frequency: usually referred to in terms of the number of addressable photoelements.

a) 取样频率:通常指可寻址光电元件的数目。

      EXAMPLE: 5 megapixels on a sensor.

      例如: 传感器上的500万像素。

b) Optical effects: factors such as focus, lens f-number, optical glass quality, and assembly.

b) 光学效果:诸如焦点、透镜f值、光学玻璃质量和装配等因素。

Most users consider sampling frequency as the only variable in determining resolution. Optical effects need to be considered also. If the sampling frequency (i.e. number of megapixels) is low, one cannot compensate by using high quality optics. Similarly, a high number of megapixels cannot compensate for low quality optics. It is the latter case for which the sampling efficiency rating is intended. Ideally, one would like the sampling, or number of photoelements, to take full advantage of a camera’s optical quality. If not, a single number, or efficiency, indicating the extent of such a shortcoming, would be helpful in assessing the effective number of claimed photoelements[21].


The calculation of Formula (H.1) would yield the number of optically resolved photoelements using the sampling efficiency value, Es.


Po     is the number of optically resolved photoelements;

Po     是光学分辨光电元件的数量;

Es     is the sampling efficiency;

Es      是采样效率;

Pc     is the number of claimed photoelements.

Pc      是声称的光电元件数量。

The sampling efficiency rating ranges from 0% to 100% and uses a two-dimensional SFR area-normalized approach in its formulation. The reader is referred to Figure H.1 for clarity. It depicts a circular quadrant area. The perimeter of the quadrant is the locus of maximum sampling efficiency (100 %) for any angular direction. Ideally, if the sampling efficiency in all angular directions was characterized as 100, then a number of points would lie on that locus. A step-by-step procedure for calculating sampling efficiency is provided below when using horizontal, vertical, and 45° resolution values.

采样效率等级在0%到100%之间,在其公式中采用二维SFR区域归一化方法。为了清楚起见,读者可参考图H.1。它描绘了一个圆形象限区域。象限周长是任意角度采样效率最大值(100%)的轨迹。理想情况下,如果所有角度方向的采样效率被表征为100,那么该轨迹上会有若干点。以下提供了一个计算取样效率的逐步程序,用于使用水平、垂直和45° 分辨率值。

1) Determine the visual resolution in LW/PH for the horizontal (RH), vertical (RV), and ±45° (R+45, R-45) directions. Alternately, equivalent frequency units of cycle/pixel derived from the 0,10 SFR response levels of either of the SFR methods can also be used.

1) 确定水平(RH)、垂直(RV)和垂直方向的视觉分辨率(LW/PH)±45° (R+45,R-45)方向。或者,也可以使用从任一SFR方法的0,10 SFR响应电平导出的周期/像素的等效频率单位。

2) Calculate individual directional efficiencies for EH, EV, E+45, and E-45 by normalizing the visual resolutions of item #1 by the captured image’s picture height. When using cycles/pixel frequency units, normalize by 0,5 cycle/pixel. Any normalized value greater than 1,0 shall be assigned the value of 1,0.

2) 通过将项目#1的视觉分辨率标准化为捕获图像的图片高度,计算EH、EV、E+45和E-45的单个方向效率。使用周期/像素频率单位时,按0.5周期/像素进行规格化。任何大于1.0的标准化值应指定为1.0。

3) Combine E+45 and E-45 efficiencies into an equally weighted average diagonal value, ED.

3) 将E+45和E-45效率合并为一个相等加权平均对角线值ED。

4) Calculate the sampling efficiency rating (ER) as the product of 100, ED, and the average of EH and EV.

4) 将采样效率等级(ER)计算为100、ED和EH和EV平均值的乘积。

EXAMPLE       2 048 pixel high × 3 072 pixel wide = 6,0 MPixel camera file.

If only EH and EV are known, the formula for sampling efficiency is


Annex I (informative) Original test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 附录I(资料性附录)ISO 12233:2000中定义的原始试验图

I.1 General 概述

This third edition of ISO 12233 cancels and replaces the second edition, ISO 12233:2014, which had previously cancelled and replaced the first edition, ISO 12233:2000. However, users are allowed to use the test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 to perform some of the measurements defined in this third edition of ISO 12233. For this reason, this annex describes the test chart originally defined in ISO 12233:2000.

ISO 12233第三版取消并替换了第二版ISO 12233:2014,该版本先前已取消并替换了第一版ISO 12233:2000。但是,用户可以使用ISO 12233:2000中定义的测试图来执行ISO 12233第三版中定义的一些测量。因此,本附录描述了中最初定义的试验图表ISO 12233:2000。

I.2 The original test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 (ISO 12233:2000中规定的原始试验图表)

A reproduction of the original test chart defined in ISO 12233:2000 is shown in Figure I.1. Figure I.2 is a diagram showing the locations of particular features of the test chart, which may be either a reflective or transmissive chart. The purpose of each test pattern element is listed in Table I.1.

ISO 12233:2000中规定的原始试验图表的复制品如图I.1所示。图I.2是示出试验图的特定特征位置的图,试验图可以是反射图或透射图。表I.1列出了每个测试模式元素的用途。

The requirement to both of test pattern modulation and the positional tolerance is the same as described in 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 in this document because there are no fundamental changes in the revision.


All test chart features are specified in units of line widths per picture height (LW/PH), where the height is the active image distance in the shorter test chart dimension. The finest features are 2 000 LW/PH, which is equivalent to 1 000 line pairs per picture height.


I.3 Limiting resolution measurements in ISO 12233:2000 (ISO 12233:2000中的极限分辨率测量)

The limiting resolution in ISO 12233:2000 was defined as the value, in LW/PH, of that portion of a specified resolution test pattern that corresponds to an average modulation value equal to some specified SFR value (specifically 10 % SFR value). The test chart includes vertical, horizontal, and two diagonal square wave sweeps, labelled as P in Figure I.2, which are used to perform this measurement. For all four patterns, the reference response is defined as the difference between the signal values from the black squares at the end of the square wave sweeps and the white region around the square wave sweeps.

ISO 12233:2000中的极限分辨率定义为特定分辨率试验模式部分的值,单位为LW/PH,该部分对应于等于某些特定SFR值(特别是10%SFR值)的平均调制值。测试图包括垂直、水平和两个对角线方波扫描,在图I.2中标记为P,用于执行此测量。对于所有四种模式,参考响应被定义为方波扫描结束时黑色正方形和方波扫描周围白色区域的信号值之间的差值。

Some patterns placed on ISO 12233:2000 chart shown in Figure I.1 are provided for limiting resolution measurement as shown in Table I.1.

图I.1所示的ISO 12233:2000图表上的一些模式用于限制分辨率测量,如表I.1所示。

I.4 Spatial frequency response measurement in ISO 12233:2000 (high contrast edge SFR) 

ISO 12233:2000(高对比度边缘SFR)中的空间频率响应测量

The spatial frequency response (SFR) measurement in ISO 12233:2000 was defined as the value measured by analysing the camera data near a slanted black to white edge. For the target shown in Figure I.2, the black L and T patterns are to be used to measure the horizontal, vertical, and two diagonal SFR.


This method is an edge-based spatial frequency response (e-SFR) measurement using high contrast edge pattern, and replaced by the method using low contrast edge pattern described in Clause 6 and Annexes C and D.


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[28] ISO 5-3:2009, Photography and graphic technology — Density measurements — Part 3: Spectral conditions

[28]ISO 5-3:2009,摄影和图形技术-密度测量-第3部分:光谱条件

### 回答1: ISO 12233-2017国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一项关于数字相机和扫描仪的图像质量评估方法的标准。该标准于2017年发布,并在数字图像技术领域具有广泛的应用。 ISO 12233-2017主要通过定义与测量数字相机和扫描仪产生图像分辨率、噪声、颜色准确度等方面的参数来评估其图像质量。这些参数包括线性分辨力、快速扫描分辨力、低对比度断线分辨力等,通过对图像样本进行测量和分析,来评估设备的性能。 其框架主要分为四个部分:测试相机设置、图像质量测量目标、测试场景和图像分析方法。其中,测试相机设置部分主要规定了相机的参数设置要求,以确保测试的准确性和可重复性;图像质量测量目标部分定义了评估图像质量的指标和所需的图像样本;测试场景部分规定了测试中环境的要求;图像分析方法部分介绍了如何通过对图像进行分析来评估图像质量。 ISO 12233-2017的发布对于帮助用户选择合适的相机和扫描仪、评估其图像质量具有重要意义。通过使用这个标准,用户可以比较不同设备的性能,选择最适合其需求的设备。同时,该标准也为相机和扫描仪的制造商提供了一个统一的评估标准,有助于他们改进产品的设计和生产。 ### 回答2: ISO 12233-2017是一项国际标准,涵盖了图像质量评估的准则。该标准旨在帮助摄影师、相机制造商和图像处理工程师评估数字相机图像质量,并提供一种标准化的方法来比较不同相机之间的性能。 该标准主要关注相机的空间分辨率和细节保留能力,以及图像的噪点水平和色彩准确性等因素。通过使用标准化的测试图像,可以对相机分辨率、失真、具体细节的捕捉以及图像质量在不同光线条件下的表现进行评估。 ISO 12233-2017标准提供了用于测量图像分辨率的标准化测试方法。该方法使用包含不同频率线条的测试图像,在不同的拍摄条件下进行测量。通过对图像中线条的细节进行分析和测量,可以得出相机分辨率能力。 此外,该标准还提供了测量噪点水平的方法。噪点是指在图像中出现的随机噪声,使图像看起来像是被粒子所干扰。该标准提供了一种标准化的方法,通过分析测试图像中的噪点水平来评估相机的性能。 总之,ISO 12233-2017是一个重要的图像质量评估标准,通过标准化的测试方法和测试图像,可以帮助用户评估相机的性能,选择最适合自己需求的设备。同时,该标准也为相机制造商和图像处理工程师提供了准确、可比较的数据,用于改进产品功能和增强图像质量。 ### 回答3: ISO12233-2017国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的一项关于数字摄影机画质测量的标准。该标准的全名是"Photography - Electronic still picture imaging - Resolution and spatial frequency responses",即"摄影-电子静止图像-分辨率和空域频率响应"。 ISO12233-2017主要用于评估数字摄影机的分辨率和空域频率响应,这是评估摄影机画质的关键因素之一。这一标准详细描述了测量这些参数的方法和步骤。它包括了测量分辨率的实验设置、测试目标、计算公式以及结果的表达方式。 根据ISO12233-2017的要求,测量摄影机分辨率的方法是通过拍摄特定的测试目标,根据目标上的棋盘格状图案来计算分辨率。通过测量图案中的直线条纹对比度,可以确定摄影机在不同空间频率上的分辨率表现。 该标准的目的是使不同设备和测试结果之间的比较更为准确和可靠。通过使用ISO12233-2017标准,用户可以在不同的摄影机上进行比较和评估,选择最适合自己需求的设备。 总而言之,ISO12233-2017是一个标准化的摄影机画质测量方法,可以帮助用户准确地评估数字摄影机的分辨率和空域频率响应。这对于摄影师、摄像师和摄影设备制造商来说都具有重要意义,能够为他们选择和优化设备提供参考和帮助。




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