HTML Special Characters

Search Using [Ctrl + F]

Pressing down CTRL + F on your keyboard will bring up a search box that will allow you to search within the page.Most savvy web surfers know about this but I thought I'd mention it just in case.


Assorted Arrows

  • Dotted Left arrow 8672 21E0
  • Dotted Right 8674 21E2
  • Dotted up 8673 21E1
  • Dotted down 8675 21E3
  • Double-headed Left 8606 219E
  • Double-headed right 8608 21A0
  • Double-headed up 8607 219F
  • Double-headed down 8609 21A1
  • Simple Left larr 2190
  • Simple Right rarr 2192
  • Simple Up uarr 2191
  • Simple Down darr 2193
  • Simple Left/Right harr 2194
  • Simple Up/down 8597 2195
  • Double left/right 8644 21C4
  • Double up/down 8645 21C5
  • Tailed left 8610 21A2
  • Tailed Right 8611 21A3
  • Double stroke up 8670 21DE
  • Double stroke down 8671 21DF
  • Loop Left 8619 21AB
  • Loop Right 8620 21AC
  • Squiggle Left 8668 21DC
  • Squiggle Right 8669 21DD
  • Left stroke 8602 219A
  • Right stroke 8603 219B
  • Stroked left/right 8622 21AE
  • Squiggle left/right 8621 21AD

Shaped Arrows

  • Outlined left 8678 21E6
  • Outlined right 8680 21E8
  • Outlined up 8679 21E7
  • Outlined Down 8681 21E9
  • Curved 8631 21B7
  • Curved 8630 21B6
  • Reload 8635 21BB
  • Reload 8634 21BA
  • Reload Circle 10227 27F3
  • Reload Circular 10226 27F2
  • Quadruple Up 10224 27F0
  • Quadruple Down 10225 27F1
  • Return/Enter crarr 21B5
  • ZigZag Down 8623 21AF
  • Upload/Download 8693 21F5

Right Pointers

  • Arrow 10132 2794
  • Arrow 10137 2799
  • Arrow 10152 27A8
  • Circled arrow 10162 27B2
  • Round tipped 10140 279C
  • Triangle headed 10142 279E
  • Dashed 10143 279F
  • Heavy dashed 10144 27A0
  • Arrowhead 10148 27A4
  • Curved up 10149 27A5
  • Curved down 10150 27A6
  • Squated short 10151 27A7
  • Wedged tail line 10165 27B5
  • Wedged tail slim 10168 27B8
  • Wedged tail medium 10172 27BC
  • Wedged tail heavy 10173 27BD
  • Tear droped 10170 27BA
  • Feathered 10163 27B3
  • Outlined Rectangular 10174 27BE

Basic Shapes

  • Up triangle 9650 25B2
  • Right triangle 9658 25BA
  • Down triangle 9660 25BC
  • Left triangle 9668 25C4
  • Heart (heavy) 10084 2764
  • Plane 9992 2708
  • Star 9733 2605
  • 4 point star 10022 2726
  • Sunshine 9728 2600
  • Diamond 9670 25C6
  • Diamond w/dot 9672 25C8
  • Block w/dot 9635 25A3


  • Guillemet left « laquo 00AB
  • Guillemet right » raquo 00BB
  • Angle quote left lsaquo 008B
  • Angle quote right rsaquo009B
  • Quote double open 8220 201C
  • Quote double closed 8221 201D
  • Quote open 8216 2018
  • Quote closed 8217 2019
  • Bullet bull 2022
  • Bullet outline 9702 25E6
  • Inverted exclamation ¡ iexcl00A1
  • Inverted question ¿ iquest00BF
  • In Care of 8453 2105
  • Number sign 8470 2116
  • Ampersand & amp 0026
  • At sign @ 64 0040
  • Ellipsis hellip 2026
  • Paragraph sign para 00B6
  • Triangle Bullet 8227 2023
  • Section Mark § sect 00A7
  • Prescription 8478 211E
  • Celsius 8451 2103
  • Fahrenheit 8457 2109
  • Degree ° deg 00B0
  • Vertical bar | 124 007C
  • Broken vertical bar ¦ brvbar00A6
  • N dash ndash 2013
  • M dash mdash 2014
  • Tilde tilde 223C
  • Not Equal 8800 2260
  • F with hook ƒ fnof 0192

Legal symbols

  • Registered trademark ® reg00AE
  • Copyright © copy 00A9
  • Copyright Music 8471 2117
  • Trademark trade 0099
  • Service mark 8480 2120

Currency, Money

  • American Dollar $ 36 0024
  • American Cent ¢ cent 00A2
  • British Pound £ pound 00A3
  • Currency Symbol ¤ curren 00A4
  • Europeon Euro euro 20AC
  • Japanese Yen ¥ yen 00A5
  • Peso 8369 20B1
  • Indian Rupee 8377 20B9

Math, Fractions, Percentages

  • One half ½ frac12 00BD
  • One fourth ¼ frac14 00BC
  • Three fourths ¾ frac34 00BE
  • One third frac13 2153
  • Two thirds frac23 2154
  • One eighth frac18 215B
  • Three eighths frac38 215C
  • Five eighths frac58 215D
  • Per mille sign permil 2030
  • Percent sign % 37 0025
  • Less than < lt 003C
  • Equal Than > rt 003E

Music Notes

  • Quarter Note 9833 2669
  • Eighth Note 9834 266A
  • Single note 9835 266B
  • Double note 9836 266C
  • Flat note 9837 266D
  • Sharp note 9839 266F

Checkmarks, X and boxes

  • Blank Space   160 00A0
  • Box 9744 2610
  • Box checked 9745 2611
  • Box X 9746 2612
  • Check 10003 2713
  • Check heavy 10004 2714
  • X 10005 10005
  • X heavy 10006 2716
  • X ballot 10007 2717
  • X ballot heavy 10008 2718


  • Patriarchal Cross 9768 2628
  • Greek Cross 9769 2629
  • Latin Roman Cross 10013 271D
  • Cross 3D 10014 271E
  • Latin Cross outline 10015 271F
  • Maltese Cross 10016 2720
  • Medical Cross 10010 271A
  • Dagger Cross 8224 2020
  • Tear drop cross 10018 2722
  • Tear drop heavy 10020 2724
  • Tear drop outline 10019 2723
  • Club spoked 10021 2725

Stars, Asterisks, Snowflaks

  • Star 9733 2605
  • Outerlined star 10029 272D
  • Outerlined star 10030 272E
  • Star outlined 9734 2606
  • Star circle 10026 272A
  • Star of David/Satan 10017 2721
  • 5 point Beveled star 10031 272F
  • 8 point Beveled star 10037 2735
  • 6 point star 10038 2736
  • 8 point star 10040 2738
  • 8 point star heavy 10041 2739
  • 16 point asterisk 10042 273A
  • Heavy asterisk 10033 2731
  • Open-center 10034 2732
  • 8 point heavy 10036 2734
  • 8 point 10035 2733
  • 6 point teardrop 10043 273B
  • 6 point heavy teardrop 10045 273D
  • 8 point propeller 10059 274B
  • Snowflak cheveron 10054 2746
  • Snowflak 10052 2744
  • Snowflak heavy 10053 2745


  • Smiley / happy face 9787 263B
  • Smiley face outline 9786 263A
  • Sad face outline 9785 2639
  • Letter/Email 9993 2709
  • Phone 9742 260E
  • Phone outlined 9743 260F
  • Pay Phone 9990 2706
  • Replacement character 65533 FFFD
  • Cloud 9729 2601
  • Umbrella 9730 2602
  • Snowflak 10052 2744
  • Snowman 9731 2603
  • 6 point sparkle 10056 2748
  • Heavy florette 10047 273F
  • Outlined florette 10048 2740
  • 8 petalled florette 10049 2741
  • Shamrock 9752 2618
  • Floral Heart 10086 2766
  • Hot Beverage 9749 9749
  • Star Circle 10050 2742
  • Ankh 9765 2625
  • Peace symbol 9774 262E
  • Ying Yang 9775 262F
  • Star and Cresent 9770 262A
  • Doctor healing caduceus 9764 2624
  • Sissors outline 9988 2704
  • Sissors 9986 2702
  • Dharma wheel ship 9784 2638
  • Anchor 9875 2693
  • Biohazard 9763 2623
  • Warning Sign 9888 26A0
  • High Voltage 9889 26A1
  • Radioactive 9762 2622
  • Recycle 9851 267B
  • Handicap symbol 9855 267F
  • Skull Crossbones 9760 2620

Hands, Pencils and Pens

  • Pointing hand left 9756 261C
  • Pointing right 9758 261E
  • Pointing up 9757 261D
  • Pointing down 9759 261F
  • Peace sign hand 9996 270C
  • Signing writing 9997 270D
  • Pencil down 9998 270E
  • Pencil up 10000 2710
  • Pencil 9999 270F
  • Pen Solid 10001 2711
  • Pen Outline 10002 2712

Sky, Planets

  • Waxing Moon 9789 263D
  • Waning Moon 9790 263E
  • Mars [Male symbol] 9794 2642
  • Venus [Female symbol] 9792 2640
  • Mercury 9791 263F
  • Earth 9793 2641
  • Jupiter 9795 2643
  • Saturn 9796 2644
  • Uranus 9797 2645
  • Neptune 9798 2646
  • Pluto 9799 2647

Zodiac Signs

  • Aries 9800 2648
  • Taurus 9801 2649
  • Gemini Sign 9802 264A
  • Cancer 9803 264B
  • Leo 9804 264C
  • Virgo 9805 264D
  • Libra 9806 264E
  • Scorpius 9807 264F
  • Sagittarius 9809 2651
  • Aquarius 9810 2652
  • Pisces 9811 2653

Chess, Playing Cards

  • King 9818 265A
  • Queen 9819 265B
  • Rook 9820 265C
  • Bishop 9821 265D
  • Knight 9822 265E
  • Pawn 9823 265F
  • King outlined 9812 2654
  • Queen outlined 9813 2655
  • Rook outlined 9814 2656
  • Bishop outlined 9815 2657
  • Knight outlined 9816 2658
  • Pawn outlined 9817 2659
  • Spade spades 2660
  • Club clubs 2663
  • Heart hearts 2665
  • Diamond diams 2666
  • Spade outlined 9828 2664
  • Club outlined 9831 2667
  • Heart outlined 9825 2661
  • Diamond outlined 9826 2662

Greek Alphabet

  • Alpha Α Alpha 0391
  • Beta Β Beta 0392
  • Gamma Γ Gamma 0393
  • Delta Δ Delta 0394
  • Eplison Ε Eplison 0395
  • Zeta Ζ Zeta 0396
  • Eta Η Eta 0397
  • Theta Θ Theta 0398
  • Iota Ι Iota 0399
  • Kappa Κ Kappa 039A
  • Lambda Λ Lambda 039B
  • Mu Μ Mu 039C
  • Nu Ν Nu 039D
  • Xi Ξ Xi 039E
  • Omicron Ο Omicron 039F
  • Phi Π Phi 03A0
  • Rho Ρ Rho 03A1
  • Sigma Σ Sigma 03A3
  • Tau Τ Tau 03A4
  • Upsilon Υ Upsilon 03A5
  • Phi Φ Phi 03A6
  • Chi Χ Chi 03A7
  • Psi Ψ Psi 03A8
  • Omega Ω Omega 03A9

A ton of cool, special characters you can use in your web designs today!

My name is Neal Chester and I'm a web designer and consultant. Sometimes I use special characters as an alternative to images; many of these characters I never knew existed.

When I surfed the Web, I always ran into 3 problems with character listings:

  1. They contained tons of characters I didn't use
  2. There was no one list that brought together all the characters I needed
  3. The fonts were too small and the page was difficult to use

So I made my own listing page containing the best HTML characters I felt would be useful to everyone, especially web developers. I grouped them into sections and included the HTML, CSS and JS name & number codes for your convenience. Enjoy.

Rendering Characters

As you'll notice, some characters will render differently depending on the browser. For example, the snowman in Firefox looks different from the snowman in Chrome. Or, the diamond shape in IE is larger compared to Chrome's.

Depending on the browser, some characters won't display. The reason is because of a bug in the browser, not the code. I believe Chrome knows about the bug and will fix it soon – I don't know about the other browsers.

Therefore, it's important to view the characters in different browsers to determine if you want to use that character. The great thing is: 98% of the characters display across all browsers.

How To Use

First of all, make sure you're using the correct unicode. UTF-8 has become the standard character encoding for the Web. Simply drop this code<meta charset="utf-8"/>between your<head> tags.

To be more explicit about the charset and to eliminate the possibility of the apache server overriding the character set, you can update your.htaccess file by adding the following:

AddDefaultCharset utf-8

AddCharset utf-8 .html .css .js .xml .json .rss .atom

Next, markup your HTML as follows. For example: The number code for that large asterisk is10033. It should be written like this&#10033; If there's a name code, you can use that instead. For example: The pointing arrow name code is:rarr it should be written like this&rarr; notice how there's no hash symbol.

When using special characters in your CSS, use the second number code. This time2731 would be written like this\2731. The backslash must be there or it won't render the character. The same hexadecimal number must be used in javascript as well. The only difference is it must be written like this\u2731. Notice the backslash followed by the lowercaseu.

All the characters on this pages are styled with the font family Times, Serif. I recommend this font style for all characters if you want some consistency across browsers.

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