
create or replace package body fxq_risk_pkg is

--    日志过程
--    p_id_fxq_log  日志ID
--    p_proc_name   过程名  
--    p_err_line    异常行数
--    p_err_code    错误代码 异常时获取错误代码 正常时 S开始 E结束 sqlerrm 具体异常信息
--    p_err_msg     错误信息
--    p_user        创建人  
--创建说明:创建者  创建日期
--          xxx   2015-04-27
--修改历史:修改者  修改日期  修改原因(简要说明)
--          暂无    暂无      暂无
procedure proc_log(p_id_fxq_log  varchar2,
									 p_proc_name	 varchar2,
								   p_err_line    varchar2,
								   p_err_code    varchar2,
								   p_err_msg     varchar2,
								   p_user        varchar2
  pragma autonomous_transaction; 
  v_err_msg     varchar2(4000);
	v_err_msg := p_err_msg;
  if p_err_code = 'E' then  --S 表示程序开始 不用计算耗时
    select to_char((sysdate - created_date) * 24 * 60, 'fm9999999990.00') into v_err_msg from fxq_log where id_fxq_log = p_id_fxq_log;
	  v_err_msg := substrb('耗时:'||v_err_msg||'分, '||p_err_msg, 1, 4000);
  end if;
	merge into fxq_log a
	using (select count(1) cnt from fxq_log where id_fxq_log = p_id_fxq_log) b
	   on (b.cnt > 0)
	 when matched then
		 update set err_line       = p_err_line     ,
		 						err_code       = p_err_code     ,
		 						err_msg        = v_err_msg      ,
		 						updated_by     = nvl(p_user, user) ,
		            updated_date   = sysdate 
		  where id_fxq_log = p_id_fxq_log
	 when not matched then 
		 insert (id_fxq_log			   ,
			 			 proc_name         ,
			 			 err_line          ,
			 			 err_code          ,
			 			 err_msg           ,
			 			 created_by        ,
		    		 nvl(p_id_fxq_log, sys_guid()) ,
		    		 p_proc_name       ,
		    		 p_err_line        ,
		    		 p_err_code        ,
		    		 v_err_msg         ,
		    		 nvl(p_user, user) ,
end proc_log;

--    写入状态
--   p_status_sign		状态标识(Y/N)
--   p_date_num       数据量   
--   p_data_date      数据日期 
--   p_user           用户名
--创建说明:创建者  创建日期
--          <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">xxx  </span><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">2015-04-27</span>
--修改历史:修改者  修改日期  修改原因(简要说明)
--          暂无    暂无      暂无
procedure proc_status(p_status_sign     varchar2,
                      p_date_num        number  ,
                      p_data_date       date    ,
                      p_user            varchar2
  insert into fxq_status(id_fxq_status     	,
								         status_sign        ,
								         data_num           ,
								         data_date          ,
								         created_by         ,
								         created_date       ,
								         updated_by         ,
								         sys_guid()         ,
								         p_status_sign      ,
								         p_date_num         ,
								         trunc(p_data_date) ,
								         nvl(p_user, user)  ,
								         sysdate            ,
								         nvl(p_user, user)  ,
end proc_status;

--    从结果表(amlm_ars_company_result)把复核通过的数据写入到接口表(amlm_ars_company_result_inf)
--    p_user     用户
--    p_sysdate  日期(处理哪一天的数据就传哪一天日期)
--    p_msg      Y:正常 返回其它值为异常
--创建说明:创建者  创建日期
--          xxx  2015-04-27
--修改历史:修改者  修改日期  修改原因(简要说明)
--          暂无    暂无      暂无
procedure proc_company_result_insert_inf(p_user         varchar2,
                                         p_sysdate      date    ,
                                         p_msg     out  varchar2
  v_proc					  varchar2(90) := 'fxq_risk_pkg.proc_company_result_insert_inf';
  v_count           number := 0;
  v_guid            varchar2(32);
  v_sysdate         date;
  v_date_1			    date;						 --获取日期
  v_date_1d         varchar2(10);    --获取日期的天数做为分区标识
  k                 number := 0;
  v_num							number := 0;
  v_sql             varchar2(4000);
  type   t_id_amlm_ars_company_result  is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.id_amlm_ars_company_result %type;
	type   t_batch_seq                   is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.batch_seq                  %type;
	type   t_cust_seq                    is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.cust_seq                   %type;
	type   t_group_seq                   is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.group_seq                  %type;
	type   t_series_code                 is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.series_code                %type;
	type   t_company_client_id           is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.company_client_id          %type;
	type   t_company_risk_level          is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.company_risk_level         %type;
	type   t_client_worth                is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.client_worth               %type;
	type   t_point_template_score        is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.point_template_score       %type;
	type   t_point_template_id           is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.point_template_id          %type;
	type   t_formula_id                  is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.formula_id                 %type;
	type   t_attribute_id                is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.attribute_id               %type;
	type   t_next_risk_date              is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.next_risk_date             %type;
	type   t_client_type                 is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.client_type                %type;
	type   t_status                      is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.status                     %type;
	type   t_group_risk_level            is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.group_risk_level           %type;
	type   t_created_date                is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.created_date               %type;
	type   t_created_by                  is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.created_by                 %type;
	type   t_updated_date                is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.updated_date               %type;
	type   t_updated_by                  is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.updated_by                 %type;
	type   t_key_value                   is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.key_value                  %type;
	type   t_organno                     is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.organno                    %type;
	type   t_is_offence                  is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.is_offence                 %type;
	type   t_cust_pc_type                is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.cust_pc_type               %type;
	type   t_cust_name                   is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.cust_name                  %type;
	type   t_proce_status                is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.proce_status               %type;
	type   t_data_date                   is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.data_date                  %type;
	type   t_partit_flag                 is table of amlm_ars_company_result_inf.partit_flag                %type;
	s_id_amlm_ars_company_result			t_id_amlm_ars_company_result  ;
	s_batch_seq                       t_batch_seq                   ;
	s_cust_seq                        t_cust_seq                    ;
	s_group_seq                       t_group_seq                   ;
	s_series_code                     t_series_code                 ;
	s_company_client_id               t_company_client_id           ;
	s_company_risk_level              t_company_risk_level          ;
	s_client_worth                    t_client_worth                ;
	s_point_template_score            t_point_template_score        ;
	s_point_template_id               t_point_template_id           ;
	s_formula_id                      t_formula_id                  ;
	s_attribute_id                    t_attribute_id                ;
	s_next_risk_date                  t_next_risk_date              ;
	s_client_type                     t_client_type                 ;
	s_status                          t_status                      ;
	s_group_risk_level                t_group_risk_level            ;
	s_created_date                    t_created_date                ;
	s_created_by                      t_created_by                  ;
	s_updated_date                    t_updated_date                ;
	s_updated_by                      t_updated_by                  ;
	s_key_value                       t_key_value                   ;
	s_organno                         t_organno                     ;
	s_is_offence                      t_is_offence                  ;
	s_cust_pc_type                    t_cust_pc_type                ;
	s_cust_name                       t_cust_name                   ;
	s_proce_status                    t_proce_status                ;
	s_data_date                       t_data_date                   ;
	s_partit_flag                     t_partit_flag                 ;
  cursor cur_result(c_date_1 date, c_date_1d varchar2) is
    select r.*, trunc(sysdate) data_date, c_date_1d - 1 partit_flag
		  from amlm_ars_company_result r
		 where exists (select group_seq from 
		               (select re.group_seq
		                  from aml_centric_task t, amlm_ars_company_result re
		                 where t.relevancy_id = re.id_amlm_ars_company_result
		                   and t.task_type in ('030102', '030202') --新开复核、存量复核
		                   and t.task_status = '03' --已完成
		                   and trunc(t.updated_date) between c_date_1 and trunc(sysdate) - 1
		                 union all
		                select re.group_seq
		                  from amlm_ars_company_result re, amlm_ars_adjust ad
		                 where re.id_amlm_ars_company_result =
		                   and ad.adjust_result = '1' --调整通过
		                   and trunc(ad.adjust_date) between c_date_1 and trunc(sysdate) - 1) s
		         where s.group_seq = r.group_seq);
  cursor cur_result(c_date_1 date, c_date_1d varchar2) is
    select r.*, trunc(sysdate) data_date, c_date_1d - 1 partit_flag
		  from amlm_ars_company_result r
		 where series_code = 'PA002'
		   and proce_status = '4'
		   and trunc(updated_date) between c_date_1 and trunc(sysdate) - 1;

  bulk_errors exception;
  pragma exception_init(bulk_errors, -24381);

  if trunc(p_sysdate) > trunc(sysdate) then
	  p_msg := '传入时间不能大于系统时间';
  end if;
  select count(1) into v_count from fxq_status where data_date = trunc(p_sysdate) and status_sign = 'Y';
  if v_count > 0 then
	  p_msg := '同一天正常跑完的数据不能重复执行';
  end if;
  select nvl(nvl(p_sysdate, max(trunc(data_date))), trunc(sysdate) - 1) into v_sysdate from fxq_status where status_sign = 'Y';
	--获取主键ID, nvl(获取数据日期,1天前的日期), 获取当前是星期几做为分区标识
  select sys_guid(), v_sysdate, to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'd')
    into v_guid, v_date_1, v_date_1d
    from dual;
  proc_log(v_guid, v_proc, null, 'S', '从结果表获取复核通过的数据写入接口表开始', p_user); 
  for i in (select to_char(data_date - 1, 'd') d from fxq_status where status_sign = 'N') loop
	  v_sql := 'alter table amlm_ars_company_result_inf truncate partition t_range_'||i.d||' update indexes';
	  execute immediate v_sql;
  end loop;
  v_sql := 'alter table amlm_ars_company_result_inf truncate partition t_range_'||v_date_1d||' update indexes';
  execute immediate v_sql;
  open cur_result(v_date_1, v_date_1d);
  loop fetch cur_result bulk collect
        into s_id_amlm_ars_company_result ,
						 s_batch_seq                  ,
						 s_cust_seq                   ,
						 s_group_seq                  ,
						 s_series_code                ,
						 s_company_client_id          ,
						 s_company_risk_level         ,
						 s_client_worth               ,
						 s_point_template_score       ,
						 s_point_template_id          ,
						 s_formula_id                 ,
						 s_attribute_id               ,
						 s_next_risk_date             ,
						 s_client_type                ,
						 s_status                     ,
						 s_group_risk_level           ,
						 s_created_date               ,
						 s_created_by                 ,
						 s_updated_date               ,
						 s_updated_by                 ,
						 s_key_value                  ,
						 s_organno                    ,
						 s_is_offence                 ,
						 s_cust_pc_type               ,
						 s_cust_name                  ,
						 s_proce_status               ,
						 s_data_date                  ,
       limit 5000;
        exit when s_id_amlm_ars_company_result.count = 0;
    	forall i in 1..s_id_amlm_ars_company_result.count save exceptions
			  insert into amlm_ars_company_result_inf(id_amlm_ars_company_result ,
																								batch_seq                  ,
																								cust_seq                   ,
																								group_seq                  ,
																								series_code                ,
																								company_client_id          ,
																								company_risk_level         ,
																								client_worth               ,
																								point_template_score       ,
																								point_template_id          ,
																								formula_id                 ,
																								attribute_id               ,
																								next_risk_date             ,
																								client_type                ,
																								status                     ,
																								group_risk_level           ,
																								created_date               ,
																								created_by                 ,
																								updated_date               ,
																								updated_by                 ,
																								key_value                  ,
																								organno                    ,
																								is_offence                 ,
																								cust_pc_type               ,
																								cust_name                  ,
																								proce_status               ,
																								data_date                  ,
																		    			  s_id_amlm_ars_company_result (i),
																								s_batch_seq                  (i),
																								s_cust_seq                   (i),
																								s_group_seq                  (i),
																								s_series_code                (i),
																								s_company_client_id          (i),
																								s_company_risk_level         (i),
																								s_client_worth               (i),
																								s_point_template_score       (i),
																								s_point_template_id          (i),
																								s_formula_id                 (i),
																								s_attribute_id               (i),
																								s_next_risk_date             (i),
																								s_client_type                (i),
																								s_status                     (i),
																								s_group_risk_level           (i),
																								s_created_date               (i),
																								s_created_by                 (i),
																								s_updated_date               (i),
																								s_updated_by                 (i),
																								s_key_value                  (i),
																								s_organno                    (i),
																								s_is_offence                 (i),
																								s_cust_pc_type               (i),
																								s_cust_name                  (i),
																								s_proce_status               (i),
																								s_data_date                  (i),
																								s_partit_flag								 (i)         

    v_count := v_count + s_id_amlm_ars_company_result.count;
      when bulk_errors then
        for i in 1 .. sql%bulk_exceptions.count loop
           k := k + 1;
           proc_log(null, v_proc, dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace, sqlerrm(-1 * sql%bulk_exceptions(i).error_code), '从结果表获取复核通过的数据写入接口表 失败', null);
        end loop;

  end loop;
  if k = 0 then  
    update fxq_status set status_sign = 'Y' where status_sign = 'N';
	  proc_status('Y', v_count, sysdate, p_user);

	  proc_log(v_guid, v_proc, null, 'E', '从结果表获取复核通过的数据写入接口表成功', p_user);
    p_msg := 'Y';
    v_count := v_count - k;
	  proc_status('N', v_count, sysdate, p_user);
    p_msg := 'N';  
  end if;
exception when others then

  p_msg := 'N';
  proc_log(v_guid, v_proc, dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace, sqlerrm, '从结果表获取复核通过的数据写入接口表失败', p_user);
end proc_company_result_insert_inf;

--    从结果表(amlm_ars_company_result)把复核通过的数据写入到接口表(amlm_ars_company_result_inf)
--    供JOB掉用 每天凌晨0点运行
--    p_user     用户
--    p_sysdate  日期
--    p_msg      Y:正常 返回其它值为异常
--创建说明:创建者  创建日期
--          xxx   2015-04-27
--修改历史:修改者  修改日期  修改原因(简要说明)
--          暂无    暂无      暂无
procedure job_company_result_insert_inf
  v_msg     varchar2(4000);
  proc_company_result_insert_inf(null, null, v_msg);

end fxq_risk_pkg;





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