JGraph in action(一)

JGraph in action


[1] jgraph in action http://www.jgraph.com/pub/jgraphpadmanual.pdf

[2] jgraphpadGPL版本: http://www.jgraph.com/jgraphpadpro-gpl/ (注意这个地址,该地址下的jar才是与[1]匹配的代码,并且jgraphpad还有商业版本)

JGraph — Open source graph component for JFC/Swing
JGraph Layout Pro — Layout and algebra package for JGraph
JGraphpad Pro Diagram editor framework for JGraph
JGraph Layout Pro uses JGraph, and JGraphpad Pro uses JGraph
Layout Pro, even though it is also possible to build and run JGraphpad Pro without the layouts.
MVC,IOC,KISS(keep it small and simple)
使用 prototype 的方式创建 cell prototypes are part of the application configuration and are never changed during the lifecycle of the application.
Editor Framework JGraphpad Pro )中,使用一个工厂 factory 来为给定的 GraphLayoutCache 创建实际的 JGraph 实例。为了创建新的 graph 实例必须重写 factory
cell views (CellViewFactory), renderers, handlers and editors 都是可配置的,只有 JGraph 实例(定义了 basic aspects of a diagram, such as tooltips, drag and drop and double buffering )是通过 factory 的一个方法创建的。
The default components implement both: All components are tied to exactly one graph during their lifecycle
(because JGraphpad only has one custom graph), and they provide a way to replace the backing
graph so they can be tied to multiple graphs if required. The initial graph is created using the factory's
createGraph method with a dummy graph layout cache as an argument. For example, the following code
is used to create the initial backing graph for the navigator:
JGraph backingGraph = editor.getFactory().createGraph(
new GraphLayoutCache());
new JGraphEditorNavigator(backingGraph);
关于 JGraphpad
现在的 JGraphpad 被分为三个组件:
• The JGraph Editor Framework (framework) contains the common parts of all editors that use JGraph and defines the basic application structure and lifecycle. Initially planned as a separate
product, it is now bundled with and named after the main application, which also forms the main example
of the framework.
包括所有利用 JGraph 创建的编辑器所需要的通用部分,
• The JGraphpad Pro Application (application) uses the framework and provides common components to implement a diagram editor. The developer is free to modify the JGraphpad Pro application
and devise a new application from it .
利用 Framework ,提供了实现一个图形编辑器的基本组件。
• The JGraphpad Plugins contain blocks of functionality, typically with dependencies to external libraries
(eg. SVG export, which uses the Batik library). However, it is not required for a Plugin to
define a large block, it can also be a small block, such as a menu item. In general, plugins are a flexible
way to add functionality to existing applications without having to recompile the application itself.
JGraph Editor Framework 简介
Editor Framework 定义了一种结构,这种结构可以处理 actions tools ,并且用它们创建 UI 。详细的可参见: http://www.javadesktop.org/articles/actions/index.html
• Externalize the user interface — The UI is created using a factory based on external files. This idea is extended to use factory methods in the Editor Framework.
基于外部文件,使用工厂方法创建 UI
• Separate structure and content — The separation between these two yields separate configuration files, namely XML files for describing the tree-like UI-structure, and resources bundles (aka. properties
files) for defining language-dependent resources.
支持 MVC 模式而创建的类(主要在 com.jgraph.editor 包),如下:
com.jgraph.JGraphEditor: The main class which is a composition of the functionality from the com.jgraph.editor package. This class can be considered "glue-code" to hold the other classes together.
com.jgraph.editor 包里的类组合在一起。
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorModel: Following the MVC design pattern, the document model contains the actual application data, namely files, and is in charge of input and output.
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorKit: Holds actions and tools and updates their state depending on the state of the application. The actions and tools in an editor kit are used to define the functionality and behaviour of applications.
维护和更新 actions tools
Actions tools 定义 application 的功能和行为。
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorFactory: Creates and wires up the user interface according to the MVC design pattern. The user interface is created based on the configuration data and uses either built-in or factory methods.
创建 UI
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorSettings: Holds the structural definition of the user interface and general dynamic configuration data. This may be modified by various parties during application startup.
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorResources: Static class to hold internationalized resources and general application resources, such as images. All resource bundles must added before the UI is created.
所有的资源包必须在 UI 创建前被加入。
1. Create settings and add resource bundles, actions, tools and factory methods to the resources, kit and factory respectively.
2. Initialize external plugins to add or modify the settings, and add or replace existing resources, actions, tool and factory methods.
3. Create the user interface using the configured settings, the functionality defined by the editor kit and factory methods.
4. Run the application.
5. Exit the application by calling the exit method in the editor instance.
退出是 JGraphEditor 唯一的 hook 函数, it is implemented to call the shutdown method in the JGraphEditorSettings class to give applications a chance to save their settings.
com.jgraph.JGraphEditor 维护主要的参与者:
维护引用到 an editor kit, a document model, factory and settings ,而资源包是静态的,所以可以直接使用。
1.         子类应该调用该默认实现,如
new JGraphEditor() {
public void exit(int code) {
if (!isActive())
2.      如果不调用,you should make sure that the settings are given a chance to execute the shutdown hooks before the VM exits, using the following statement:
com.jgraph.editor. JGraphEditorModel 是树型模型,
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorFile: Defines the basic requirements for a file. A file consists of its children in the document model tree, and is defined by the filename and the isModified and isNew flags.
com.jgraph.editorJGraphEditorDiagram: Defines the basic requirements for a diagram in a document model. A diagram is an object that has a name and contains a graph layout cache that may be used to create a JGraph instance.
必须用 com.jgraph.editor. JGraphEditorModel 中的方法来改变模型中的元素的状态,因为像 swing 中模型会负责状态改变带来的复杂的通知问题。
com.jgraph.editor. JGraphEditorModel 负责处理 IO 问题。
IO 处理是基于 java 内嵌的 xml 处理机制,
并且采用 Persistence delegate 来处理基于 xml 的编码问题。
Persistence delegate
In the static initializer of the default model all cell view properties except cell and attributes of the known cell views, namely VertexView, PortView and EdgeView are made transient. Additionally, a set
of persistence delegates is added for the DefaultGraphModel, GraphLayoutCache and DefaultEdge.
默认模型的静态初始化器除了已知的 cell views ,即 VertexView, PortView and EdgeView 外,所有的 cell view 属性都是 transient
另外,一组 persistence delegates 被加到 DefaultGraphModel, GraphLayoutCache and DefaultEdge
DefaultRouting classes in the JGraphEditorModel constructor. The first two use a DefaultPersistenceDelegate,
which defines the properties to be written to the file and passed to the constructor when
read back into memory:
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "roots",
"attributes" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "model",
"factory", "cellViews", "hiddenCellViews", "partial" }));
File Diagram
默认的 model 没有对可添加的元素的 level 及内容做限制,
但是定义了一些默认的行为,比如 addFile() 就是添加 roots 级的元素。
Another assumption is that for each element in the document model, there exists at least one file along
the path to the root. This is implemented by the static getParentFile method, which returns the first parent.
The method is used, for example, to update the modified state of the parent file when a child diagram
changes. In the application, the document model is assumed to contain a set of JGraphEditorFiles,
each of which corresponds to exactly one physical file. The JGraphEditorFile can contain any number of
children, for example JGraphEditorDiagram objects, or it can itself be a JGraphEditorDiagram (in which
case it is considered its own parent file).
通用定义 action tools
actions tools 在应用运行的开始就被定义,且基于下面的类:
• com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorAction : May be inserted into buttons and menu items to provide the functionality that is accessible via the user interface (eg. menubar, toolbar, popupmenus etc).
提供可以附加到 buttons menu items 的,通过 UI 操作的功能。
• com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorTool : May be used to implement special marquee handlers to insert specific graph cells or implement other functionality, such as panning or marquee selection (default) in a graph.
下面的例子将所有的 file menu 相关的 actions 都添加到应用中:
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadFileAction.AllActions());
并加入三个属性 i sToggleAction, isSelected and isVisible ,后两个属性的变化会触发 PropertyEvent
Action 资源:
about.shortcut=control shift A
about.tooltip=About JGraphpad Pro
tool 就是一个具有名字和 isAlwaysActive 属性的基本的 marquee handler (选取框处理)
首先要理解 JGraph 中的 BasicMarqueeHandler
Technically speaking, the BasicMarqueeHandler is a paintable mouse listener base class with an added isForceMarqueeEvent method.
The real magic behind the marquee handler comes from the way it is used in the BasicGraphUI. The
class in charge is the MouseHandler inner method in the BasicGraphUI class. Its mousePressed method
has the following basic logic:
if (!event.isConsumed() && graph.isEnabled()) {
if (marquee.isForceMarqueeEvent(event)) {
} else {
BasicMarqueeHandler 是一个可绘制的鼠标监听器基类,具有一个 isForceMarqueeEvent 方法。
它真正有意义的地方是它在 B asicGraphUI 中的使用方式,对此负责的是 B asicGraphUI 中的 MouseHandler 的内部方法,片段如上。
isForceMarqueeEvent() 方法可捕捉这个 mousePressed 事件。因为 B asicGraphUI 通常都是 JGraph 组件的第一鼠标监听器,
因此, Marquee Handler ,或者说 tools graph 上的鼠标 gesture 的事件拦截器 interceptor
tools 资源:
selectTool.tooltip=Marquee Selection
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorFactory 利用
com.jgraph.editor.factory 包的类和
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorSettings 类中对 UI 的描述
比如 menu items, toolbar buttons and toolboxes and placing actionsand tools from the editor kit
来创建 UI
创建新的元素的方法是通过注册 factory methods ,而不是扩展为子类。
Factory methods 是实现 JGraphEditorFactoryMethod 接口的对象,该接口只有一个方法:
public abstract Component createInstance(Node configuration);
被注册的 factory methods 的调用机制:
public Component executeMethod(String factoryMethod,
Node configuration)
JGraphEditorFactoryMethod method = getMethod(factoryMethod);
if (method != null)
return method.createInstance(configuration);
return null;
factory methods 隐式调用,也可以显式调用,
UI 描述中,用 factory methods 的名字作为 key
<item key="createOpenRecentMenu"/>
Component c = factory.executeFactoryMethod("createFrame");
例子如下,下面列举的 JGraphEditorNavigator JGraphEditorComboBox 在默认情况下没有添加,但是已实现
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorNavigator
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox
连接 factory methods actions
因为所有的 actions factory methods 在运行前就被注册了,
所以当 factory methods 运行时, action 已注册,可引用。
Factory methods 有个问题:创建的组件不能被保存,如下:
public Component createInstance(Node configuration) {
JMenu menu = new JGraphpadWindowMenu();
editor.getSettings().putObject("windowMenu", menu);
return menu;
为了保存创建的 menu ,用了 editor.getSettings().putObject("windowMenu", menu);
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorSettings 用来
维护配置文件,即 xml ini 文件,
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorSettings 的生存期:
Setup — In the setup phase, objects and files are added or merged into the settings.
Runtime — Use the configuration data, and the map object to hold current settings.
Shutdown — Triggered by the editor's exit hook, in this phase the settings are saved.
com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorSettings 可以
描述 UI(classpath 里的 xml)
维护用户设置 ( 用户根目录下的 ini)
保存 factory methods 创建的对象,
添加描述 ui xml 文件,如下:
settings.add("ui", JGraphEditorSettings.parse(
添加 ini 文件
settings.add("userSettings", JGraphEditorResources
UI xml 文件的描述技巧:
<menu key="fileMenu">
<item key="exit"/>
<menu key="fileMenu">
<item key="newDiagram" before="exit"/>
<menu key="fileMenu">
<item key="newDiagram"/>
<item key="exit"/>
应用程序范围内的 map
One example we have already come across is the
storing of objects created during the execution of the createInstance method in a factory method for later
wiring by the application. Another example is the storing of objects for later use in a shutdown hook, for
example by the caller of a factory method.
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