chrony 是网络时间协议(NTP)的通用软件,使用 UDP 323 端口通信,根据 chrony.conf 文件的不同配置分成服务端和客户端。
chrony 包含两个程序:
chronyd 是一个可以在启动时启动的守护程序。
chronyc 是一个命令行界面程序,用于监视 chronyd 的性能并在运行时更改各种操作参数。
- 安装
[root@mini-1 ~]# yum -y install chrony
[root@mini-1 ~]# systemctl start chronyd
[root@mini-1 ~]# systemctl enable chronyd
- 默认配置
chrony 默认安装配置文件是 /etc/chrony.conf ,下面注释相关参数左右。
[root@mini-1 ~]# cat /etc/chrony.conf
# Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project.
# Please consider joining the pool (http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html).
server 0.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 1.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 2.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 3.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
# Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time.
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
# Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates
# if its offset is larger than 1 second.
makestep 1.0 3
# Enable kernel synchronization of the real-time clock (RTC).
#通过使用 hwtimestamp 指令启用硬件时间戳
# Enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it.
#hwtimestamp *
# Increase the minimum number of selectable sources required to adjust
# the system clock.
#minsources 2
#指定 NTP 客户端地址,以允许或拒绝连接到扮演时钟服务器的机器
# Allow NTP client access from local network.
# Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
#local stratum 10
#指定包含 NTP 身份验证密钥的文件
# Specify file containing keys fo