strsep(),作为strtok的升级版,是一个很有用的字符串处理函数, 但是也有很多不方便的地方, 使用时需特别小心, 好在注意的事项都在 man strsep 里面有。如下:
#include <string.h>
char *strsep(char **stringp, const char *delim);
Be cautious when using this function. If you do use it, note that:
* This function modifies its first argument.
* This function cannot be used on constant strings.
* The identity of the delimiting character is lost.
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int arg, const char *argv[])
char* string = strdup( "/home/yinlijun/project:/home/yinlijun:/home/someone"); /*字符串不能为常量,所以strdup*/
char* p;
while((p = strsep(&string, ":")) != NULL) /*第一个参数设为二级指针, 字符串中所有的第二个参数(子串)最后会被替代成‘/0’*/
printf("%s/n", p);
return 0;