mongodb源码分析(二十一)mongos 查询与添加

        本来简单讲讲mongos对于查询 添加 的流程,修改和删除的处理流程简单其也与添加差不多不再分析,对于添加 修改和删除,mongos都只是将其发往正确的mongod服务器让其处理,对于查询稍微麻烦点,因为查询多个mongod服务器的结果回来时汇总需要mongos自身完成其排序.下面来看具体代码吧,在mongos的初始化部分我们已经知道向mongos发送的请求,其处理函数是Request::process函数,下面来看看这个函数.

    void Request::process( int attempt ) {
        init();//初始化,加载要操作的数据库的DBConfig,对于sharded collection还要加载其chunkmanager
        int op = _m.operation();
        if ( op == dbKillCursors ) {
            cursorCache.gotKillCursors( _m );
        int msgId = (int)(_m.header()->id);
        Timer t;
        Strategy * s = SHARDED;
        _counter = &opsNonSharded;
        bool iscmd = false;
        if ( op == dbQuery ) {
            iscmd = isCommand();
            s->queryOp( *this );
        else if ( op == dbGetMore ) {
            checkAuth( Auth::READ ); // this is important so someone can't steal a cursor
            s->getMore( *this );
        else {
            checkAuth( Auth::WRITE );
            s->writeOp( op, *this );
        globalOpCounters.gotOp( op , iscmd );
        _counter->gotOp( op , iscmd );

        virtual void queryOp( Request& r ) {
            // TODO: These probably should just be handled here.
            if ( r.isCommand() ) {//对于mongos的命令请求,不再分析
                SINGLE->queryOp( r );
            QueryMessage q( r.d() );
            r.checkAuth( Auth::READ );
            QuerySpec qSpec( (string)q.ns, q.query, q.fields, q.ntoskip, q.ntoreturn, q.queryOptions );
            if ( _isSystemIndexes( q.ns ) && q.query["ns"].type() == String && r.getConfig()->isSharded( q.query["ns"].String() ) ) {
                // if you are querying on system.indexes, we need to make sure we go to a shard that actually has chunks
                // this is not a perfect solution (what if you just look at all indexes)
                // but better than doing nothing
                ShardPtr myShard;//查询的是xx.system.indexes这个collection,这个collection保存了所有索引信息.
                ChunkManagerPtr cm;//每一个ns得到的要么是chunkManager(对应ns分片了),要么是shard(对应的ns未分片)
                r.getConfig()->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( q.query["ns"].String(), cm, myShard );
                if ( cm ) {
                    set<Shard> shards;
                    cm->getAllShards( shards );
                    verify( shards.size() > 0 );
                    myShard.reset( new Shard( *shards.begin() ) );
                doQuery( r, *myShard );//将查询发往myShard
            ParallelSortClusteredCursor * cursor = new ParallelSortClusteredCursor( qSpec, CommandInfo() );
            // TODO:  Move out to Request itself, not strategy based
                long long start_millis = 0;
                if ( qSpec.isExplain() ) start_millis = curTimeMillis64();
                shardedCursorTypes.hit( cursor->type() );
                if ( qSpec.isExplain() ) {
                    // fetch elapsed time for the query
                    long long elapsed_millis = curTimeMillis64() - start_millis;
                    BSONObjBuilder explain_builder;
                    cursor->explain( explain_builder );
                    explain_builder.appendNumber( "millis", elapsed_millis );
                    BSONObj b = explain_builder.obj();
                    replyToQuery( 0 , r.p() , r.m() , b );
                    delete( cursor );
            if( cursor->isSharded() ){
                ShardedClientCursorPtr cc (new ShardedClientCursor( q , cursor ));
                BufBuilder buffer( ShardedClientCursor::INIT_REPLY_BUFFER_SIZE );
                int docCount = 0;
                const int startFrom = cc->getTotalSent();//从cursor中读取数据填充buffer
                bool hasMore = cc->sendNextBatch( r, q.ntoreturn, buffer, docCount );
                if ( hasMore ) {//有更多数据则先将其保存起来,下次再用.一直不操作600s后将被清除
           cc );
                replyToQuery( 0, r.p(), r.m(), buffer.buf(), buffer.len(), docCount,
                        startFrom, hasMore ? cc->getId() : 0 );
                // Remote cursors are stored remotely, we shouldn't need this around.
                // TODO: we should probably just make cursor an auto_ptr
                scoped_ptr<ParallelSortClusteredCursor> cursorDeleter( cursor );
                // TODO:  Better merge this logic.  We potentially can now use the same cursor logic for everything.
                ShardPtr primary = cursor->getPrimary();//得到其所在的服务器
                DBClientCursorPtr shardCursor = cursor->getShardCursor( *primary );
                // Implicitly stores the cursor in the cache
                r.reply( *(shardCursor->getMessage()) , shardCursor->originalHost() );
                // We don't want to kill the cursor remotely if there's still data left
这里我们分析ParallelSortClusteredCursor,分析时我们只分析sharded collection,非sharded collection不考虑.ParallelSortClusteredCursor::init调用的是其父亲ClusteredCursor的init,过程是初始化了后不再初始化,其又调用了ParallelSortClusteredCursor::_init,这里直接到_init函数.

    void ParallelSortClusteredCursor::_init() {
        if( ! _qSpec.isEmpty() ) fullInit();//查询条件不为空则调用fullInit.
        else _oldInit();
    void ParallelSortClusteredCursor::fullInit(){

        void ParallelSortClusteredCursor::startInit() {
        bool returnPartial = ( _qSpec.options() & QueryOption_PartialResults );
        bool specialVersion = _cInfo.versionedNS.size() > 0;
        bool specialFilter = ! _cInfo.cmdFilter.isEmpty();
        NamespaceString ns = specialVersion ? _cInfo.versionedNS : _qSpec.ns();
        ChunkManagerPtr manager;
        ShardPtr primary;
        string prefix;
        set<Shard> todoStorage;
        set<Shard>& todo = todoStorage;
        string vinfo;
        if( isVersioned() ){//创建ParallelSortClusteredCursor对象时未传入shards则走这里,我们当前就走这里.
            DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns.db ); // Gets or loads the config
            // Try to get either the chunk manager or the primary shard
            config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( ns, manager, primary );//sharded collection得到chunkManager,否则得到其primary shard
            if( manager ) manager->getShardsForQuery( todo, specialFilter ? _cInfo.cmdFilter : _qSpec.filter() );
            else if( primary ) todo.insert( *primary );
            // Close all cursors on extra shards first, as these will be invalid
            for( map< Shard, PCMData >::iterator i = _cursorMap.begin(), end = _cursorMap.end(); i != end; ++i ){
                if( todo.find( i->first ) == todo.end() ) i->second.cleanup();
            todo = _qShards;
        // Don't retry indefinitely for whatever reason
        for( set<Shard>::iterator i = todo.begin(), end = todo.end(); i != end; ++i ){
            const Shard& shard = *i;
            PCMData& mdata = _cursorMap[ shard ];
            // This may be the first time connecting to this shard, if so we can get an error here
                if( mdata.initialized ){//初始化部分,检查chunkmanager版本是否改变了(发生了split或者chunk move)
                    PCStatePtr state = mdata.pcState;
                    bool compatiblePrimary = true;
                    bool compatibleManager = true;
                    // Only check for compatibility if we aren't forcing the shard choices
                    if( isVersioned() ){
                        compatiblePrimary = primary && state->primary && primary == state->primary;
                        compatibleManager = manager && state->manager && manager->compatibleWith( state->manager, shard );
                    if( compatiblePrimary || compatibleManager ){
                        // If we're compatible, don't need to retry unless forced
                        if( ! mdata.retryNext ) continue;
                        // Do partial cleanup
                        mdata.cleanup( false );
                    mdata.cleanup( false );
                mdata.pcState.reset( new PCState() );
                PCStatePtr state = mdata.pcState;
				//建立连接,并且告知将要查询的shard自己的version,若其version不兼容(发生过chunk move),
                setupVersionAndHandleSlaveOk( state, shard, primary, ns, vinfo, manager );
                const string& ns = _qSpec.ns();
                // Setup cursor
                if( ! state->cursor ){//这里正式的建立了cursor.
                    // Do a sharded query if this is not a primary shard *and* this is a versioned query,
                    // or if the number of shards to query is > 1
                    if( ( isVersioned() && ! primary ) || _qShards.size() > 1 ){
                        state->cursor.reset( new DBClientCursor( state->conn->get(), ns, _qSpec.query(),
                                                                 isCommand() ? 1 : 0, // nToReturn (0 if query indicates multi)
                                                                 0, // nToSkip
                                                                 // Does this need to be a ptr?
                                                                 _qSpec.fields().isEmpty() ? 0 : _qSpec.fieldsData(), // fieldsToReturn
                                                                 _qSpec.options(), // options
                                                                 // NtoReturn is weird.
                                                                 // If zero, it means use default size, so we do that for all cursors
                                                                 // If positive, it's the batch size (we don't want this cursor limiting results), that's
                                                                 // done at a higher level
                                                                 // If negative, it's the batch size, but we don't create a cursor - so we don't want
                                                                 // to create a child cursor either.
                                                                 // Either way, if non-zero, we want to pull back the batch size + the skip amount as
                                                                 // quickly as possible.  Potentially, for a cursor on a single shard or if we keep better track of
                                                                 // chunks, we can actually add the skip value into the cursor and/or make some assumptions about the
                                                                 // return value size ( (batch size + skip amount) / num_servers ).
                                                                 _qSpec.ntoreturn() == 0 ? 0 :
                                                                     ( _qSpec.ntoreturn() > 0 ? _qSpec.ntoreturn() + _qSpec.ntoskip() :
                                                                                                _qSpec.ntoreturn() - _qSpec.ntoskip() ) ) ); // batchSize
                        // Non-sharded
                        state->cursor.reset( new DBClientCursor( state->conn->get(), ns, _qSpec.query(),
                                                                 _qSpec.ntoreturn(), // nToReturn
                                                                 _qSpec.ntoskip(), // nToSkip
                                                                 // Does this need to be a ptr?
                                                                 _qSpec.fields().isEmpty() ? 0 : _qSpec.fieldsData(), // fieldsToReturn
                                                                 _qSpec.options(), // options
                                                                 0 ) ); // batchSize
                bool lazyInit = state->conn->get()->lazySupported();
                if( lazyInit ){
                    // Need to keep track if this is a second or third try for replica sets
                    state->cursor->initLazy( mdata.retryNext );
                    mdata.retryNext = false;
                    mdata.initialized = true;
                else {
                    bool success = false;
                    if( nsGetCollection( ns ) == "$cmd" )
                        success = state->cursor->initCommand();
                        success = state->cursor->init();//发送查询消息
                    mdata.retryNext = false;
                    mdata.initialized = true;
                    mdata.finished = true;

    bool ShardedClientCursor::sendNextBatch( Request& r , int ntoreturn ,
            BufBuilder& buffer, int& docCount ) {//流程是从cursor中读出数据,然后将其
        int maxSize = 1024 * 1024;//添加到buffer中,因为来自shard的数据肯定是已经满足查询
        if ( _totalSent > 0 )//条件了,这里需要注意的是这里的_cursor其实是ParallelSortClusteredCursor
            maxSize *= 3;
        docCount = 0;
        // Send more if ntoreturn is 0, or any value > 1
        // (one is assumed to be a single doc return, with no cursor)
        bool sendMore = ntoreturn == 0 || ntoreturn > 1;
        ntoreturn = abs( ntoreturn );
        while ( _cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj o = _cursor->next();
            buffer.appendBuf( (void*)o.objdata() , o.objsize() );
            if ( buffer.len() > maxSize ) {
            if ( docCount == ntoreturn ) {
                // soft limit aka batch size
            if ( ntoreturn == 0 && _totalSent == 0 && docCount >= 100 ) {
                // first batch should be max 100 unless batch size specified
        bool hasMore = sendMore && _cursor->more();
        _totalSent += docCount;
        _done = ! hasMore;
        return hasMore;

    BSONObj ParallelSortClusteredCursor::next() {
        BSONObj best = BSONObj();
        int bestFrom = -1;
        for( int j = 0; j < _numServers; j++ ){//多个shard循环读取每一个的数据
            // Iterate _numServers times, starting one past the last server we used.
            // This means we actually start at server #1, not #0, but shouldn't matter
            int i = ( j + _lastFrom + 1 ) % _numServers;
            if ( ! _cursors[i].more() ){//这个shard中的数据已经查询完了,标记为done
                if( _cursors[i].rawMData() )
                    _cursors[i].rawMData()->pcState->done = true;
            BSONObj me = _cursors[i].peek();//peek而不是将其数据取出
            if ( best.isEmpty() ) {
                best = me;
                bestFrom = i;
                if( _sortKey.isEmpty() ) break;
            int comp = best.woSortOrder( me , _sortKey , true );//按照sortKey的顺序选取最小的为best
            if ( comp < 0 )
            best = me;
            bestFrom = i;
        _lastFrom = bestFrom;
        if( _cursors[bestFrom].rawMData() )
        return best;

virtual void writeOp( int op , Request& r ) {
    const char *ns = r.getns();
    bool isIndexWrite = _isSystemIndexes( ns );
    if( isIndexWrite ){
        if ( r.getConfig()->isShardingEnabled() ){
            handleIndexWrite( op , r );
        SINGLE->doWrite( op , r , Shard( r.getConfig()->getPrimary() ) );
        r.gotInsert(); // Won't handle mulit-insert correctly. Not worth parsing the request.
        DbMessage& d = r.d();
        if ( op == dbInsert )
            _insert( r , d );//插入操作的入口
        else if ( op == dbUpdate )
            _update( r , d );
        else if ( op == dbDelete )
            _delete( r , d );
            throw UserException( 8016 , "can't do this write op on sharded collection" );

void _insert( Request& r , DbMessage& d ){
    const string& ns = r.getns();
    vector<BSONObj> insertsRemaining;
    while ( d.moreJSObjs() )//读出所有插入的文档
        insertsRemaining.push_back( d.nextJsObj() );
    int flags = 0;//是否要在插入错误时继续插入操作
    if( d.reservedField() & Reserved_InsertOption_ContinueOnError )
        flags |= InsertOption_ContinueOnError;
    if( d.reservedField() & Reserved_FromWriteback )
        flags |= WriteOption_FromWriteback;
    _insert( ns, insertsRemaining, flags, r, d );
void _insert( const string& ns,vector<BSONObj>& inserts,int flags,Request& r , DbMessage& d ){
    map<ChunkPtr, vector<BSONObj> > insertsForChunks; // Map for bulk inserts to diff chunks
    _insert( ns, inserts, insertsForChunks, flags, r, d );
void _insert( const string& ns,
              vector<BSONObj>& insertsRemaining,
              map<ChunkPtr, vector<BSONObj> >& insertsForChunks,
              int flags,
              Request& r, DbMessage& d, // TODO: remove
              int retries = 0 ){
    ChunkManagerPtr manager;
    ShardPtr primary;
    // This function handles grouping the inserts per-shard whether the collection is sharded or not.
	//将要插入的数据按照其范围分别将其归类对应的队列中如这里的map<ChunkPtr, vector<BSONObj> >
    _groupInserts( ns, insertsRemaining, insertsForChunks, manager, primary );
    // ContinueOnError is always on when using sharding.
    flags |= manager ? InsertOption_ContinueOnError : 0;
    while( ! insertsForChunks.empty() ){
        ChunkPtr c = insertsForChunks.begin()->first;
        vector<BSONObj>& objs = insertsForChunks.begin()->second;
        const Shard& shard = c ? c->getShard() : primary.get();//通过chunk找到shard
        ShardConnection dbcon( shard, ns, manager );//建立连接
        try {
            // Taken from single-shard bulk insert, should not need multiple methods in future
            // insert( c->getShard() , r.getns() , objs , flags);
            // It's okay if the version is set here, an exception will be thrown if the version is incompatible
            // Certain conn types can't handle bulk inserts, so don't use unless we need to
            if( objs.size() == 1 )//正在的插入动作
                dbcon->insert( ns, objs[0], flags );
                dbcon->insert( ns , objs , flags);
            int bytesWritten = 0;
            for (vector<BSONObj>::iterator vecIt = objs.begin(); vecIt != objs.end(); ++vecIt) {
                r.gotInsert(); // Record the correct number of individual inserts
                bytesWritten += (*vecIt).objsize();
            // TODO: The only reason we're grouping by chunks here is for auto-split, more efficient
            // to track this separately and bulk insert to shards
            if ( c && r.getClientInfo()->autoSplitOk() )
                c->splitIfShould( bytesWritten );//可拆分时拆分chunk
            insertsForChunks.erase( insertsForChunks.begin() );


    bool Chunk::splitIfShould( long dataWritten ) const {
        LastError::Disabled d( lastError.get() );
        try {
            _dataWritten += dataWritten;//总的数据写入量
            int splitThreshold = getManager()->getCurrentDesiredChunkSize();
            if ( minIsInf() || maxIsInf() )//chunk范围的大小都是无限表明chunk是最初的chunk,未发生分片
                splitThreshold = (int) ((double)splitThreshold * .9);
            if ( _dataWritten < splitThreshold / ChunkManager::SplitHeuristics::splitTestFactor )
                return false;
            TicketHolderReleaser releaser( &(getManager()->_splitHeuristics._splitTickets) );
            // this is a bit ugly
            // we need it so that mongos blocks for the writes to actually be committed
            // this does mean mongos has more back pressure than mongod alone
            // since it nots 100% tcp queue bound
            // this was implicit before since we did a splitVector on the same socket
            BSONObj res;//正在的分片
            BSONObj splitPoint = singleSplit( false /* does not force a split if not enough data */ , res );
            if ( splitPoint.isEmpty() ) {
                // singleSplit would have issued a message if we got here
                _dataWritten = 0; // this means there wasn't enough data to split, so don't want to try again until considerable more data
                return false;
            if ( maxIsInf() || minIsInf() ) {
                // we don't want to reset _dataWritten since we kind of want to check the other side right away
                _dataWritten = 0; // we're splitting, so should wait a bit
            bool shouldBalance = grid.shouldBalance( _manager->getns() );//是否需要做chunk迁移以达到shard间数据的平衡
            BSONElement shouldMigrate = res["shouldMigrate"]; // not in mongod < 1.9.1 but that is ok
            if ( ! shouldMigrate.eoo() && shouldBalance ){
                BSONObj range = shouldMigrate.embeddedObject();
                BSONObj min = range["min"].embeddedObject();
                BSONObj max = range["max"].embeddedObject();
                // reload sharding metadata before starting migration
                Shard newLocation = Shard::pick( getShard() );//选择一个map数据最少的shard
                if ( getShard() == newLocation ) {
                    // if this is the best shard, then we shouldn't do anything (Shard::pick already logged our shard).
                    return true; // we did split even if we didn't migrate
                ChunkManagerPtr cm = _manager->reload(false/*just reloaded in mulitsplit*/);
                ChunkPtr toMove = cm->findChunk(min);
                if ( ! (toMove->getMin() == min && toMove->getMax() == max) )
                    return true;
                BSONObj res;
                massert( 10412 ,
                         str::stream() << "moveAndCommit failed: " << res ,
                         toMove->moveAndCommit( newLocation , //数据的迁移
                                                MaxChunkSize , 
                                                false , /* secondaryThrottle - small chunk, no need */
                                                res ) );
                // update our config
            return true;



作者: yhjj0108,杨浩

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