Heron UI页面响应迟缓及解决方法



heron-tracker output

yitian@heron04:~$ heron-tracker --verbose
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Connecting to zk hostports: [('heron04', 2181)] rootpath: /heron
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: ZK loop started
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Skipping state change
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Connecting to heron04:2181
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]:     Using session_id: None session_passwd: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Sending request(xid=None): Connect(protocol_version=0, last_zxid_seen=0, time_out=10000, session_id=0, passwd='\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', read_only=None)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Read response Connect(protocol_version=0, last_zxid_seen=0, time_out=10000, session_id=99755698212438030, passwd='\x17H\xb5\x19E\x14:\x03\x8a\x89dX\x9a\x1cZ\xde', read_only=False)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Session created, session_id: 99755698212438030 session_passwd: 1748b51945143a038a8964589a1c5ade
    negotiated session timeout: 10000
    connect timeout: 10000
    read timeout: 6666.66666667
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Sending request(xid=1): Exists(path='/heron/topologies', watcher=None)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=1, zxid=1596, err=0)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Received response(xid=1): ZnodeStat(czxid=96, mzxid=96, ctime=1520689567390, mtime=1520689567390, version=0, cversion=26, aversion=0, ephemeralOwner=0, dataLength=0, numChildren=0, pzxid=1518)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Adding children watch for path: /heron/topologies
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Sending request(xid=2): GetChildren(path='/heron/topologies', watcher=<bound method ChildrenWatch._watcher of <kazoo.recipe.watchers.ChildrenWatch object at 0x7fca72a2d9d0>>)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=2, zxid=1596, err=0)
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Received response(xid=2): []
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: State watch triggered for topologies.
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Topologies: []
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Existing topologies: []
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Tracker has started
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Running on port: 8888
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Using config file: /home/yitian/.herontools/conf/heron_tracker.yaml
[2018-03-27 04:53:41 +0000] [INFO]: Using state manager:
    type: zookeeper
    name: aurorazk
    hostport: heron04:2181
    rootpath: /heron
[2018-03-27 04:53:44 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:53:44 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:53:47 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:53:47 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:53:50 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:53:50 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:53:53 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:53:53 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:53:56 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:53:56 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:00 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:00 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:03 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:03 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:06 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:06 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:09 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:09 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:12 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:12 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:16 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:16 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:19 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:19 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:22 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:22 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:25 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:25 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:28 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:28 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:31 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:31 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:34 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:34 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:38 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:38 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:44 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:44 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:47 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:47 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:50 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:50 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:53 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:53 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:54:57 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:54:57 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:00 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:00 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:03 +0000] [INFO]: 302 GET / ( 0.47ms
[2018-03-27 04:55:03 +0000] [INFO]: 200 GET /topologies ( 1.11ms
[2018-03-27 04:55:03 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:03 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:06 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:06 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:09 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:09 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:12 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:12 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:15 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:15 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:19 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:19 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:20 +0000] [INFO]: 200 GET /clusters ( 1.13ms
[2018-03-27 04:55:22 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:22 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:25 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:25 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:28 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:28 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:31 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:31 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:35 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:35 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:38 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:38 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:41 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:44 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:44 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:47 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:47 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:50 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:50 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:54 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:54 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping
[2018-03-27 04:55:57 +0000] [DEBUG]: Sending request(xid=-2): Ping()
[2018-03-27 04:55:57 +0000] [DEBUG]: Received Ping

heron-ui output

yitian@heron04:~$ heron-ui
[2018-03-27 04:54:56 +0000] [INFO]: Listening at
[2018-03-27 04:54:56 +0000] [INFO]: Using tracker url:
[2018-03-27 04:54:56 +0000] [INFO]: Using base url: 
[2018-03-27 04:54:56 +0000] [INFO]: static/
[2018-03-27 04:55:20 +0000] [INFO]: 302 GET / ( 1.10ms
[2018-03-27 04:55:20 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 32.23ms
[2018-03-27 04:56:18 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 16.55ms
[2018-03-27 04:56:49 +0000] [INFO]: 302 GET / ( 0.49ms
[2018-03-27 04:56:49 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 19.84ms
[2018-03-27 04:58:31 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 21.27ms
[2018-03-27 05:09:09 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 17.40ms
[2018-03-27 05:09:20 +0000] [INFO]: 302 GET / ( 0.58ms
[2018-03-27 05:09:20 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 22.01ms
[2018-03-27 05:25:05 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/icomoon/fonts/icomoon.woff ( 42.05ms
[2018-03-27 05:25:06 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies/list.json?format=json ( 8.86ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 27.29ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/html5-trunk.js?v=fb4e3b19e8946427b114623ad94b0a95 ( 2.58ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/icomoon/style.css?v=edd234c46bdb637f5f7e58054a65c6a2 ( 1.37ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/css/bootstrap.css?v=812fbd784e634f6845fc675f491b0ac7 ( 2.54ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/css/main.css?v=6d4305fc162e7355d530a5046a64ac84 ( 1.42ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/react.0.10.0.js?v=ca46fb54cac4eb9cba1b5095165bbecc ( 4.93ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/moment.min.2.8.3.js?v=fb1459c44efd3f78660da41d54c0334d ( 2.26ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/jquery.min.js?v=0d33c81bb4a02431256f277ede6f7835 ( 3.36ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/css/visstyle.css?v=58dca7d9ec00790a139a346c8b26ed46 ( 0.78ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/underscore-min.1.6.0.js?v=95a2cc3b802d513c3b3f32719b8201c7 ( 1.42ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/bootstrap.js?v=5a467e5962c007563c7f4d33e3e163aa ( 1.64ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.js?v=ddaf8344c5a0ab61a60714aff9bac0b7 ( 1.84ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/list.min.1.1.1.js?v=7793da8ec40627b4c407142ad14fb8c1 ( 1.64ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/common.js?v=c9755e098126b1e7991a88da4f544b09 ( 1.94ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/JSXTransformer.0.10.0.js?v=8487160f81a1070dcc65ca148f61c2ea ( 2.79ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/d3.min.3.4.11.js?v=ab48526d94afd72181cb914f3d176ff6 ( 2.00ms
[2018-03-27 05:30:57 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /static/js/alltopologies.js?v=f8c85a68431c733aa0781fdaa30ddd8e ( 1.92ms
[2018-03-27 05:38:43 +0000] [INFO]: 304 GET /topologies ( 28.70ms

Stack Overflow相关提问



在尝试Stack Overflow中提问无果的情况,并且自己实在无法找到错误的情况下,试着在运行heron master主机的笔记本上(处于相同网段内),使用IP作为URL地址尝试打开heron ui的界面。

结果可以正常响应打开。因此,可以在虚拟机中的浏览器中,使用mesos和aurora,hdfs的相关页面链接。而将heron ui的页面在非虚拟机的笔记本的浏览器打开即可。


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