2019---Introduction to the special issue “Speaker and language characterization and recog

Introduction to the special issue “Speaker and language characterization and recognition: Voice modeling, conversion, synthesis and ethical aspects”

Welcome to this special issue on Speaker and Language Characterization which features, among other contributions, some of the most remarkable ideas presented and discussed at Odyssey 2018: the Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, held in Les Sables d’Olonne, France, in June 2018. This issue perpetuates the series proposed by ISCA Speaker and language Characteriza- tion Special Interest Group (SIG) in coordination with ISCA Speaker Odyssey workshops (Campbell, 2000; Berkling et al., 2007; Lleida and Rodriguez-Fuentes, 2018).
欢迎来到本期关于说话人和语言特征的专刊,其中包括2018年6月在法国Les Sables d’Olone举办的《奥德赛2018:说话人和语言识别研讨会》上提出和讨论的一些最杰出的想法。本期节目延续了ISCA演讲者和语言特征特别兴趣小组(SIG)与ISCA演讲者奥德赛研讨会(Campbell,2000;Berkling等人,2007;Lleida和Rodriguez Fuentes,2018)合作提出的系列节目。
Voice is one of the most casual modalities for natural and intuitive interactions between humans as well as between humans and machines. Voice is also a central part of our identity. Voice-based solutions are currently deployed in a growing variety of applications, including person authentication through automatic speaker verification (ASV).
A related technology concerns digital cloning of personal voice characteristics for text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC). In the last years, the impressive advancements of the VC/TTS field opened the way for numerous new consumer applica- tions. Especially, VC is offering new solutions for privacy protection. However, VC/TTS also brings the possibility of misuse of the technology in order to spoof ASV systems (for example presentation attacks implemented using voice conversion). As a direct consequence, spoofing countermeasures raised a growing interest during the past years.
Moreover, voice is a central part of our identity and is also bringing other characteristics on the persons than their identity, which could be extracted with or without the consent of the speaker. This brings up the need to tackle in ASV and VC/TTS not only the technical challenges, but specific ethical considerations, as shown, for example, by the recent EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Time has passed since the previous Computer Speech and Language (CSL) special issue that focused on speaker and language recognition and summarized contributions originating from the 2016 edition of the Odyssey workshop Lleida and Rodriguez- Fuentes (2018). This special issue presents the latest progress in speaker and language characterization. But it also extends the topic to voice modeling, conversion, synthesis and ethical aspects, in order to reflect the relations of these themes with speaker and language characterization. As dedicated Editors of this special issue, we wished to propose high quality but also timely infor- mation. To achieve this objective, we accepted a loss in term of coverage and we selected only 8 high quality and (quite) ready for press articles, presented below.
The article entitled Vocoder-Free Text-to-Speech Synthesis Incorporating Generative Adversarial Networks Using Low- / Multi- Frequency STFT Amplitude Spectra by Saito et al. addresses quality degradation in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. The authors devise a vocoder-free approach that predicts high-dimensional amplitude spectrum from linguistic features. As the high- dimensional amplitude spectra has a complicated distribution, the resulting speech has degraded quality. This lead the authors to propose a novel training loss to combine prediction error (square error between the target and predicted amplitude spectra) with an adversarial loss term. The latter enforces the distribution of broad amplitude spectrum of generated speech to match closely the distribution of natural speech. The study represents an interesting example of knowledge transfer from ASV spoofing research to TTS: besides conventional mel-frequency scale (with a low-frequency focus), the authors incorporated inverse mel- scale (with high-frequency focus), originally used in detecting TTS and voice conversion attacks. Further, the authors used a spe- cific metric, spoofing rate, defined as the percentage of generated spectra classified by the discriminator network mistakenly as human speech, as part of their objective evaluation.
The article entitled Voice Mimicry Attacks Assisted by Automatic Speaker Verification by Vestman et al. addresses a potential security threat caused by the malicious use of automatic speaker verification (ASV) technology. The authors used one ASV system (i-vector) to assist mimicry attack of naive speakers against another ASV system (x-vector). They selected closeby target speakers for naive attackers from a large publicly available database for each of the mimickers. The authors additionally included percep- tual experiments and studies on changes in prosody. Although the results from this simulated attack scenario reveal that the malicious use of the technology improves the chances of breaking a speaker verification system, it was not generally not enough to break the attacked system.
The article entitled Deep Domain Adaptation for Anti-Spoofing in Speaker Verification Systems by Himawan et al. describes domain adaptation techniques of anti-spoofing countermeasure models for ASV. Countermeasure models trained on a database should be usable even on a different database ideally, but, in practice, this is not true due to mismatched acoustic conditions between the two databases. To address this issue, they proposed several interesting networks for supervised and unsupervised settings. For supervised setting, they used a Siamese like network that has two outputs, spoofing/genuine classification and adversarial domain classification. This transforms input spectrum into a new domain-invariant feature that can still be used for spoofing/genuine classification. For unsupervised setting, they further constrained the network so that weights for handing two databases are linearly correlated. The CORAL loss was also added. They show very detailed analysis results of the proposed domain adaptation techniques using the ASVspoof 2015 and AVspoof databases.
Himawan等人在《说话人验证系统中抗欺骗的深域自适应》一文中提出。介绍了ASV反欺骗对抗模型的域自适应技术。在一个数据库上训练的对抗模型即使在另一个理想的数据库上也应该是可用的,但实际上,由于两个数据库之间的声学条件不匹配,这是不正确的。为了解决这个问题,他们提出了几个有趣的网络用于有监督和无监督的设置。对于监督设置,他们使用了一个类似连体的网络,它有两个输出,欺骗/真实分类和对抗域分类。这将输入频谱转换为一个新的域不变特征,仍然可以用于欺骗/真正的分类。对于无监督设置,它们进一步约束网络,使处理两个数据库的权重线性相关。珊瑚损失也增加了。它们展示了使用ASVspoof 2015和AVspoof数据库对提议的域适应技术的非常详细的分析结果。
The survey article Preserving Privacy in Speaker and Speech Characterisation by Nautsch et al. is a recommended reading for speech, biometrics and applied cryptography researchers and relevant readers who works on speaker and speech privacy since privacy preservation is mandated by recent European and international data protection regulations. It covers a legal perspective on privacy preservation of speech data, the requirements for effective privacy preservation, and cryptography-based solutions that are applicable to speaker characterization and speech characterization, respectively.
In their article End-to-end DNN Based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition for Long and Short Utterances, Rohdin et al. proposed to mimic an i-vector/PLDA system using an end-to-end neural network to address over-fitting problems in usual end- to-end systems. Each part of a classical i-vector/PLDA system, including sufficient statistics computation, i-vector extraction and PLDA scoring is replaced by a neural network. Training this system in an end-to-end manner makes the tasks in training and eval- uation the same which is beneficial compared to standard x-vector systems. The article additionally describes the entire training process and details the optimization process required to limit the memory requirement. The proposed solution performs simi- larly to an x-vector system but without requiring data augmentation.
An adversarial approach is proposed by Chien and Peng in their article Neural Adversarial Learning for Speaker Recognition. Their method can be used in two tasks. First, adversarial training can be used to construct a manifold PLDA that preserves neigh- bor embedding of i-vectors in a low-dimensional space to benefit speaker recognition. Second, the generative network can be used to tackle the problem of imbalanced and insufficient data in PLDA speaker recognition by generating artificial examples. To train the couple of networks, they propose to perform multi-objective learning for minimax optimization and introduce a regu- larization of Gaussianity and cosine similarity.
In their article Analysis of DNN Speech Signal Enhancement for Robust Speaker Recognition, Novotny et al. report the results of a detailed analysis of speaker verification noise robustness. They study the use of deep neural networks for audio enhancement and analyze the performance of standard i-vector system as well as x-vectors, considered as the current state-of-the art in speaker verification. Their experiments cover a large number of standard corpora and datasets derived from standard corpora to cover multiple acoustic domains. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of some methods while alerting on the degradation that denoising may induce in clean conditions. The methods compared include denoising as well as data augmentation, robust features and multi-condition training.
Finally, Monteiro et al. proposed in their article entitled Residual Convolutional Neural Network with Attentive Feature Pooling for End-to-End Language Identification from Short-Duration Speech a solution for end-to-end language identification. They propose to use residual convolutional neural networks due to their property to take into account large contextual segments. They associ- ate this architecture with different attention mechanisms. They demonstrate that their approach improves the average cost of classical methods by 30% to 40% on standard benchmarks.
We express our gratitude to the authors of the submissions to this special issue and present our apologizes to the authors of the submissions postponed due to our strict selection rules. We thank the reviewers for the huge time they invest in reviewing the submissions and particularly for their fruitful comments in order to improve the papers. We wish also to thank Prof. Roger K. Moore, the Editor-in-Chief, who supported our project, including our “rush” planning and the associated selection rules, and advise us during all the (long and complex) editing process.

Jean-Franc ̧ ois Bonastre* LIA, Avignon University, Avignon, France
Jean François Bonastre*LIA,阿维尼翁大学,阿维尼翁,法国

Tomi Kinnunen
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland

Anthony Larcher
LIUM, Le Mans Universit e, Le Mans, France

Yamagishi 山崎骏一
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
*Corresponding author. E-mail address: jean-francois.bonastre@univ-avignon.fr (J.-F. Bonastre).

J.-F. Bonastre et al. / Computer Speech & Language 60 (2020) 101021 3
Berkling, K., Bonastre, J., Campbell, J.P., 2007. Introduction to the special section on speaker and language recognition. IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 15 (7), 1949–1950. doi: 10.1109/TASL.2007.905038.
Campbell, J., 2000. Introduction to the issue. Digit. Signal Process. 10 (1), xi–xv. doi: 10.1006/dspr.2000.0372.
Lleida, E., Rodriguez-Fuentes, L.J., 2018. Speaker and language recognition and characterization: introduction to the CSL special issue. Comput. Speech Lang. 49,
107–120. doi: 10.1016/j.csl.2017.12.001.

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