PHP Options and Information [PHP手册学习]

PHP Options and Information


assert_options — 设置/获取的各种断言标记 { mixed assert_options ( int $what [, mixed $value ] )}

assert —  检查断言是否不正确 { bool assert ( mixed $assertion )}

『 assert_options、assert要结合一起用』


dl — Loads a PHP extension at runtime { bool dl ( string $library )}

extension_loaded — Find out whether an extension is loaded { bool extension_loaded ( string $name )}


gc_collect_cycles — Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles { int gc_collect_cycles ( void )}

gc_enable — 激活循环引用收藏家 { void gc_enable ( void )}

gc_disable — 停用循环引用收藏家 { void gc_disable ( void )}


gc_enabled — Returns status of the circular reference collector { bool gc_enabled ( void )}


get_cfg_var — 获取一个PHP配置选项的值 { string get_cfg_var ( string $option )}


ini_set — Sets the value of a configuration option { string ini_set ( string $varname , string $newvalue )}

ini_get — Gets the value of a configuration option { string ini_get ( string $varname )}

ini_get_all — Gets all configuration options { array ini_get_all ([ string $extension [, bool $details = true ]] )}

ini_restore — Restores the value of a configuration option { void ini_restore ( string $varname )}

ini_alter — 别名 ini_set()



get_current_user — Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script { string get_current_user ( void )}

get_defined_constants — 返回一个与所有的常量和它们的值的名称关联数组 { array get_defined_constants ([ bool $categorize = false ] )}


get_extension_funcs — Returns an array with the names of the functions of a module { array get_extension_funcs ( string $module_name )}


get_included_files — Returns an array with the names of included or required files { array get_included_files ( void )}

get_loaded_extensions — 返回一个与所有模块的编译和载入名称的数组 { array get_loaded_extensions ([ bool $zend_extensions = false ] )}

get_required_files — 别名 get_included_files()


get_magic_quotes_gpc — Gets the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc { int get_magic_quotes_gpc ( void )}

get_magic_quotes_runtime — 获取当前活动配置magic_quotes_runtime设置 { int get_magic_quotes_runtime ( void )}


getenv — Gets the value of an environment variable { string getenv ( string $varname )}


putenv — Sets the value of an environment variable { bool putenv ( string $setting )} eg:putenv("UNIQID=$uniqid");


#apache_getenv() - Get an Apache subprocess_env variable



getlastmod — 获取修改时间的最后一页 { int getlastmod ( void )}

getmygid — Get PHP script owner's GID

getmyinode — Gets the inode of the current script

getmypid — Gets PHP's process ID

getmyuid — Gets PHP script owner's UID


getopt — 获取命令行参数列表选项 { array getopt ( string $options [, array $longopts ] )}

getrusage — 获取当前资源使用 { array getrusage ([ int $who = 0 ] )}



set_magic_quotes_runtime — 设置当前活动配置设置的 magic_quotes_runtime { bool set_magic_quotes_runtime ( bool $new_setting )}

magic_quotes_runtime — Alias of set_magic_quotes_runtime()


main — Dummy for main




memory_get_peak_usage — 返回PHP所分配的内存峰值 { int memory_get_peak_usage ([ bool $real_usage = false ] )}

memory_get_usage — 返回的内存量分配到PHP { int memory_get_usage ([ bool $real_usage = false ] )}



php_ini_loaded_file — 检索路径加载的php.ini文件 { string php_ini_loaded_file ( void )}

php_ini_scanned_files — 返回的列表.ini文件解析从额外的INI目录 { string php_ini_scanned_files ( void )}


php_sapi_name — Returns the type of interface between web server and PHP { string php_sapi_name ( void )}

php_uname — 返回有关操作系统上运行的PHP { string php_uname ([ string $mode = "a" ] )}


phpcredits — Prints out the credits for PHP   

php_logo_guid — Gets the logo guid { string php_logo_guid ( void )}

phpinfo — Outputs information about PHP's configuration

phpversion — Gets the current PHP version { string phpversion ([ string $extension ] )}


restore_include_path — 恢复价值的include_path配置选项 { void restore_include_path ( void )}

set_include_path — Sets the include_path configuration option { string set_include_path ( string $new_include_path )}

get_include_path — 获取当前的include_path配置选项 { string get_include_path ( void )}


set_time_limit — Limits the maximum execution time { void set_time_limit ( int $seconds )}


sys_get_temp_dir — 返回目录使用的临时文件路径 { string sys_get_temp_dir ( void )}

version_compare — Compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings { mixed version_compare ( string $version1 , string $version2 [, string $operator ] )}

zend_logo_guid — Gets the Zend guid

zend_thread_id — Returns a unique identifier for the current thread

zend_version — Gets the version of the current Zend engine { string zend_version ( void )}

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