英语前缀后缀一览表 - Tao of programmer - CSDNBlog



Root, Prefix or Suffix  Meaning  Examples
a, ac, ad, af, ag, al, an, ap, as, at  to, toward, near, in addition to, by  aside, accompany, adjust, aggression, allocate, annihilate, affix, associate, attend, adverb
a, an  not, without  apolitical, atheist, anarchy, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, anemia
ab, abs  away from, off  absolve, abrupt, absent
-able, -ible  Adjective: worth, ability  solvable, incredible
acer, acid, acri  bitter, sour, sharp  acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony 
act, ag:  do, act, drive  active, react, agent, active, agitate
acu  sharp  acute, acupuncture, accurate 
-acy, -cy  Noun: state or quality  privacy, nfancy, adequacy, intimacy, supremacy 
ag, agi, ig, act  do, move, go  agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action 
-age  Noun: activity, or result of action  courage, suffrage, shrinkage, tonnage 
-al  Noun: action, result of action  referral, disavowal, disposal, festival
-al, -ial, -ical  Adjective: quality, relation  structural, territorial, categorical
ali, allo, alter  other  alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism 
alt(us)  high, deep  altimeter, altitude 
am, ami, amor love, like, liking amorous, amiable, amicable, enamoured
ambul  to walk  ambulatory, amble, ambulance, somnambulist
-an  Noun: person  artisan, guardian, historian, magician
-ance, -ence  Noun: action, state, quality or process  resistance, independence, extravagance, fraudulence
-ancy, -ency  Noun: state, quality or capacity  vacancy, agency, truancy, latency
anim  mind, life, spirit, anger  animal, animate, animosity
ann, annu, enni  yearly  annual, annual, annuity, anniversary, perrenial 
-ant, -ent  Noun: an agent, something that performs the action disinfectant, dependent, fragrant
-ant, -ent, -ient  Adjective: kind of agent, indication  important, dependent, convenient
ante  before  anterior, anteroom, antebellum, antedate, antecedent antediluvian
anthrop  man  anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy 
anti(co)  old  antique, antiquated, antiquity 
anti, ant  against, opposite  antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis, antibody, antinomies, antifreeze, antipathy
-ar, -ary  Adjective: resembling, related to  spectacular, unitary 
arch  chief, first, rule  archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era 
aster, astr  star  aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut 
-ate  Noun: state, office, fuction  candidate, electorate, delegate 
-ate  Verb: cause to be  graduate, ameliorate, amputate, colligate
-ate  Adjective: kind of state  inviolate
-ation  Noun: action, resulting state  specialization, aggravation, alternation
auc, aug, aut  to originate, to increase  augment , author, augment, auction
aud, audi, aur, aus to hear, listen audience, audio, audible, auditorium, audiovisual, audition, auricular, ausculate
aug, auc  increase  augur, augment, auction 
aut, auto self  automobile, automatic, automotive, autograph, autonomous, autoimmune 
belli  war  rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose 
bene  good, well, gentle  benefactor, beneficial, benevolent, benediction, beneficiary, benefit
bi, bine  two  biped, bifurcate, biweekly, bivalve, biannual
bibl, bibli, biblio  book  bibliophile, bibliography, Bible
bio, bi  life  biography, biology, biometricsm biome, biosphere
brev  short  abbreviate, brevity, brief 
cad, cap, cas, ceiv, cept, capt, cid, cip  to take, to seize, to hold  receive, deceive, capable, capacious, captive, accident, capture, occasion, concept, intercept, forceps, except, reciprocate 
cad, cas  to fall  cadaver, cadence, cascade 
calor  heat  calorie, caloric, calorimeter 
capit, capt  head  decapitate, capital, captain, caption 
carn  flesh  carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal 
cat, cata, cath  down, with  catalogue, category, catheter 
caus, caut  burn, heat  caustic, cauldron, cauterize 
cause, cuse, cus  cause, motive  because, excuse, accusation 
ceas, ced, cede, ceed, cess  to go, to yield, move, go, surrender succeed, proceed, precede, recede, secession, exceed, succession 
cent  hundred  centennial, century, centipede
centr, cenetri center  eccentricity, centrifugal, concentric, eccentric 
chrom  color  chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic 
chron  time  chronology, chronic, chronicle chronometer, anachronism, synchronize 
cide, cis, cise to kill, to cut, cut down fratricide, homicide, incision, incision, circumcision, scissors 
circum  around  circumnavigate, circumflex, circumstance, circumcision, circumference, circumorbital, circumlocution, circumvent, circumscribe, circulatory
cit  call, start  incite, citation, cite 
civ  citizen  civic, civil, civilian, civilization 
clam, claim  cry out  exclamation, clamor, proclamation, reclamation, acclaim 
clin  lean, bend  decline, aclinic, inclination
clud, clus claus  to close, shut  include, exclude, clause, claustrophobia, enclose, exclusive, reclusive, conclude
co, cog, col, con, com, cor  with, together  cohesiveness, cognate, collaborate, convene, commitment, compress, contemporary, converge, compact, confluence, convenient, concatenate, conjoin, combine, correct 
cogn, gnos  to know  recognize, cognizant, diagnose, agnostic, incognito, prognosis
com, con  fully  complete, compel, conscious, condense, confess, confirm
contr, contra, counter  against, opposite  contradict, counteract, contravene, contrary, counterspy, contrapuntal
cord, cor, cardi  heart  cordial, concord, discord, courage, encourage 
corp  body  corporation, corporal punishment, corpse, corpulent, corpus luteum 
cort  correct  escort, cortage 
cosm  universe, world  cosmos, microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut 
cour, cur, curr, curs  run, course  occur, excursion, discourse, courier, course 
crat, cracy  rule  autocrat, aristocrat, theocracy, technocracy 
cre, cresc, cret, crease  grow  create, crescent, accretion, increase 
crea  create  creature, recreation, creation 
cred  believe  creed, credo, credence, credit, credulous, incredulous, incredible 
cresc, cret, crease, cru  rise, grow  crescendo, concrete, increase, decrease, accrue 
crit  separate, choose  critical, criterion, hypocrite 
cur, curs  run  current, concurrent, concur, incur, recur, occur, courier, precursor, cursive 
cura  care  curator, curative, manicure 
cycl, cyclo  wheel, circle, circular  Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic 
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