安装 Black Duck

安装 Black Duck

Installing Black Duck

The Black Duck installation process can be broken down into three major steps:
(1) download the .tar file needed for orchestration and configuration files,
(2) unpack the .tar file and configure web server and, if needed, the proxy server environment files, and
(3) install Black Duck using an orchestration tool such as Docker Swarm

Step 1: Download the orchestration and configuration files. You need these files to install Black Duck and launch the Docker images.

Go to [Black Duck Hub’s space on GitHub](https://github.com/blackducksoftware/hub) and select “blackducksoftware/hub”
Download the latest version of the Hub by scrolling down and copying the first link under “Hub Docker Orchestration Files/Documentation”
    Issue command: wget *paste link above*
    Example: wget https://github.com/blackducksoftware/hub/archive/v4.4.0.tar.gz

Step 2: Unpack .tar file and configure Web server and, if needed, proxy server settings.

Unpack the .tar file on a server
    Issue command: tar xvf -hub docker-<currentversionofhub(ex. 4.0)>.tar
    Within bin directory, there are two environment files (hub-proxy.env AND hub-webserver.env), which we’ll use to configure Web server and, if needed, proxy server
Configure Web server and, if needed, proxy server settings
    **Edit the Web server environment file**
        Issue command: vi hub-webserver.env
        The environment variable has the service name set as default value. Change this to the host name so that the certificate host name matches
    Configure the proxy settings using the proxy environment file. This must be configured if you require proxy for external internet access. Specifics for using an external Postgres instance and configuring a proxy environment file are available in the Black Duck Hub Docker Install Guide.

Step 3: Install the Dockerized Black Duck with the PostgreSQL database instance. Begin by initializing Docker swarm, creating a single node swarm.

Navigate into the orchestration subfolder. For example: cd /opt/blackduck/hub-4.4.0/docker-swarm
Issue command: docker swarm init

We’re ready to install Black Duck; this deploys all of the containers that comprise Black Duck.

Issue command: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml hub

Certain Docker orchestration techniques allow scalability by allowing admins to choose the number of active job runner containers.

For a Docker Swarm deployment, issue the command: docker service scale hub_jobrunner=2

Verify installation completion

Confirm installation was successful by running the docker ps commands.

Ensure all container statuses are listed as “healthy”
    To do this, issue command: docker ps
The web application for Black Duck is exposed on port 443 to the docker host. You can test it using https://fillinyourhostnameorIPaddresshere
Log into the web interface using the default sysadmin account. The username is `sysadmin`; the password is `blackduck`.
Change the password so that your web server is secure. To do this, click on the sysadmin in the upper right-hand corner, and select “My profile.”


BlackDuck 2018版 操作说明 简介与离线数据库下载(黑鸭子 Black Duck)
An introduction to installing Black Duck

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