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原创 ORACLE RMAN advise failure
143.You executed the following commands in an RMAN session for your database instance that has failures: RMAN> LIST FAILURE; After some time, you executed the following command in the same session:...
2018-12-18 11:12:42 459
原创 ORACLE后台进程
135.Note the functionalities of various background processes: 1: Perform recovery at instance startup. 2: Free the resources used by a user process when it fails. 3: Cleanup the database buffer cache ...
2018-12-12 16:00:53 314
原创 ORACLE grant用法
一、使用with admin option with admin option的意思是被授予该权限的用户有权将某个权限(如create any table)授予其他用户或角色,取消是不级联的。 如授予A系统权限create session with admin option,然后A又把create session权限授予B,但管理员收回A的create session权限时,B依然拥有
2018-01-22 17:21:27 4745
转载 SQL安装常见问题
sql server 2000安装出错,无法找到动态链接库sqlunirl.dll 安装文件肯定没有错,因为以前安装过,绝对可以用机子之前有装了sql server 2000,而且可以正常使用,只是今天突然无法连接到本地数据库,打算重装,我删了program files里的ms sql的目录,然后重装sql,结果在最后一步的时候提示,无法完成配置。后来又删除了一些注册表中的sql server
2006-02-11 20:59:00 1276
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