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原创 软件管理

软件管理RPMRed hat的包管理软件,属性依赖解决方式:YUM, yum首先会向软件源要求更新软件列表到/var/cahce/yum,然后用与本机的rpm数据库进行比较,找出该下载什么软件,然后下载所需软件,再通过RPM机制安装yum [list|info|search|providers|whatprovides|install|update|remove|clean|repolist]软件源:/etc/yum.repos.d/扩展软件源:EPELdpkg基于debian Linux的包

2021-03-30 16:53:12 133

原创 备份

硬件数据收集dmidecode 查看cpu,主板,内存相关型号lspci 显示主机上的硬件的信息lsusb 显示磁盘,CPU的状态iostatsmartctl 了解磁盘的健康状态备份/etc//home/var/spool/mail/boot/root备份策略incremental backup,第一次完整备份后,仅备份有差异的文件和数据。differential backup,每次备份都是与原完整备份比较的结果关键数据备份:备份工具:dd, cpio xfsdump

2021-03-30 16:09:51 107

原创 启动流程与模块管理

系统加载BIOS, BIOS加载CMOS信息,获取主机的各项硬伯配置。BIOS进行自检测,执行硬件的检测初始化,定义启动设备的顺序。读取启动设备数据。加载内核 的启动引导程序叫boot loader,一般安装在启动设备的第一个扇区。boot loader分为执行与加载配置文件两个阶段。grub2是目前主流的loader. chainloader可以移义loader控制权。initramfs提供启动时所需最重要的内核模块。内核加载完,开始执行系统的第一个程序Sytemd。Systemd处理流程:用户

2021-03-30 15:55:11 193 1

原创 磁盘配额与管理

磁盘配额限制某一用户组所能使用的最大磁盘配额限制某一用户的最大磁盘配额限制某一目录的最大磁盘配额使用条件:内核必须支持磁盘配额只对一般身份用户有效启用SELinux,非所有目录均可设置磁盘配额设置规范:分别针对,用户,组,目录容量或文件数量限制(block 或indoe)用户组与目录的限制无法同时并存修改配额:df -hT /xxx ,查看指定目录的容量信息/etc/fstab,该文件里可以设置usrquota, grpquota,启动配额功能xfs_quota -

2021-03-30 15:13:42 180

原创 SELinux

SELinuxSecurity Enhanced Linux:安全强化。在进行进程,文件等详细权限配置时依据的一个内核模块。传统文件权限与帐号的关系:DAC,自主访问控制,控制主体为用户。SELinux: 以策略规则制定特定进程对资源的访问,强制访问控制(MAC),控制主体为进程 。内置了很多rule,用户可以自己选择是否启用。目前主要策略:targeted: 针对网络服务的限制较多,对本机较少。默认策略。Minimum: 由target定义而来,仅针对选择的进程来保护mls:完整的SELin

2021-03-26 09:24:35 102 1

原创 任务管理

任务管理jobs [-lrs] 列出后台运行的任务。 结果里的【+ -】号,代表最近被放到后台的第一个,第二个任务 ,第三个以后的任务就不会有±号了。fg %jobnumber 将后台任务切换到前台执行bg %jobnumber,让任务在后台的状态变成运行中kill [-l -signal] %jobnumber,列出或强制结束 一个任务signal:-1 重新读取一次配置件-2 代表由键盘输入ctrl -c 一样的操作-9 x强制删除一个任务-15 以正常的进程方式 终止一项任务ki

2021-03-26 08:53:14 136

原创 计划任务

计划任务at 执行一次的任务。由atd服务提供crontab 例行执行的。由crond服务提供at-m 任务完成发email通知使用者 -l 列出所有计划 -d 取消一个在at计划中的任务 -c 列出指定任务的内容 -v 格式划时间列出at中的任务列表 。 at是后台脱机执行。batch在CPU负载小于0.8的时候才执行的任务。后台也是利用at来执行crontab/etc/cron.allow允许执行cron任务的用户/etc/cron.deny,不允许执行

2021-03-24 11:33:10 117 1

原创 系统服务(daemon)


2021-03-24 11:13:13 198 1

原创 Linux 日志文件

Linux 日志文件/var/log/boot.log 启动日志/var/log/cronvar/log/dmesg ,内核检测过程的信息/var/log/lastlog/var/log/maillog/var/log/messages,系统发生的错误信息或重要信息/var/log/secure,需要输入密码的软件,登录时都会被记录在这个文件/var/log/wtmp,faillog,正确或错误登录系统的信息/var/log/httpd* samba/*, 网络服务日志日志处理服务与

2021-03-24 10:45:25 138 1

原创 Linux 帐号与权限

Linux 帐号与权限每个login user至少会获取两个ID, UID, GID。登录流程:check /etc/passwd, if no UID, exitget UID and GID, user home and login shell from /etc/passwd,/etc/groupcheck password from /etc/shadow/etc/passed 里每一行代表一个帐号。 0 为系统管理员,1-999 系统帐号,1000-60000 可登录帐号,在该文件

2021-03-24 10:13:54 150 1

原创 正则表达式

正则表达式符号意义[:alnum:]0-9,A-Z,a-z[:alpha:]A-Z a-z[:blank:]tab,space[:cntrl:]CR LF tab del[:digit:]0-9[:graph:]除了空格外的字符[:lower:]a-z[:upper:]A-Z[:print:]任何可打印出来的字符[:punct:]标点符号[:xdigit:]0-9,A-F,a-f[:space:]

2021-03-19 23:41:36 98

原创 Bash

Bashctrl+u/k,删除光标处向前或向后的命令串ctrl+a/e,光标移动到命令串最前或最后变量使用$Var ${var}var=abc,设置变量""号内的$var可以解析为变量值''号内的$原样输出\ 转义字符$( command ) 或 command, 一串命令中的子命令,子命令先执行set 可以查看所有变量。$? 上一个命令返回的值子进程会继承父进程的环境变量,不会继承自定义变量变量的读取,声明read vardeclare -[-aixr] var变

2021-03-19 22:46:07 112

原创 Linux文件系统权限与目录配置

Linux文件系统权限与目录配置文件信息介绍命令: ls -al结果: -rw-r–r-- 1 root root 1864 May 4 18:01 xxx.yml结果解析:– :文件类型rw-r–r--: 三个为一组,分别代表owner,group,others的读=4 写=2 执行=1 三种权限,–为没有该权限。1: 多少文件名加接到inode. 每个文件都有一个Inode.root: 文件拥有者root : 所属group1864 : 文件大小May 4 18:01:修改时间

2021-03-19 18:54:52 191

原创 Linux初始

Linux硬件Linux系统中,一切设备皆文件。设备系统文件名说明软盘驱动vd[a-p]STAT接口sd[a-p]USB 磁盘系统启动后才能识别打印机lp[0-2] usb/lp[0-15]鼠标input/mouse[0-5] psaux mouseCD-ROM,DVD-ROMlp[0-2] usb/lp[0-15]磁带机ht0 st0 tapeIDE磁盘驱动hd[a-d]磁盘分区MBR (Maste

2021-03-19 14:57:49 104

原创 Ansible笔记

Ansible笔记AnsibleAnsible是一款基于Python的自动化运维工具,其于SSH信任关系,只需要在控制节点安装ansible,并配置inventory, inventory是一个资产配置清单。Ansible通过Inventory资产清单获取到所有的被管理节点列表,然后当执行Adhoc或Playbook时,会转换成python脚本,通过SSH传输到被管理节点上,生成临时python文件,然后在被管理节点执行该文件,并返回执行结果。安装首先管理切点与被管理节点要建立ssh信任关系, Op

2021-03-19 12:55:31 197

翻译 Powershell redirection operators

Powershell Writing Messages to the Console WindowPowershell redirection operatorshttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_redirection?view=powershell-5.1The redirection operators enable you to send streams

2020-08-14 07:56:15 198

翻译 Write-Host

Write-Hosthttp://www.jsnover.com/blog/2013/12/07/write-host-considered-harmful/Write-Host Considered HarmfulWrite-Host is almost always the wrong thing to do because it interferes with automation. There are typically two reasons why people use Write-Ho

2020-08-14 07:56:08 563

翻译 Write-Output

Write-Outputhttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/write-output?view=powershell-5.1Sends the specified objects to the next command in the pipeline. If the command is the last command in the pipeline, the objects a

2020-08-14 07:56:01 623

翻译 Return Keyword in PowerShell

Return Keyword in PowerShellhttps://info.sapien.com/index.php/scripting/scripting-classes/using-the-return-keyword-in-powershell-classesIn Standard PowerShellthe Return keyword exits the current scope. Return also returns the associated object . the res

2020-08-14 07:55:50 140

翻译 Powershell In Jenkins

Powershell In JenkinsUsing Microsoft PowerShell in PipelinePowerShell now runs in Non-Interactive mode to prevent interactive prompts from hanging the buildPowerShell now runs with ExcecutionPolicy set to “Bypass” to avoid execution policy issuesScrip

2020-08-14 07:55:19 209

翻译 Pipeline Related Knowledge

Pipeline Step Examplenode(Label Expression){}Label Expression: you choose the run VMnode can include other nodews(workspaceName){}define your job workspace, path: JENKINS_HOME/workspaceNamestage(stagename){}stagename will display on stafe view

2020-08-13 11:01:40 393

翻译 Regular expression in Groovy

How to use Regular expression in GroovyBasic syntax://: Define regular expressions in which special characters are automatically escapedexample: Pattern regex= "\\d+\\.\\d+",In groovy we can define like this: def regex = /\d+\.\d+/~//: defines a re

2020-08-13 10:45:37 137

翻译 How to debug azure vm agent provisioning failure?

How to debug azure vm agent provisioning failure?In current Jenkin server, most of the slave nodes are configured in Jenkins as Microsoft Azure VM Agents, when a build is trigger to run on slave node, it will first provision a vm agent with the specified

2020-08-13 10:43:39 115 1

翻译 Upgrade Jenkins version

Upgrade Jenkins version#select jenkins.war locationps aux | grep jenkins cd /var/lib/jenkins/downloadscd /downloadswget http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/war/[jenkins version]/jenkins.war #backup current jenkins warcp /usr/share/jenkins/jen

2020-08-13 10:38:53 177

翻译 Trigger Remote Jenkins Build

Trigger Remote Jenkins BuildEnabled “Trigger builds remotely” in Jenkins Job Configuration.Click on the desired job –> Configure –> Locate the “Trigger builds remotely” under “Build Triggers” TabEnabled the check box of “Trigger builds remotely”

2020-08-13 10:37:50 463

翻译 How to allocate an executor on a node but never master

How to allocate an executor on a node but never masterYou can use node(‘!master’) or agent { label ‘!master’ } syntax.https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/workflow-durable-task-step/#node-allocate-nodenode: Allocate nodeAllocates an executor on a node

2020-08-13 10:33:12 141

翻译 Python code standard

Generally, followPEP 257for docstrings. We’ll only describe the ways that CKAN differs from or extends PEP 257 below.CKAN docstrings deviate from PEP 257 in a couple of ways:We use'''triplesinglequotes'''around docstrings, not"""tripledoublequ

2020-08-13 09:36:49 280

翻译 Stress test tools

Load test using Visual Studio and Azue DevOpshttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/test/load-test/getting-started-with-performance-testing?view=azure-devopsEnvironment setup:Load test using LOCUSThttps://docs.locust.io/en/latest/writing-a-locu

2020-08-13 09:10:00 281

翻译 Setup Robot Environment

Use python to call C# dll functionEnvironment prepare:Environment prepare: Close firewall, user control, system updateInstall java JDK and configure environment variables.Reference: http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/c85b7a6414f2ee003bac95d5.htmlI

2020-08-13 09:04:25 118

翻译 Postman mock Server

How to create a mock server on postman and defined a api:Create a request on Postman and send itClick “Save” and “Save Response(Save as example)” button to save the request and response.(Note: you can change you the status code and response body as you

2020-08-13 08:52:56 138

翻译 Mock Server

The testing workflow with mock server:Mock server Java client website: http://www.mock-server.com/mock_server/getting_started.htmlMock server Python Client repository: https://github.com/internap/python-mockserver-friendly-clientMock server Java client

2020-08-12 16:30:39 331

翻译 Support Multiple frameworks UT

Support Multiple frameworks UTBackgroundwe have a Project name Plan Visualization, It is a plugin project , This project have 2 framework to support different platform, .net framework 4.6.1 for desktop , .net core 2.2 for Azure Web service. both of them

2020-08-12 16:24:13 97

翻译 Robot Framework

Robot FrameworkLog level for robot test(Reference link: http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html)We can add log level when debug, in order to see more code information in the log.–loglevel DEBUG–loglevel TRACE–l

2020-08-12 16:20:21 174

翻译 UI test with Python

Environment setup:Install Python 3.7.install package “pywinauto”.https://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/code/pywinauto.application.htmlInstall “Inspect” for view control structure. (Windows 10 installedunder “C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsK

2020-08-12 16:16:46 178

翻译 NodeJS Auto Testing in Container

NodeJS Auto Testing in ContainerOption #1: Run Headless ChromeSince Chrome 59, it is possible to run it without the actual browser window. That feature is called Headless Chrome.install chrome Headless. https://tecadmin.net/setup-selenium-chromedriver-

2020-08-12 16:01:28 195

翻译 Angular Auto Testing without the actual browser window

Angular Auto Testing without the actual browser windowhere is an article for whole Web testing concept and example, included Integration tests,Regression tests, Performance tests,Load tests, End-to-End (e2e) tests,UAT (user acceptance tests), Smoke Tests.

2020-08-12 15:30:07 167

翻译 Angular Build Option

Angular Build OptionReference Link: https://www.jb51.net/article/137034.htm图片描述Modify OutDir:https://blog.csdn.net/idomyway/article/details/79283637ng build prod and dev comparehttps://www.cnblogs.com/timetimetime/p/9106056.htmlng command details:

2020-08-12 15:18:31 199



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