有容云:用 Docker 构建 Serverless 应用


Serverless 不意味着没有服务器,而是从应用可以在一个抽象层上忽略它的存在,而只关注在功能实现上和自身的请求处理上;每一个功能实现在不是单纯的业务逻辑处理的代码,相反每个功能调用具有了 Server 的特质,进化成为了一个具有自省、自知和自治的工作负载单元;他们更像是能够衍生出其它新功能单元的生物体。这样整个 Serverless 应用架构之内,每个生命可以衍生下去,子子孙孙无穷匮也。




但是 Serverless 里不意味着没有 Docker,事实上 ”Docker 就是 Serverless”。你可以用 Docker 来容器化这些功能,然后按需地运行在 Swarm 群集上。Serverless 是一种构建分布式计算的应用的方法,而 Docker 是完美的构建和运行他们的平台。


从 Server 到 Serverless


那么我们如何来编写 Serverless 的应用?让我们先看下这个例子:“一个有5个子服务组成的投票应用”




1. 两个 Web 前端

2. 一个后台的处理投票的 Worker 服务

3. 一个处理投票的消息队列

4.  一个数据库

那个后台处理投票的进程是非常容易成为转换为 Serverless 架构的目标。在投票应用内,我们可以运行一点类似于下面的代码,来执行后台任务:

Worker 和消息队列能用按需在 Swarm 上运行的容器来替换,并自动地按需扩容。

我们甚至可以消除掉 Web 前端。我们可以这么做:用 Docker 容器来相应每一个HTTP 请求,每个 HTTP 请求都用一个自生长的跑着轻量 HTTP 服务器的容器来处理。之前使用的是长时间持续运行的 HTTP 服务器,现在变成了具有 HTTP 相应和处理能力的按需跑起来的容器,而且他们能自动地扩容来支持所有访问请求。





其中红色的方块是需持续长期运行的服务,而绿色方块成了按需被调用的 Docker容器。这样这个应用变成了只有少数几个需要被管理的 long-running 服务,在相应请求的时候使用原生的 Swarm 扩容能力,处理能力的上限是 Swarm 群集的上限。





1. 把你代码中的 function 作为按需拉起的 Docker 容器

2. 使用 Swarm 在群集上运行这些容器

3. 从容器里面运行这些功能容器,绕过了一个 Docker API socket




1.考虑到延迟,用启动一个容器来服务所有用户的 HTTP 请求可能是不现实的。可是你可以写一个内置的负载均衡逻辑,让它知道何时需要主动地自动扩容 Web 前端自身,通过在 Swarm 群集上运行更多 web 处理容器。

2.一个 MongoDB 容器可以在 Swarm 上成为一个具有自省能力的架构,它能自动地运行出正确数量的 shard 和 replica 容器。




我们已经得到了这些激进的新工具,用做构建应用的抽象层,我们隐约看到了如何深入下去的可能性。我们依然像长时间以来在一堆服务器上构建应用一样,而以后可以来利用 Swarm 能按需地在基础架构里的任何地方执行功能代码的能力。


希望这些能够给您一些如何构建应用的新思路,但是我们还需要你们的帮助。我们已经有的是一些构建 Serverless 应用的基础功能,然而他们依然不是很完备,我们需要更好的工具、库、样例程序,文档等等。


这个 Github 库有一些工具、库、代码和文章的链接。基于此,如果您想学习更多的话,请共享任何相关的链接,这样我们可以开始协作在一起。



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Packt.Docker.for.Serverless.Applications.1788835263.pdf Chapter 1, Serverless and Docker, introduces serverless and Docker. We will find the relationship between them in this chapter. We will also learn the common architecture crystallized from studying architectures of several FaaS platforms. By the end of this chapter, we will learn how to say hello world using all three FaaS platforms, OpenFaaS, The Fn Project, and OpenWhisk. Chapter 2, Docker and Swarm Clusters, reviews the container technology, namespaces and cgroups. Then, we will follow this by introducing Docker, how to install it, how to use its basic commands, and understand its workflow for build, ship, and run. Continuing further, we will then move to review its built-in orchestration engine, Docker Swarm. We will learn how to set up a cluster and see how Docker Swarm works internally. We will then learn how to set up a Docker network, attach it to containers, and how to scale services in Docker Swarm. Chapter 3, Serverless Frameworks, discusses serverless frameworks, including platforms such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, and IBM Cloud Functions. We will end this chapter with a FaaS platform-independent framework, the serverless framework. Chapter 4, OpenFaaS on Docker, explains how to use OpenFaaS. We will explore its architecture and components. Then we will learn how to prepare, build, and deploy functions with its provided tools and templates, how to prepare its cluster on top of Swarm, how to use its user interface, and how OpenFaaS leverages Docker multi-stage build. And we will also discuss how to use Prometheus to monitor the FaaS platform. Chapter 5, The Fn Project, explores another FaaS platform. Similar to Chapter 4, OpenFaaS on Docker, we will start with its architecture and components, then go through a set of CLI commands to build, package, and deploy functions to Fn. Later in this chapter, we will learn how to monitor the platform using its built-in UI. Also, we will use a familiar tool to help analyze its logs. Chapter 6, OpenWhisk on Docker, discusses OpenWhisk, the third and final FaaS platform for this book. We will walk through its concept and architecture. Chapter 7, Operating FaaS Clusters, speaks about several techniques of preparing and operating production-grade FaaS clusters using Docker Swarm. We will discuss how to replace the whole layer of networking with another easy-to-use container networking plugin. We will also show how to implement the new routing mesh mechanism to avoid bugs from the current ingress implementation. Also, we will discuss some advanced topics such as distributed tracing and how to implement it. We will even cover the concept of cost reduction with spot instances and how to implement Swarm on this dynamic infrastructure. Chapter 8, Putting Them All Together, explains how to implement a heterogeneous FaaS system combining all three FaaS platforms running seamlessly together on a robust product-grade Swarm cluster. We will show a mobile-based bank transfer use case, also with a legacy wrapper, a mobile backend WebHook, and stream data processing with FaaS. A bonus here is we also add a blockchain to the use case to show their interoperation. Chapter 9, The Future of Serverless, concludes this book with advanced concepts and research prototype implementations that go beyond the current serverless and FaaS technologies.


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