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Head First Go

第一版,非提前發布版 書名: Head First Go 作者: Jay McGavren 出版社: O'Reilly Media 已修改: 06 4月 2019 語言: 英文 Go represents an attempt to improve on some weaknesses of traditional compiled programming languages. It de-emphasizes or removes error-prone language structures like class inheritance and exception handling. It features great concurrency support and automatic memory management (garbage collection). Existing Go books tend to be highly technical in nature, teaching all aspects of the language regardless of their relevance to beginners. This book, rather than talking about the features of Go in abstract terms, features simple, clear examples that demonstrate Go in action, and diagrams to explain difficult concepts. This book will not only teach developers basic language features, it will get them comfortable consulting error output, documentation, and search engines to find solutions to problems. It will teach all the conventions and techniques that employers expect an entry-level Go developer to know.


Python Penetration Testing Essentials, 2nd Edition

Title: Python Penetration Testing Essentials, 2nd Edition Author: Mohit Length: 230 pages Edition: 2nd Revised edition Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2018-05-30 ISBN-10: 1789138965 ISBN-13: 9781789138962 This book gives you the skills you need to use Python for penetration testing, with the help of detailed code examples. This book has been updated for Python 3.6.3 and Kali Linux 2018.1. Key Features Detect and avoid various attack types that put the privacy of a system at risk Leverage Python to build efficient code and eventually build a robust environment Learn about securing wireless applications and information gathering on a web server Book Description This book gives you the skills you need to use Python for penetration testing (pentesting), with the help of detailed code examples. We start by exploring the basics of networking with Python and then proceed to network hacking. Then, you will delve into exploring Python libraries to perform various types of pentesting and ethical hacking techniques. Next, we delve into hacking the application layer, where we start by gathering information from a website. We then move on to concepts related to website hacking―such as parameter tampering, DDoS, XSS, and SQL injection. By reading this book, you will learn different techniques and methodologies that will familiarize you with Python pentesting techniques, how to protect yourself, and how to create automated programs to find the admin console, SQL injection, and XSS attacks. What you will learn The basics of network pentesting including network scanning and sniffing Wireless, wired attacks, and building traps for attack and torrent detection Web server footprinting and web application attacks, including the XSS and SQL injection attack Wireless frames and how to obtain information such as SSID, BSSID, and the channel number from a wireless frame using a Python script The importance of web server signatures, email gathering, and why knowing the server signature is the first step in hacking Who This Book Is For If you are a Python programmer, a security researcher, or an ethical hacker and are interested in penetration testing with the help of Python, then this book is for you. Even if you are new to the field of ethical hacking, this book can help you find the vulnerabilities in your system so that you are ready to tackle any kind of attack or intrusion. Table of Contents PYTHON WITH PENETRATION TESTING AND NETWORKING SCANNING PENTESTING SNIFFING AND PENETRATION TESTING Network Attacks and Prevention WIRELESS PENTESTING Honeypot, Building A Trap for attackers FOOTPRINTING OF A WEB SERVER AND A WEB APPLICATION CLIENT-SIDE AND DDOS ATTACKS PENTESTING OF SQLI AND XSS



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