C# log

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;

class Helper
    private static string startPath = @System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

    #region   "工具函數區"
    /// <summary>
    /// 得到系统时间
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static String GetNow()
        return DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ";

    /// <summary>
    /// 寫入LOG,自动在前面增加年月日 时分秒
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ErrorMsg"></param>
    public static void ErrorLog(string ErrorMsg)
        if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(startPath, "Log")))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(startPath, "Log"));

        string Year = String.Format("{0:yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
        string Month = String.Format("{0:MM}", DateTime.Now);
        string Day = String.Format("{0:dd}", DateTime.Now);
        string Time = Year + "_" + Month + "_" + Day;

        if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(startPath, "Log\\" + Year)))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(startPath, "Log\\" + Year));

        if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(startPath, "Log\\" + Year + "\\" + Month)))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(startPath, "Log\\" + Year + "\\" + Month));

        string LogFormat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " ==> ";
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(startPath + "\\Log\\" + Year + "\\" + Month, Time + ".log"), true))
            sw.WriteLine(LogFormat + ErrorMsg);


    #region  每日报表
    public Boolean GetDailyReportSummary(string sPlant, string sMfgType, string sStartDate, string sEndDate)
        Boolean bResult = false;
        string sSql = "";
        string sSqlInsert = "";
        string sTimes = "";
        string sType = "";
        string sQty = "";
        string sQtyNg = "";
        string sRate = "";
        string sSqlDelete = "";
        int i = 0;

        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        string sDatabaseConnString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseConnString"];
        string sDatabaseSqlServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseSqlServer"];
        OleDbHelper oleDbHelper = new OleDbHelper();
        OleDbHelper sqlserverHelper = new OleDbHelper();

        sSql += "SELECT a.times,";
        sSql += "       a.type,";
        sSql += "       a.qty,";
        sSql += "       nvl(b.qty_ng, 0) AS qty_ng,";
        sSql += "       trunc(nvl(b.qty_ng, 0) / a.qty, 3) AS rate";
        sSql += "  FROM (SELECT to_char(ticket_shift_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') times,";
        sSql += "               type,";
        sSql += "               count(*) qty";
        sSql += "          FROM v_epticketdetail_report";
        sSql += "         WHERE 1 = 1";
        sSql += "           AND plant = '" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "           AND segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "           AND ticket_shift_date > to_date('" + sStartDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd')   ";
        sSql += "           AND ticket_shift_date< to_date('" + sEndDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += "         group by ticket_shift_date, type";
        sSql += "         ORDER BY ticket_shift_date) a";
        sSql += "  LEFT JOIN (SELECT to_char(ticket_shift_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') times,";
        sSql += "                    type,";
        sSql += "                    COUNT(*) qty_ng";
        sSql += "               FROM v_epticketdetail_report";
        sSql += "              WHERE 1 = 1";
        sSql += "                AND result = 2";
        sSql += "                AND plant = '" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "                AND segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "                AND ticket_shift_date > to_date('" + sStartDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += "                AND ticket_shift_date < to_date('" + sEndDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += "              GROUP BY ticket_shift_date, type";
        sSql += "              ORDER BY times) b";
        sSql += "    on a.times = b.times";
        sSql += "   and a.type = b.type";


        dtTable = oleDbHelper.GetDataTable(sSql);

        if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0)

            sSqlDelete = "delete from qc_daily_summary ";

            for (i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                sTimes = dtTable.Rows[i]["times"].ToString();
                sType = dtTable.Rows[i]["type"].ToString();
                sQty = dtTable.Rows[i]["qty"].ToString();
                sQtyNg = dtTable.Rows[i]["qty_ng"].ToString();
                sRate = dtTable.Rows[i]["rate"].ToString();

                sSqlInsert = "insert into qc_daily_summary (times,type,qty,qty_ng,rate) values ('" + sTimes + "','" + sType + "'," + sQty + "," + sQtyNg + "," + sRate + ")";

                if (sqlserverHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sSqlInsert))


        return bResult;

    public Boolean GetDailyReportCategory(string sPlant, string sMfgType, string sQueryDate)
        Boolean bResult = false;
        string sSql = "";
        string sSqlInsert = "";
        string sReasonChinese = "";
        string sQty = "";
        string sQtyNg = "";
        string sRate = "";
        string sSqlDelete = "";
        int i = 0;

        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        string sDatabaseConnString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseConnString"];
        string sDatabaseSqlServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseSqlServer"];
        OleDbHelper oleDbHelper = new OleDbHelper();
        OleDbHelper sqlserverHelper = new OleDbHelper();

        sSql += "select a.reason_chinese, ";
        sSql += "       nvl(count(*), 0) AS qty_ng, ";
        sSql += "       trunc(nvl(count(*), 0) / ";
        sSql += "             (SELECT count(*) qty ";
        sSql += "                FROM v_epticketdetail_report ";
        sSql += "               WHERE 1 = 1 ";
        sSql += "                 AND plant = '" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "                 AND segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "                 AND ticket_shift_date=to_date('" + sQueryDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd')), ";
        sSql += "             5) AS rate ";
        sSql += "  from v_epticketdetail_report a ";
        sSql += " where 1 = 1 ";
        sSql += "   AND result = 2 ";
        sSql += "   AND plant ='" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "   AND segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "   AND ticket_shift_date = to_date('" + sQueryDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += " group BY reason_chinese ";
        sSql += " order BY reason_chinese ";


        dtTable = oleDbHelper.GetDataTable(sSql);

        if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0)

            sSqlDelete = "delete from qc_daily_category ";

            for (i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++)

                sReasonChinese = dtTable.Rows[i]["reason_chinese"].ToString();
                sQtyNg = dtTable.Rows[i]["qty_ng"].ToString();
                sRate = dtTable.Rows[i]["rate"].ToString();

                sSqlInsert = "insert into qc_daily_category (reason_chinese,qty_ng,rate) values ('" + sReasonChinese + "'," + sQtyNg + "," + sRate + ")";

                if (sqlserverHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sSqlInsert))


        return bResult;

    public Boolean GetDailyReportDRI(string sPlant, string sMfgType, string sQueryDate)
        Boolean bResult = false;
        string sSql = "";
        string sSqlInsert = "";
        string sTimes = "";
        string sRespic = "";
        string sQty = "";
        string sQtyNg = "";
        string sRate = "";
        string sSqlDelete = "";
        int i = 0;

        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        string sDatabaseConnString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseConnString"];
        string sDatabaseSqlServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseSqlServer"];
        OleDbHelper oleDbHelper = new OleDbHelper();
        OleDbHelper sqlserverHelper = new OleDbHelper();

        sSql += "select f_eportal_get_pdpic_empname(a.resppic) respic,  ";
        sSql += "       nvl(count(*), 0) AS qty_ng,  ";
        sSql += "       trunc(nvl(count(*), 0) /  ";
        sSql += "             (SELECT count(*) qty  ";
        sSql += "                FROM v_epticketdetail_report  ";
        sSql += "               WHERE 1 = 1  ";
        sSql += "                 AND plant = '" + sPlant + "'  ";
        sSql += "                 AND segment = '" + sMfgType + "'  ";
        sSql += "                 AND ticket_shift_date =to_date('" + sQueryDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd')), ";
        sSql += "             5) AS rate  ";
        sSql += "  from v_epticketdetail_report a  ";
        sSql += " where 1 = 1  ";
        sSql += "   and result = 2  ";
        sSql += "   and plant ='" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "   and segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "   and ticket_shift_date = to_date('" + sQueryDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += " group BY resppic  ";
        sSql += " order BY resppic  ";


        dtTable = oleDbHelper.GetDataTable(sSql);

        if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0)

            sSqlDelete = "delete from qc_daily_dri ";

            for (i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                sRespic = dtTable.Rows[i]["respic"].ToString();
                sQtyNg = dtTable.Rows[i]["qty_ng"].ToString();
                sRate = dtTable.Rows[i]["rate"].ToString();

                sSqlInsert = "insert into qc_daily_dri (respic,qty_ng,rate) values ('" + sRespic + "'," + sQtyNg + "," + sRate + ")";

                if (sqlserverHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sSqlInsert))


        return bResult;

    public Boolean GetDailyReportDetailNG(string sPlant, string sMfgType, string sQueryDate)
        Boolean bResult = false;
        string sSql = "";
        string sSqlInsert = "";
        string sSqlDelete = "";
        string sTimes = "";
        string sType = "";
        string sTicketNo = "";
        string sSegment = "";
        string sRegion = "";
        string sRegionChinese = "";
        string sLine = "";
        string sModel = "";
        string sStation = "";
        string sSeqId = "";
        string sItemDesc = "";
        string sResult = "";
        string sResultDesc = "";
        string sRemark = "";
        string sReasonCode = "";
        string sReasoncodeChinese = "";
        string sReasoncodeEnglish = "";
        string sRegionEnglish = "";
        string sErrorCode = "";
        string sErrorCodeDesc = "";
        string sPriority = "";
        string sPriorityDesc = "";
        string sImpstatus = "";
        string sImpstatusDesc = "";
        string sResppic = "";
        string sResppicName = "";
        string sPicresp = "";
        string sRecomment = "";
        string sMO = "";
        string sTicketShiftDate = "";
        string sCustomer = "";
        string sCreateTime = "";
        int i = 0;

        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        string sDatabaseConnString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseConnString"];
        string sDatabaseSqlServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseSqlServer"];
        OleDbHelper oleDbHelper = new OleDbHelper();
        OleDbHelper sqlserverHelper = new OleDbHelper();

        sSql += "select to_char(ticket_shift_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') times, t.*  ";
        sSql += "  from v_epticketdetail_report t  ";
        sSql += " where 1 = 1 ";
        sSql += "   and result = 2 ";
        sSql += "   and plant = '" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "   and segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "   and ticket_shift_date =to_date('" + sQueryDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";


        dtTable = oleDbHelper.GetDataTable(sSql);

        if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0)

            sSqlDelete = "delete from qc_detail_ng ";

            for (i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                sSqlInsert = "";

                    sTimes = dtTable.Rows[i]["times"].ToString();
                    sPlant = dtTable.Rows[i]["plant"].ToString();
                    sTicketNo = dtTable.Rows[i]["ticketno"].ToString();
                    sSegment = dtTable.Rows[i]["segment"].ToString();

                    sRegionChinese = dtTable.Rows[i]["region_chinese"].ToString();
                    sRegionEnglish = dtTable.Rows[i]["region_english"].ToString();

                    sType = dtTable.Rows[i]["type"].ToString();
                    sLine = dtTable.Rows[i]["line"].ToString();
                    sModel = dtTable.Rows[i]["model"].ToString();
                    sStation = dtTable.Rows[i]["station"].ToString();
                    sSeqId = dtTable.Rows[i]["seq_checktypeid"].ToString();
                    sItemDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["itemdesc"].ToString().Trim();
                    sResult = dtTable.Rows[i]["result"].ToString();
                    sResultDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["result_desc"].ToString();

                    sRemark = dtTable.Rows[i]["remark"].ToString();

                    sReasonCode = dtTable.Rows[i]["reasoncode"].ToString();
                    sReasoncodeChinese = dtTable.Rows[i]["reason_chinese"].ToString();

                    sReasoncodeEnglish = dtTable.Rows[i]["reason_english"].ToString();

                    sErrorCode = dtTable.Rows[i]["errorcode"].ToString();
                    sErrorCodeDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["errorcode_desc"].ToString();

                    sPriority = dtTable.Rows[i]["priority"].ToString();
                    sPriorityDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["priority_desc"].ToString();

                    sImpstatus = dtTable.Rows[i]["impstatus"].ToString();
                    sImpstatusDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["impstatus_desc"].ToString();

                    sResppic = dtTable.Rows[i]["resppic"].ToString();
                    sResppicName = dtTable.Rows[i]["resppicname"].ToString();

                    sPicresp = dtTable.Rows[i]["picresp"].ToString();
                    sRecomment = dtTable.Rows[i]["recomment"].ToString();

                    sMO = dtTable.Rows[i]["mo"].ToString();
                    sCustomer = dtTable.Rows[i]["customer"].ToString();

                    sStation = dtTable.Rows[i]["station"].ToString();
                    sTicketShiftDate = dtTable.Rows[i]["ticket_shift_date"].ToString();
                    sCreateTime = dtTable.Rows[i]["create_time"].ToString();

                    sSqlInsert += " INSERT INTO  QC_DETAIL_NG";
                    sSqlInsert += "([plant]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[ticketno]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[segment]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[regionid]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[region_chinese]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[region_english]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[type]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[line]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[model]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[seq_checktypeid]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[itemdesc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[result]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[result_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[remark]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[reasoncode]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[reason_english]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[reason_chinese]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[errorcode]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[errorcode_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[priority]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[priority_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[impstatus]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[impstatus_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[resppic]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[resppicname]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[picresp]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[recomment]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[mo]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[customer]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[station]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[ticket_shift_date]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[create_time])";
                    sSqlInsert += "VALUES";
                    sSqlInsert += " ( '" + sPlant + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sTicketNo + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sMfgType + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRegion + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRegionChinese + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRegionEnglish + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sType + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sLine + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sModel + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sSeqId + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sItemDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResult + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResultDesc + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRemark + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sReasonCode + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sReasoncodeEnglish + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sReasoncodeChinese + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sErrorCode + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sErrorCodeDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sPriority + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sPriorityDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sImpstatus + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sImpstatusDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResppic + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResppicName + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sPicresp + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRecomment + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sMO + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sCustomer + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sStation + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sTicketShiftDate + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sCreateTime + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ")";

                    if (sqlserverHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sSqlInsert))
                        ErrorLog("GetDailyReportDetailNG同步资料成功!" + sTicketNo + " " + sSeqId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorLog(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.Source);



        return bResult;

    #region  未回复的汇总资料
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sPlant"></param>
    /// <param name="sMfgType"></param>
    /// <param name="sStartDate"></param>
    /// <param name="sEndDate"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Boolean GetUnansweredReportSummary(string sPlant, string sMfgType, string sStartDate, string sEndDate)
        Boolean bResult = false;
        string sSql = "";
        string sSqlInsert = "";
        string sTimes = "";
        string sType = "";
        string sQty = "";
        string sQtyNg = "";
        string sRate = "";
        string sSqlDelete = "";
        int i = 0;

        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        string sDatabaseConnString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseConnString"];
        string sDatabaseSqlServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseSqlServer"];
        OleDbHelper oleDbHelper = new OleDbHelper();
        OleDbHelper sqlserverHelper = new OleDbHelper();

        sSql += "select to_char(ticket_shift_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') times, ";
        sSql += "       f_eportal_get_pdpic_empname(a.resppic) respic,";
        sSql += "       count(*) as qty ";
        sSql += "  from v_epticketdetail_report a ";
        sSql += " where 1 = 1 ";
        sSql += "   and resppic is not null ";
        sSql += "   and picresp is null ";
        sSql += "   and needfb = 'Y' ";
        sSql += "   and plant = '" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "   and segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "   and ticket_shift_date > to_date('" + sStartDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd')   ";
        sSql += "   and ticket_shift_date< to_date('" + sEndDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += " group BY ticket_shift_date, resppic ";
        sSql += " order BY ticket_shift_date, resppic ";


        dtTable = oleDbHelper.GetDataTable(sSql);

        if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0)

            sSqlDelete = "delete from qc_unanswered_summary ";

            for (i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                sTimes = dtTable.Rows[i]["times"].ToString();
                sType = dtTable.Rows[i]["respic"].ToString();
                sQty = dtTable.Rows[i]["qty"].ToString();

                sSqlInsert = "insert into qc_unanswered_summary (times,respic,qty) values ('" + sTimes + "','" + sType + "'," + sQty + ")";

                if (sqlserverHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sSqlInsert))
                    ErrorLog("GetUnansweredReportSummary同步资料成功!" + sTimes + " " + sType);


        return bResult;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sPlant"></param>
    /// <param name="sMfgType"></param>
    /// <param name="sStartDate"></param>
    /// <param name="sEndDate"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Boolean GetUnansweredReportDetailNG(string sPlant, string sMfgType, string sStartDate, string sEndDate)
        Boolean bResult = false;
        string sSql = "";
        string sSqlInsert = "";
        string sSqlDelete = "";
        string sTimes = "";
        string sType = "";
        string sTicketNo = "";
        string sSegment = "";
        string sRegion = "";
        string sRegionChinese = "";
        string sLine = "";
        string sModel = "";
        string sStation = "";
        string sSeqId = "";
        string sItemDesc = "";
        string sResult = "";
        string sResultDesc = "";
        string sRemark = "";
        string sReasonCode = "";
        string sReasoncodeChinese = "";
        string sReasoncodeEnglish = "";
        string sRegionEnglish = "";
        string sErrorCode = "";
        string sErrorCodeDesc = "";
        string sPriority = "";
        string sPriorityDesc = "";
        string sImpstatus = "";
        string sImpstatusDesc = "";
        string sResppic = "";
        string sResppicName = "";
        string sPicresp = "";
        string sRecomment = "";
        string sMO = "";
        string sTicketShiftDate = "";
        string sCustomer = "";
        string sCreateTime = "";
        int i = 0;

        DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
        string sDatabaseConnString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseConnString"];
        string sDatabaseSqlServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseSqlServer"];
        OleDbHelper oleDbHelper = new OleDbHelper();
        OleDbHelper sqlserverHelper = new OleDbHelper();

        sSql += "select to_char(ticket_shift_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') times, t.*  ";
        sSql += "  from v_epticketdetail_report t  ";
        sSql += " where 1 = 1 ";
        sSql += "   and resppic is not null ";
        sSql += "   and picresp is null ";
        sSql += "   and needfb = 'Y' ";
        sSql += "   and plant = '" + sPlant + "' ";
        sSql += "   and segment = '" + sMfgType + "' ";
        sSql += "   and ticket_shift_date >to_date('" + sStartDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";
        sSql += "   and ticket_shift_date < to_date('" + sEndDate + "','yyyy-MM-dd') ";


        dtTable = oleDbHelper.GetDataTable(sSql);

        if (dtTable.Rows.Count > 0)

            sSqlDelete = "delete from QC_UNANSWERED_DETAIL ";

            for (i = 0; i < dtTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                sSqlInsert = "";

                    sTimes = dtTable.Rows[i]["times"].ToString();
                    sPlant = dtTable.Rows[i]["plant"].ToString();
                    sTicketNo = dtTable.Rows[i]["ticketno"].ToString();
                    sSegment = dtTable.Rows[i]["segment"].ToString();

                    sRegionChinese = dtTable.Rows[i]["region_chinese"].ToString();
                    sRegionEnglish = dtTable.Rows[i]["region_english"].ToString();

                    sType = dtTable.Rows[i]["type"].ToString();
                    sLine = dtTable.Rows[i]["line"].ToString();
                    sModel = dtTable.Rows[i]["model"].ToString();
                    sStation = dtTable.Rows[i]["station"].ToString();
                    sSeqId = dtTable.Rows[i]["seq_checktypeid"].ToString();
                    sItemDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["itemdesc"].ToString().Trim();
                    sResult = dtTable.Rows[i]["result"].ToString();
                    sResultDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["result_desc"].ToString();

                    sRemark = dtTable.Rows[i]["remark"].ToString();

                    sReasonCode = dtTable.Rows[i]["reasoncode"].ToString();
                    sReasoncodeChinese = dtTable.Rows[i]["reason_chinese"].ToString();

                    sReasoncodeEnglish = dtTable.Rows[i]["reason_english"].ToString();

                    sErrorCode = dtTable.Rows[i]["errorcode"].ToString();
                    sErrorCodeDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["errorcode_desc"].ToString();

                    sPriority = dtTable.Rows[i]["priority"].ToString();
                    sPriorityDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["priority_desc"].ToString();

                    sImpstatus = dtTable.Rows[i]["impstatus"].ToString();
                    sImpstatusDesc = dtTable.Rows[i]["impstatus_desc"].ToString();

                    sResppic = dtTable.Rows[i]["resppic"].ToString();
                    sResppicName = dtTable.Rows[i]["resppicname"].ToString();

                    sPicresp = dtTable.Rows[i]["picresp"].ToString();
                    sRecomment = dtTable.Rows[i]["recomment"].ToString();

                    sMO = dtTable.Rows[i]["mo"].ToString();
                    sCustomer = dtTable.Rows[i]["customer"].ToString();

                    sStation = dtTable.Rows[i]["station"].ToString();
                    sTicketShiftDate = dtTable.Rows[i]["ticket_shift_date"].ToString();
                    sCreateTime = dtTable.Rows[i]["create_time"].ToString();

                    sSqlInsert += " INSERT INTO  QC_UNANSWERED_DETAIL";
                    sSqlInsert += "([plant]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[ticketno]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[segment]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[regionid]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[region_chinese]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[region_english]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[type]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[line]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[model]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[seq_checktypeid]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[itemdesc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[result]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[result_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[remark]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[reasoncode]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[reason_english]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[reason_chinese]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[errorcode]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[errorcode_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[priority]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[priority_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[impstatus]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[impstatus_desc]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[resppic]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[resppicname]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[picresp]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[recomment]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[mo]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[customer]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[station]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[ticket_shift_date]";
                    sSqlInsert += ",[create_time])";
                    sSqlInsert += "VALUES";
                    sSqlInsert += " ( '" + sPlant + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sTicketNo + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sMfgType + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRegion + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRegionChinese + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRegionEnglish + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sType + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sLine + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sModel + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sSeqId + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sItemDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResult + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResultDesc + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRemark + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sReasonCode + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sReasoncodeEnglish + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sReasoncodeChinese + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sErrorCode + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sErrorCodeDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sPriority + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sPriorityDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sImpstatus + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sImpstatusDesc + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResppic + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sResppicName + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sPicresp + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sRecomment + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sMO + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sCustomer + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sStation + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sTicketShiftDate + "'";
                    sSqlInsert += ",'" + sCreateTime + "' ";
                    sSqlInsert += ")";

                    if (sqlserverHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sSqlInsert))
                        ErrorLog("GetUnansweredReportDetailNG同步资料成功!" + sTicketNo + " " + sSeqId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorLog("GetUnansweredReportDetailNG" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.Source);



        return bResult;



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C# log4net是一个优秀的第三方日志框架。通过引用log4net的dll并配置一些基本参数,开发者可以很容易地将日志信息输出到各种不同的目标,例如文本、数据库、Windows日志、邮件、内存缓冲区等目标。 在你提供的代码中,我们可以看到log4net的使用。首先,你需要在程序集中配置log4net,使用XmlConfigurator特性指定配置文件的路径和扩展名,并设置Watch属性为true,以便在配置文件发生更改时重新加载配置。 然后,你可以在需要记录日志的地方使用log4net的日志输出功能。在Utils命名空间下的Logger类中,有三个方法可供使用: 1. WriteInfo(string info)方法用于记录正常日志信息。它会将传入的信息输出到控制台,并且如果允许信息记录,则使用loginfo来记录信息。 2. WriteError(string error)方法用于记录错误日志信息。它会将传入的错误信息输出到控制台,并且如果允许错误记录,则使用logerror来记录错误信息。 3. WriteError(string info, Exception ex)方法用于记录带有异常信息的错误日志。它会将传入的信息输出到控制台,并且如果允许错误记录,则使用logerror来记录信息和异常。 在Log4netTest命名空间下的Program类中,我们可以看到Logger类的使用示例。在Main方法中,我们可以看到调用了Logger.WriteInfo和Logger.WriteError方法来记录日志信息。 总结起来,C# log4net是一个方便易用的日志框架,可以帮助开发者将日志信息输出到各种不同的目标。通过配置log4net和调用Logger类中的方法,开发者可以轻松记录正常日志和错误日志,并且可以记录带有异常信息的错误日志。


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