Microsoft Web Browser Reference

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The Microsoft Web Browser COM object is a QAxObject with the CLSID {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}.


  • IWebBrowser2
  • IWebBrowserApp
  • IWebBrowser

Event Interfaces

  • DWebBrowserEvents2
  • DWebBrowserEvents
  • IPropertyNotifySink

Public Slots:



Member Type Documentation




  • ProtectedModeRedirect =1








  • secureLockIconUnsecure =0
  • secureLockIconMixed =1
  • secureLockIconSecureUnknownBits =2
  • secureLockIconSecure40Bit =3
  • secureLockIconSecure56Bit =4
  • secureLockIconSecureFortezza =5
  • secureLockIconSecure128Bit =6







Member Function Documentation

bool AddressBar () [slot]

Controls whether address bar is shown

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(AddressBar()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("AddressBar()").toBool();

IDispatch* Application () [slot]

Returns the application automation object if accessible, this automation object otherwise..

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Application()));

Or call the function directly:

	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Application()");

bool Busy () [slot]

Query to see if something is still in progress.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Busy()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Busy()").toBool();

void ClientToWindow (int& pcx, int& pcy) [slot]

Converts client sizes into window sizes.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int&, int&)), object, SLOT(ClientToWindow(int&, int&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("ClientToWindow(int&, int&)", params);

IDispatch* Container () [slot]

Returns the container/parent automation object, if any.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Container()));

Or call the function directly:

	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Container()");

IDispatch* Document () [slot]

Returns the active Document automation object, if any.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Document()));

Or call the function directly:

	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Document()");

void ExecWB (OLECMDID cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT cmdexecopt, QVariant& pvaIn, QVariant& pvaOut) [slot]


Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(OLECMDID, OLECMDEXECOPT, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(ExecWB(OLECMDID, OLECMDEXECOPT, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("ExecWB(OLECMDID, OLECMDEXECOPT, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

QString FullName () [slot]

Returns file specification of the application, including path.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(FullName()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("FullName()").toString();

bool FullScreen () [slot]

Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(FullScreen()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("FullScreen()").toBool();

QVariant GetProperty (QString Property) [slot]

Retrieve the Associated value for the property vtValue in the context of the object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(GetProperty(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("GetProperty(QString)", params);

void GoBack () [slot]

Navigates to the previous item in the history list.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(GoBack()));

Or call the function directly:


void GoForward () [slot]

Navigates to the next item in the history list.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(GoForward()));

Or call the function directly:


void GoHome () [slot]

Go home/start page.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(GoHome()));

Or call the function directly:


void GoSearch () [slot]

Go Search Page.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(GoSearch()));

Or call the function directly:


qlonglong HWND () [slot]

Returns the HWND of the current IE window.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(HWND()));

Or call the function directly:

	qlonglong result = object->dynamicCall("HWND()").toQlonglong();

int Height () [slot]

The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Height()));

Or call the function directly:

	int result = object->dynamicCall("Height()").toInt();

int Left () [slot]

The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Left()));

Or call the function directly:

	int result = object->dynamicCall("Left()").toInt();

QString LocationName () [slot]

Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file currently viewed.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(LocationName()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("LocationName()").toString();

QString LocationURL () [slot]

Gets the full URL/path currently viewed.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(LocationURL()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("LocationURL()").toString();

bool MenuBar () [slot]

Controls whether menubar is shown.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(MenuBar()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("MenuBar()").toBool();

QString Name () [slot]

Returns name of the application.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Name()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("Name()").toString();

void Navigate (QString URL, QVariant& Flags, QVariant& TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QVariant& Headers) [slot]

Navigates to a URL or file.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Navigate(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Navigate(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

void Navigate2 (QVariant& URL, QVariant& Flags, QVariant& TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QVariant& Headers) [slot]

Navigates to a URL or file or pidl.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Navigate2(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Navigate2(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

bool Offline () [slot]

Controls if the frame is offline (read from cache)

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Offline()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Offline()").toBool();

IDispatch* Parent () [slot]

Returns the automation object of the container/parent if one exists or this automation object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Parent()));

Or call the function directly:

	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("Parent()");

QString Path () [slot]

Returns the path to the application.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Path()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("Path()").toString();

void PutProperty (QString Property, QVariant vtValue) [slot]

Associates vtValue with the name szProperty in the context of the object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant)), object, SLOT(PutProperty(QString, QVariant)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("PutProperty(QString, QVariant)", params);

OLECMDF QueryStatusWB (OLECMDID cmdID) [slot]


Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(OLECMDID)), object, SLOT(QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	OLECMDF result = object->dynamicCall("QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID)", params).toInt();

void Quit () [slot]

Exits application and closes the open document.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Quit()));

Or call the function directly:


tagREADYSTATE ReadyState () [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ReadyState()));

Or call the function directly:

	tagREADYSTATE result = object->dynamicCall("ReadyState()").toInt();

void Refresh () [slot]

Refresh the currently viewed page.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Refresh()));

Or call the function directly:


void Refresh2 (QVariant& Level) [slot]

Refresh the currently viewed page.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Refresh2(QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Refresh2(QVariant&)", params);

bool RegisterAsBrowser () [slot]

Registers OC as a top-level browser (for target name resolution)

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(RegisterAsBrowser()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("RegisterAsBrowser()").toBool();

bool RegisterAsDropTarget () [slot]

Registers OC as a drop target for navigation

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(RegisterAsDropTarget()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("RegisterAsDropTarget()").toBool();

bool Resizable () [slot]

Controls whether the window is resizable

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Resizable()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Resizable()").toBool();

void SetAddressBar (bool AddressBar) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetAddressBar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetAddressBar(bool)", params);

void SetFullScreen (bool FullScreen) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetFullScreen(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetFullScreen(bool)", params);

void SetHeight (int Height) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetHeight(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetHeight(int)", params);

void SetLeft (int Left) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetLeft(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetLeft(int)", params);

void SetMenuBar (bool MenuBar) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetMenuBar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetMenuBar(bool)", params);

void SetOffline (bool Offline) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetOffline(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetOffline(bool)", params);

void SetRegisterAsBrowser (bool RegisterAsBrowser) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetRegisterAsBrowser(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetRegisterAsBrowser(bool)", params);

void SetRegisterAsDropTarget (bool RegisterAsDropTarget) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetRegisterAsDropTarget(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetRegisterAsDropTarget(bool)", params);

void SetResizable (bool Resizable) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetResizable(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetResizable(bool)", params);

void SetSilent (bool Silent) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetSilent(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetSilent(bool)", params);

void SetStatusBar (bool StatusBar) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetStatusBar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetStatusBar(bool)", params);

void SetStatusText (QString StatusText) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetStatusText(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetStatusText(QString)", params);

void SetTheaterMode (bool TheaterMode) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetTheaterMode(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetTheaterMode(bool)", params);

void SetToolBar (int ToolBar) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetToolBar(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetToolBar(int)", params);

void SetTop (int Top) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetTop(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetTop(int)", params);

void SetVisible (bool Visible) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetVisible(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetVisible(bool)", params);

void SetWidth (int Width) [slot]

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetWidth(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetWidth(int)", params);

void ShowBrowserBar (QVariant& pvaClsid, QVariant& pvarShow, QVariant& pvarSize) [slot]

Set BrowserBar to Clsid

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(ShowBrowserBar(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("ShowBrowserBar(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

bool Silent () [slot]

Controls if any dialog boxes can be shown

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Silent()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Silent()").toBool();

bool StatusBar () [slot]

Turn on or off the statusbar.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(StatusBar()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("StatusBar()").toBool();

QString StatusText () [slot]

Text of Status window.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(StatusText()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("StatusText()").toString();

void Stop () [slot]

Stops opening a file.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Stop()));

Or call the function directly:


bool TheaterMode () [slot]

Controls if the browser is in theater mode

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(TheaterMode()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("TheaterMode()").toBool();

int ToolBar () [slot]

Controls which toolbar is shown.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ToolBar()));

Or call the function directly:

	int result = object->dynamicCall("ToolBar()").toInt();

int Top () [slot]

The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Top()));

Or call the function directly:

	int result = object->dynamicCall("Top()").toInt();

bool TopLevelContainer () [slot]

Returns True if this is the top level object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(TopLevelContainer()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("TopLevelContainer()").toBool();

QString Type () [slot]

Returns the type of the contained document object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Type()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("Type()").toString();

bool Visible () [slot]

Determines whether the application is visible or hidden.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Visible()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Visible()").toBool();

int Width () [slot]

The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Width()));

Or call the function directly:

	int result = object->dynamicCall("Width()").toInt();

void BeforeNavigate (QString URL, int Flags, QString TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QString Headers, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(BeforeNavigate(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)));

void BeforeNavigate2 (IDispatch* pDisp, QVariant& URL, QVariant& Flags, QVariant& TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QVariant& Headers, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(BeforeNavigate2(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, bool&)));

void ClientToHostWindow (int& CX, int& CY) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ClientToHostWindow(int&, int&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int&, int&)));

void CommandStateChange (int Command, bool Enable) [signal]

The enabled state of a command changed

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(CommandStateChange(int, bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, bool)));

void DocumentComplete (IDispatch* pDisp, QVariant& URL) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentComplete(IDispatch*, QVariant&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QVariant&)));

void DownloadBegin () [signal]

Download of a page started.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DownloadBegin()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void DownloadComplete () [signal]

Download of page complete.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DownloadComplete()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void FileDownload (bool ActiveDocument, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(FileDownload(bool, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool, bool&)));

void FrameBeforeNavigate (QString URL, int Flags, QString TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QString Headers, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to in a frame.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(FrameBeforeNavigate(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)));

void FrameNavigateComplete (QString URL) [signal]

Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to in a frame.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(FrameNavigateComplete(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void FrameNewWindow (QString URL, int Flags, QString TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QString Headers, bool& Processed) [signal]

Fired when a new window should be created.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(FrameNewWindow(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)));

void NavigateComplete (QString URL) [signal]

Fired when the document being navigated to becomes visible and enters the navigation stack.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NavigateComplete(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void NavigateComplete2 (IDispatch* pDisp, QVariant& URL) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NavigateComplete2(IDispatch*, QVariant&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QVariant&)));

void NavigateError (IDispatch* pDisp, QVariant& URL, QVariant& Frame, QVariant& StatusCode, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NavigateError(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, bool&)));

void NewProcess (int lCauseFlag, IDispatch* pWB2, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NewProcess(int, IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, IDispatch*, bool&)));

void NewWindow (QString URL, int Flags, QString TargetFrameName, QVariant& PostData, QString Headers, bool& Processed) [signal]

Fired when a new window should be created.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NewWindow(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, QString, QVariant&, QString, bool&)));

void NewWindow2 (IDispatch** ppDisp, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NewWindow2(IDispatch**, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch**, bool&)));

void NewWindow3 (IDispatch** ppDisp, bool& Cancel, uint dwFlags, QString bstrUrlContext, QString bstrUrl) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NewWindow3(IDispatch**, bool&, uint, QString, QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch**, bool&, uint, QString, QString)));

void OnFullScreen (bool FullScreen) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnFullScreen(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void OnMenuBar (bool MenuBar) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnMenuBar(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void OnQuit () [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnQuit()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void OnStatusBar (bool StatusBar) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnStatusBar(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void OnTheaterMode (bool TheaterMode) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnTheaterMode(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void OnToolBar (bool ToolBar) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnToolBar(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void OnVisible (bool Visible) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(OnVisible(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void PrintTemplateInstantiation (IDispatch* pDisp) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(PrintTemplateInstantiation(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void PrintTemplateTeardown (IDispatch* pDisp) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(PrintTemplateTeardown(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void PrivacyImpactedStateChange (bool bImpacted) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(PrivacyImpactedStateChange(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void ProgressChange (int Progress, int ProgressMax) [signal]

Fired when download progress is updated.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProgressChange(int, int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, int)));

void PropertyChange (QString szProperty) [signal]

Fired when the PutProperty method has been called.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(PropertyChange(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void Quit (bool& Cancel) [signal]

Fired when application is quiting.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Quit(bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool&)));

void ReadyStateChanged (tagREADYSTATE ReadyState) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ReadyStateChanged(tagREADYSTATE)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(tagREADYSTATE)));

void RedirectXDomainBlocked (IDispatch* pDisp, QVariant& StartURL, QVariant& RedirectURL, QVariant& Frame, QVariant& StatusCode) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(RedirectXDomainBlocked(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

void SetPhishingFilterStatus (int PhishingFilterStatus) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SetPhishingFilterStatus(int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int)));

void SetSecureLockIcon (int SecureLockIcon) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(SetSecureLockIcon(int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int)));

void StatusTextChange (QString Text) [signal]

Statusbar text changed.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(StatusTextChange(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void ThirdPartyUrlBlocked (QVariant& URL, uint dwCount) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ThirdPartyUrlBlocked(QVariant&, uint)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QVariant&, uint)));

void TitleChange (QString Text) [signal]

Document title changed.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(TitleChange(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void UpdatePageStatus (IDispatch* pDisp, QVariant& nPage, QVariant& fDone) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(UpdatePageStatus(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

void WindowActivate () [signal]

Fired when window has been activated.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowActivate()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void WindowClosing (bool IsChildWindow, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowClosing(bool, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool, bool&)));

void WindowMove () [signal]

Fired when window has been moved.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowMove()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void WindowResize () [signal]

Fired when window has been sized.

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowResize()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void WindowSetHeight (int Height) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSetHeight(int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int)));

void WindowSetLeft (int Left) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSetLeft(int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int)));

void WindowSetResizable (bool Resizable) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSetResizable(bool)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(bool)));

void WindowSetTop (int Top) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSetTop(int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int)));

void WindowSetWidth (int Width) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSetWidth(int)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int)));

void WindowStateChanged (uint dwWindowStateFlags, uint dwValidFlagsMask) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowStateChanged(uint, uint)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(uint, uint)));

void exception (int code, QString source, QString disc, QString help) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(exception(int, QString, QString, QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, QString, QString, QString)));

void propertyChanged (QString name) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void signal (QString name, int argc, void* argv) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(signal(QString, int, void*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, void*)));

Property Documentation

QString objectName

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("objectName").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("objectName", newValue);

Or using the setObjectName slot.

bool AddressBar

Controls whether address bar is shown

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("AddressBar").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("AddressBar", newValue);

Or using the SetAddressBar slot.

IDispatch* Application

Returns the application automation object if accessible, this automation object otherwise..

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Application").toIDispatch*();

bool Busy

Query to see if something is still in progress.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Busy").toBool();

IDispatch* Container

Returns the container/parent automation object, if any.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Container").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Document

Returns the active Document automation object, if any.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Document").toIDispatch*();

QString FullName

Returns file specification of the application, including path.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("FullName").toString();

bool FullScreen

Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("FullScreen").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("FullScreen", newValue);

Or using the SetFullScreen slot.

qlonglong HWND

Returns the HWND of the current IE window.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	qlonglong val = object->property("HWND").toQlonglong();

int Height

The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Height").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Height", newValue);

Or using the SetHeight slot.

int Left

The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Left").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Left", newValue);

Or using the SetLeft slot.

QString LocationName

Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file currently viewed.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("LocationName").toString();

QString LocationURL

Gets the full URL/path currently viewed.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("LocationURL").toString();

bool MenuBar

Controls whether menubar is shown.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("MenuBar").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("MenuBar", newValue);

Or using the SetMenuBar slot.

QString Name

Returns name of the application.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Name").toString();

bool Offline

Controls if the frame is offline (read from cache)

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Offline").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Offline", newValue);

Or using the SetOffline slot.

IDispatch* Parent

Returns the automation object of the container/parent if one exists or this automation object.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Parent").toIDispatch*();

QString Path

Returns the path to the application.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Path").toString();

tagREADYSTATE ReadyState

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("ReadyState").toInt();

See also tagREADYSTATE.

bool RegisterAsBrowser

Registers OC as a top-level browser (for target name resolution)

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("RegisterAsBrowser").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("RegisterAsBrowser", newValue);

Or using the SetRegisterAsBrowser slot.

bool RegisterAsDropTarget

Registers OC as a drop target for navigation

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("RegisterAsDropTarget").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("RegisterAsDropTarget", newValue);

Or using the SetRegisterAsDropTarget slot.

bool Resizable

Controls whether the window is resizable

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Resizable").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Resizable", newValue);

Or using the SetResizable slot.

bool Silent

Controls if any dialog boxes can be shown

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Silent").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Silent", newValue);

Or using the SetSilent slot.

bool StatusBar

Turn on or off the statusbar.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("StatusBar").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("StatusBar", newValue);

Or using the SetStatusBar slot.

QString StatusText

Text of Status window.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("StatusText").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("StatusText", newValue);

Or using the SetStatusText slot.

bool TheaterMode

Controls if the browser is in theater mode

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("TheaterMode").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("TheaterMode", newValue);

Or using the SetTheaterMode slot.

int ToolBar

Controls which toolbar is shown.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("ToolBar").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ToolBar", newValue);

Or using the SetToolBar slot.

int Top

The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Top").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Top", newValue);

Or using the SetTop slot.

bool TopLevelContainer

Returns True if this is the top level object.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("TopLevelContainer").toBool();

QString Type

Returns the type of the contained document object.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Type").toString();

bool Visible

Determines whether the application is visible or hidden.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Visible").toBool();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Visible", newValue);

Or using the SetVisible slot.

int Width

The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Width").toInt();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Width", newValue);

Or using the SetWidth slot.

QString control

Read this property's value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("control").toString();

Set this property' value using QObject::setProperty:

	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("control", newValue);

Or using the setControl slot.

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经导师精心指导并认可、获 98 分的毕业设计项目!【项目资源】:微信小程序。【项目说明】:聚焦计算机相关专业毕设及实战操练,可作课程设计与期末大作业,含全部源码,能直用于毕设,经严格调试,运行有保障!【项目服务】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。 经导师精心指导并认可、获 98 分的毕业设计项目!【项目资源】:微信小程序。【项目说明】:聚焦计算机相关专业毕设及实战操练,可作课程设计与期末大作业,含全部源码,能直用于毕设,经严格调试,运行有保障!【项目服务】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。 经导师精心指导并认可、获 98 分的毕业设计项目!【项目资源】:微信小程序。【项目说明】:聚焦计算机相关专业毕设及实战操练,可作课程设计与期末大作业,含全部源码,能直用于毕设,经严格调试,运行有保障!【项目服务】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。 经导师精心指导并认可、获 98 分的毕业设计项目!【项目资源】:微信小程序。【项目说明】:聚焦计算机相关专业毕设及实战操练,可作课程设计与期末大作业,含全部源码,能直用于毕设,经严格调试,运行有保障!【项目服务】:有任何使用上的问题,欢迎随时与博主沟通,博主会及时解答。
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