
4. Rectangle

In a graphic world where you can do nearly anything, some companies are keeping it simple with shaded rectangles. Their Logo, in a contrasting white, pops out from the background. Shadow boxes have historically been a sign of amateurish design, but this new generation of effective Logos has shown that good design will always be in style. With the popularity of rounded corners, these Logos stand out with (oh no!) sharp edges and right angles. In some occasions, such as with the blurb Logo, the rectangle can represent an image. Blurb used their blue shadow behind their name to symbolize a book, as they are in the book publishing business. 

4. 长方形

在图形世界里,你几乎可以做任何事情,但有些公司只使用简单的带边框的长方形。他们的Logo,从高反差的白色背景上“跳”出来。相框一样的长方形容易给人“业余设计水平”的感觉,但是新生的有活力的这些Logo,表明了好的设计永远都是有品味的。与人气极旺的圆角风格同时,这些Logo因有着锐利的边缘和适当的倾斜角度而特别显眼(不是吧!)。在某些场合,就像 Blurb的Logo,长方形可以用于扮演一个形象。Blurb 用蓝色的图形放在名字后面来代表一本书,因为他们做的是图书出版业务。

5. 3d Puffies

With these new puffed-up Logos, you don't know whether to click on them or bounce on them. Now that the industry has overcome the production issues of gradients, designers seem to prefer air-popped graphics to the flat drawings of yore. Even desktop icons these days seem to have a rounded feel, like you might pop one with one good hard double-click. It's a 2D world out there in Internet land, and these 3D images really make Web pages and Logos jump out of the page, to where you feel you could run your hands over the computer screen and feel their bumps and curves.

5. 立体发泡物


6. Hot Dogs

These cute little Tic Tacs of color are popping up all over the design world. Like many abstract symbols, the hot dogs can be used to mean many different things. Sometimes they denote movement or sound, such as in the Logo for Snap. These lines, reminiscent of those drawn out of shocked cartoon people by children everywhere, can denote an idea, a feeling or a literal meaning. But no matter how they're used in design, they are a powerful symbol of an upbeat emotion.

6. 热狗肠

这些色彩和弹出的可爱小把戏遍布了整个设计界。像许多抽象符号一样,热狗肠可以用来表示许多不同的东西。又是他们表示声音或运动的 警示,就像Snap的Logo里那样。那些辐射的线条,让人想起随处可见的小孩子画的 大吃一惊的 卡通人物。它能表示一种想法,一种感觉或者只是一种 字面上的意义。但不管它们用在设计中是为什么,它们都是一种有强烈表现力的符号来象征 乐观的态度。

7. Transmission beam

With satellite tv and radio and wireless everything all the rage in the new millennium, a transmission beams are a quick way to show that they are on the cutting edge of technology. Many companies who use this Logo trend deal in internet information. Part of what many of these companies are doing on the internet is taking user (or customer) information and sharing it with the world. The transmission beam, starting with a single dot (to represent the user), shows their ideas spreading out. It's the perfect symbol for publishing companies or blog sites.

7.  发射电波







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