RF BuiltIn库学习

*** Keywords ***
comment    Function_Keyword
    [Arguments]    ${element1}    @{items1}
    ${index} =    Set Variable    ${0}
    FOR    ${item}    IN    @{items1}
        Run Keyword If    '${item}'=='${element1}'    Return From Keyword    ${index}
        ${index}=    Set Variable    ${index+1}
    Return From Keyword    ${-1}

    [Arguments]    ${your_log}
    Run Keyword And Return    log    ${your_log}

    [Arguments]    ${your_log}
    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal    ${your_log}    hello
*** Settings ***
Documentation     初始文档
Suite Setup       Set Tags    First
Suite Teardown    Run Keyword If All Tests Passed    log    success    # success
Test Teardown     Run Keyword If Test Failed    log    test fail
Force Tags        ALL
Default Tags      sanity
Resource          ../My_Keyword/Stability_Keyword.robot
Resource          ../My_Keyword/Function_Keyword.robot
Resource          ../My_variables/Function_var.robot
Library           SeleniumLibrary
Library           Selenium2Library

*** Variables ***
@{LIST1infirstSuit}    foo    baz

*** Test Cases ***
    [Tags]    A-
    comment    标量 列表 字典, 分别使用语法格式 ${SCALAR}, @{LIST} 和 &{DICT} 来定义
    comment    1.call method    调用一个方法
    Comment    Call Method    ${hashtable}    put    myname    myvalue
    Comment    ${isempty}    Call Method    ${hashtable}    isEmpty
    #    ${my logout}    Evaluate    modules=print_string
    #    Call Method    ${my logout}    echo    ''    qwert
    comment    2.catenate    合并字符串
    ${my_str}    Catenate    hello    world    !
    log    ${my_str}    # hello world !
    ${my_str2}    Catenate    SEPARATOR=_    hello    world    !
    log    ${my_str2}    # hello_world_!
    ${my_str3}    Catenate    SEPARATOR=    hello    world    !
    log    ${my_str3}    # helloworld!
    comment    3.Convert to binary    将给定对象转换成二进制字符串
    ${to_binary}    Convert To Binary    123
    log    ${to_binary}    # 1111011
    comment    4.Convert to boolean    将给定的对象转成布尔值
    ${to_bool}    Convert To Boolean    abcd
    log    ${to_bool}    # True
    comment    5.convert to Bytes    转成字节
    comment    6.convert to Hex    转16进制值
    comment    7. convert to integer    转整数
    ${my_int}    Convert To Integer    123
    log    ${my_int}    # 123
    ${my_B}    Convert To Bytes    abc
    log    ${my_B}    # abc
    comment    8.convert to number    转浮点数,可以指定几位小数
    ${my_float}    Convert To Number    90.123    2
    log    ${my_float}    # 90.12 保存两位小数
    comment    9.convert to string    转成一个unicode string
    ${my_str}    Convert To String    中国
    log    ${my_str}    # 中国
    comment    10.create dictionary    创建并返回一个字典
    &{dict}    Create Dictionary    first_key=first_value    second_key=second_value    # key= value syntax
    log many    &{dict}
    &{dict2}    Create Dictionary    key3    vaule3    key4    value4    # separate key and value
    log many    &{dict2}
    &{dict3}    Create Dictionary    ${1}=${2}    &{dict}    first_key=new_value    # using variables
    log many    &{dict3}
    comment    11.create list    返回一个列表
    @{list}    Create List    a    b    c
    log many    @{list}    # @{list} = [ a | b | c ]    a    b    c
    ${scalar}    Create List    d    e    f
    log    ${scalar}    # ['d', 'e', 'f']
    ${ints}    Create List    ${1}    ${2}    ${3}
    log    ${ints}    # [1, 2, 3]
    comment    12.evaluate    计算一个表达式然后返回结果
    ${random}    Evaluate    random.randint(0,51)
    log    ${random}
    ${ns}    Create Dictionary    x=${4}    y=${2}
    ${result}    Evaluate    x*10+y    namespace=${ns}
    comment    13.exit for loop    退出循环
    @{for_list}    Create List    a    b    EXIT    d
    FOR    ${for_var}    IN    @{for_list}
        Run Keyword If    '${for_var}' == 'EXIT'    Exit For Loop
        ...    ELSE    log    ${for_var}
    comment    14.exit for loop if    条件为true退出循环
    FOR    ${for_var}    IN    @{for_list}
        Exit For Loop If    '${for_var}'=='EXIT'
        log    ${for_var}
    comment    15.fail    发生错误,显示错误信息,停止执行本case之后的逻辑,不影响其他case tag将报错归类加一个标签
    Comment    FOR    ${for_var}    IN    @{for_list}
    Comment    \    Run Keyword If    '${for_var}'=='EXIT'    fail    列表中出现exit,发生错误,停止执行    tag=FAIL_EXIT
    ...    ELSE    log    ${for_var}
    Comment    END
    comment    16.Fatal Error    整个测试全部停止
    comment    17.Get Count    统计目标字符出现在容器里的次数
    ${count_list}    Create List    1    2    2    1    3
    ${count}    Get Count    ${count_list}    1
    log    ${count}
    comment    18.Get Longth    返回所给容器的长度,整型
    ${length}    Get Length    hello,world!
    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${length}    12
    log    ${length}
    ${len_list}=    Create List    hello,    world!
    ${len}=    Get length    ${len_list}
    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${len}    2
    comment    19.Get library instance    实例化一个包
    &{all libs}=    Get Library Instance    all=True
    log many    &{all libs}
    comment    20.get time    根据指定格式获取时间
    ${time}    Get Time    # 2021-12-14 14:04:22
    log    ${time}
    ${sec}    Get Time    epoch
    log    ${sec}
    ${year}    Get Time    return year
    log    ${year}
    ${yyyy}    ${mm}    ${dd}    Get Time    year,month,day
    log many    ${yyyy}    ${mm}    ${dd}
    @{time}    Get Time    year month day hour min sec
    ${y}    ${s}    Get Time    seconds and year
    comment    21.Get Variable Value    返回变量值,变量不存在返回变量后面的值(default/none/任意设定的值)
    ${my_varia}    Create List    q    w    e
    ${get_my_varia}    Get Variable Value    ${my_varia}    default    # ${get_my_varia} = ['q', 'w', 'e']
    ${get_no_my_varial}    Get Variable Value    ${no_my_varial}    no exist    # ${get_no_my_varial} = no exist
    ${z}    Get Variable Value    ${z}    # ${z} = None
    comment    22.get variables    返回当前范围所有变量的字典
    ${log_variables}    Get Variables
    log    ${log_variables}
    comment    23.import library    动态导入一个库,只在本case内生效,该库由函数组成,不要写类(不知道类怎么用)
    Import Library    ${CURDIR}/print_string.py
    ${import_str}    echo    qqqq
    log    ${import_str}    # qqqq
    comment    24.import resource    绝对路径导入一个资源文件,只在这个case生效
    comment    25.import variables    绝对路径导入一个变量文件
    comment    26.keyword should exist    判断关键字是否存在,不存在报错,无返回值
    Keyword Should Exist    echo
    comment    27.length should be    长度判断,无返回值,长度错误,报错
    Length Should Be    123456    6
    comment    28.log \ log many    log后面打印一条消息,log many后面打印多条消息
    log    abc    console=yes
    log many    a    b    c
    comment    29.log to console    打印到console控制台
    comment    30.log variables    获取当前case范围内所有变量
    Comment    Log Variables
    Comment    31.No Operation    什么都不做,相当于pass
    comment    32.Pass Execution message tag    以pass状态跳过当前test,setup or teardown,后面的语句不执行
    Comment    Pass Execution    skip    class A-
    Comment    log    1
    comment    33.pass execution if message tag    以pass的状态有条件的跳过当前test,setup,teardown,后面的语句不执行
    Comment    @{str_ing}    Create List    2    3    4    5    6
    Comment    FOR    ${i}    IN    @{str_ing}
    Comment    \    Pass Execution If    '${i}'=='4'    Correct value was found    class A-
    Comment    \    log    ${i}
    Comment    END
    Comment    LOG    111222    # 后面语句不执行
    comment    34.regexp escape    回转义的每个参数字符串,以用作正则表达式。    ##############不懂
    comment    35.reload library    重新加载指定库中的所有关键字
    Reload Library    SSHLibrary    # 输出Reloaded library SSHLibrary with 34 keywords.
    comment    36.remove tags    仅在log和report中移除tag,ride中仍然存在
    Remove Tags    mytag
    comment    37.repeat keyword    重复执行关键字
    Repeat Keyword    3 times    log    123
    comment    38.replace variables    在给定的text文件中替换变量的值    #############不会
    Comment    log    ${CURDIR}
    Comment    ${template}    ${/}
    Comment    ${NAME}=    Set Variable    Robot
    Comment    ${message}    Replace Variables    ${CURDIR}/template.txt
    Comment    Should Be Equal    ${message}    Hello Robot!
    comment    39.return from keywork    在关键字中使用,从关键字中跳出,不执行该关键字后面的逻辑    本例在index=1时结束关键字后面的步骤
    @{list}    Create List    foo    baz
    ${index}    return_keywork    baz    @{list}
    Should Be Equal    ${index}    ${1}    # Returning from the enclosing user keyword.${index} = 1
    ${index}    return_keywork    non existing    @{list}
    Should Be Equal    ${index}    ${-1}    # Returning from the enclosing user keyword.${index} = -1
    comment    40.return from keyword if    满足后面的条件,返回用户关键字
    comment    41.run keyword    执行后面的关键字,关键字以参数的形式给定,是一个变量
    comment    42.run keyword and condtinue on failure    执行后面的关键字,即使错误也继续执行
    Comment    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Fail    this is a example
    comment    43.run keyword and exepect error    执行关键字,检查预期的错误是否发生
    ${log_message}    Run Keyword And Expect Error    this is a my expect error example    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Fail    this is a my expect error example
    log    ${log_message}
    comment    44.run keyword and ignore error    根据参数执行关键字,忽略错误,返回两个值(pass/fail,收到的错误消息)
    @{returnvalue}    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Fail    this is a error example
    log many    @{returnvalue}
    comment    45.run keyword and return    在关键字中使用,执行关键字,然后从关键字中返回
    log_message    hello
    comment    46.run keyword and return status    执行关键字,然后从关键字中以布尔值的形式返回
    ${result}    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal    a    a
    log    ${result}
    comment    47.run keyword and warn on failure 执行关键字,如果关键字执行失败,会有一个warn
    ${rk_warn}    Run Keyword And Warn On Failure    Should Be Equal    A    B
    log    ${rk_warn}
    comment    48.run keyword if condition keywordname *args    如果条件为真 则执行后面的关键字
    @{rkif}    Create List    1    2    3    4
    FOR    ${i}    IN    @{rkif}
        Run Keyword If    '${i}'=='${3}'    Continue For Loop
        ...    ELSE    log    ${i}
    comment    49.run keyword if all critical tests passed | keywordname |*args    如果所有Critical测试用例通过,则根据参数args执行关键字。只能用于suite teardown。管道传递参数。
    comment    50.run keyword if all test passed | keywordname | *args    如果所有测试用例通过,则根据参数args执行关键字.只能用于suite teardown。管道传递参数。
    comment    51.Run Keyword If Any Critical Tests Failed    如果有Critical测试用例Fail,则根据参数args执行关键字。只能用于suite teardown。
    comment    52.Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed    如果有测试用例Fail,则根据参数args执行关键字。只能用于suite teardown。
    comment    53.Run Keyword If Test Failed    如果测试用例Fail,则根据参数args执行关键字。只能用于test teardown。
    Comment    ${1}    Set Variable    1
    Comment    ${2}    Set Variable    2
    Comment    ${3}    Should Be Equal    ${1}    ${2}
    comment    54.run keyword if test passed    如果测试用例Pass,则根据参数args执行关键字。只能用于test teardown。
    comment    55.run keyword if timeout occurred    如果测试用例超时,则根据参数args执行关键字。只能用于test teardown。
    comment    56.run keyword unless condifion keywordname *args    如果condition为假,根据参数args执行关键字。
    @{rku}    Create List    1    2    3    4
    FOR    ${i}    IN    @{rku}
        Run Keyword Unless    '${i}'=='${3}'    log    ${i}
    comment    57.run keywords    运行多个关键字,用AND连接
    Run Keywords    log    1
    ...    AND    log    2
    comment    58.set global variable    设置一个全局变量,后面所有的测试用例和测试套都可以使用
    Set Global Variable    ${my_global_var}    this is a global var
    comment    59.set library search order    测试数据中的关键字名称与多个关键字匹配时,库搜索顺序用于解决冲突。
    Set Library Search Order    Selenium2Library.Open Broswer    SeleniumLibrary.Open Broswer
    comment    60.set local variable    设置局部变量,只在当前case中使用
    Set Local Variable    @{slva}    1    2    3
    log many    @{slva}
    comment    61.set log level    将日志设置为指定级别并返回旧级别。感觉没啥用
    Comment    Set Log Level    TRACE
    comment    62.set suite documentation    设置当前测试套件的文档。现有的文档可能被覆盖。在log和report中可查看。
    Set Suite Documentation    增加测试套文档描述    append=True
    comment    63.set suite metadata    为测试套件设置元数据    ?????????????
    comment    64.set suite variable    设置一个在当前测试套内都可获取的变量,在设置之后,后面的case可用
    Set Suite Variable    ${SCALAR}    hello,world!    children=true
    comment    65.set tags    在测试用例或者suite setup中设置标签。
    Set Tags    YU
    comment    66.set task variable    创建测试用例变量,只在当前case中可用
    Set Task Variable    ${task_var}    this is a task var
    log    ${task_var}
    comment    67.set test documentation    设置当前测试用例的文档。在report和log中可见
    Set Test Documentation    增加测试用例文档
    comment    68.set test message    可在test teardown中使用,设置测试用例的message,可在log、report中看到,若在teardown中使用可能覆盖错误内容
    Set Test Message    this is test message    # 被teardown重写
    comment    69.set test variable    设置当前测试用例变量
    comment    70.set variable    设置变量,将值返回给变量,主要设置标量变量。也可将标量变量转换为列表变量,或创建多标量变量。
    ${sv1}    Set Variable    hello,world!
    log    ${sv1}    # hello,world!
    ${sv2}    set variable    i said:${sv1}
    log    ${sv2}    # i said:hello,world!
    ${sv3}    Create List    q    w    e    r
    log    ${sv3}    # ['q', 'w', 'e', 'r']
    @{list_sv4}    Set Variable    ${sv3}
    log many    @{list_sv4}    # @{list_sv4} = [ q w e r ] 每列打印1个元素
    ${two_items}    Create List    n    m
    log    ${two_items}    # ['n', 'm']
    ${sv5}    ${sv6}    Set Variable    ${two_items}
    log many    ${sv5}    ${sv6}    # ${sv5} = n ${sv6} = m 每列打印一个元素
    comment    71.set variable if condition value1 value2    根据条件,设置变量值,如果条件为true,则返回第一个值,若为false则返回第二个值
    ${my_svi}    Set Variable    0
    ${my_svi1}    Set Variable If    ${my_svi}==0    zero    nonzero    # ${my_svi1} = zero 条件为真 返回第一个值
    ${my_svi2}    Set Variable If    ${my_svi}>0    bigger than zero    smaller or equle zero    # ${my_svi2} = smaller or equle zero 条件为假,返回第二个值
    ${my_svi3}    Set Variable If    ${my_svi}<0    smaller than zero    bigger or equle zero    # ${my_svi3} = bigger or equle zero 条件为假,返回第二个值
    ${my_svi4}=    Set Variable If    ${my_svi}==0    zero    ${my_svi}==1    one    ${my_svi}==2    two    ${my_svi}>2    greater than two    ${my_svi}>0    less than zero    # ${my_svi4} = zero
    comment    72.should be empty item msg    验证给定的item是否为空,无返回值,msg是可被重写,显示错误内容
    ${sbe}    Create List    # 1    # ${sbe} = []
    Should Be Empty    ${sbe}    msg=not empty    # Length is 0
    comment    73.should be equal first second msg values=True    判断给定值是否相等,不相等则fail,msg错误提示消息.无返回值
    ${a}    Set Variable    1
    ${b}    Set Variable    1
    Should Be Equal    ${a}    ${b}    msg=not equal
    comment    74.should be equal as integers first second msg \    将对象转换为整数,判断转换后的值是否相等,不相等则fail,msg错误提示消息.无返回值
    Should Be Equal As Integers    42    ${42}    msg=not equal
    Should Be Equal As Integers    abcd    ABCD    msg=abcd not equal with ABCD    base=16
    Should Be Equal As Integers    0b1011    11
    comment    75.should be equal as numbers fisrt second msg precision    判断对象转换为实数后是否相等,不相等则fail,可指定精确度precision,无返回值    ??????精确度怎么算
    ${x}    Set Variable    1.1
    Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${x}    1.1    msg=they not equal
    Should Be Equal As Numbers    1.123    1.1    precision=1
    Should Be Equal As Numbers    1.123    1.4    precision=0
    Should Be Equal As Numbers    112.3    75    precision=-2
    comment    76.should be equal as string first second msg    将对象转换为字符串后,若不相等,则fail,无返回值
    ${first_sbqas}    Set Variable    123
    ${second_abqas}    Set Variable    ${123}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${first_sbqas}    ${second_abqas}
    comment    77.should be true condition msg    如果条件为true,则pass,否则fail,自动导入python os模块和sys模块
    ${value}    Set Variable    1
    Should Be True    ${value}>0
    Should Be True    ${value}    # value不为0,pass
    ${list}    Create List    1    2    3
    Should Be True    ${list}    # 列表不为空,pass
    comment    78.should contain container item msg    container中包含item,则pass,否则fail,无返回值,相当于python中的in
    Should Contain    ${first_sbqas}    ${value}
    comment    79.should contain any container *items **configuration    如果container中没有包含items中的任意一个,则fail,无返回值
    Should Contain Any    ${list}    1    8    9
    @{list1}    Create List    1    8    9
    Should Contain Any    ${list}    @{list1}
    comment    80.should contain X times container item count msg    container 包含item指定的count次,pass。否则fail
    Should Contain X Times    ${list}    1    1
    comment    81.should end with str1 str2 msg    判断str1是否是以str2结尾,是的话pass。否则fail,无返回值
    ${string1}    Set Variable    abcd
    ${string2}    Set Variable    cd
    Should End With    ${string1}    ${string2}
    comment    82.should match string pattern msg    string匹配模式pattern,模式匹配是和shell中的文件匹配类似,它区分大小写,'*'匹配所有字符,“?”单个字符。匹配成功,无返回值
    should match    ${string1}    abc?
    comment    83.should match regexp    string能匹配正则表达式pattern    ???????????
    comment    84.should not be empty item msg    变量非空,pass。否则fail,无返回值。
    Should Not Be Empty    ${string1}
    comment    85.should not be equal first second msg    判断两个对象是否相等,相等则fail。
    Should Not Be Equal    ${string1}    ${string2}    # 字符串${string1}和${string2}不相等则pass
    comment    86.should not be equal as integers first second msg base    将对象转换为整数后不相等,则pass。无返回值。
    Should Not Be Equal As Integers    ${string1}    ${string2}    base=16
    comment    87.should not be equal as numbers first second msg precision=6    将对象转换为实数后不相等则pass。
    Should Not Be Equal As Numbers    123    124
    comment    88.should not be equal as strings first second msg    两个对象转换为字符串后比较结果不相等,则pass
    Should Not Be Equal As Strings    ${string1}    ${string2}
    comment    89.should not be true conditon msg    给定条件为true则fail
    Should Not Be True    5 < 2    # pass
    comment    90.should not contain container item msg    container中不包含item,则pass
    Should Not Contain    ${string1}    e
    comment    91.should not contain any container *item **configuration    container不包含任何item中的任何一个,则pass。
    Should Not Contain Any    ${string1}    e    f    g
    comment    92.should not end with str1 str2 msg    str1不以str2结尾。则pass。
    Should Not End With    abcd    ef
    comment    93.should not match string pattern msg    如果string与给定pattern规则不匹配,则pass
    comment    94.should not start with str1 str2 msg    若str1以str2开头,则fail
    Should Not Start With    ${string1}    bc
    Should Start With    ${string1}    ab
    Comment    95.skip msg    跳过当前测试的剩余部分
    Comment    skip
    Comment    log    !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Comment    96.skip if condition msg    若条件为True,则跳过当前测试的剩余部分
    Comment    97.Sleep time reason
    Sleep    3
    Comment    98.variable should exist name msg    变量在当前范围内存在,则pass
    Variable Should Exist    ${string1}
    Variable Should Not Exist    ${non_string1}
    Comment    99.wait until keyword succeeds retry retry_interval name *args    运行指定的关键字,如果失败则重试。
    [Teardown]    Set Test Message    teardown test message

lesson one
    log many    @{LIST1infirstSuit}
    log many    ${var1}
    Comment    log many    @{slva}
    log    ${SCALAR}
    log    ${my_global_var}
    log    ${task_var}
  • 2
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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