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翻译 [译]OOSE第8章:Construction 软件构建 8.2 The design model 设计模型

8.2 The design model8.2 设计模型8.2.1Traceability8.2.1 可跟踪性The design model will further refine theanalysis model in the light of the

2011-05-05 09:56:00 2838

翻译 [译]OOSE第8章:Construction 软件构建 8.1 Introduction

<br /> <br />8.1 Introduction<br />8.1 介绍<br />8.1.1   Why do we have a construction process?<br />8.1.1   为什么我们需要一个软件构建过程<br />We build our system in the constructionphase, based on the analysis model and the requirements model created duringanalysis.

2011-05-05 09:19:00 651

原创 [译]OOSE第7章:Analysis 分析 7.3 The analysis model 分析模型 & 7.4 Summary

<br /> <br />7.3 The analysis model<br />7.3 分析模型<br />When the requirements model has been developed,and often also signed off by the orderers, we can focus on the structuring ofthe system. This is done initially by developing the analysis model. In t

2011-03-29 17:33:00 5360 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第7章:Analysis 分析 7.2 The requirements model 需求模型

<br /> <br />7.2 The requirements model<br />7.2  需求模型<br /> <br />7.2.1   System development based on userrequirements<br />7.2.1   系统开发基于用户的需求<br />   Therequirements model aims to delimit the system and define the functionality thatthe system shou

2011-03-29 17:19:00 2136

原创 [译]OOSE第7章:Analysis 分析 7.1 Introduction

<br /> <br />7.1 Introduction<br />7.1 介绍<br />7.1.1   Why an analysis process?<br />7.1.1  为什么需要分析过程?<br />The aim of the analysis phase is toanalyze, specify and define the system to be built. The models developed willdescribe what the system is to d

2011-03-29 16:45:00 1546

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.7 实施模型 & 6.8 测试模型 & 6.9 总结

<br /><br />6.7 The implementation model<br />6.7 实施模型<br />The implementationmodel consists of the annotated source code. The information space is the onethat the programming language uses. Note that we do not require an object-orientedprogramming l

2011-02-14 16:59:00 692 2

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.6 设计模型

<br /> <br />6.6 The design model<br />6.6 设计模型<br />6.6.1   The design model's object<br />6.6.1设计模型对象<br />In theconstruction process, we construct the system using both the analysis model andthe requirements model. First, we create a design model th

2011-02-14 16:54:00 638

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.5 分析模型

<br /> <br />6.5 Analysis model<br />6.5.1   The objects of the analysis model<br />We have seen that the requirements modelaims to define the limitations of the system and to specify its behavior. Whenthe requirements model has been developed and appr

2011-02-14 16:29:00 851

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.4 需求模型

<br /> <br />6.4 Requirements model<br />6.4 需求模型<br />6.4.1   Actorsand use cases<br />6.4.1角色和用例<br />The firsttransformation made is from the requirement specification to the requirementsmodel. The requirements model consists of:<br />•    A use c

2011-02-14 15:53:00 681

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.3 模型体系结构

<br /><br />6.3 Model architecture<br />6.3 模型体系结构<br />We have seen that system development isbasically concerned with developing models of the system. The work is concernedwith both identifying and describing objects in a certain information space,

2011-02-14 09:09:00 382

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.2 系统研发即模型构建

<br /> <br />6.2 System development is model building<br />6.2 系统研发即模型构建<br />6.2.1Models<br />6.2.1模型<br />System developmentis a complex task. Several different aspects must be taken into consideration.What we wish to achieve is a reliable computer

2011-02-14 09:06:00 1199

翻译 [译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.1 Introduction

<br /> <br />6.1 Introduction<br />This chapterdiscusses the architecture of the pyramid (see Figure 6.1). Here, we wish toprovide a reason and motivation for the models created and the concepts usedwhen working with Object-Oriented Software Engineer

2011-02-14 08:35:00 626

翻译 [译]OOSE第5章:面向对象的程序设计 5.6 An example & 5.7 Summary

<br />5.6 An example<br />We shall here consider how we can use the classes from Chapter 3 to construct a whole game, where people interact with each other. The people involved are a father with his two sons, a woman and an anonymous person. We shall begin

2011-01-17 10:11:00 698 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第5章:面向对象的程序设计 5.5 Polymorphism

<br />5.5 Polymorphism<br />The algorithm discussed in the previous section shows clearly that the receiving instance is responsible for searching for and finding the appropriate operation to be executed. Polymorphism means that the transmitter of a stimul

2011-01-17 09:06:00 361

翻译 [译]OOSE第5章:面向对象的程序设计 5.4 Inheritance

<br />5.4 Inheritance<br />Inheritance means that we can develop a new class merely by stating how it differs from another, already existing class. The new class then inherits the existing class. The main advantage with this approach is that existing class

2011-01-17 09:00:00 550

翻译 [译]OOSE第5章:面向对象的程序设计 5.3 Classes and instances

<br />5.3 Classes and instances<br />In object-oriented languages, each object is described by a class. This class is both a module for source code and a type for the class instances. The programming language Ada comes close to this approach with the packa

2011-01-17 08:52:00 702 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第5章:面向对象的程序设计 5.2 对象

<br />5.2 OBJECT<br />5.2 对象<br />The most important concept that an object-oriented language must support is the object concept. Thus the language must support the definition of a set of operations for the object, namely the object's interface, and an imp

2011-01-17 08:40:00 486 4

翻译 [译]OOSE第5章:面向对象的程序设计 5.1 介绍

<br /><br />5.1 Introduction<br />5.1 介绍<br />Object-oriented programming essentially means programming using objects and the other concepts introduced in Chapter 3. In this chapter, we describe how the concepts are used in a programming language and how t

2011-01-17 08:36:00 474 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第4章:面向对象系统的研发 4.6 总结

<br />4.6 Summary<br />4.6 总结<br />The development of qualitative software systems should be carried out using a development method. Different methods focus on different quality properties. Additionally, different models have been proposed to describe the 

2010-11-08 10:19:00 721 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第4章:面向对象系统的研发 4.5 面向对象的测试

4.5 Object-oriented testing4.5 面向对象的测试The testing of a system which has been developed with an object-oriented method does not differ considerably from the testing of a system developed by any other method. In both cases, we verify the system, namely check

2010-11-08 10:14:00 404

翻译 [译]OOSE第4章:面向对象系统的研发 4.4 面向对象的集成Object-oriented construction

4.4 Object-oriented construction面向对象的集成Object-oriented construction means that the analysis model is designed and implemented in source code. This source code is executed in the target environment, which often means that the ideal model produced by the ana

2010-11-08 10:13:00 494 2

翻译 [译]OOSE第4章:面向对象系统的研发 4.3 面向对象的分析

4.3 Object-oriented analysis4.3 面向对象的分析The purpose of object-oriented analysis, as with all other analysis, is to obtain an understanding of the application: an understanding depending only on the system's functional requirements.和其他的分析过程类似,进行面向对象分析的目的是在于对

2010-11-08 09:43:00 528

翻译 [译]OOSE第4章:面向对象系统的研发 4.2 功能/数据方法Function/data methods

4.2 功能/数据方法The existing methods for system development can basically be divided into function/data methods and object-oriented methods. By function/data methods we mean those methods that treat functions and/or data as being more or less separate. Object-o

2010-11-08 09:34:00 645

翻译 [译]OOSE第4章:面向对象系统的研发 4.1 Introduction

4.1 IntroductionIn order to design large systems, a systematic approach should be adopted. There is an abundance of such approaches and all of them are aimed at producing a good system. But what is a good system? This question can be answered partly from a

2010-10-09 11:04:00 426 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第3章:面向对象知识入门 3.5 Inheritance+3.6

<br />3.5 Inheritance <br />When we describe our classes, it is soon noticed that many classes have common characteristics (behavior and information structure). For instance, when we compare the classes Male and Female, we see that they are very similar to

2010-07-22 00:19:00 919 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第3章:面向对象知识入门 3.4Polymorphism

<br />3.4 Polymorphism<br />Instances, created from classes, will together provide us with the dynamic behavior that we wish to model. It is when these instances start to communicate with each other that the system's behavior is performed. An instance may

2010-07-22 00:05:00 525 1

翻译 [译]OOSE第3章:面向对象知识入门 3.3 类与实例

<br />3.3 Class and instance 类与实例<br />In the system we model, there will be a number of communicating objects. Some of these objects will have common characteristics and we can group the objects according to these characteristics. When we look at the obje

2010-07-17 19:50:00 425 2

翻译 [译]OOSE第3章:面向对象知识入门 3.2 Object

3.2 Object   The first and most important concept that we describe is,of course the concept of object.  What we mean by an object is an entity able to save a state (information) and which offers a number of operations (behavior) to either examine or affect

2010-07-14 13:11:00 514 1

翻译 [翻]OOSE第3章:面向对象知识入门3.1

<br />3.1 Introduction<br />3.1 简介<br />   Object-orientation is a technique for system modeling. It offers a number of concepts which are well suited for this purpose.<br />   面向对象的设计是一种软件系统建模的技术, 他提供一系列的概念和方法来更好实现这个目标.<br />Using Object-orientation as a

2010-07-14 12:40:00 630

翻译 [伪][译]关于本博客

<br />友人邀请我学习OOSE,奈何本人英文实在无力支撑全英文的书。<br />无奈之下逼迫友人翻译此书。<br />同时贴出来大家看看评评。<br />欢迎拍砖、吐槽。(唯一要求骂人少用脏字)

2010-07-14 12:30:00 473



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