Oracle/PLSQL: NULLIF Function

In Oracle/PLSQL, the NULLIF function compares expr1 and expr2. If expr1 and expr2 are equal, the NULLIF function returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns expr1.


The syntax for the NULLIF function is:

NULLIF( expr1, expr2 )

expr1 and expr2 must be either numeric values or values that are of the same datatype.


expr1 can be an expression that evaluates to NULL, but it can not be the literal NULL.

Applies To

  • Oracle 11g, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i

For Example

NULLIF(12, 12)

would return NULL

NULLIF(12, 13)

would return 12

NULLIF('apples', 'apples')

would return NULL

NULLIF('apples', 'oranges')

would return 'apples'


would return an ORA-00932 error because 
expr1 can not be the literal NULL

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Oracle P/L SQL实现FTP上传、下载功能,以下是此过程包的头部,包体经常打包处理plb,感兴趣用户可以下载下来。 --Oracle上的FTP功能 Create or Replace Package UTL_FTP AUTHID CURRENT_USER as Type Connection is Record( Connection UTL_TCP.Connection, AccountInfo VarChar2(1000), TransferMethod Char(1), --A: ASCII, E: EBCDIC, I: IMAGE TransferOption Char(1), LocalDirectory VarChar2(30), LastReply VarChar2(32767 ) ); Type File_List is Table of VarChar2(32767) Index by Binary_Integer; is_FTPStatus VarChar2(800) := 'disconnect'; is_FTPPort Constant Integer := 21; is_TransferMethod Constant VarChar2(10) := 'ASCII'; ii_OutputLog Constant Integer := 1; ii_RollBufferLog Constant Integer := 2; ii_ClientInfoLog Constant Integer := 4; -- Per RFC 959, if account info ( ACCT ) is requested Then a 332 code -- should be Returned from the PASS command instead of a Positive Completion ii_FTPRequestAcct Constant Integer := 332; gb_Verbose Boolean := False; --是否记录冗长、累赘的日志 gi_LogOptions Integer := ii_OutputLog; gs_LogText VarChar2(32767) := Null; Procedure p_SetVerbose( ab_Verbose in Boolean ); Procedure p_SetLogOptions( ai_LogOptions in Integer ); Procedure p_ClearLog; --登录到远程FTP服务器 Function f_Login( as_RemoteHost in VarChar2, as_Username in VarChar2, as_Password in VarChar2, as_LocalDirectory in VarChar2 Default Null, as_RemoteDir in VarChar2 Default Null, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default is_TransferMethod, ai_Timeout in Integer Default Null, ai_FTPPort in Integer Default is_FTPPort, as_AccountInfo in VarChar2 Default Null )Return Connection; Procedure p_Logout( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection ); Procedure p_SendFTPCmd( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_Command in VarChar2, as_Argument in VarChar2 Default Null, as_AccountInfo in VarChar2 Default Null ); Procedure p_ReadReply( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection ); Procedure p_Rename( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_OldFilename in VarChar2, as_NewFilename in VarChar2 ); Procedure p_DeleteFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_Filename in VarChar2 ); Function f_isDirectory( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_Directory in VarChar2, ab_CDToo in Boolean Default True )Return Boolean; Procedure p_CreateDirectory( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_Directory in VarChar2 ); Procedure p_DeleteDirectory( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_Directory in VarChar2 ); Procedure p_SetTransferMethod( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2, as_Option in VarChar2 Default Null ); Procedure p_RemoteCD( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_Directory in VarChar2, ab_CreateDir in Boolean Default True ); Procedure p_RemoteCDup( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection ); Function f_RemotePWD( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection )Return VarChar2; Procedure p_PutClob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, ac_LocalClob in Clob, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Function f_PutClob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, ac_LocalClob in Clob, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null )Return VarChar2; Procedure p_PutBlob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, ab_LocalBlob in BLOB, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, ab_ForceBinary in Boolean Default True --强制为二进制 ); Procedure p_GetClob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, ac_LocalClob in out Nocopy Clob, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Function f_GetClob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null )Return Clob; Procedure p_GetBlob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, ab_LocalBlob in out Nocopy BLOB, ab_ForceBinary in Boolean Default True ); Function f_GetBlob( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, ab_ForceBinary in Boolean Default True )Return BLOB; Procedure p_PutFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, ai_LocalFilename in UTL_File.File_Type, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Procedure p_PutFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_LocalDirectory in VarChar2, as_LocalFilename in VarChar2, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Function f_PutFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_LocalDirectory in VarChar2, as_LocalFilename in VarChar2, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null )Return VarChar2; Procedure p_PutFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_LocalDirectory in VarChar2, as_LocalFilename in VarChar2 ); Procedure p_GetFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_LocalDirectory in VarChar2, as_LocalFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Procedure p_GetFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Procedure p_GetFile( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemoteFilename in VarChar2, ai_LocalFilename in out Nocopy UTL_File.File_Type, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default Null ); Procedure p_GetFileList( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, afl_List out File_List, as_RemotePath in VarChar2 Default Null, ab_FilenameOnly in Boolean Default True, as_FilenamePrefix in VarChar2 Default Null, as_FilenameExt in VarChar2 Default Null, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default is_TransferMethod ); Function f_GetFileList( ac_Connection in out Nocopy Connection, as_RemotePath in VarChar2 Default Null, ab_FilenameOnly in Boolean Default True, as_FilenamePrefix in VarChar2 Default Null, as_FilenameExt in VarChar2 Default Null, as_TransferMethod in VarChar2 Default is_TransferMethod )Return File_List; --根据FTP参数或系统事先设定好的IP登录到FTP服务器 --Select UTL_FTP.f_ConnectFTP() From dual; Function f_ConnectFTP( as_RemoteSubDir in VarChar2 Default Null, --Remote Subdirectory as_RemoteFileWildcard in VarChar2 Default Null, --Remote File Wildcard --删除之前生成的文件 如I02-UB*.xls as_FTPServer in VarChar2, --FTP Server as_FTPUserID in VarChar2, --FTP User ID as_FTPPasswd in VarChar2 --FTP Password )Return UTL_FTP.Connection; END UTL_FTP; /
Oracle P/L SQL实现发送Email、浏览网页等网络操作功能 Oracle P/L SQL实现发送Email、浏览网页等网络操作功能,以下是此过程包的头部,包体经常打包处理plb,感兴趣用户可以下载下来。 --.使用聚合函数实现 多行合并 Drop Type Strcat_type; Drop Function f_StrCat; Drop Package UTL_INet; Variable ls_ObjectName VarChar2(128); Begin Select Sequence_Name Into :ls_ObjectName From User_Sequences Where Sequence_Name = 'SYS_RAND_ID'; DBMS_Output.Put_Line( :ls_ObjectName ); Exception When No_Data_Found Then Execute Immediate 'Create Sequence SYS_RAND_ID minvalue 1 maxValue 99999999999999999 Start With 1 increment by 1 cache 5 cycle order'; End; / --1、创建类型 Create Or Replace Type Strcat_type As Object ( cat_string varchar2(4000), Static Function ODCIAggregateInitialize(cs_ctx In Out strcat_type) Return Number, Member Function ODCIAggregateIterate(self In Out strcat_type,value in varchar2) Return Number, Member Function ODCIAggregateMerge(self In Out strcat_type,ctx2 In Out strcat_type) Return Number, Member Function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self In Out strcat_type,ReturnValue Out varchar2,flags in Number) Return Number ); / --2. 创建类型体 Create Or Replace Type Body Strcat_type Is Static Function ODCIAggregateInitialize( cs_ctx In Out strcat_type )Return Number is Begin cs_ctx := strcat_type( Null ); Return ODCIConst.Success; End; Member Function ODCIAggregateIterate( self In Out strcat_type, value In varchar2 ) Return Number is Begin if self.cat_string is Null or Instr( self.cat_string, value ) = 0 Then self.cat_string := self.cat_string || ','|| value; End if; Return ODCIConst.Success; End; Member Function ODCIAggregateTerminate( self In Out strcat_type, ReturnValue Out varchar2, flags In Number) Return Number is Begin ReturnValue := ltrim(rtrim( self.cat_string,','),',' ); Return ODCIConst.Success; End; Member Function ODCIAggregateMerge( self In Out strcat_type, ctx2 In Out strcat_type) Return Number is Begin if self.cat_string is Null or Instr( self.cat_string, ctx2.cat_string ) = 0 Then self.cat_string := self.cat_string || ',' || ctx2.cat_string; End if; Return ODCIConst.Success; End; End; / --3.创建函数: 使用聚合函数实现 多行合并 Create or Replace Function f_StrCat( as_input Varchar2 ) Return Varchar2 PARALLEL_ENABLE AGGREGATE USING strcat_type; / Grant Execute on f_StrCat To Public; --End of 使用聚合函数实现 多行合并 Create Or Replace Package UTL_INet AS Type VarChar_Type is Table of VarChar2(400) Index By Binary_Integer; Type Number_Type is Table of Number(12,4) Index By Binary_Integer; Type DynamicCursor is ref Cursor; --动态游标 --Purpose : 获得汉字拼音编码 Type ut_PYIndex_191_List is Varray( 191 ) OF Number; Type ut_PYIndex_List is Varray( 10 ) OF ut_PYIndex_191_List; is_OracleDirectory Constant VarChar2(20) := 'ATTACH_DIR'; --内部附件生成目录(Oracle的目录) --Clob叠加比较慢,先用VarChar2叠加到4000个字符后才叠加到Clob字段 --UTL_INet.p_ClobCAT( Procedure p_ClobCAT( ac_HTMLText in Out Clob, as_CatText in Out VarChar2, as_Str in VarChar2 Default Null ); --字符串根据特定分隔符分来 --Select UTL_INet.f_SplitString( 'A,B,C', xx, ',' ) From dual; Function f_SplitString( as_SourStr in out Clob, --输入字符串A,B,C as_Separator in VarChar2 Default '/' --分拆依据的分隔符, )Return VarChar2; --分拆结果A --将Clob内容写入物理文件 --Exec UTL_INet.p_PutClob2File( as_FileName => 'aa.sql', ac_Text => 'test sql' ); Procedure p_PutClob2File( as_SubDir in VarChar2, --目录名 as_FileName in VarChar2, --文件名 ac_Text in Clob, --文件内容 as_Overwrite in VarChar default 'Y', --标志位:Y:覆盖文件内容,N:追加 as_OraVersion in VarChar default 'N' --标志位:Y:写入Oracle版本信息 ); --序号自动递增计算 --e.g.: 输入:HLXU99349021,返回:HLXU99349022 --范例: Select UTL_INet.f_AutoNum( 'HLXU99349021' ), UTL_INet.f_AutoNum( 'ABA', -1 ), UTL_INet.f_AutoNum( 'ABZ' ) from Dual; Function f_AutoNum( as_OldNum in VarChar2, --原字符串 ai_Step in Number Default 1, --步长,默认是递增加1, ai_DigitXXX in Number Default Null --累计序号位数 XXX )Return VarChar2; --字符串加解密,返回一串32位长的字符串 --Select UTL_INet.f_MD5( 'TestPassword' ) From Dual; Function f_MD5( as_SourceStr in Varchar2 --需要加密的字符串 ) Return Varchar2; --将Email地址去头去尾,剩下最简单的Email地址,如"TSI Customer Service" <>变成 Function f_GetNakedEmailAddr( as_DisplayEmail In VarChar2, as_Including in Char Default 'N' --Y: 返回<> )Return VarChar2; --测试发送Email的邮箱是否正确 Function f_TestEmailAccount( ac_Connection out Nocopy UTL_SMTP.Connection, as_SMTPHost in VarChar2, --邮件服务器 ai_SMTPPort in PLS_Integer Default 25, --邮件服务器端口 as_SMTPAuth in VarChar2 Default 'Y', --发送密码验证 as_Username in VarChar2 Default Null, --邮件用户 as_Password in VarChar2 Default Null, --邮件口令 as_WalletPath in VarChar2 Default Null, as_WalletPwd in VarChar2 Default Null )Return Boolean; ------------------------------------------------ 写邮件头和邮件内容------------------------- Procedure p_WriteRawData( ac_Conn in Out Nocopy UTL_SMTP.Connection, as_Partname in VarChar2, as_Value in VarChar2, as_Splite in VarChar2 Default ':', as_CRLF in VarChar2 Default UTL_TCP.CRLF ); ----------------------------------------------发送附件------------------------------------- Procedure p_MailAttachment( ac_Conn in Out Nocopy UTL_SMTP.Connection, as_Filename in VarChar2, as_Boundary in VarChar2, as_Encode in VarChar2 Default 'base64', as_MimeType in VarChar2 Default 'text/plain', as_ContentID in VarChar2 Default Null, -- ab_Inline in Boolean Default False --True将文本内容直接在邮件内容显示出来,并出现在附件中,False不显示只出现在附件中 ); -----------------自动签名的生成,签名生成显示后还出现此签名文件为附件,尚未解决------------------------------- Procedure p_GetMailSignature( ac_Conn in Out Nocopy UTL_SMTP.Connection, as_Boundary in VarChar2, as_Encode in VarChar2 Default 'base64', as_SignatureLogo in VarChar2 Default Null, as_SignatureText in VarChar2 Default Null ); --发送Email前必须将ewallet.p12拷贝到C:\OracleAttachDir目录 --发送电子邮件 --Exec UTL_INet.p_SendEmail( '', 'Test 主题Subject', 'Mail body(邮件内容)' ); Procedure p_SendEmail( as_Sender in VarChar2, as_Recipient in VarChar2, as_CC in VarChar2 Default Null, as_BCC in VarChar2 Default Null, as_Subject in VarChar2, ac_Message in Clob, as_AttachLists in VarChar2 Default Null, --多个用逗号,分开 as_SMTPHost in VarChar2, --邮件服务器 ai_SMTPPort in PLS_Integer Default 25, --邮件服务器端口 as_SMTPAuth in VarChar2 Default 'Y', --发送密码验证 as_WalletPath in VarChar2 Default Null, as_WalletPwd in VarChar2 Default Null, as_Username in VarChar2 Default Null, as_Password in VarChar2 Default Null, as_RunResult out VarChar2, --返回信息,OK成功,其他返回错误 as_SignatureLogo in VarChar2 Default Null, as_SignatureText in VarChar2 Default Null, as_Encode in VarChar2 Default 'base64', ai_Priority In Pls_Integer Default Null ); Function f_LoadHTMLFromURL( as_URL in VarChar2, as_CharSet in VarChar2 Default 'UTF-8' )Return Clob; --生成HTML报表表头 --Exec f_HTMLTableHead( 'Tab1', '20:Table Name;20:Records' ); Function f_HTMLTableHead( as_TableID in VarChar2, --表ID as_WidthColumns in VarChar2, --表头内容,用分号;隔开,宽度与标题用冒号:隔开 as_BgColor in VarChar2 Default 'CCCCCC' --标题背景色 )Return VarChar2; --生成HTML报表主体内容 --Exec UTL_INet.f_HTMLTableBody( '' ); Function f_HTMLTableBody( as_BodyText in VarChar2, --主体内容,多个用分号;隔开 as_Align in VarChar2 Default Null --格式(居中,靠左,靠右) )Return VarChar2; --获取汉字拼音字母表 --Select UTL_INet.f_getChineseSpell( '获取汉字拼音' ) from dual; Function f_getChineseSpell( as_CNStr in VarChar2, --中文 as_First in VarChar2 Default Null --空返回完整拼音,其他返回拼音首字母 )Return VarChar2; --二进制转换成十进制函数 --Select UTL_INet.f_Bin2Dec( '10111011' ) From dual; Function f_Bin2Dec( as_Bin in VarChar2 )Return Number; --十进制转换成二进制函数 --Select UTL_INet.f_Dec2Bin( 187 ) From dual; Function f_Dec2Bin( an_Dec in Number )Return VarChar2; --十进制转换成三十二进制函数 --Select UTL_INet.f_Dec2Hex( 187 ) From dual; Function f_Dec2Hex( an_Dec in Number )Return VarChar2; --三十二进制转换成十进制函数 --Select UTL_INet.f_Hex2Dec( '5R' ) From dual; Function f_Hex2Dec( as_Hex in VarChar2 )Return Number; --生成12位随机数 --Select UTL_INet.f_Rand() From dual; Function f_Rand( as_PreFix in VarChar2 Default '00', --未满个数字符补充串 an_Nums in Number Default 12 )Return VarChar2; --繁体字转化成简体字(传入的汉字,若有繁体自动转化为简体) Function f_ft2jt( as_Text in VarChar2 --传入的汉字 )Return VarChar2; --简体字转化成繁体字(传入的汉字,若有简体自动转化为繁体) Function f_jt2ft( as_Text in VarChar2 --传入的汉字 )Return VarChar2; -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : SOAP related Functions for consuming web services. Type t_Request is Record ( Method VarChar2(256), Namespace VarChar2(256), Body VarChar2(32767), EnvelopeTag VarChar2(30) ); Type t_Response is Record ( Doc XMLType, EnvelopeTag VarChar2(30) ); Function f_NewRequest( as_Method in VarChar2, as_Namespace in VarChar2, as_EnvelopeTag in VarChar2 Default 'SOAP-ENV' )Return t_Request; Procedure p_AddParameter( as_Request in out Nocopy t_Request, as_Name in VarChar2, as_Type in VarChar2, as_Value in VarChar2 ); Function f_Invoke( as_Request in out Nocopy t_Request, as_URL in VarChar2, as_Action in VarChar2 )Return t_Response; Function f_GetReturnValue( as_Response in out Nocopy t_Response, as_Name in VarChar2, as_Namespace in VarChar2 )Return VarChar2; --列出当前目录下所有文件清单,可以指定扩展名,是否包含子目录,返回的文件名用|分割开来 Function f_ListDirectory( as_SubDir in VarChar2, as_Ext in VarChar2 Default Null, as_IncludingSubDir in Char Default 'N' )Return Clob; --将数值翻译成中文大写、英文大写 --Select f_Digit2Char( 24822.80, 'EN_Amount' ) From dual; Function f_Digit2Char( an_Amount in Number, --要被翻译的数值 as_Option in VarChar2 --翻译选择项 )Return VarChar2; --发送短信 Function f_SendSMS( as_MobilePhone in VarChar2, --手机号码 as_SMSText in VarChar2, --短信内容 as_SMSURL in VarChar2, as_SMSUserID in VarChar2, as_SMSPasswd in VarChar2 )Return VarChar2; --删除某个指定文件 Procedure p_RemoveFile( as_SubDir in VarChar2, --路径 as_FileName in VarChar2 --多个用逗号,分开 ); --从文件中读内容 Function f_GetTextFromFile( as_SubDir in VarChar2, --目录名 as_FileName in VarChar2, --文件名 as_NewLine in VarChar2 Default UTL_TCP.CRLF --换行符 )Return Clob; END UTL_INet; /
32位版本 备注:新版本Ribbon启用了 Ribbon 界面,改动较大,不习惯的建议不要更新。 部分插件会加载失败。 Ribbon User Interface PL/SQL Developer now uses a new Ribbon User Interface instead of a Menu User Interface: The Quick Access Toolbar above the ribbon contains the most frequently used functions, so that they are always immediately available. You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar to your own liking. Users that prefer a menu-like system to preserve screen real estate can select to automatically hide the ribbon. In the preferences you can select an option to revert to the familiar toolbar layout from PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier. Single Document Interface On the "View" ribbon you can now choose between a Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI - the same as in PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier). In SDI mode you always see just one maximized window. A tab control above the window allows you to quickly switch between the windows: General User Interface Enhancements PL/SQL Developer is now fully compliant with High-DPI screens such as 4K monitors and notebooks. All controls and images will scale with resolution (some Plug-Ins may still need to be enhanced). Click on the image below to enlarge this example of a 15" 4K notebook (250% DPI): All window types now have a specific icon color, so that you can quickly identify the type in the Window List, in the SDI tab control, in the window titles, and so on. The transaction status is now visible in the status bar of a window, next to the "Saved" and "Executing" indicators. Added user interface preference "Preselect current user for object selection lists". PL/SQL Clipboard The new PL/SQL Clipboard is a dockable tool that stores the history of all SQL and PL/SQL code you copy to the Windows clipboard, so that you can paste the clipboard item again in the future. It has a filter function so that you can quickly find a clipboard item based on its contents: At the bottom you see the PL/SQL Clipboard history items. Clicking on an item will show the text with syntax highlighting in the preview pane, and will show the timestamp above the preview pane. Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and how items are added to and deleted from the PL/SQL Clipboard. Debugger Enhancements You can now display compound variable values such as user-defined types, records and cursors: Support has been added for Error Breakpoints, which allow you to break execution when a specific exception (handled or unhandled) occurs: Breakpoints can now be saved and loaded. Debug object privileges can now be granted and revoked from the user interface. Code Assistant Enhancements The Code Assistant can now include column names from a DML statement context without using an alias: The Code Assistant can now describe sub-records. The Code Assistant now includes an <All> choice for default object type constructors. The Code Assistant can now include synonyms for user object lists. The Code Assistant no longer pre-selects <All> after typing part of a parameter/column name. SQL Window Enhancements A new preference has been added: "Null value cell color for mandatory columns". This allows you to quickly identify mandatory columns when adding new records: The result set selection can now be copied as an expression list: "column in (value, value, ...)" by right-clicking on a selection and selecting "Copy as expression list" from the popup menu. This allows you to quickly build a where clause based on the selection: When viewing or editing LOB's the contents for common data formats will automatically be recognized, so that an external viewer or editor can be invoked: Changes made and saved in an external editor will automatically be propagated to the column data. The SQL Window will now navigate to the offending cell in the result set after an insert or update with a column-specific error. The rowid column is now omitted when exporting a result set grid in SQL format. Test Window Enhancements You can now define Standard Tests for a specific function or procedure: A Standard Test can be invoked from the popup menu when right-clicking on the function or procedure in the Object Browser or in a PL/SQL source: The Test Window now supports Oracle12c implicit results, which are automatically detected and added to the variable list: A new Oracle / Output preference has been added to save dbms_output to a file. The filename can include %dbname%, %dbuser% and %date% variables to separate output files based on the database, user and date. Program Window Enhancements You can now suppress a hint or warning for a specific line of code by adding a "-- Ignore" comment. The Code Contents pane now shows local subprograms within a procedure/function in a separate folder. Session Window Enhancements The Session Window now has a Single Record View for the session details: You can now kill a session with the "immediate" option. Connection Enhancements A "Set current schema" item has been added to the connection popup menu. It will set the current schema for all windows of this connection. The current schema will be displayed in square brackets in the Connection List: Connecting through a proxy user is now supported. Other Enhancements A Compare function has been added to the Object Browser. You can compare program units, tables, views, sequences with sources in the database, in a file or in a window. A new Oracle / Options preference "Always include owner prefix" has been added. When enabled, DLL extracted from the database will always include the owner prefix. When disabled, the owner will be omitted if you are connected as the owner. A new "Stop" item has been added to the DBMS Scheduler "Running job" popup menu. Support has been added for Oracle12c read privileges for tables and views. Scripts generated by Export User Objects and Export Tables now have user-defined initialization and finalization. These files are located in the %APPDATA%\PLSQL Developer 12\Scripts directory. The Text Importer and ODBC Importer can now also truncate a table before import, in addition to the "Delete" option. The truncate option is faster but cannot be rolled back. The Compile Invalid Objects tool now has a User Selector. PL/SQL Developer 12 now comes as a new MSI installer for interactive and silent installation.
32位版本的 PLSQL 正式版, 安装中文包时请注意安装路径是否为PLSQL程序的路径。 备注:新版本Ribbon启用了 Ribbon 界面,改动较大,不习惯的建议不要更新。 部分插件会加载失败。 New features Ribbon User Interface PL/SQL Developer now uses a new Ribbon User Interface instead of a Menu User Interface: The Quick Access Toolbar above the ribbon contains the most frequently used functions, so that they are always immediately available. You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar to your own liking. Users that prefer a menu-like system to preserve screen real estate can select to automatically hide the ribbon. In the preferences you can select an option to revert to the familiar toolbar layout from PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier. Single Document Interface On the "View" ribbon you can now choose between a Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI - the same as in PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier). In SDI mode you always see just one maximized window. A tab control above the window allows you to quickly switch between the windows: General User Interface Enhancements PL/SQL Developer is now fully compliant with High-DPI screens such as 4K monitors and notebooks. All controls and images will scale with resolution (some Plug-Ins may still need to be enhanced). Click on the image below to enlarge this example of a 15" 4K notebook (250% DPI): All window types now have a specific icon color, so that you can quickly identify the type in the Window List, in the SDI tab control, in the window titles, and so on. The transaction status is now visible in the status bar of a window, next to the "Saved" and "Executing" indicators. Added user interface preference "Preselect current user for object selection lists". PL/SQL Clipboard The new PL/SQL Clipboard is a dockable tool that stores the history of all SQL and PL/SQL code you copy to the Windows clipboard, so that you can paste the clipboard item again in the future. It has a filter function so that you can quickly find a clipboard item based on its contents: At the bottom you see the PL/SQL Clipboard history items. Clicking on an item will show the text with syntax highlighting in the preview pane, and will show the timestamp above the preview pane. Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and how items are added to and deleted from the PL/SQL Clipboard. Debugger Enhancements You can now display compound variable values such as user-defined types, records and cursors: Support has been added for Error Breakpoints, which allow you to break execution when a specific exception (handled or unhandled) occurs: Breakpoints can now be saved and loaded. Debug object privileges can now be granted and revoked from the user interface. Code Assistant Enhancements The Code Assistant can now include column names from a DML statement context without using an alias: The Code Assistant can now describe sub-records. The Code Assistant now includes an <All> choice for default object type constructors. The Code Assistant can now include synonyms for user object lists. The Code Assistant no longer pre-selects <All> after typing part of a parameter/column name. SQL Window Enhancements A new preference has been added: "Null value cell color for mandatory columns". This allows you to quickly identify mandatory columns when adding new records: The result set selection can now be copied as an expression list: "column in (value, value, ...)" by right-clicking on a selection and selecting "Copy as expression list" from the popup menu. This allows you to quickly build a where clause based on the selection: When viewing or editing LOB's the contents for common data formats will automatically be recognized, so that an external viewer or editor can be invoked: Changes made and saved in an external editor will automatically be propagated to the column data. The SQL Window will now navigate to the offending cell in the result set after an insert or update with a column-specific error. The rowid column is now omitted when exporting a result set grid in SQL format. Test Window Enhancements You can now define Standard Tests for a specific function or procedure: A Standard Test can be invoked from the popup menu when right-clicking on the function or procedure in the Object Browser or in a PL/SQL source: The Test Window now supports Oracle12c implicit results, which are automatically detected and added to the variable list: A new Oracle / Output preference has been added to save dbms_output to a file. The filename can include %dbname%, %dbuser% and %date% variables to separate output files based on the database, user and date. Program Window Enhancements You can now suppress a hint or warning for a specific line of code by adding a "-- Ignore" comment. The Code Contents pane now shows local subprograms within a procedure/function in a separate folder. Session Window Enhancements The Session Window now has a Single Record View for the session details: You can now kill a session with the "immediate" option. Connection Enhancements A "Set current schema" item has been added to the connection popup menu. It will set the current schema for all windows of this connection. The current schema will be displayed in square brackets in the Connection List: Connecting through a proxy user is now supported. Other Enhancements A Compare function has been added to the Object Browser. You can compare program units, tables, views, sequences with sources in the database, in a file or in a window. A new Oracle / Options preference "Always include owner prefix" has been added. When enabled, DLL extracted from the database will always include the owner prefix. When disabled, the owner will be omitted if you are connected as the owner. A new "Stop" item has been added to the DBMS Scheduler "Running job" popup menu. Support has been added for Oracle12c read privileges for tables and views. Scripts generated by Export User Objects and Export Tables now have user-defined initialization and finalization. These files are located in the %APPDATA%\PLSQL Developer 12\Scripts directory. The Text Importer and ODBC Importer can now also truncate a table before import, in addition to the "Delete" option. The truncate option is faster but cannot be rolled back. The Compile Invalid Objects tool now has a User Selector. PL/SQL Developer 12 now comes as a new MSI installer for interactive and silent installation.
64位版本的 PLSQL 正式版,只能运行在64位系统中,需要你安装 64 位的 Oracle11g 或 Oracle12c 客户端。 安装中文包时请注意安装路径是否为PLSQL程序的路径。 备注:新版本Ribbon启用了 Ribbon 界面,改动较大,不习惯的建议不要更新。 部分插件会加载失败。 Ribbon User Interface PL/SQL Developer now uses a new Ribbon User Interface instead of a Menu User Interface: The Quick Access Toolbar above the ribbon contains the most frequently used functions, so that they are always immediately available. You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar to your own liking. Users that prefer a menu-like system to preserve screen real estate can select to automatically hide the ribbon. In the preferences you can select an option to revert to the familiar toolbar layout from PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier. Single Document Interface On the "View" ribbon you can now choose between a Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI - the same as in PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier). In SDI mode you always see just one maximized window. A tab control above the window allows you to quickly switch between the windows: General User Interface Enhancements PL/SQL Developer is now fully compliant with High-DPI screens such as 4K monitors and notebooks. All controls and images will scale with resolution (some Plug-Ins may still need to be enhanced). Click on the image below to enlarge this example of a 15" 4K notebook (250% DPI): All window types now have a specific icon color, so that you can quickly identify the type in the Window List, in the SDI tab control, in the window titles, and so on. The transaction status is now visible in the status bar of a window, next to the "Saved" and "Executing" indicators. Added user interface preference "Preselect current user for object selection lists". PL/SQL Clipboard The new PL/SQL Clipboard is a dockable tool that stores the history of all SQL and PL/SQL code you copy to the Windows clipboard, so that you can paste the clipboard item again in the future. It has a filter function so that you can quickly find a clipboard item based on its contents: At the bottom you see the PL/SQL Clipboard history items. Clicking on an item will show the text with syntax highlighting in the preview pane, and will show the timestamp above the preview pane. Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and how items are added to and deleted from the PL/SQL Clipboard. Debugger Enhancements You can now display compound variable values such as user-defined types, records and cursors: Support has been added for Error Breakpoints, which allow you to break execution when a specific exception (handled or unhandled) occurs: Breakpoints can now be saved and loaded. Debug object privileges can now be granted and revoked from the user interface. Code Assistant Enhancements The Code Assistant can now include column names from a DML statement context without using an alias: The Code Assistant can now describe sub-records. The Code Assistant now includes an <All> choice for default object type constructors. The Code Assistant can now include synonyms for user object lists. The Code Assistant no longer pre-selects <All> after typing part of a parameter/column name. SQL Window Enhancements A new preference has been added: "Null value cell color for mandatory columns". This allows you to quickly identify mandatory columns when adding new records: The result set selection can now be copied as an expression list: "column in (value, value, ...)" by right-clicking on a selection and selecting "Copy as expression list" from the popup menu. This allows you to quickly build a where clause based on the selection: When viewing or editing LOB's the contents for common data formats will automatically be recognized, so that an external viewer or editor can be invoked: Changes made and saved in an external editor will automatically be propagated to the column data. The SQL Window will now navigate to the offending cell in the result set after an insert or update with a column-specific error. The rowid column is now omitted when exporting a result set grid in SQL format. Test Window Enhancements You can now define Standard Tests for a specific function or procedure: A Standard Test can be invoked from the popup menu when right-clicking on the function or procedure in the Object Browser or in a PL/SQL source: The Test Window now supports Oracle12c implicit results, which are automatically detected and added to the variable list: A new Oracle / Output preference has been added to save dbms_output to a file. The filename can include %dbname%, %dbuser% and %date% variables to separate output files based on the database, user and date. Program Window Enhancements You can now suppress a hint or warning for a specific line of code by adding a "-- Ignore" comment. The Code Contents pane now shows local subprograms within a procedure/function in a separate folder. Session Window Enhancements The Session Window now has a Single Record View for the session details: You can now kill a session with the "immediate" option. Connection Enhancements A "Set current schema" item has been added to the connection popup menu. It will set the current schema for all windows of this connection. The current schema will be displayed in square brackets in the Connection List: Connecting through a proxy user is now supported. Other Enhancements A Compare function has been added to the Object Browser. You can compare program units, tables, views, sequences with sources in the database, in a file or in a window. A new Oracle / Options preference "Always include owner prefix" has been added. When enabled, DLL extracted from the database will always include the owner prefix. When disabled, the owner will be omitted if you are connected as the owner. A new "Stop" item has been added to the DBMS Scheduler "Running job" popup menu. Support has been added for Oracle12c read privileges for tables and views. Scripts generated by Export User Objects and Export Tables now have user-defined initialization and finalization. These files are located in the %APPDATA%\PLSQL Developer 12\Scripts directory. The Text Importer and ODBC Importer can now also truncate a table before import, in addition to the "Delete" option. The truncate option is faster but cannot be rolled back. The Compile Invalid Objects tool now has a User Selector. PL/SQL Developer 12 now comes as a new MSI installer for interactive and silent installation.


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