Couldn't find platform family in Info.plist CFBundleSupportedPlatforms or Mach-O LC_VERSION_MIN for

I am building a hybrid app using ionic and when I try to upload it to the app store, it gives me this error

Couldn't find platform family in Info.plist CFBundleSupportedPlatforms or Mach-O LC_VERSION_MIN for phantomjs

Has anyone encountered the same issue and found out how to fix it?

I suspect it comes from one the plugins or the node_modules that I use in my project that are causing the error..

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3 Answers

Had the same error, in my case the problem was that I had some DSYM files among my bundle resources.

Fixed it by removing all .DSYM files form Copy Bundle Resources build phase.

More info on this thread:

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I have had the same issue with my native application.

I am using Carthage ( v.0.15.2) where I have a dependency D1 which have a nested dependency D2.

I'm not exactly sure what went wrong, but when archiving these dependencies it happened that a dSYM file from D2 sneaked into the archive in the framework folder of D1. I deleted the dSYM file from the archive, and I was able to submit.

So please take a look at your archive and see if there are any .bundle, .dSYM or the like, a place where it shouldn't be.

This is where I found the source of my troubles:


This issue might be caused by either Carthage or the frameworks, or something completely different, so the above mentioned "solution" is a workaround for now.

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I had this issue in an ionic app when one of the plugins was added to the bower.json as a dependency instead of as a plugin. A copy of it ended up in the www/lib folder and once it was removed I stopped getting that error.

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我是在工程中添加了multitag.framework, 其中既在Link Library with Libraries中添加了,又在Copy Frameworks中添加了,把Copy Frameworks中的multitag.framework删除,Archive打包通过,就可以upload to App Store 了。





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