toad 9试用

     晚上到cnoug.org的BBS上潜了会水,发现一哥们发布了解决中文问题的Toad 9,就怀着试一下的心态下down了下来,安装完以后发现他发布的这个版本真的解决了Toad 9不能输入中文的Bug,心里别提有多兴奋.

     在此之前已经安装过Toad 9 的一个版本,该版本在SQL编辑器上加了不少人性化的功能,这些功能用起来的确是比较爽的,但是这个版本有一个致命的Bug,就是在Editor中不能输入中文,让一个中文用户不能输入中文,就象让一个中国人不说中国话一样,那感觉别提有多难受了,无奈之下只能忍痛卸载了Toad 9 ,重新回到了 Toad 8 的时代. 感觉Quest 能发布出带有这个一个大Bug的版本真是让人不可思议.

     现在可以在Toad 9中输入中文了,感觉这个世界美好了学多.而且解决的Bug以及增加的新的功能用起来都比较的爽.



     增加了代码折叠的功能,就象JB,Vs2005的代码编辑器里折叠功能一样,不过Toad与那些编辑器还是有地丁区别的,毕竟编写SQL与编写一个类是有区别的.在Toad 9 中可折叠的是一些代码块,在一个嵌套多个记录集的SQL select语句中可以有多个记录集折叠,这对读代码还是有一定好处的,感觉清晰了许多.


      Knowledge Xpert 中乱码也没了,看来他们在字符集这个问题上还是下了些功夫.

      不知道Toad 9 的分析与调优的功能咋样,还没试过,以后慢慢体验吧,估计这个版本里面还是会有不少的Bug的,不过这个版本还算给人一些焕然一新的感觉.

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1073页啊,够爽吧: Introduction 15 New in This Release 15 Introduction to Toad 23 DB Admin Module 24 Toad and Oracle Enterprise Manager 29 Quick Search Bar 30 Additional Resources 31 Working with other Quest Products 32 Knowledge Xpert 32 Using SQL Optimizer with Toad 32 Benchmark Factory 33 Quest Code Tester Integration 35 Toad Basics 37 Toad Tips 37 Errors 37 RAC Support 37 Task Bar & Status Bar 38 Toolbars, Menus and Shortcut Keys 40 Installation and Administration of Toad 64 Window Privileges and Toad 64 Toad for Oracle, Read-Only 64 Registering Toad 65 Silent Installation 66 Group Policy Management 71 Citrix Support 71 SQL*Net Versions 72 Configuration Files 73 Server Side Objects Installation 93 Connecting to Oracle 97 Server Login Window 97 Create New Connection 99 Selecting Connection Color 101 SET ROLE 101 Auto Connect 103 Save Passwords for Connections 104 Select and View Favorite Connections 104 Organize your login display 105 Use Existing Connection 106 SQLNET Editor 106 LDAP Editor 107 Oracle Homes 108 TNSNames Editor 111 Tutorials 119 CodeXpert 119 PL/SQL Debugger 121 SQL*Loader 140 Team Coding 158 RMAN Templates 164 RMAN Scripts in Toad 164 Working with RMAN Templates 164 Executing RMAN Scripts from Toad 165 Comparing 166 Data Duplicates 166 Compare Single Objects 166 Comparing Databases 167 Comparing Data 174 Compare Files (Difference Viewer) 176 Comparing Schemas 180 Controlling Sessions 188 Select Session 188 End Connections 188 Test Connections 188 Configure User Lists 188 Session Information 189 Change Password 190 Commit & Rollback 190 Connect and Disconnect 191 DBMS_Flashback 191 Diagnosing Problems 193 View Extents 193 Identify Space Deficits 193 Log Switch Frequency Map 194 Tablespace Map 194 TKProf Interface Wizard 196 Undo Advisor 198 Segment Advisor 200 LogMiner Interface 203 Health Check 207 Trace File Browser 226 CodeXpert 231 Database Administration 259 Audit SQL/Sys Privs 259 NLS Parameters 260 Toad Features Security 260 ASM Manager 263 Audit Objects 269 Multiple Object Privileges 270 Oracle Parameters 272 Tablespaces 274 Redo Log Manager 282 Importing and Exporting Data 285 Data Pump 285 Export Dataset 304 Export DDL 310 Export File Browser 318 General Export 324 General Import 329 Generate Database Script 341 Generate Schema Script 342 Managing Projects 346 Using Automation Designer to Control Toad 346 Project Manager 387 Query Viewer 416 SQL Command Recall 418 Script Manager 419 Monitoring 431 Toad Server Statistics 431 SQL Monitor 432 Toad UNIX Monitor 432 ADDM/AWR 434 Database Browser 446 Database Monitor 449 Database Probe 453 Index Monitoring 458 Instance Manager 460 Session Browser 466 SGA Trace/Optimization 483 StatsPack Browser 486 Top Session Finder 495 Optimizing (Tuning) 499 DBMS_REDEFINITION Wizard 499 Estimate Index Size 500 Estimate Table Size 501 Explain Plan 503 Pinned Code 504 Repair Chained Rows 505 Rebuild Table 506 Unix Kernel Parms 507 Windows Registry Parms 508 Analyze All Objects 509 Profilers 512 Oracle Tuning 523 Rebuild Multiple Objects 525 Options 535 Formatting Options 535 Toad Options 536 Language Management 603 Printing 620 Printing 620 Print Grid 620 Report Link Designer 620 Reporting 623 Toad Control Files 623 Dependencies 624 ER Diagrams 624 Explain Plans 631 Code Road Map 636 HTML Schema Doc Generator 641 Master/Detail Browser 643 Reports Manager 648 Reporting from Data Grids 655 Spool SQL 659 Spool SQL 659 Utilities 660 Archive 660 Wrap Code 660 Service Manager 661 External tools 662 FTP 665 Java Manager 668 Network Utilities 672 Task Scheduler 676 Unix Job Scheduler 678 Source Control and Team Coding 693 Support for Version Control Products 693 Third Party File Based Source Control 694 Team Coding 697 Status in the Editor Status Bar or Team Coding Viewer Status Column 707 Detailed File Properties 708 Checking Objects and Scripts in and out 709 Using Automatic Check-in and Automatic Check-out 709 Manually check-in or check-out 709 Entering Comments on Check in or out 710 Check In All 711 Undo Checkout 712 Freezing an Object 713 TC Locks not selected 726 TC Locks selected 726 Working from the Command Line 738 Command Line Syntax 738 Converting Old Settings Files to Actions 743 Command Line Passwords 744 Export Tables, Views, SQL Queries from the Command Line 744 Run Analyze Objects from the Command Line 745 Run CodeXpert from the Command Line 750 Running Actions from the Command Line 751 Run Compare Databases from Command Prompt 754 Run Compare Schemas from a Command Prompt 757 Run Copy to another Schema from Command Prompt 757 Run Generate Database Script from a Command Prompt 758 Run Generate Schema Script from Command Line 760 Run Rebuild Objects from the Command Prompt 762 Run Reports Manager from the Command Line 766 Using Variables 768 Using Variables 768 Working with Code 769 Editor 769 Debugging 819 Query Builder 851 Working with Data 861 Column Names Supported 861 Graph Properties 861 OPS$ Accounts 861 Viewing or Hiding Docked Windows 862 Viewing Source Surrounding a PL/SQL Error 863 Dataset Operations 864 Data Grids 866 DBMS Output 881 Finding Data 883 Generate Test Data 890 Working with Database Objects 896 Schema Browser Overview 896 Auto-Refreshing the Datagrid 897 Icon Legend 898 Privileges 898 Schema Browser Toolbars 899 Statement Processing 900 Create Objects in Another Schema 900 Personalizing the Schema Browser 900 General Schema Browser Actions 903 Browser Filters 907 Clusters 912 Constraints 914 Contexts 917 DB Links 918 Dimensions 920 Directories 921 Favorites 923 Flashback Archives 924 Functions 926 Indexes 928 Invalid Objects 929 Java 931 Jobs 933 Libraries 936 Materialized Views (Snapshots) 938 Materialized View (Snapshot) Logs 940 Oracle Scheduler 941 Packages 953 Policies 955 Policy Groups 956 Procedures 957 Profiles 959 Queue Tables 960 Queues 964 Recycle Bin 966 Refresh Groups 968 Resource Consumer Groups 970 Resource Plans 972 Roles 974 Rollback Segments 975 Sequences 977 Synonyms 978 System Privileges 980 Tables 981 Tablespaces 996 Triggers 1002 Types 1004 Users 1010 Views 1012 Troubleshooting 1017 Unicode Troubleshooting 1017 Hints and Tips: Connecting To Personal Oracle 1018 Hints and Tips: Table Does Not Exist Errors 1019 Create Support Bundles 1019 Toad Advisor 1019 Contact Quest 1021 Contact Quest Support 1021 Contact Quest Software 1021 About Quest Software, Inc 1021 Appendix: Contact Quest 1022 Contact Quest Support 1022 Contact Quest Software 1022 About Quest Software, Inc 1022 Index 1023




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