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转载 3 ways to use keyboard input in QuickTest Professional: Type, SendKeys and Device Replay
1. QTP’s TYPE METHODMost objects support the TYPE method. Type will enter the specified string into an object or perform a certain keyboard combination against an application. For example:To tab...
2019-02-02 09:33:21 286
转载 Excel Automation Object Model
ExcelExcel Automation Object ModelMicrosoft has developed the Excel application with heirarachy of object model.We can do excel operations using excel object model.Simple object model Exam
2014-02-27 13:32:47 803
翻译 C语言内存检测
该项目是一个C语言的内存检测小程序,一个印度人写的,网址如下:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/19361/Memory-Leak-Detection-in-C。 在C语言中,我们一般都是用malloc和calloc获取堆上的内存,用free释放内存。有时,我们可能忘了用free释放我们用malloc或者calloc获取的内存,这就导致内存泄露。而这
2013-07-23 14:36:09 1333
转载 Exception ACCESS_VIOLATION 解决方案
Web (HTTP/HTML) scripts in LoadRunner are implemented using C programming language. And like always with C, you should remember about some basics. One of them is that few string handling functions can
2013-07-17 15:44:45 5564
转载 深入VBS类与对象
VBS也可以编写类:1.VBS的类有两种事件:(1)Initialize 事件,在创建类的实例时发生(新建)此事件。Private Sub Class_Initialize() statementsEnd Sub当类初始化时,statements部分由零个或多个将要运行的代码语句组成。(2)Terminate 事件,在所关联的类的实例终止(销毁
2013-07-03 13:13:47 1203
转载 QTP运用Microsoft.XMLDOM读取XML 学习
set dom=CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")dom.async=falsedom.load "c:\user.xml"取得根节点set dom=CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")dom.async=falsedom.load "c:\user.xml"getElementByIdset dom=Cre
2013-05-15 17:37:16 839
转载 QTP 11破解
1.准备文件注册机mgn-mqt82.exe2.安装QTP113.运行注册机mgn-mqt82.exe如果运行mgn-mqt82.exe 没有反应-,请注意关掉暂时关掉杀毒软件根据路径“C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\License Manager\lservrc”以上方法是网上9.2 的破解方法, 以下是
2013-04-24 13:52:40 1221
转载 HTML模式自定义reporter
Option explicitprivate function Hreport(expectedValue, ActualValue, testStatus, nodename)Dim oEventDesc, newEventContextSet oEventDesc = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")oEventDesc("Status"
2013-02-22 11:38:27 507
转载 揭秘QTP之Reporter对象
2013-02-21 14:12:38 396
原创 VBS解压zip文件并且递归统计文件数目
'解压zip文件到myTargetDirSub UnZip(ByVal myZipFile, ByVal myTargetDir) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If NOT fso.FileExists(myZipFile) Then Exit Sub ElseIf f
2013-02-19 13:42:10 908
转载 C#支持远程创建文件夹,上传文件2
代码太经典 ,方法太全面了,公司内部代码 工具vs2008 重点方法在 WebDavClient.cs类里面FileSever.xml 文件配置远程上传路径Administrator123456http://————————————————————————————————说明 Administrator :机子的用户名12345
2013-01-27 19:12:43 1823 1
原创 QTP代码字体设置
Font name: ConsolasSize: 9Elements: Comment: (Foreground: Green) (Background: White) (Style: Italic) Default: (Foreground: Black) (Background: White) (Style: Normal) Left Margin: (Foreground: B
2013-01-10 16:09:31 1240
转载 正则方式进行ListBox的选择
Function RegexSelectQTP(Object, sPattern) Dim oRegExp, arrAllItems, ix 'Create RegExp Object Set oRegExp = New RegExp oRegExp.IgnoreCase = False oRegExp.Pattern = sPattern 'Split Object's al
2013-01-10 15:31:33 293
请问在JAVA APP中嵌入HTML是什么技术?
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