create or replace procedure pr_get_3dinfo(
iz3 in integer, --------组三 为选默认0
iz6 in integer, --------组六
ijq in integer, --------机球好
izjq in integer, -----最近期数
iyear in varchar2, --------年份
ocursor out pk_public.zhcw_cursor -------------游标集
is ---------在is 和begin 直接用来定义本地的临时变量
v_where varchar2(1000); --------定义临时变量(作为动态的sql串中的条件变量串)
v_sql varchar2(4000); --------定义临时变量(作为动态的sql串)
参数:未选 默认0,
iz3 1表示选中
iz6 1表示选中
ijq 1 1机1球 ,2 1机2球 ,3 2机1球, 4 2机2球
izjq ----最近期数
iyear --------年份
begin----------------------- (begin) 与(end 存储过程名称)之间为业务处理阶段
--- return;
v_where := ' and t.cz_id=2';
if(ijq=1) then
v_where := ' and m.j_num=1 and m.q_num=1'||v_where;
elsif(ijq=2) then
v_where := ' and m.j_num=1 and m.q_num=2'||v_where;
elsif(ijq=3) then
v_where := ' and m.j_num=2 and m.q_num=1'||v_where;
elsif(ijq=4) then
v_where := ' and m.j_num=2 and m.q_num=2'||v_where;
end if;
if(iyear >0) then
v_where := ' and substr(t.kj_date,1,4)='''||iyear||''''||v_where;
end if;
if(iz3>0 and iz6=0) then
v_where := ' and ((substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1))
or (substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)=substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1))
or (substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1)=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1)))'||v_where;
elsif(iz3=0 and iz6>0) then
v_where := ' and (substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1))'||v_where;
elsif(iz3>0 and iz6>0) then
v_where := ' and ((substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1))
or ((substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1))
or (substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)=substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1))
or (substr(t.kj_z_num,5,1)=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1) and substr(t.kj_z_num,1,1)!=substr(t.kj_z_num,3,1))))'||v_where;
end if;
if(izjq=0) then
v_sql := '
select t.kj_issue,t.kj_z_num,t.kj_date,m.j_num,m.q_num,m.sj_num from tab_kaijiang_info t
left join tab_cz_zj_info m on t.cz_id=m.cz_id and t.kj_issue=m.kj_issue
where 1=1 ' ||v_where||
' order by t.kj_issue desc';
v_sql := ' select t.kj_issue,t.kj_z_num,t.kj_date,m.j_num,m.q_num,m.sj_num from
(select b.* from ( select * from tab_kaijiang_info r where r.cz_id=2 order by r.kj_issue desc) b where rownum<='||izjq||')
t left join tab_cz_zj_info m on t.cz_id=m.cz_id and t.kj_issue=m.kj_issue
where 1=1 ' ||v_where||
' order by t.kj_issue desc' ;
end if;
open ocursor for v_sql; -------打开游标的连接
end pr_get_3dinfo; -------存储过程结束标识
二、创建返回的游标对象类型pk_public.zhcw_cursor :
create or replace package pk_public is
type zhcw_cursor is ref CURSOR;
end pk_public;
三、java 调用存储过程。
* 查询3d信息,调用存储过程
public List find_3d_infor() throws Exception{
Connection conn = getSession().connection();
List list = new ArrayList();
RowSetDynaClass result = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
CallableStatement proc = null;
proc = conn.prepareCall("{ call pr_get_3dinfo(?,?,?,?,?,?) }");
proc.setInt(1, 0);
proc.setInt(2, 0);
proc.setInt(3, 0);
proc.setInt(4, 30);
proc.setString(5, "0");
proc.registerOutParameter(6, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.CURSOR);
rs = (ResultSet) proc.getObject(6);
result = new RowSetDynaClass(rs);
return list;