



1-1 行政区划(2019年底)
1-2 国民经济和社会发展主要指标
1-3 各时期国民经济和社会发展主要指标发展速度
1-4 各时期国民经济和社会发展主要指标平均发展速度
1-5 国民经济主要比例关系
1-6 各县(市、区)一般公共预算收入、税收收入占生产总值比重(2019年)
1-7 各县(市、区)进出口依存度(2019年)
1-8 主要年份全市主要人均指标
1-9 全国、山东省、烟台市国民经济和社会发展主要指标(2019年)
10-10 城乡居民家庭人口就业情况
10-11 各县(市、区)全体居民家庭人口就业情况
10-12 各县(市、区)城镇居民家庭人口就业情况
10-13 各县(市、区)农村居民家庭人口就业情况
10-14 城乡居民家庭住房情况
10-15 各县(市、区)全体居民家庭住房情况
10-16 各县(市、区)城镇居民家庭住房情况
10-17 各县(市、区)农村居民家庭住房情况
10-18 城乡居民家庭耐用消费品拥有量
10-19 各县(市、区)全体居民家庭主要耐用品拥有量
10-20 各县(市、区)城镇居民家庭主要耐用品拥有量
10-21 各县(市、区)农村居民家庭主要耐用品拥有量
10-22 农村居民主要食品人均消费量
10-4? 住户收支与生活状况调查收支构成情况
10-9 各县(市、区)城乡居民可支配收入与消费支出情况
11-10 各县(市、区)城市公共交通(2019年)
11-5 各县(市、区)道路和桥梁情况(2019年)
11-6 各县(市、区)集中供热情况(2019年)
11-7 各县(市、区)市容环境卫生情况(2019年)
11-8 各县(市、区)园林绿化情况(2019年)
11-9 各县(市、区)污水处理情况(2019年)
12-1 人口和资源环境(2019年)
12-3 主要河流
12-4 平均气温、日照时数(2019)
12-5降 水 量、无 霜 期(2018年)
13-10 各县(市、区)水产养殖情况(2019年)
13-11 各县(市、区)水产品产量分类(2019年)
13-12 各县(市、区)水利基本情况(2019年)
13-13 各县(市、区)农村现代化情况(2019年)
13-14 各县(市、区)农业机械化情况(2019年)
13-6 各县(市、区)农作物播种情况(2019年)
13-7 各县(市、区)果品产量和果园面积(2019年)
13-8 各县(市、区)林业生产情况(2019年)
13-9 各县(市、区)牧业生产情况(2019年)
14-10 规模以上工业企业分行业主要经济指标(二)(2019年)
14-11 规模以上工业企业分行业主要经济指标(三)(2019年)
14-13 各县(市、区)规模以上工业企业主要指标(2019年)
14-5 各县(市、区)规模以上工业企业单位数(2019年)
14-6 各县(市、区)规模以上工业总产值(2019年)
14-7 主要年份工业主要产品产量
14-8 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标
14-9 规模以上工业企业分行业主要经济指标(一)(2019年)
15-1 1990-2019年建筑业总产值
15-2 建筑业企业生产情况(一)(2019年)
15-3 建筑业企业生产情况(二)(2019年)
15-4 建筑业企业生产情况(三)(2019年)
15-5 各县(市、区)建筑业企业生产情况
16-1 规模以上服务业法人单位主要指标(2019年)
17-1 历年旅客运量及周转量
17-10 全市民用车辆拥有量(2019年底)
17-11 邮电业务情况
17-2 历年货物运量及周转量
17-4 全部交通客货运量
17-5 公路养护情况
17-6 各县(市、区)公路客运量、周转量
17-7 各县(市、区)公路货运量、周转量
17-8 全市港口泊位靠泊能力(生产码头)
17-9 沿海港口货物吞吐量、旅客吞吐量
18-2 各县(市、区)社会消费品零售总额
18-5限额以上批发和零售业企业财务状况(2019年)(一 )
18-7 限额以上住宿和餐饮业经营情况(2019年)
19-1 各级各类学校基本情况(2019年)
19-10 各县(市、区)普通中学情况(2019年)
19-11 各县(市、区)小学基本情况(2019年)
19-15 学龄儿童入学率,小学、初中升学率
19-16 科技奖励情况
19-17 各县(市、区)发明专利申请和发明专利授权数
19-3 主要年份中等专业教育基本情况


行政区划 指国家对行政区域的划分。根据有关法规规定,我国的行政区域划分如下: (1)全国分为省、自治区、直辖市;(2)省、自治区分为自治州、县、自治县、市; (3)自治州分为县、自治县、市; (4)县、自治县分为乡、民族乡、镇; (5)直辖市和较大的市分为区、县; (6)国家在必要时设立的特别行政区。

发展速度 用以反映社会经济发展程度的相对指标,根据两个不同时期发展水平的对比而得。由于比较的标准时期不同,发展速度可分为定期发展速度和环比发展速度两种。

增长速度 发展速度-1(或100%)就是增长速度。即增长速度=发展速度-1(或100%)。

平均每年增长速度 我国计算平均增长速度有两种方法,一种是习惯上经常使用的"水平法",又称几何平均法,是以间隔最后一年的水平同基期水平对比来计算平均每年增长(或下降)的速度;另一种是"累计法"又称代数平均法或方程法,是以间隔年内各年水平的总和同基期水平对比来计算平均每年增长(或下降)的速度。具体计算方法,可参照中国财经出版社出版的《平均增长速度查对表》。



当年价格 是报告期的实际价格,如工厂的出厂价格、农产品的收购价格、商品的零售价格等。按当年价格计算,是指一些以货币表现的物量指标,如工业总产值、国内生产总值等,按照当年的实际价格来计算总量。按当年价格计算的价值指标,在不同年份之间进行对比时,因为包含有各年间价格变动的因素,不能确切地反映实物量的增减变动。因此,在计算增长速度时都使用按可比价格计算的数字。

国民经济行业分类 自2017年统计年报和2018年定期统计报表开始使用新的《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T 4754-2017)。该分类是由国家统计局组织修订,国家质量监督检验检疫总局和中国国家标准化管理委员会于2017年6月30日发布。这次修订是在2011年分类标准的基础上,参照联合国《所有经济活动的国际标准产业分类》(2006年,修订第四版,简称ISIC/Rev.4)进行的。修订后的《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T 4754-2017)共有门类20个,大类97个,中类473个,小类1382个。

企业(单位)登记注册类型 是以在工商行政管理机关登记注册的各类企业为划分对象,以工商行政管理部门对企业登记注册的类型为依据,将企业登记注册类型分为内资企业、港澳台商投资企业和外商投资企业三大类。内资企业包括国有企业、集体企业、股份合作企业、联营企业、有限责任公司、股份有限公司、私营企业和其他企业;港澳台商投资企业和外商投资企业分别包括合资经营企业、合作经营企业、独资经营企业和股份有限公司等。对不在工商行政管理部门进行登记注册的行政机关、事业单位和社会团体,主要按其经费来源和管理方式进行划分。

国有企业 指企业全部资产归国家所有,并按《中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例》规定登记注册的非公司制的经济组织。不包括有限责任公司中的国有独资公司。

集体企业 指企业资产归集体所有,并按《中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例》规定登记注册的经济组织。

股份合作企业 指以合作制为基础,由企业职工共同出资入股,吸收一定比例的社会资产投资组建,实行自主经营,自负盈亏,共同劳动,民主管理,按劳分配与按股分红相结合的一种集体经济组织。

联营企业 指两个及两个以上相同或不同所有制性质的企业法人或事业单位法人,按自愿、平等、互利的原则,共同投资组成的经济组织。联营企业包括国有联营企业、集体联营企业、国有与集体联营企业和其他联营企业。

有限责任公司 指根据《中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例》规定登记注册,由两个以上、五十个以下的股东共同出资,每个股东以其所认缴的出资额对公司承担有限责任,公司以其全部资产对其债务承担责任的经济组织。有限责任公司包括国有独资公司以及其他有限责任公司。

股份有限公司 指根据《中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例》规定登记注册,其全部注册资本由等额股份构成并通过发行股票筹集资本,股东以其认购的股份对公司承担有限责任,公司以其全部资产对其债务承担责任的经济组织。

私营企业 指由自然人投资设立或由自然人控股,以雇佣劳动为基础的营利性经济组织。包括按照《公司法》、《合伙企业法》、《私营企业暂行条例》规定登记注册的私营有限责任公司、私营股份有限公司、私营合伙企业和私营独资企业。

其他企业 指上述企业之外的其他内资经济组织。

合资经营企业(港或澳、台资) 指港澳台地区投资者与内地企业依照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及有关法律的规定,按合同规定的比例投资设立、分享利润和分担风险的企业。

合作经营企业(港或澳、台资) 指港澳台地区投资者与内地企业依照《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》及有关法律的规定,依照合作合同的约定进行投资或提供条件设立、分配利润和分担风险的企业。

港澳台商独资经营企业 指依照《中华人民共和国外资企业法》及有关法律的规定,在内地由港澳台地区投资者全额投资设立的企业。

港澳台商投资股份有限公司 指根据国家有关规定,经原外经贸部依法批准设立,其中港、澳、台商的股本占公司注册资本的比例达25%以上的股份有限公司。凡其中港、澳、台商的股本占公司注册资本的比例小于25%的,属于内资企业中的股份有限公司。

其他港澳台商投资企业 指在中国境内参照《外国企业或个人在中国境内设立合伙企业管理办法》和《外商投资合伙企业登记管理规定》,依法设立的港、澳、台商投资合伙企业等。

中外合资经营企业 指外国企业或外国人与中国内地企业依照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及有关法律的规定,按合同规定的比例投资设立、分享利润和分担风险的企业。

中外合作经营企业 指外国企业或外国人与中国内地企业依照《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》及有关法律的规定,依照合作合同的约定进行投资或提供条件设立、分配利润和分担风险的企业。

外资企业 指依照《中华人民共和国外资企业法》及有关法律的规定,在中国内地由外国投资者全额投资设立的企业。

外商投资股份有限公司 指根据国家有关规定,经原外经贸部依法批准设立,其中外资的股本占公司注册资本的比例达25% 以上的股份有限公司。凡其中外资股本占公司注册资本的比例小于25%的,属于内资企业中的股份有限公司。

其他外商投资企业 指在中国境内依照《外国企业或个人在中国境内设立合伙企业管理办法》和《外商投资合伙企业登记管理规定》,依法设立的外商投资合伙企业等。

行政机关、事业单位和社会团体 参照企业登记注册类型,主要按其经费来源和管理方式划分。具体规定如下:












电子商务交易平台 指在电子商务活动中为交易双方或多方提供交易撮合及相关服务的信息网络系统总合。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Divisions of Administrative Areas refer to the divisions of administrative areas by the state.Relevant laws of the People's Republic of China stipulate the following principles for the divisions of administrative areas:1)The whole country is divided into provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government;2)Provinces and autonomous regions are divided into autonomous prefectures,counties,autonomous counties and cities;3)Autonomous prefectures are divided into counties,autonomous counties and cities;4)Counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships,ethnic townships and towns,5)Municipalities under the central government and large cities are divided into districts and counties;6)The state will,when necessary,establish special administrative regions.

Development Rate is a relative indicator of the degree of social and economic development calculated through the comparison of two different periods in the degree of development. Development rate can take the form of either fixed-base development rate or chain base development rate.

Growth Rate is equal to development rate minus one (or 100%),i.e. growth rate = development rate -1 (or 100%)

Average Annual Growth Rate Two methods for calculating average annual growth rate are applied in China,one is the more commonly-used "level approach" or the method of calculating geometric average,which is derived by comparing the level of the last year of the interval to that of the base year; the other is called "accumulative approach" or algebraic average or equation method,which is derived by comparing the summation of the actual figure of each year in the interval to the figure in the base year. The detailed calculating methods can be found by reference to the Check Table of Average Growth Rate published by China Financial Publishing House.

Under normal conditions the results calculated by the two methods are fairly close,but they differed sharply when uneven economic development occurred with striking fluctuations in growth.

The average annual growth rates listed in this statistical yearbook are calculated by level approach. The base years are not included when the years are listed for average annual growth rates. For instance,the average annual growth rate of 30 years since 1981 is listed as average annual growth rate of 1981-2010,among which 1980 is the base year and 2010 is the reference year.

Current Price refers to the actual price in the reference period,such as ex-factory price,purchasing price of agricultural products,retail price of commodities,etc. Total values of some quantum indicators in value terms at current prices,such as gross industrial output value and gross domestic product,are calculated in accordance with actual prices of the current year. When comparing indicators of value over time at current prices,they cannot accurately reflect the changes in real term due to price fluctuations of each year. That is why growth rates are calculated at constant prices.

Industrial Classification of the National Economy The new Industrial Classification of the National Economy (GB/T 4754-2017)is introduced starting from the compilation of 2017 annual statistics and 2018 regular statistics. The revision,based on the 2011 classification,was organized by the National Bureau of Statistics taking into consideration of the International Standards of the Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (2006,Revised Fourth Edition,ISIC/Rev.4)of the United Nations. The new Classification was promulgated by the National Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine and the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China on June 30,2017. The revised version of the Industrial Classification of the National Economy (GB/T 4754-2017)is composed of 20 sections,97divisions,473 groups and 1382 classes.

Registration Status of Enterprises (Units)  Enterprises are classified into 3 categories,namely domestic-funded enterprises,enterprises with investment from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,and enterprises with foreign investment,according to the registration status of an enterprise in industrial and commercial administration agencies. Domestic-funded enterprises include State-owned enterprises,collective-owned enterprises,cooperative enterprises,joint ownership enterprises,limited liability corporations,share-holding corporations Ltd.,private enterprises and other enterprises. Included in the enterprises with investment from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan and enterprises with foreign investment are joint-venture enterprises,cooperative enterprises,sole investment enterprises and share-holding corporations Ltd. For government agencies,institutions and social organizations which are not registered in industrial and commercial administration agencies,they are classified mainly by their sources of funding and manner of management.

State-owned Enterprises refer to non-corporation economic units where the entire assets are owned by the State and which have been registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporate Enterprises. Not included from this category are solely State-funded corporations in the limited liability corporations.

Collective-owned Enterprises refer to economic units where the assets are owned collectively and which have been registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporate Enterprises.

Cooperative Enterprises refer to a form of collective economic units (enterprises)where capitals come mainly from employees as their shares,with certain proportion of capital from the outside,where production is organized on the basis of independent operation,independent accounting for profits and losses,joint work,democratic management,and a distribution system that integrates remuneration according to work with dividend according to capital share.

Joint Ownership Enterprises refer to economic units established by two or more corporate enterprises or corporate institutions of the same or different ownership,through joint investment on the basis of voluntary participation,equality,and mutual benefits. They include State joint ownership enterprises; collective joint ownership enterprises; joint State-collective enterprises; and other joint ownership enterprises.

Limited Liability Corporations refer to economic units established with investment from 2-50 investors and registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporations,each investor bearing limited liability to the corporation depending on its share of investment,and the corporation bearing liability to its debt to the maximum of its total assets. Limited liability corporations include solely State-funded limited liability corporations and other limited liability corporations.

Share-holding Corporations Ltd. refer to economic units registered in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Registration of Corporations,with total registered capital divided into equal shares and raised through issuing stocks. Each investor bears limited liability to the corporation depending on the holding of shares,and the corporation bears liability to its debt to the maximum of its total assets.

Private Enterprises refer to profit-making economic units invested and established by natural persons,or controlled by natural persons using employed labour. Included in this category are private limited liability corporations,private share-holding corporations Ltd.,private partnership enterprises and private-funded enterprises registered in accordance with the Company Law,the Law on Partnership Business and Interim Regulations on Private Enterprises.

Other Domestic-funded Enterprises refer to domestic-funded economic units other than those mentioned above.

Joint Venture Enterprises(Funds are from Hong Kong,Macao or Taiwan.) are enterprises established by investors from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan with enterprises in the mainland of China in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures and other relevant laws,where the establishment of the investment and the sharing of profits and risks are stipulated under joint venture contracts.

Cooperative Enterprises(Funds are from Hong Kong,Macao or Taiwan.) established by investors from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan with enterprises in the mainland of China in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Venture and other relevant laws,where the investment or provision of facilities and the sharing of profits and risks are stipulated under cooperative contracts.

Enterprises with Sole (exclusive)Investment from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan refer to enterprises established in the mainland of China with exclusive investment from investors from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises and other relevant laws.

Share-holding Corporations Ltd. with Investment from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan refer to share-holding corporations Ltd. established with the approval from the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in line with relevant State regulations,where the share of investment from Hong Kong,Macao or Taiwan businessmen exceeds 25% of the total registered capital of the corporation. In case the share of investment from Hong Kong,Macao or Taiwan is less than 25% of the total registered capital,the enterprise is to be classified as domestic-funded share-holding corporation Ltd.

Other Enterprises with Funds From Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan refer to partnership enterprises with investments from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan established within the territory of China in accordance with Administrative Measures on the Establishment of Partnership Enterprises in China by Foreign Enterprises or Foreign Individuals and Regulations for the Administration of the Registration of Foreign-invested Partnership Enterprises.

Joint Venture Enterprises with Foreign Investment refer to enterprises jointly established by foreign enterprises or foreigners with enterprises in the mainland of China in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venturesand other relevant laws,where the sharing of investment,profits and risks is stipulated under contract.

Cooperative Enterprises with Foreign Investment refer to enterprises jointly established by foreign enterprises or foreigners with enterprises in the mainland of China in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Ventureand other relevant laws,where the investment or provision of facilities and the sharing of profits and risks are stipulated under cooperative contracts.

Enterprises with Sole (exclusive)Foreign Investment refer to enterprises established in the mainland of China with exclusive investment from foreign investors in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises and other relevant laws.

Share-holding Corporations Ltd. with Foreign Investment refer to share-holding corporations Ltd. established with the approval from the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in line with relevant State regulations,where the share of investment from foreign investors exceeds 25% of the total registered capital of the corporation. In case the share of foreign investment is less than 25% of the total registered capital,the enterprise is to be classified as domestic-funded share-holding corporation Ltd.

Other Enterprises with Foreign Funds refer to partnership enterprises established within the territory of China in accordance with Administrative Measures on the Establishment of Partnership Enterprises in China by Foreign Enterprises or Foreign Individuals and Regulations for the Administration of the Registration of Foreign-invested Partnership Enterprises.

Government Agencies,Institutions and Social Organizations are classified into the following categories by source of funds and manner of management taking reference of the registration status of enterprises:

(1)Government agencies: include State and party agencies,classified in principle as State-owned. There are exceptions,such as supply and marketing cooperatives which are classified as collective-owned.

(2)Institutions: include institutions of various types established with the approval by organization and staffing departments of the government,but exclude institutions where enterprise management system is introduced. Institutions are further classified as follows:

(a)Institutions for which their main budgets are from government budget appropriations or extra-budget funds,or allocated from the budget of their competent government agencies. Such institutions are classified as state-owned.

(b)Institutions for which their budget mainly come from collective units. Such institutions are classified as collective-owned.

(c)Social institutions established by individual or a group of citizens,which are classified as private.

(d)Institutions other than those mentioned above for which their sources of budget are not clear. Such institutions are classified by the manner of management.

(3)Social organizations: include social organizations established with the approval from the Ministry of Civil Affairs,and organizations that are not covered by social organization management regulations such as trade unions,women's federations etc.. Social organizations are further classified as follows:

(a)Social organizations that are not covered by social organization management regulations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs such as trade unions,women federations,communist youth leagues,youth associations,industrial and commerce associations,scientist associations,overseas Chinese associations,etc.,foundations and fund management organizations established with funds from the state,and social organizations whose funds mainly come from the budget of their competent government agencies. Such institutions are classified as State-owned.

(b)Social organizations for which their budget mainly come from collective units. Such institutions are classified as collective-owned.

(c)Social organizations established by individual or a group of citizens,which are classified as private.

(d)Social organizations other than those mentioned above for which their sources of budget are not clear. Such organizations are classified by the manner of management.

E-commerce Trading Platform refers to the total information network system which provide the dealmaking and related service for the transaction parties in e-commerce activities.

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