Construction Plan for Financial Big Data Centercatalogue1. Project Background 42. Construction ob

Construction Plan for Financial Big Data Center
1. Project Background 4
2. Construction objectives and guiding principles 5
2.1. Construction Objective 5
2.2. Guiding Principles 6
3. Current Status of Data Integration 8
3.1. Construction Status 8
3.2. Existing problems 8
3.3. Requirements Analysis 9
3.3.1. Financial Business Analysis 12
3.3.2. Technical Requirements 16
4. Overall Plan 21
4.1. Overall Architecture 21
4.2. Construction Principles 22
4.3. Technical Characteristics 23
4.3.1. The B/S architecture of J2EE 23
4.3.2. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) 24
4.3.3. AJAX 24
4.3.4. Message Middleware 25
5. Implementation Plan 26
5.1. Financial Data Integration 26
5.1.1. System Introduction 26
5.1.2. Function Implementation 27
5.2. Basic Data Platform 32
5.2.1. Parameter Setting 32
5.2.2. Definition of Basic Information Items 32
5.2.3. Cleaning Rule Setting 32
5.2.4. Summary Rule Setting 32
5.2.5. System Configuration Settings 33
5.3. Data Integration Center 34
5.3.1. Data cleaning 34
5.3.2. Data Summary 35
5.3.3. Special treatment 35
5.3.4. Data Display 36
5.4. Data Analysis 38
5.4.1. Comprehensive Financial Query Analysis 39
5.4.2. Macro analysis of finance 42
5.4.3. Revenue Forecast 44
5.4.4. Analysis of Fiscal Revenue 45
5.4.5. Analysis of Fiscal Expenditures 50
5.4.6. Analysis of Budget Indicator Management 53
5.4.7. Analysis of Budget Execution Process 55
5.4.8. Analysis of Key Projects 56
5.4.9. Treasury Cash Analysis 57
5.4.10. Analysis of Financial Warning Indicators 59
1. Project background
In recent years, in order to support the continuous deepening of financial business management reform, the Ministry of Finance and local financial departments have carried out some statistical analysis work to varying degrees. In the financial department, statistical analysis work is mainly carried out through the issuance of reports, relying on existing information systems and resources. Local financial analysis and evaluation systems, budget management systems, budget execution information systems, departmental final account review and query systems, etc., all have some data aggregation and statistical analysis functions. These systems have initially met the needs of daily financial business inquiries, statistics, and analysis, and are playing an increasingly important role in improving the level of scientific decision-making in finance and strengthening macroeconomic regulation. However, the existing statistical analysis systems are basically based on business, where the business is responsible, the information is owned, and the data is analyzed. The degree of integration and sharing of financial data is relatively low, and the timeliness and accuracy of data collection through reporting methods are also difficult to ensure. At the local level, local financial departments have taken the promotion and implementation of the Application Support Platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform") as an opportunity to integrate core business data into the platform for unified management, achieving centralized sharing and unified standards. Based on this, they have conducted beneficial explorations in fund monitoring, financial analysis, special analysis, and hot topic analysis, which have initially met the needs of financial decision-making and business management, and accumulated experience for conducting statistical analysis work nationwide.
Overall, both the ministerial and local levels have a certain scale of financial data and information resources, as well as a good foundation for integrated technology application. Especially with the promotion, implementation, and application of the platform, the standardization of basic financial business data has been further unified, achieving centralized storage and unified management of financial business data, and creating favorable conditions for establishing a comprehensive query and analysis system based on the platform to serve scientific financial decision-making. At present, all provincial-level financial departments have completed the implementation of the platform, and the promotion and implementation of the platform by prefecture level and county-level financial departments are also accelerating. Some provinces and cities have fully completed the promotion and implementation of the platform and achieved early integration at the provincial, city, and county levels. According to the unified deployment of the national financial system application support platform promotion and application work video conference, it is necessary to complete the promotion and implementation of the platform in prefecture level financial departments and connect most county-level financial departments by the end of 2011, and fully achieve the integration of the national financial system by the end of 2012. It should be said that the construction of a national financial revenue and expenditure statistical analysis system, strengthening the comprehensive analysis and deep utilization of financial data, has a mature foundation.
2. Construction objectives and guiding principles
2.1. Construction Objectives
The construction of a data integration platform is a way for the finance department to fully utilize the massive and high-quality data generated by business systems such as budgeting, payment, and revenue, making it the most comprehensive, authentic, and accurate economic management department in terms of data information. It assists the finance department in accurately understanding objective economic phenomena, revealing contradictions, and reflecting problems. The business aspects of the system include how to abstract/summarize topic domains from the business domain and analyze topic domains; The main technical aspect is to build a data warehouse platform and achieve the integration and utilization of data resources.
The overall goal of data integration and analysis mining platforms is:
1. Financial data integration
With the promotion and application of application support platforms at the provincial, municipal, and county levels of finance, cities and counties have accumulated a large amount of business data. The data integration and data collection system realizes the communication function of superior finance to subordinate finance data, effectively ensuring resource sharing, business linkage, and collaborative office between finance superiors and subordinates. Providing technical guarantees for dynamic monitoring of fiscal funds, promoting the comprehensive analysis and utilization of fiscal data, and promoting the improvement of scientific and refined management level in finance.
According to the integrity of business logic, regularly extract complete business data for a certain period of time (such as a month or a year) from the production database, so that the extracted data has practical business significance, forming a relatively independent financial data integration center. It not only improves the performance of the production library, but also forms a complete financial business database, which is convenient for data preparation and comprehensive analysis and application. Then, the extracted financial data from the integrated center database is cleaned and transformed into a data warehouse, which is used to store years of data. The data warehouse has a unified, business fact oriented and theme oriented data model, which can provide a real, accurate, rich, and complete data foundation for the comprehensive query and analysis system. At the same time, finance can also use data exchange platforms based on data centers to facilitate horizontal, vertical, and internal data exchange among various systems, promoting information sharing and business collaboration among government departments in e-government construction.
2. Establish a basic data platform
Establish a basic data platform and formulate data business standards for various levels of finance. Provide basic setting functions for the data integration center, such as parameter settings and basic information item definitions; The cleaning and summary rules for data have been set up; Provide definitions of data and functional permissions for the system, log queries, portal management, etc.
3. Data Integration Center
Establish an analysis theme to provide a platform for management and decision-making departments at all levels to conduct queries, complex queries, statistics, and analysis.
With the widespread application of information technology, data mining and analysis are increasingly valued. The overall design of data mining is to integrate financial queries, statistics, monitoring, assessment, mining, analysis and prediction, as well as supervision of law enforcement and administrative behavior into one. In terms of technical implementation, it is separated from transaction processing systems and implemented in decision support systems.
It can not only solve the technical contradiction between production systems and query analysis systems for performance resources, but also combine macro analysis with micro analysis, global analysis with local perspective, and maximize the analysis and decision-making needs of provincial finance, city and county bureaus, grassroots financial institutions, as well as senior leaders, general managers, and operators.
4. Analyze relationships
Analyze the various relationships between fiscal revenue and the economy, as well as the relationship between fiscal revenue, revenue policies, and fiscal expenditures. Analyze the trend patterns of fiscal revenue and expenditure, conduct macroeconomic analysis and forecasting research, and provide scientific basis and auxiliary support for senior management decision-making.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to analyze, identify, and reflect a series of internal and external fiscal laws as much as possible in the data utilization platform. Grasping a series of internal and external basic analyses of finance is the foundation of advanced analysis. Without understanding the basic laws of finance and analyzing the internal and external laws and connections of finance, it will be detrimental to effective analysis and decision-making by senior leaders.
The exploration of the inherent regularity of finance requires the support of systems theory, and through in-depth and meticulous sorting, a complete system is formed, in order to reverse the passive situation of continuous development following the business but unable to fully meet the requirements of business development.
2.2. Guiding Principles
The data architecture planning of financial business follows the following principles:
(1) Functionality
Capable of meeting the needs of existing applications and providing accurate and consistent data in a timely and efficient manner when needed.
(2) Integrity
Ensure the overall system is comprehensive and complete, without any omissions. At the same time, these data should be considered as a unified whole, rather than being separated and isolated.
(3) Accuracy
The accuracy of financial data statistics reflects the situation of fiscal revenue and expenditure, and also determines the management accuracy requirements of each business department. In the planning and design stage, it is necessary to fully consider how to ensure data quality and accuracy.
(4) Efficiency
To ensure the efficiency of the application, we need to ensure the efficient flow between various data storage collections in the overall data architecture. At the same time, we need to ensure the performance efficiency of the system's various functional points in response to corresponding customer requests. We need to find ways to break down pressure and improve efficiency to ensure the efficient operation of the system.
(5) Flexibility
It must have the ability to adapt and expand application functions within a certain range, and cannot cause significant changes to the data architecture due to local adjustments of application functions.
(6) Rationality
The design of data architecture must pay attention to scientific and reasonable design strategies, in which the division, layout, association, content, application, and other aspects of each data storage set must have scientific and reasonable decision-making basis.
(7) Prospective
Can provide support for the development of new business in the future.
(8) Value added
Financial data not only serves the financial system, but also must contribute to the country's information construction, serve society, and serve the national economy.
3. Current status of data integration
3.1. Construction Status
After years of financial information system construction, a large amount of data has been accumulated in the financial database. These data have three characteristics: first, they cover a wide range of system applications, covering almost all departmental applications; The second is the large amount of data, and these data are still constantly growing. The third reason is that some data has a longer storage period.
The finance department not only formulated the "Basic Data Specification for Financial Business" based on the unified organization of the Ministry of Finance, but also expanded it in combination with the characteristics of local financial management, forming the "Financial Business System Data Standard" and promoting it to various cities and counties. The finance department has laid a solid data foundation for value-added utilization of data through the construction of internal application systems and data exchange with external departments.
3.2. Existing problems
At present, there are still some problems in the utilization and construction of financial business data. The construction of the existing financial system lacks unified planning, and the main purpose is to quickly achieve functions, lacking a global perspective, resulting in problems such as data silos, multi head collection, and inconsistent standards. Resulting in data not meeting the requirements of comprehensiveness, standardization, and consistency, reducing the efficiency of internal management, and failing to provide a rigorous, comprehensive, and detailed data foundation for decision analysis; The real-time monitoring ability of data is not strong, and there is a lack of channels to grasp comprehensive and timely information.
The data of the financial information system has the following issues:
1. Data standards and data model issues: Although some data standards have been established, the compliance of various business departments during application construction varies. In addition, due to the lack of planning for fiscal data models, it is difficult to share, exchange, and standardize data, or the cost of standardization is high.
2. Data quality and analysis caliber issues: The awareness of data as an important asset is not strong, and appropriate time and cost have not been spent to prevent the occurrence of problems. At present, the quality of basic data needs to be improved. Due to various reasons, there are some data quality issues in the current business system, resulting in some departments having established unified view database data that is not real and accurate. In addition, due to the non-standard analysis methods, there is currently a common situation where it is difficult or impossible to verify the data between the analysis system and the business system, which reduces the credibility of the analysis data. The dimension and indicator system are basically limited to the functions of the analytical system implemented, lacking a scientific and comprehensive system data analysis model.
3. The difference between the code of the receiving unit and the code of the budget unit may affect the implementation of revenue based expenditure in the future.
Currently, the construction of application systems rarely considers the data requirements for decision analysis. The demand for data standardization mainly comes from the integration of business.
3.3. Requirements Analysis
The core business of finance is the planning, allocation, management, monitoring, and evaluation of fiscal funds. This management process is achieved through budget preparation, budget review, indicator management, budget execution, treasury payment, budget accounting, and year-end final accounts. The lifecycle of financial fund management is consistent with the common PDCA cycle in management, which is the process of planning, executing, checking, and adjusting. Effectively and timely promoting the process of this cycle means that the management and use of fiscal funds are divided into different sub processes based on different projects and objects, according to their respective planning, execution, inspection, and adjustment mechanisms, to ensure the scientific and efficient operation of fiscal funds.
The main business process of finance is the management process of financial funds, mainly including income management and expenditure management.
1. Income management
In the income management process, it mainly includes the formulation of fee policies, bill management, and the management process of special accounts for non tax income.
2. Expenditure management
In the expenditure management process, it is divided into budget preparation, budget execution, treasury payment, accounting, and final accounting management processes according to different stages of financial business.
(1) The budget preparation stage involves two management processes: budget preparation and budget review:
The business content included in budget preparation includes personnel and fund management, non operating asset management, quota management, budget framework formulation, etc;
The business content included in budget preparation and review includes budget preparation and approval management, project library management, etc.
(2) The core business content of the budget execution stage is the management of budget indicators and related affairs, including government procurement, unified salary distribution, vehicle fuel, insurance, maintenance, and other businesses.
The business content included in indicator management includes issuing indicators at the beginning of the year, adjusting indicator details, and adjusting the overall budget.
The business content of government procurement includes: formulating procurement policies and frameworks, procurement contracts and fund management, contract performance and payment, procurement analysis and evaluation, etc.
The business content included in the unified salary distribution includes the production, approval, and payment process of salary slips.
The business content included in vehicle fuel, insurance, and maintenance includes collecting vehicle related information and allocating funds.
(3) The business of the treasury payment stage includes management processes such as fund planning, payment application, and payment.
The main business content of the payment plan stage is to develop monthly payment plans, review, generate payment vouchers, or issue credit limits.
The main business content of the payment application stage is to fill out and approve the payment application form.
Payment mainly includes centralized payment (direct payment, authorized payment) and actual payment.
(4) Accounting level

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