Jincai Engineering Application Support PlatformConstruction Plan for National Treasury Revenue and

Jincai Engineering Application Support Platform
Construction Plan for National Treasury Revenue and Expenditure Management System
September 2011
1. Background of System Construction 4
2 System construction objectives 5
3 System construction steps 6
4 Overall System Plan 7
4.1 Overall System Function Planning 7
4.2 System Tree Structure Diagram 7
4.3 Main Information Items 8
4.4 Information Item Description 10
4.5 Overall System Design Requirements 11
4.5.1 Overall Technical Architecture 11
4.5.2 Middleware 12
4.5.3 Database 12
5 System Function Design 13
5.1 Revenue reconciliation management 13
5.1.1 Business Description 13
5.1.2 Functional Design 13
5.2 Income Refund Management 19
5.2.1 Business Description 19
5.2.2 Functional Design 19
5.3 Departmental Revenue and Expenditure Management 24
5.3.1 Business Description 24
5.3.2 Main Business Process 25
5.3.3 Main Business Process Diagram 25
5.3.4 Functional Design 26
5.4 Information Maintenance Management 73
5.4.1 Business Description 73
5.4.2 Functional Design 73
6 System Implementation Plan 76
6.1 Project Implementation Organizational Structure 76
6.1.1 Leadership Group 76
6.1.2 Requirements Sorting Group 77
6.1.3 Deployment Implementation Group 77
6.1.4 System Support Group 77
6.1.5 User Training Group 77
6.1.6 Operation and Maintenance Support Group 77
6.2 Implementation Schedule 78
7 Implementation Steps 79
7.1 Implementation Preparation 79
7.2 Implementation Configuration 79
7.3 Data Migration 79
7.4 System Launch 80
7.5 System Training 80
Background of System Construction
With the deepening of fiscal reform and the continuous construction and improvement of financial management informatization work, the "Sichuan Provincial Government Financial Information Management System" (hereinafter referred to as the "Big Platform") based on the "Golden Finance Engineering Application Support Platform" has basically achieved the management of departmental financial resources revenue and expenditure. In order to improve the comprehensive management of revenue and expenditure in the budget department, it is urgent to build an information management system for non-financial fund revenue and expenditure in the department, and ultimately establish an information management system that supports the automatic generation of report data in the "Department Revenue and Expenditure Final Account", "Expenditure Final Account Details", and "Financial Fund Revenue and Expenditure Final Account".
2 System construction objectives
By improving the construction of functional modules in the financial platform system, we will focus on improving the level of financial treasury management, comprehensively strengthening the management of fiscal budget revenue, and achieving the following three goals and tasks:
1. Strengthen the verification of fiscal budget revenue throughout the province to ensure timely and accurate fiscal budget revenue. At present, our daily income verification work can only obtain the income shared by the city and county levels to the provincial level through the treasury reports provided by the State Treasury Department of the People's Bank of China. It is impossible to verify whether the sharing ratio is correct, and there is a lack of regulatory measures for the city and county levels to release provincial and central level income in accordance with regulations. We can only rely on the year-end income reconciliation work to verify. However, the year-end reconciliation time is tight and the task is heavy, which inevitably leads to omissions. By adding a revenue management module in the financial platform system, we can strengthen the daily verification and supervision of the province's fiscal budget revenue, and rely on the system to automatically complete the proportion verification of revenue sharing, achieving the supervision of lower level payable income and the accounting management of non tax income of provincial units.
2. Improve the provincial-level income refund process to ensure that provincial-level income refunds are standardized and orderly. The provincial-level income refund process includes two situations: special account refund and treasury refund. We have developed a financial special account re expenditure module in the financial platform system for special account refund, and only need to modify and improve the relevant procedures before transplanting them to the income management module. At present, in addition to the general review process, it is also necessary to manually fill out the return application form and income return form required by the treasury department of the People's Bank of China. The entire return process does not go through the financial platform system, nor does it require printing payment vouchers. We believe that according to the requirements of the centralized payment system for the fiscal treasury, whether it is policy based refunds or refunds caused by technical errors, it is necessary to include them in the fiscal platform system and standardize management through the clearing process. The current printing of payment vouchers for provincial non tax income processing and payment to the treasury is completed in the Sifang Zhicheng system, and we believe that it should also be included in the unified management of the financial platform system.
3. Strengthen the revenue and expenditure management of provincial-level departments, and ensure that the budget execution of provincial-level departments is comprehensive and truthful. At present, the final accounts of self owned income of provincial departments are much larger than the budget, and their usage is outside of financial supervision. By strengthening the control of revenue and expenditure in provincial departments, we aim to encourage them to increase the availability of their own funds in the preparation of the annual budget, and achieve comprehensive and timely control of the budget execution of budget units by the financial department.
3 System construction steps
We plan to complete the development of the revenue management module by the end of November this year. Except for the link with the financial and tax treasury and bank horizontal networking system, which will be extracted after the whole province is connected (the development and design of relevant interfaces should be completed), other functions should be tested. We will select some provincial-level departments to carry out pilot work on departmental revenue and expenditure management in December this year; In January 2012, the two tasks of income reconciliation management and departmental income and expenditure management were fully launched (manually importing relevant data before the provincial integration of the financial and tax treasury and bank horizontal networking system). The management of income refunds and payments will be officially launched after we have agreed with the Chengdu branch of the People's Bank of China and notified all proxy banks in a document format.
4 Overall System Plan
4.1 Overall planning of system functions
The national treasury revenue and expenditure management system, as a part of the government's financial platform management system, strengthens the revenue and expenditure management of provincial-level departments and ensures that the budget execution of provincial-level departments is comprehensive and truthful.
The national treasury revenue and expenditure management system has added a revenue management module to the financial platform system. This module includes four sub modules: revenue reconciliation management, revenue refund management, department revenue and expenditure management, and information maintenance management.
Its functional structure is shown in the figure:
Figure 4.1 1: Overall functional structure diagram of the treasury revenue and expenditure management system
4.2 System Tree Structure Diagram
The entire income management tree structure is shown in the following figure:
Figure 4.21: System Tree Structure Diagram
4.3 Main Information Items
Explanation of the range of values for standard codes corresponding to serial number code names
1 FUNDTYPE Fund Nature 1- Government Comprehensive Budget
11- Within budget
111- General Budget
1111- Funding allocation
1112- Special income
112- Fund budget
113- State owned capital operation budget
12- Education fee fund arrangement
13- Social Security Fund
14- Other special account funds
2- Other funds
21- Welfare Lottery Funds
22- Sports Lottery Funds
23- Escrow funds
231- Custody of Central Funds
232- Funds of custodial units
24- Self owned funds
241- Subsidy income from superiors
242- Business income
243- Operating income
244- Payment from affiliated units
245- Other income
246- Balance distribution fund
25- Current funds
251- Payable special account
252- Payable Treasury
2 CALINSOURCE Revenue Source 01- Beginning of Year Part
02- Adjust budget
Only self owned funds are required, 241-245 may not be filled in
3. Income acquisition time less than or equal to the current time can be selected
4. The function classification of EXPFUNC is based on the standards of the Ministry of Finance. The self owned funds must be paid according to the source of income. When making payments, functional classification and economic classification must be entered
Transactions must be paid based on the source of income, and there is no functional or economic classification when making payments.
5. The economic classification is based on the standards of the Ministry of Finance. Omit
6 BDGAGENCY Budget Unit Required
BILLSTATUS document status is mandatory
REMARK Summary is mandatory
Amt income amount is mandatory
Income account is mandatory
Income account name is required
Agentbank account opening bank required
Creator required
The creation time is mandatory
Figure 4.31: Main System Information Items
4.4 Information Item Description
1. Nature of funds
Financial subsidy income
Refers to various types of public institution funds obtained directly from the finance department and through the competent department from the finance department, including normal funds and special funds. Also known as funds, the received funds are called incoming funds.
Superior subsidy income
The non-financial subsidy income obtained by public institutions from the competent department and higher-level units (non-financial subsidy funds allocated by the competent department or higher-level units of public institutions using their own organizational income and concentrated income from lower level units) is used to supplement the insufficient funds for normal business operations. Belongs to the source of budgeted foreign funds.
Career income
Business income refers to the income obtained by public institutions from carrying out professional business activities and auxiliary activities. According to regulations, the funds that should be turned over to the fiscal budget and the budget foreign investment funds that should be paid to the fiscal special account are not included in the revenue of the public sector; Extrabudgetary funds allocated from the fiscal special account shall be included in the revenue of the public sector.
Operating income
The income obtained by public institutions from non independent accounting and operating activities outside of their professional business activities and auxiliary activities. Public institutions generate income from non independent accounting operations that are not related to their normal business activities and auxiliary activities.
Payment from affiliated units
Income paid by affiliated independent accounting units of public institutions in accordance with relevant regulations. Including income paid by affiliated institutions and profits paid by affiliated enterprises.
Other income
Other income includes various confiscated income, public property income, and miscellaneous income.
Surplus distribution fund
The surplus distribution fund refers to the non restricted net assets owned by public institutions. Mainly including accumulated surplus funds, etc. The rolling amount of annual income and expenditure balances is the main source of surplus distribution funds
2. Sources of income
Departmental budget at the beginning of the year
The lower department budget prepared at the beginning of the year.
Adjust budget
Budget adjustments that occur during the mid year execution process.
4.5 Overall System Design Requirements
4.5.1 Overall technical architecture
According to the overall goal of the Ministry of Finance to promote a unified application support platform nationwide, the system development follows the basic ideas of the Ministry of Finance's financial application support platform, and adopts a three-layer architecture based on J2EE.
The system construction adopts a component-based programming strategy to extract and construct unified, scientifically reasonable common components. Public components are divided into three types based on their universality: 1) Basic public components that are unrelated to the application. 2) General components of management information systems. 3) Common components related to the financial field. Require that public components can achieve separation between interfaces and implementations, and use industry standards that are standardized and universal as much as possible for interfaces; The implementation should fully follow the specifications of the interface and provide multiple available implementations for selection.
Figure 4.51: Three layer architecture
4.5.2 Middleware
The application server supports WebLogic 10g and above versions of the application server, based on Unix operating system or Windows series operating system.
4.5.3 Database
Select Oracle 10g or above database systems that support clustering.
5 System Function Design
5.1 Revenue reconciliation management
5.1.1 Business Description
The implementation of the revenue reconciliation management function mainly relies on linking the budget revenue supervision account and financial special account management fund account set in the financial and tax database and the four party Zhicheng system, and importing the provincial and sub level financial budget revenue into the financial platform system. Various query reports are generated according to the set conditions to strengthen the daily reconciliation work of financial budget revenue.
5.1.2 Functional design
The income reconciliation management system mainly includes functions such as "data import", "data export", and "report query". Data Import
The data import is mainly used to manually import the budget revenue data of various levels of finance in the province into the financial platform system and form reports by linking the budget revenue supervision account and financial special account management fund account set in the financial and tax database and the Sifang Zhicheng system. Imported data cannot be deleted or modified at will.
Interface prototype
Figure 5.1 1: Revenue Reconciliation Import Main Interface
Interface information description:
1. The above is the interface for importing, reviewing, and querying income reconciliation;
2. All return actions are returned to the input status in one step.
Figure 5.12: Income reconciliation import and modification interface Data Export
The data export is mainly used to manually export the budget revenue data of various levels of finance in the province into an electronic document in ". TXT" format by linking the budget revenue supervision account and financial special account management fund account set in the financial and tax database and the Sifang Zhicheng system. Report Query
By using the data export and import function, import the financial revenue data of all levels in the province into the financial platform system to form reports. The report query function can be used to query the generated reports.
The generated query reports include: income summary report, general budget income report, government fund income report, state-owned capital operating income report, fixed proportion sharing income report, provincial unit income report, and provincial comprehensive income and provincial level income comparison table. Except for the budget revenue supervision account and the provincial financial special account management fund account set in the Sifang Zhicheng system, the data sources for the provincial unit income report (excluding the comparison table between provincial and local revenue) are all from the financial and tax treasury and bank horizontal networking system; Except for the provincial unit income report which needs to be divided into detailed payment units and accounts, all other reports (excluding the comparison table between provincial and local income) only reflect income levels and accounts; The income summary report directly extracts data from the financial and tax treasury and the bank's horizontal network system, generates the prescribed report format, and has no logical relationship with other reports; In the comparison table between provincial-level revenue and provincial-level revenue, the data source of provincial-level revenue is the financial and tax treasury and the bank horizontal network system, while the data source of provincial-level revenue is the budget revenue supervision account. The purpose of the comparison between the two is to find out whether there are provincial-level revenue with level crossing subjects; In the information maintenance management module, operators can directly modify relevant report information such as account codes, budget accounts, income levels, and fixed sharing ratios on the front-end computer terminal.
The format of each report is as follows:
1. State owned capital operation budget income table
Figure 5.13: State owned Capital Operating Budget Income Table
Explanation: 1. This table can be queried by city summary (excluding counties with expanded powers) or by county alone;
2. The subject code serves as the unique collection standard for classification, and can be used to summarize or query income details by category, category, and item;
3. The unit of amount can be selected as yuan, ten thousand yuan, or one hundred million yuan.
2. General Budget Revenue Report
Figure 5.14: General Budget Revenue Report
Explanation: 1. This table can be queried by city summary (excluding counties with expanded powers) or by county alone;
2. The subject code serves as the unique collection standard for classification, and can be used to summarize or query income details by category, category, and item;
3. The unit of amount can be selected as yuan, ten thousand yuan, or one hundred million yuan.
3. Government Fund Income Report
Figure 5.1 5: Government Fund Collection





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