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原创 matlab 写视频

matlab 写视频

2023-11-08 09:00:00 147

原创 numpy学习:reshape和resize


2023-08-31 14:44:30 366

原创 Ubuntu 系统和x3派 NFS 安装和配置

----------------- 客户机 x3 派 ---------------------------------------------- 服务机 Ubuntu--------------------------------添加 /home/nfs *(insecure,rw,sync,no_subtree_check)按 esc 退出编辑模式,然后( :wq!) ) 强制保存退出。在 /home下新建nfs文件夹。按 a 或 i 进入编辑模式。

2023-04-21 15:55:24 520

原创 VMware 环境Ubuntu系统配置网络,与x3派NFS连接通信

VMware 环境Ubuntu系统配置网络,与x3派NFS连接通信

2023-04-21 15:41:47 106

原创 SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with ‘\xb4‘ in file x3.py on line 10, but no encoding declared;


2023-03-15 17:17:55 798

原创 c1: fatal error C1083: 无法打开源文件: “pycocotools/_mask.c”: No such file or directoryerror: Setup script

c1: fatal error C1083: 无法打开源文件: “pycocotools/_mask.c”: No such file or directory。

2023-03-15 09:58:16 802

原创 ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C head

原因:numpy 版本低

2022-07-05 14:24:01 1209

原创 ERROR: No matching distribution found for git

ERROR: No matching distribution found for git

2022-06-07 09:51:08 5650

原创 tensorboard命令

tensorboard --logdir=E:/py-pro/liu-runda-yolov3-train-master/train2/train/log_dir/ --host=

2022-05-19 10:54:59 475

原创 UserWarning: You are trying to export the model with onnx:Upsample for ONNX opset version 9. This op

UserWarning: You are trying to export the model with onnx:Upsample for ONNX opset version 9.This operator might cause results to not match the expected results by PyTorch.ONNX's Upsample/Resize operator did not match Pytorch's Interpolation until opset ..

2022-04-28 09:40:50 711 1

原创 TensorRT 配置

step1:英伟达官网下载TensorRT,并解压。NVIDIA TensorRT | NVIDIA Developerhttps://developer.nvidia.com/zh-cn/tensorrtstep2:将TensorRT 的lib文件夹里的.dll 文件复制到CUDA 的bin文件夹中,比如我的 D:\TensorRT-\lib 中的.dll 文件 复制到C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11....

2022-04-24 14:47:49 3439

原创 To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you‘re looking for, navigate

一、描述:To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you’re looking for, navigate to https://anaconda.organd use the search bar at the top of the page.二、解决方法:在anaconda prompt(anaconda3)下输入以下命令:conda config --add channels cond..

2022-04-21 22:55:01 13421

原创 OpenVINO 环境配置

step1 :openvino 下载:下载英特尔® 发行版 OpenVINO™ 工具套件下载适用于 Linux、Windows 或 macOS 的英特尔® 发行版 OpenVINO™ 工具套件。https://www.intel.cn/content/www/cn/zh/developer/tools/openvino-toolkit/download.html?elq_cid=7828985_ts1650091588979下载完成后,按照要求安装和安装依赖项,比如我选择的是默认安装路径。step2

2022-04-18 14:46:47 2630

原创 [W IndexingUtils.h:25] Warning: indexing with dtype torch.uint8 is now deprecated, please use a dtyp

Pytorch 遇到[W IndexingUtils.h:25] Warning: indexing with dtype torch. uint8 is now deprecated警告信息*_tanpengjie的博客-CSDN博客

2022-02-28 22:58:11 675

原创 pytorch中模型的保存与加载:torch.save(),torch.load()


2022-01-05 09:35:12 1599

原创 OSError: [WinError 1455] 页面文件太小,无法完成操作。

num_workers 设置成0

2021-12-03 10:52:09 196

原创 Python3 super().__init__()

super().__init__() 的含义是 调用父类的__init__然后给子类创建了self.x属性,而不是调用父类的属性。

2021-12-02 10:57:25 317

原创 matlab 读视频

fileName = '1.MP4';obj = VideoReader(fileName);numFrames = obj.NumberOfFrames;% 帧的总数for k = 1 : numFrames% 读取数据 frame = read(obj,k); imshow(frame);%显示帧 imwrite(frame,strcat(num2str(k),'.jpg'),'jpg');% 保存帧end...

2021-11-17 16:15:30 246

转载 gym 的 emv.unwrapped 的含义

创建环境:env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')返回的这个env其实并非CartPole类本身,而是一个经过包装的环境:据说gym的多数环境都用TimeLimit(源码)包装了,以限制Epoch,就是step的次数限制,比如限定为200次。所以小车保持平衡200步后,就会失败。用env.unwrapped可以得到原始的类,原始类想step多久就多久,不会200步后失败:...

2021-10-13 15:54:36 537

原创 openAI gym 的环境

from gym import envsprint(envs.registry.all())上述代码可查看注册的环境。下面列出gym包含的环境EnvSpec(Acrobot-v1),EnvSpec(AirRaid-ram-v0),EnvSpec(AirRaid-ram-v4),EnvSpec(AirRaid-ramDeterministic-v0),EnvSpec(AirRaid-ramDeterministic-v4),EnvSpec(AirRaid-ramNoFrameskip-

2021-10-12 13:39:08 381

原创 ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down

我的平台是 win10 + python3.6 + pytorch1.7.0在最后添加env.close() ,关闭环境

2021-10-12 13:25:06 252

原创 gym.error.DependencyNotInstalled: Found neither the ffmpeg nor avconv executables. On OS X, you can

问题描述 :gym.error.DependencyNotInstalled: Found neither the ffmpeg nor avconv executables. On OS X, you can install ffmpeg via `brew install ffmpeg`. On most Ubuntu variants, `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg` should do it. On Ubuntu 14.04, however, you'll need

2021-10-12 08:53:42 382

原创 Exception: ROM is missing for pong, see https://github.com/openai/atari-py#roms for instructions

我的环境是:win10 + python3.6 + pytorch1.7.0gym 版本是 0.13.0安装pip install atari-py==0.2.5 解决

2021-10-11 18:22:21 437

原创 gym.error.DependencyNotInstalled: No module named ‘atari_py‘. (HINT: you can install Atari dependenc

我的环境是:win10 + python3.6 + pytorch1.7.0gym 版本是 0.13.0安装pip install atari-py 解决

2021-10-11 18:21:32 601

原创 numpy 变量 交换ndarray 的维度

img = np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))原img是1*28*28(c*h*w) 的手写字体数据集的图像,将图像的维度转换为28*28*1(h*w*c)

2021-10-03 10:52:39 851

原创 RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [1, 5] at entry 0 and [3, 5] at en

https://blog.csdn.net/yuxiang8546/article/details/118761999在 dataset 类里 添加def yolo_dataset_collate(batch): images = [] bboxes = [] for img, box in batch: images.append(img) bboxes.append(box) images = np.array(images)

2021-07-15 16:22:20 8220 4

原创 读图 to tensor

img = torch.from_numpy( cv2.imread('C:/Users/gaojo/Desktop/22.png') ).float()img = torch.unsqueeze(img,0)img = img.permute(0,3,1,2)

2021-07-14 15:33:28 163

原创 from import

from 文件夹.文件名 import 类名或函数名

2021-07-14 15:31:43 87

原创 mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (3584x7 and 512x4096)


2021-07-14 15:26:43 7755 2

原创 RuntimeError: expected scalar type Byte but found Float

img = torch.from_numpy( cv2.imread('C:/Users/gaojo/Desktop/22.png') )改为 :img = torch.from_numpy( cv2.imread('C:/Users/gaojo/Desktop/22.png') ).float()

2021-07-14 14:08:29 2987 1

原创 Pytorch Tensor维度调换

permute如果四个维度表示上节的[batch,channel,h,w] ,如果想把channel放到最后去,形成[batch,h,w,channel],那么如果使用前面的维度交换,至少要交换两次(先13交换再12交换)。而使用permute可以直接指定维度新的所处位置,更加方便。示例代码:a = torch.rand(4, 3, 6, 7)print(a.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).shape)输出结果:torch.Size([4, 6, 7, 3])—————————

2021-07-14 14:02:19 1330

原创 Main主文件模板

import torch.optim as optimfrom LeNet5 import *from train import *from data_loader import *from test import *import torchfrom alexnet import *from minstSet import *from .

2020-08-23 21:01:55 195

原创 读Mnist 数据集

import numpy as npimport structimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt# 训练集文件train_images_idx3_ubyte_file = 'D:\\QQ消息记录\\1694233142\\FileRecv\\mnist\\mnist\\train-images.idx3-ubyte'# 训练集标签文件train_labels_idx1_ubyte_file = 'D:\\QQ消息记录\\1694233142\\FileRecv\\.

2020-08-23 20:59:38 259

原创 Dataloader 加载训练数据

import torchfrom torchvision import datasets, transformsdef data_loader(): train_data = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( # 加载训练数据 datasets.MNIST('../data', train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ .

2020-08-23 20:56:15 477

原创 test 测试网络模板

from torch.autograd import Variableimport torch.nn.functional as Fdef test(model,test_loader,device): model.eval() # 设置为test模式 test_loss = 0 # 初始化测试损失值为0 correct = 0 # 初始化预测正确的数据个数为0 for data, target in test_loader: data = d.

2020-08-23 20:54:23 516

原创 train 训练网络模板

import torch.nn.functional as Ffrom torch.autograd import Variableimport numpy as npimport cv2from PIL import Imagefrom LeNet5 import *def train(i,model,train_Set,optimizer,device): model.train() for batch_idx,(data,target) in enumerate(t.

2020-08-23 20:53:33 733 1

原创 AlexNet

import torch.nn as nnclass alexnet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(alexnet,self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1,96,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ,nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3,stride.

2020-08-23 20:52:08 75

原创 LeNet5

import torch.nn as nnclass LeNet5(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(LeNet5,self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(1,6,5,1,2) , nn.ReLU() , nn.MaxPool2d(2,2) ) self.conv2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(6,.

2020-08-23 20:49:07 171

原创 VS项目+openCV配置

第一步:配置openCV环境变量 例如我的电脑中将路径( E:\软件\安装包\opencv-3.3.0-vc14\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin )添加到环境变量Path 下。第二步:将 include 和 lib 文件夹复制到 VS 项目下 例如 我的电脑中这两个文件夹在目录( E:\软件\安装包\opencv-3.3.0-vc14\opencv\build )和 ( E:\软件\安装包\open...

2020-08-03 11:22:31 161

原创 vs2017 社区版

找了半天,都是指向最新的vs版本,vs2019,我想用vs2017!!!终于找到了,留个印记:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releasenotes/vs2017-relnotes————————————————版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「zhuxian2009」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请...

2020-05-02 11:46:52 846


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