Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(1) - Fabric 的第一个LTS版本

Hyperledger Fabric 的第一个LTS版本 v1.4

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列译文总目录


Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(2) - 简介

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(3.1) -关键概念

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(3.2):关键概念-功能性

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(3.3):关键概念-模型

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(3.4):关键概念-区块链网络

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(3.5):关键概念-身份

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(3.6):关键概念-成员




  • Introduction
  • What's new in v1.4
  • Release notes
  • Key Concepts
  • Getting Started
  • Developing Applications
  • Tutorials
  • Operation Guides
  • Commands Reference
  • Architecture Reference
  • FAQ


我们先从v1.4 LTS版本的新特性说起,看看哪些特性使其担当得起第一个LTS版本的重任。


  • LTS
  • Production State
  • Raft Ordering Service

下边是官方发布文档内容,即What's new in v1.4的内容。


Hyperledger Fabric has matured since the initial v1.0 release, and so has the community of Fabric operators. The Fabric developers have been working with network operators to deliver v1.4 with a focus on stability and production operations. As such, v1.4 will be our first long term support release.

自从最初的v1.0发布以来,Hyperledger Fabric逐渐成熟,Fabric运营社区也是如此。Fabric开发人员一直在与区块链网络运营者通力协作,以稳定和生产运营为v1.4的交付重点。基于此,v1.4将是第一个长期支持LTS版本。

Our policy to date has been to provide bug fix (patch) releases for our most recent major or minor release until the next major or minor release has been published. We plan to continue this policy for subsequent releases. However, for Hyperledger Fabric v1.4, the Fabric maintainers are pledging to provide bug fixes for a period of one year from the date of release. This will likely result in a series of patch releases (v1.4.1, v1.4.2, and so on), where multiple fixes are bundled into a patch release.


If you are running with Hyperledger Fabric v1.4, you can be assured that you will be able to safely upgrade to any of the subsequent patch releases. In the advent that there is need of some upgrade process to remedy a defect, we will provide that process with the patch release.

如果您正在使用Hyperledger Fabric v1.4,那么可以确保您能够安全地升级到任何后续补丁版本。在需要一些升级过程来修复缺陷的时候,我们将为该过程提供补丁版本。


Raft ordering service

Introduced in v1.4.1, Raft is a crash fault tolerant (CFT) ordering service based on an implementation of Raft protocol in etcd. Raft follows a “leader and follower” model, where a leader node is elected (per channel) and its decisions are replicated to the followers. Raft ordering services should be easier to set up and manage than Kafka-based ordering services, and their design allows organizations spread out across the world to contribute nodes to a decentralized ordering service.


  • • The Ordering Service: Describes the role of an ordering service in Fabric and an overview of the three ordering service implementations currently available: Solo, Kafka, and Raft.
  • •排序服务:描述排序服务在Fabirc中的职责,并概述当前可用的三种排序服务实现:Solo、Kafka和Raft。
  • • Configuring and operating a Raft ordering service: Shows the configuration parameters and considerations when deploying a Raft ordering service.
  • •配置操作Raft排序服务:显示配置参数和部署Raft排序服务时的注意事项。
  • • Setting up an ordering node: Describes the process for deploying an ordering node, independent of what the ordering service implementation will be.
  • •部署排序节点:描述部署排序节点的过程,与排序服务具体实现无关。
  • • Building Your First Network: The ability to stand up a sample network using a Raft ordering service has been added to this tutorial.
  • •建立您的第一个Fabric网络:本教程中增加了使用Raft排序服务建立示例网络的能力。


Serviceability and operations improvements


As more Hyperledger Fabric networks enter a production state, serviceability and operational aspects are critical. Fabric v1.4 takes a giant leap forward with logging improvements, health checks, and operational metrics. As such, Fabric v1.4 is the recommended release for production operations.


The Operations Service: The new RESTful operations service provides operators with three services to monitor and manage peer and orderer node operations:


  • The logging /logspec endpoint allows operators to dynamically get and set logging levels for the peer and orderer nodes.
  • 日志方面, /logspec允许运营者动态获取和设置普通节点和排序节点的日志级别。
  • The /healthz endpoint allows operators and container orchestration services to check peer and orderer node liveness and health.
  • /healthz 允许运营者和容器编排服务检查普通节点和排序节点的存活和健康状况。
  • The /metrics endpoint allows operators to utilize Prometheus to pull operational metrics from peer and orderer nodes. Metrics can also be pushed to StatsD.
  • /metrics 允许运营者通过Prometheus从普通节点和排序节点中获取操作度量指标。也可以将这些推送到statsd。

Improved programming model for developing applications


Writing decentralized applications has just gotten easier. Programming model improvements in the Node.js SDK and Node.js chaincode makes the development of decentralized applications more intuitive, allowing you to focus on your application logic. The existing npm packages are still available for use, while the new npm packages provide a layer of abstraction to improve developer productivity and ease of use.

编写去中心的应用更简单了。Node.js SDK和Node.js chaincode中的编程模型改进使去中心化应用的开发更加直观,使开发者专注于应用逻辑。新的NPM包提供了一个抽象层,以提高开发人员的生产力和易用性,同时现有的NPM包还可以继续使用。

New documentation helps you understand the various aspects of creating a decentralized application for Hyperledger Fabric, using a commercial paper business network scenario.

新文档以商业票据网络场景为例,帮您了解为Hyperledger Fabric创建去中心化应用的多个方面问题。

  • The scenario: Describes a hypothetical business network involving six organizations who want to build an application to transact together that will serve as a use case to describe the programming model.  场景:假设有一个业务网络,该网络涉及六个组织,这些组织希望构建一个要协同工作的应用程序。后边将用该用例来描述编程模型。
  • Analysis: Describes the structure of a commercial paper and how transactions affect it over time. Demonstrates that modeling using states and transactions provides a precise way to understand and model the decentralized business process.  分析:描述商业票据的结构以及交易如何在过程中影响它。演示了使用状态和事务进行建模来提供对去中心化业务流程理解和建模的准确方法。
  • Process and Data Design: Shows how to design the commercial paper processes and their related data structures.  流程和数据设计:展示如何设计商业票据流程及其相关数据结构。
  • Smart Contract Processing: Shows how a smart contract governing the decentralized business process of issuing, buying and redeeming commercial paper should be designed.  智能合约处理:显示智能合约如何处理发行、购买和赎回商业票据的去中心化业务流程。
  • Application Conceptually describes a client application that would leverage the smart contract described in Smart Contract Processing. 应用程序在概念层次上描述一个客户端应用如何利用上一节“智能合约处理”中描述的智能合约。
  • Application design elements: Describes the details around contract namespaces, transaction context, transaction handlers, connection profiles, connection options, wallets, and gateways.  应用设计元素:描述关于合约命名空间、事务上下文、事务处理程序、连接配置、连接选项、钱包和网关的详细信息。
  • And finally, a tutorial and sample that brings the commercial paper scenario to life: 最后通过一个教程和示例将商业票据场景带到现实中。
  • Commercial paper tutorial  商业票据教程

New tutorials


  • Writing Your First Application: This tutorial has been updated to leverage the improved Node.js SDK and chaincode programming model. The tutorial has both JavaScript and Typescript examples of the client application and chaincode.
    编写第一个应用:本教程已更新以使用改进的Node.js SDK和chaincode编程模型。教程提供了Javascript和Typescript的客户端应用和chaincode示例。
  • Commercial paper tutorial As mentioned above, this is the tutorial that accompanies the new Developing Applications documentation.
  • Upgrading to the Newest Version of Fabric: Leverages the network from Building Your First Network to demonstrate an upgrade from v1.3 to v1.4.x. Includes both a script (which can serve as a template for upgrades), as well as the individual commands so that you can understand every step of an upgrade.

Private data enhancements


Private Data: The Private data feature has been a part of Fabric since v1.2, and this release debuts two new enhancements:

  • Reconciliation, which allows peers for organizations that are added to private data collections to retrieve the private data for prior transactions to which they now are entitled.
  • Client access control to automatically enforce access control within chaincode based on the client organization collection membership without having to write specific chaincode logic.



Release notes

The release notes provide more details for users moving to the new release, along with a link to the full release change log.


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