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原创 23种常用设计模式汇总

构造类模式(5)记忆口诀 : 2个工厂建造原型单例1. 抽象工厂模式2. 工厂方法模式3. 建造者模式4. 原型模式5. 单例模式结构类模式(7)记忆口诀 : 代理适配共享bcdf(bridge, composite, decorator, facade)6. 代理模式7. 适配器模式8. 享元模式9. 桥梁模式(b)...

2019-03-23 23:13:50 255

原创 模板展开及integer_sequence妙用

integer_sequence自实现版本#include <iostream> // the type holding sequences template <int... Ns> struct sequence {}; // First define the template signature template <int... N...

2018-10-30 13:20:19 3903

原创 OpenGrok在线代码浏览环境搭建

OpenGrok是专门的源码阅读工具在针对特大型源码时,比如 AOSP 和 Chromium,就需要祭出专门的源码阅读工具。 OpenGrok 属于另一类,免费,开源,运行流畅,功能也毫不逊色,该工具环境搭建和使用感觉很简单,但最近搭建的过程中遇到各种问题,直到怀疑人生,经历各种磨难最后终于可以到流程使用的程度,特此记录一方面为自己备忘,另一方面希望可以给需要搭建环境的人一些帮助,快速完成,避免重...

2018-08-22 22:03:52 11108 1

原创 Go语言并发基础

并发支持是Go语言的强力特性之一,Go语言中的并发程序可以用两种手段来实现。一是基于goroutine和channel的”顺序通信进程” (CSP : communicating sequential processes)。二是基于多线程共享内存的传统的并发模型。1. 基于Goroutine和channel的CSP并发方式CSP是一种现代的并发编程模型,在这种编程模型中值会在不同的运行实例...

2018-07-13 19:04:32 767

原创 Go语言程序基本要素总览

Go语言程序由基本的要素构成,包括Go语言数据类型,Go语言内置要素(标识符,关键字,字面量,操作数)等。一、Go语言数据类型Go语言将数据类型分为四类:基础类型、复合类型、接口类型和引用类型。1. 基础类型整数(intx, uintx, rune~int32, byte-uint8, uintptr~uint)浮点数(float32, float64)复数(compl...

2018-07-12 20:19:58 412

原创 Go语言程序起步

在进行Go语言具体内容学习之前,让我们以实际的程序一起来从整体上解下Go语言程序,包括: Go语言程序结构,Go语言包规则,Go程序编译、运行、测试以及程序文档使用。1. Go语言程序结构$GOPATH/├── bin│ ├── dlv│ ├── gocode│ ├── main├── pkg│ └── darwin_amd64│ ├── gith...

2018-07-10 11:09:50 3216

原创 GO语言 VSCode开发环境搭建 [Mac]

Go是一个由Google团队和开源社区的许多贡献者开发的开源项目. 本文详细记录了Go开发环境搭建过程,包括Go安装,IDE配置等。系统环境配置MacOS High Sierra版本10.13.5MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)处理器 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7内存 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3图形卡 Intel ...

2018-06-28 16:04:26 18925 3

原创 基于CMake构建系统的C++工程框架

CMake构建系统(build system)是从C/C++源代码生成用户可以使用的目标(targets)的常用自动化工具,是作为C/C++ developer必须了解的工具之一。本文以实际的工程为例梳理常用的CMake指令,并尝试建立一个简单的基于CMake构建系统的C/C++工程框架,以为实际的C/C++工程开发提供基础模板。基础的C/C++工程主要包含动态库,静态库,可执行文件,测试,文档这...

2018-06-27 19:26:01 3168 1

Computer Networks-A Systems Approach

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Fifth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, with examples drawn from the real world of network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best-selling and classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems-oriented approach encourages students to think about how individual network components fit into a larger, complex system of interactions. This book has a completely updated content with expanded coverage of the topics of utmost importance to networking professionals and students, including P2P, wireless, network security, and network applications such as e-mail and the Web, IP telephony and video streaming, and peer-to-peer file sharing. There is now increased focus on application layer issues where innovative and exciting research and design is currently the center of attention. Other topics include network design and architecture; the ways users can connect to a network; the concepts of switching, routing, and internetworking; end-to-end protocols; congestion control and resource allocation; and end-to-end data. Each chapter includes a problem statement, which introduces issues to be examined; shaded sidebars that elaborate on a topic or introduce a related advanced topic; What’s Next? discussions that deal with emerging issues in research, the commercial world, or society; and exercises. This book is written for graduate or upper-division undergraduate classes in computer networking. It will also be useful for industry professionals retraining for network-related assignments, as well as for network practitioners seeking to understand the workings of network protocols and the big picture of networking. Completely updated content with expanded coverage of the topics of utmost importance to networking professionals and students, including P2P, wireless, security, and applications Increased focus on application layer issues where innovative and exciting research and design is currently the center of attention Free downloadable network simulation software and lab experiments manual available





Systems Performance:Enterprise and the Cloud

The accelerating deployment of large-scale web, cloud, Big Data, and virtualized computing systems has introduced serious new challenges in performance optimization. Until now, however, little reliable, practical information has been available to IT professionals who are responsible for running these systems efficiently and cost-effectively. Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud is the solution. Internationally renowned performance optimization expert Brendan Gregg brings together state-of-the-art techniques and tools for analysis and tuning of large-scale web/cloud computing environments. Gregg focuses on Linux/Unix/Solaris performance issues, while offering proven methodologies and discussing key issues that apply to all enterprise operating systems. Coverage includes: Modern performance analysis and capacity planning, including key issues such as latency and dynamic tracing New performance and reliability challenges associated with cloud computing Methodology, concepts, terminology, tools, and metrics Key tradeoffs, including problems of load vs. architecture Tuning operating systems, CPUs, memory, file systems, disks, networks, and busses Tuning virtualized systems Programming language issues related to performance — including application profiling for C, C++, Java, and node.js Benchmarking strategies and pitfalls, including custom microbenchmarking


automake autotool

Automake is a tool for automatically generating Makefile.ins from files called Makefile.am. Each Makefile.am is basically a series of make variable definitions1, with rules being thrown in occasionally. The generated Makefile.ins are compliant with the GNU Makefile standards.


An Introduction to libuv

An Introduction to libuv 是linux上面比较重要的异步通信模块









详解图层混合模式计算公式 photoshop 混合特效内部算法



swf文件结构及avm原理 对理解flash及其运行具有一定的指导意义, 真正理解flash 的swf文件里面存储的内容,以及 avm如何更具这些内容来运行swf程序



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