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原创 CSAPP Chapter3 node2
#define N 8typedef int fix_matrix[N][N];fix_matrix A; //declare A as a two-dimension arraywhen we create array of arrays,the declarationint A[8][8]is equivalent to the declaration:typeof
2015-01-11 13:35:23 232
原创 Is Java pass by VALUE or pass by REFERENCE?
Today, I wrote a java class like below:public class RefTest { public void changeString(String s){ System.out.println("inner changeString() s="+s); s = "abc"; } public static void main(Stri
2015-01-03 20:33:13 330
原创 CSAPP Chapter2 Representing and Manipulating Information node1
C String:declare:const char *s = "abcdef";String in C is a char array ending with null,whose ASCII is 0.strlen(s) return the length not include null.Order the bytes representing an object:
2015-01-02 18:19:06 300
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