C ERRORS(http://www.tutorials4u.com/c/t90.htm)


Students of of the Open University course T223 will find additional information on this page on some of the 'C' Error messages, that is in addition to, or may differ from the information in their 'C' T223 Reference Manual.

Some of the words are linked. Underlined words in black are still to be linked.


  • When you come across error messages, either those provided and explaned in the exercises, or by mistakes in your code, it is recommended that you make a list of examples and what you did to correct the error. You will experience some errors time and time again, it is easy to forget what you did on previous occasions. 5 minutes adding information to your list could save hours in the future.
  • You can copy this file and save it in a word processor such as Word. ( Do you know that Student discount is available on Microsoft Office 2000). Then add additional information to how you solved your own errors.

    Some of the words are linked. Underlined words in black are still to be linked.


Compiler Error Messages

Array bounds missing ] - Compiler error

Your source file declared an array in which the bounds were not terminated by a right bracket.

  • The arra y specifier in an operator is missing a ] right bracket.
  • A ] right bracket is missing from a subscripting expression. Add the bracket or fix the declaration.
  • Also check for
    • A missing or extra operator or mismatched parentheses.

Array size too largeArrayAssembler statement format directive,directive syntax,

The declared arra y is too large for the available memory.

Assembler statement too long

Inline assembly statements can't be longer than 480 bytes.

Bad file name format in include directive

Include and line directive file names must be surrounded by quotes ("filename.h") or angle brackets ().

The file name was missing the opening quote or angle bracket.
If a macro was used, the resulting expansion text is not surrounded by quote marks.

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Bad ifdef directive syntax

An #ifdef directive must contain a single identifier (and nothing else) as the body of the directive.

Bad undef directive syntax

An #undef directive must contain a single identifier (and nothing else) as the body of the directive.

Bit field too large

This error occurs when you supply a bit field with more than 16 bits.

Call of nonfunction

The name being called is not declared as a function.

This is commonly caused by incorrectly declaring the function or misspelling the function name.

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Cannot modify a const object

This indicates a not allowed operation on an object declared to be const, such as an assignment to the object.

Case outside of switch

The compiler encountered a case statement outside a switch statement.

This is often caused by mismatched braces.

Case statement missing :

A case statement must have a constant expression followed by a colon.

The expression in the case statement either was missing a colon or had an extra symbol before the colon.

Character constant must be one or two characters long

These constants can only be one or two chrs s long.

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Compound statement missing ;

The compiler encountered an expression statement without a semicolon following it.

Conflicting type modifiers

This occurs when a declaration is given that includes more than one addressing modifier on a pointer or more than one language modifier for a function.

Only one addressing modifier (_ _far16,) can be given for a single pointer.

Only one language modifier (cdecl, and pascal) can be given for a function.

One cannot multiply derive from a class declared to use the fast this pointer optimization, and one that was not. For example:
class __fastthis A { // one way to declare a class as using the
   myex();           // fast this optimization, note that
};                   // #pragma option -po- turns it off.
class B {
class c : A , B {}; // error
// note that __fastthis is only recognized in BC 4.0 or later

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Constant expression required

Arrays must be declared with constant size.
This error is commonly caused by misspelling a #define constant.

Could not find file 'filename'

The compiler is unable to find the file supplied on the command line.
Remidy Check if the file exists before trying to use file

Declaration missing ;

Your source file contained a struct or union field declaration that was not followed by a semicolon.
Check previous lines for a missing semicolon.

Declaration syntax error

Your source file contained a declaration that was missing a symbol or had an extra symbol added to it.
Check for
  • A missing semi-colon or parenthesis on that line or on previous lines

Practical Example in Exercise in Tutorial 2

Default outside of switch

The compiler encountered a default statement outside a switch statement.

This is most commonly caused by mismatched braces.

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Define directive needs an identifier

The first non-whitespace chr. after a #define must be an identifier. The compiler found some other chr.
See Also Identifier expected

Division by zero

A divide or remainder expression had a literal zero as a divisor.

Example of avoiding this error Tut. 6

do statement must have while

Your source file contained a do statement that was missing the closing while keyword.

do-while statement missing (

In a do, for, if, switch, or while statement, the compiler found no left parenthesis after the while keyword or test expression.


do-while statement missing (

In a do, for, if, switch, or while statement, the compiler found no left parenthesis after the while keyword or test expression.

do-while statement missing OR For statement missing ;

In a do or for statement, the compiler found no semicolon after the right parenthesis.

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Duplicate case

Each case of a switch statement must have a unique constant expression value.

Enum syntax error

An enum declaration did not contain a properly formed list of identifiers.

Error directive: 'message'

This message is issued when an #error directive is processed in the source file. 'message' is the text of the #error directive.

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Error writing output file

A DOS error that prevents the C++ IDE from writing an .OBJ, .EXE, or temporary file.

Make sure that the Output directory in the Directories dialog box is a valid directory.

Check that there is enough free disk space. Delete unneeded files and try again.
Possible faulty disk

Expression syntax

This is a catch-all error message when the compiler parses an expression and encounters a serious error.

Possible Causes

This is most commonly caused by one of the following: two consecutive operators mismatched or missing parentheses a missing semicolon on the previous statement.


If the line where the error occurred looks syntactically correct, look at the line directly above for errors.

Try moving the line with the error to a different location in the file and recompiling.

If the error still occurs at the moved statement, the syn tax error is occurring somewhere in that statement.

If the error occurred in another statement, the syn tax error is probably in the surrounding code.

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Extra parameter in call

A call to a function, via a pointer defined with a prototype, had too many arguments.

Extra parameter in call to function

A call to the named function (which was defined with a prototype) had too many arguments given in the call.

File name too long

The file name given in an #include directive was too long for the compiler to process. File names in DOS must be no more than 79 chrs long.
In older compilers the MSDOS restiction may apply

for statement missing (

In a for statement, the compiler found no left parenthesis after the while keyword or test expression.

for statement missing )

In a for statement, the compiler found no right parenthesis after the while keyword or test expression.

for statement missing ;

In a forstatement, the compiler found no semicolon after the right parenthesis.

Function call missing ) - Compiler Error

The function call argument list had some sort of syn tax error, such as a missing or mismatched right parenthesis.

Goto statement missing label

The goto keyword must be followed by an identifier.
See Also Identifier expected

Identifier expected

An identifier was expected here, but not found.
In C, an identifier is expected in the following situations:
  • in a list of parameters in an old-style function header
  • after the reserved words struct or union when the braces are not present, and
  • as the name of a member in a structure or union (except for bit fields of width 0).
In C++, an identifier is also expected in these situations:
  • in a list of base classes from which another class is derived, following a double colon (::), and
  • after the reserved word "operator" when no operator symbol is present.

if statement missing (

In a if statement, the compiler found no left parenthesis after the if keyword or test expression.

if statement missing )

In a if statement, the compiler found no right parenthesis after the if keyword or test expression.

Illegal character 'character' ('value')

The compiler encountered some invalid chr. in the input file.
The hexadecimal value of the offending chr. is printed.
This can also be caused by extra parameters passed to a function macro.

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Illegal initialization

Initializations must be one of the following:
  • constant expressions
  • the address of a global extern or static variable plus or minus a constant

Illegal octal digit

The compiler found an octal constant containing a non-octal digit (8 or 9).

Illegal parameter to _ _emit_ _

There are some restrictions on inserting literal values directly into your code with the __emit__ function.

For example, you cannot give a local variable as a parameter to __emit__.

Illegal pointer subtraction

This is caused by attempting to subtract a pointer from a non-pointer.

Illegal structure operation

Structures can only be used with dot (.), address-of (&) or assignment (=) operators, or be passed to or from a function as parameters.

The compiler encountered a structure being used with some other operator.

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Illegal use of floating point

Floating-point operands are not allowed in these operators
  • shift (SHL, SHR)
  • bitwise Boolean (AND, OR, XOR, NOT)
  • conditional (? :) i
  • ndirection (*)
  • certain others
The compiler found a floating-point operand with one of these prohibited operators.

Illegal use of pointer

Pointers can only be used with these operators:
  • addition (+)
  • subtraction (-)
  • assignment (=)
  • comparison (==)
  • indirection (*)
  • arrow (->)
Your source file used a pointer with some other operator.
int main (void)
        char *p;
        p /= 7;     /* ERROR: not allowed  Use of Pointer */
        return 0;

Improper use of typedef 'identifier'

Your source file used a typedef symbol where a variable should appear in an expression.

Check for the declaration of the symbol and possible misspellings.

Inline assembly not allowed

Your source file contains inline assembly language statements and you are compiling it from within the integrated environment.

You must use the BCC command to compile this source file from the DOS command line.

Incompatible type conversion

The cast requested can't be done

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Incorrect number format

The compiler encountered a decimal point in a hexadecimal number.

Incorrect use of default

The compiler found no colon after the default keyword.

Invalid indirection

The indirection operator (*) requires a non-void pointer as the operand.
int main (void)
       void *p;
       *p = 10;     /* ERROR: Invalid Indirection */
       return 0;

Invalid macro argument separator

In a macro definition, arguments must be separated by commas.

The compiler encountered some other chr. after an argument name.

This is correct:
#define tri_add(a, b, c) ((a) + (b) + (c))
This is incorrect:
#define tri_add(a b. c) ((a) + (b) + (c))

Invalid pointer addition

Your source file attempted to add two pointers together.

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Invalid use of dot

An identifier must immediately follow a period operator (.).

struct foo 
       int x;
       int y;
      p = 0,0;
int main (void)
        p.x++;         /* Correct */
        p.  y++;       /* Error: Invalid use of dot */
        return 0; 

Lvalue required

The left side of an assignment operator must be an addressable expression.
Addressable expressions include the following:
  • numeric or pointer variables
  • structure field references or indirection through a pointer
  • a subscripted arra y element

Macro argument syntax error

An argument in a macro definition must be an identifier.
The compiler encountered some non-identifier chr. where an argument was expected.
See Also Identifier expected

Macro expansion too long

A macro can't expand to more than 4,096 chrs. s.

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Misplaced break

The compiler encountered a break statement outside a switch or looping construct.
You can only use break statements inside of switch statements or loops.

Misplaced continue

The compiler encountered a continue statement outside a looping construct.

Misplaced decimal point

The compiler encountered a decimal point in a floating-point constant as part of the exponent.

Misplaced elif directive

The compiler encountered an #elif directive without any matching #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef directive.

Misplaced else

The compiler encountered an else statement without a matching if statement.

Possible Causes
  • An extra "else" statement
  • An extra semicolon
  • Missing braces
  • Some syntax error in a previous "if" statement

Misplaced else directive

The compiler encountered an #else directive without any matching #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef directive.

Misplaced endif directive

The compiler encountered an #endif directive without any matching #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef directive.

Must take address of a memory location

Your source file used the address-of operator (&) with an expression that can't be used that way; for example, a register variable.

No file name ending

The file name in an #include statement was missing the correct closing quote or angle bracket.

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Non-portable pointer comparison

(Command-line equivalent for controling display of this warning=-wcpt)

Your source file compared a pointer to a non-pointer other than the constant 0.

You should use a cast to suppress this warning if the comparison is proper.


Non-portable pointer conversion

(Command-line for controling display=-wrpt)

An implicit conversion between a pointer and an integral type is required, but the types are not the same size.

This can't be done without an explicit cast.

This conversion might not make any sense, so be sure this is what you want to do.

Not an allowed type

Your source file declared some sort of forbidden type; for example, a function returning a function or arra y

Numeric constant too large

/*Bordland */
String and chr. escape sequences larger than hexadecimal or octal 77 can't be generated.
Two-byte chr. constants can be specified by using a second backslash. For example,
// represents a two-byte constant. A numeric literal following an escape sequence should be broken up like this:
printf("" "12345");
This prints a carriage return followed by 12345.

/*T223 */
String and chr. escape sequences larger than hexadecimal /xFF or octal /77 can't be generated.
Two-byte chr. constants can be specified by using a second backslash. For example,
/0D/x0A represents a two-byte constant. A numeric literal following an escape sequence should be broken up like this:

following an escape sequence should be broken up like this:
printf("/x0D" "12345");
This prints a carriage return followed by 12345.

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Out of memory

The total working storage is exhausted.

This error can occur in the following circumstances:
  • Not enough virtual memory is available for compiling a particular file. In this case, shut down any other concurrent applications. You may also try to re-configure your machine for more available virtual memory, or break up the source file being compiled into smaller separate components. You can also compile the file on a system with more available RAM.
  • The compiler has encountered an exceedingly complex or long expression at the line indicated and has insufficient reserves to parse it. Break the expression down into separate statements.

Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->*

Nothing but a pointer is allowed on the left side of the arrow (->) in C or C++.

In C++ a -> operator is allowed.

Side effects are not allowed

Side effects such as assignments, ++, or -- are not allowed in the debugger watch window.

A common error is to use x=y (not allowed) instead of x==y to test the equality of x and y.

Size of 'identifier' is unknown or zero

This identifier was used in a context where its size was needed.

A struct tag might only be declared (the struct not defined yet), or an extern array might be declared without a size.

It's not allowed to have some references to such an item (like sizeof) or to dereference a pointer to this type.

Rearrange your declaration so that the size of 'identifier' is available.

Statement missing ;

The compiler encountered an expression statement without a semicolon following it.

Practical Example in Exercise in Tut. 2

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Structure size too large

Your source file declared a structure too large to fit into memory. (64K in ver 4.5)

Subscripting missing ]

This error is generated if any of the following occur:
  • Your source file declared an array in which the bounds were not terminated by a right bracket.
  • The array specifier in an operator is missing a right bracket.
  • The operator [ ] was declared as operator [.
  • A right bracket is missing from a subscripting expression.
Add the bracket or fix the declaration. Check for a missing or extra operator or mismatched parentheses.

Switch missing (

A left parenthesis is missing after switch keyword.

Switch missing )

Too few parameters in call

A call to a function with a prototype (via a function pointer) had too few arguments.

Prototypes require that all parameters be given.

Make certain that your call to a function has the same parameters as the function prototype.

See Also Identifier expected

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Too many cases

PFE only
The compiler encountered more than 257 cases in a single switch.

Too many decimal points

The compiler encountered a floating-point constant with more than one decimal point.

Too many default cases

The compiler encountered more than one default statement in a single switch.

Too many error or warning messages

There were more errors or warnings than set in the Options|Settings|Compiler Messages

Too many exponents

The compiler encountered more than one exponent in a floating-point constant

Too many initializers

The compiler encountered more initializers than were allowed by the declaration being initialized.

Too many storage classes in declaration

A declaration can never have more than one storage class, either Auto, Register, Static, or Extern.

Too many types in declaration

A declaration can never have more than one of these basic types: char class int float double struct union enum typedef name

Too much global data defined in file

The sum of the global data declarations exceeds 64K bytes. This includes any data stored in the DGROUP (all global variables, literal strings, and static locals).

Check the declarations for any array that might be too large. You can also remove variables from the DGROUP.

Here's how:
  • Declare the variables as automatic. This uses stack space.
  • Dynamically allocate memory from the heap using calloc, malloc, or farmalloc for the variables. This requires the use of pointers.
  • Declare variables with the _far16 keyword. This puts variables in their own far data segment. (Limits you to running one instance of your app under Windows.)
Literal strings are also put in the DGROUP. Get the file farstr.zip from our BBS to extract literal strings into their own segment.

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Two consecutive dots

Because an ellipsis contains three dots (...), and a decimal point or member selection operator uses one dot (.), two consecutive dots cannot legally occur in a C program.

Type mismatch in parameter 'parameter'

Type mismatch in parameter 'parameter' in call to 'function'

Your source file declared the function called via a function pointer with a prototype.

However, the named parameter could not be converted to the declared parameter type.

When compiling C++ programs, this message is always preceded by another message that explains the exact reason for the type mismatch.

That other message is usually "Cannot convert 'type1' to 'type2'" but the mismatch might be due to many other reasons.

Type mismatch in parameter 'number' in call to 'function'

Your source file declared the named function with a prototype, and the given parameter number (counting left to right from 1) could not be converted to the declared parameter type.

When compiling C++ programs, this message is always preceded by another message that explains the exact reason for the type mismatch.

That other message is usually "Cannot convert 'type1' to 'type2'", but the mismatch might be due to many other reasons.

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Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'identifier'

Your source file redeclared a variable with a different type than was originally declared for the variable.

Possible Causes
This can occur if a function is called and subsequently declared to return something other than an integer.

If this has happened, you must declare the function before the first call to it.

Unable to create output file 'filename'

This error occurs if the work disk is full or write protected.

This error also occurs if the output directory does not exist.

If the disk is full, try deleting unneeded files and restarting the compilation.

If the disk is write-protected, move the source files to a writable disk and restart the compilation.

Unable to open include file 'filename'

The compiler could not find the named file.

Possible Causes
  • The named file does not exist.
  • An #include file included itself.
  • You do not have FILES set in CONFIG.SYS on your root directory.
  • Verify that the named file exists.
  • Set FILES=20 in CONFIG.SYS.

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Unable to open input file 'filename'

This error occurs if the source file can't be found.

Check the spelling of the name. Make sure the file is on the specified disk or directory.

Check under Options|Settings|Directories and verify that the proper directory paths are listed. If multiple paths are required, use a semi-colon to separate them, like this:

Undefined label 'identifier'

The named label has a goto in the function, but no label definition.

See Also Identifier expected

Undefined structure 'structure'

(Command-line equivalent for controling display of this warning=-wstu)

The named structure was used in the source file, probably on a pointer to a structure, but had no definition in the source file.

This is probably caused by a misspelled structure name or a missing declaration.


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Undefined symbol 'identifier'

The named identifier has no declaration.

Possible Causes
  • actual declaration of identifier has been commented out.
  • misspelling, either at this point or at the declaration.
  • there was an error in the declaration of the identifier.
Tools to help track down the problem:
  • CPP
  • GREP

Practical Example in Exercise in Tut. 2 (2 examples)

Practical Example in Exercise in Tut. 3

Unexpected end of file in comment started on 'line number'

The source file ended in the middle of a comment. This is normally caused by a missing close of comment (*/).

Unexpected end of file in conditional started on 'line number'

The source file ended before the compiler (or MAKE) encountered #endif.

The #endif either was missing or misspelled.

Every #if statement needs a matching #endif statement.

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Unknown preprocessor directive: 'identifier'

The compiler encountered a # character at the beginning of a line. The directive name that followed the # was not one of the following:

Unterminated string or character constant

The compiler found no terminating quote after the beginning of a string or chr. constant.
  • Find the end of the string and insert a "

Practical Example in Exercise in Tut. 2

User break

You typed a Ctrl-Break while compiling in the IDE. (This is not an error, just a confirmation.)

while statement missing (

In a while statement, the compiler found no left parenthesis after the while keyword or test expression.

while statement missing )

In a while statement, the compiler found no right parenthesis after the while keyword or test expression.

Wrong number of arguments in call of macro 'macro'

Your source file called the named macro with an incorrect number of arguments.




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