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原创 Java home is different.Expecting: but was: ‘jre‘.Please configure the JDK to match the expected one
Java home is different.Expecting: 'jdk8.0' but was: 'jdk8.0\jre'.Please configure the JDK to match the expected one.解决方法
2022-03-08 14:22:46 3560 1
原创 Android如何将Eclipse项目手动导入到AndroidStudio中
2022-03-07 14:52:10 4666
原创 Android Studio报错Duplicate class android.support.v4.app.INotificationSideChannel的原因
Android Studio错误提示Duplicate class android.support.v4.app.INotificationSideChannel的原因
2022-03-07 13:23:56 2235
原创 Androidstudio中手机打不开且提示A Device ManageAVD Pixel 2 API 28 is already running.If thD : Android Studio
Androidstudio中手机黑屏打不开且提示 AVD Pixel 2. API 28 is already running. If that is not the case, delete the files at D:\AndroidS tudioSDK\avd\. android\avd/Pixel 2 API 28.avd/*.lock and try again.
2022-03-05 15:14:29 2814
原创 【AndroidStudio】 “错误: 程序包R不存在“,����: �����R������,乱码R乱码 的解决方法
【AndroidStudio】 "错误: 程序包R不存在",����: �����R������,乱码R乱码 的解决方法
2022-03-04 14:15:49 5479
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