


iniparser  3.1
iniparser documentation


iniParser is a simple C library offering ini file parsing services. The library is pretty small (less than 1500 lines of C) and robust, and does not depend on any other external library to compile. It is written in ANSI C and should compile on most platforms without difficulty.

What is an ini file?

An ini file is an ASCII file describing simple parameters (character strings, integers, floating-point values or booleans) in an explicit format, easy to use and modify for users.

An ini file is segmented into Sections, declared by the following syntax:

    [Section Name]

i.e. the section name enclosed in square brackets, alone on a line. Sections names are allowed to contain any character but square brackets or linefeeds.

In any section are zero or more variables, declared with the following syntax:

    Key = value ; comment

The key is any string (possibly containing blanks). The value is any character on the right side of the equal sign. Values can be given enclosed with quotes. If no quotes are present, the value is understood as containing all characters between the first and the last non-blank characters before the comment. The following declarations are identical:

    Hello = "this is a long string value" ; comment
    Hello = this is a long string value ; comment

The semicolon and comment at the end of the line are optional. If there is a comment, it starts from the first character after the semicolon up to the end of the line.

Multi-line values can be provided by ending the line with a backslash (\).

    Multiple = Line 1 \
    Line 2 \
    Line 3 \
    Line 4 ; comment

This would yield: "multiple" <- "Line1 Line2 Line3 Line4"

Comments in an ini file are:

  • Lines starting with a hash sign
  • Blank lines (only blanks or tabs)
  • Comments given on value lines after the semicolon (if present)

Compiling/installing the library

Edit the Makefile to indicate the C compiler you want to use, the options to provide to compile ANSI C, and possibly the options to pass to the ar program on your machine to build a library (.a) from a set of object (.o) files.

Defaults are set for the gcc compiler and the standard ar library builder.

Type 'make', that should do it.

To use the library in your programs, add the following line on top of your module:

    #include "iniparser.h"

And link your program with the iniparser library by adding -liniparser.a to the compile line.

See the file test/initest.c for an example.

iniparser is an ANSI C library. If you want to compile it with a C++ compiler you will likely run into compatibility issues. Headers probably have to include the extern "C" hack and function prototypes will want to add some const here and there to keep the compiler happy. This job is left to the reader as there are too many C++ compilers around, each with its own requirements as to what represents acceptable C code in a C++ environment. You have been warned.

Library reference

The library is completely documented in its header file. On-line documentation has been generated and can be consulted here:

Using the parser

Comments are discarded by the parser. Then sections are identified, and in each section a new entry is created for every keyword found. The keywords are stored with the following syntax:

    Keyword = value ; comment

is converted to the following key pair:

    ("section:keyword", "value")

This means that if you want to retrieve the value that was stored in the section calledPizza, in the keyword Cheese, you would make a request to the dictionary for"pizza:cheese". All section and keyword names are converted to lowercase before storage in the structure. The value side is conserved as it has been parsed, though.

Section names are also stored in the structure. They are stored using as key the section name, and a NULL associated value. They can be queried throughiniparser_find_entry().

To launch the parser, use the function called iniparser_load(), which takes an input file name and returns a newly allocateddictionary structure. This latter object should remain opaque to the user and only accessed through the following accessor functions:

Finally, discard this structure using iniparser_freedict().

All values parsed from the ini file are stored as strings. The accessors are just converting these strings to the requested type on the fly, but you could basically perform this conversion by yourself after having called the string accessor.

Notice that iniparser_getboolean() will return an integer (0 or 1), trying to make sense of what was found in the file. Strings starting with "y", "Y", "t", "T" or "1" are considered true values (return 1), strings starting with "n", "N", "f", "F", "0" are considered false (return 0). This allows some flexibility in handling of boolean answers.

If you want to add extra information into the structure that was not present in the ini file, you can useiniparser_set() to insert a string.

If you want to add a section to the structure, add a key with a NULL value. Example:

    iniparser_set(ini, "section", NULL);
    iniparser_set(ini, "section:key1", NULL);
    iniparser_set(ini, "section:key2", NULL);

A word about the implementation

The dictionary structure is a pretty simple dictionary implementation which might find some uses in other applications. If you are curious, look into the source.

Known defects

The dictionary structure is extremely unefficient for searching as keys are sorted in the same order as they are read from the ini file, which is convenient when dumping back to a file. The simplistic first-approach linear search implemented there can become a bottleneck if you have a very large number of keys.

People who need to load large amounts of data from an ini file should definitely turn to more appropriate solutions: sqlite3 or similar. There are otherwise many other dictionary implementations available on the net to replace this one.


Nicolas Devillard (ndevilla AT free DOT fr).



纯c读写ini配置文件 用c/c++读写ini配置文件有不少第三方的开源库,如iniparser、libini、rwini、UltraLightINIParser等,但都不理想,往往代码较大、功能较弱、 接口使用不方便。尤其在大小写处理、前后空格、各种注释、跨平台换行符支持、带引号字符串处理、无section操作、原格式保持等方面存在问题。 现将本人精心制作的ini读写程序源码奉献给大家,纯c编写,简洁好用。支持windows和linux。 主要特点: 1、支持;和#注释符号,支持行尾注释。 2、支持带引号'或"成对匹配的字符串,提取时自动去引号。引号中可带其它引号或;#注释符。 3、支持无section或空section(名称为空)。 4、支持10、16、8进制数,0x开头为16进制数,0开头为8进制。 5、支持section、key或=号前后带空格。 6、支持\n、\r、\r\n或\n\r换行格式。 7、不区分section、key大小写,但写入时以新串为准,并保持其大小写。 8、新增数据时,若section存在则在该节最后一个有效数据后添加,否则在文件尾部添加。 9、支持指定key所在整行删除,即删除该键值,包括注释。 10、可自动跳过格式错误行,修改时仍然保留。 11、修改时保留原注释:包括整行注释、行尾注释(包括前面空格)。 12、修改时保留原空行。以上三点主要是尽量保留原格式。 不足之处: 1、不支持单key多value(逗号分割),只能一次性提取后自行处理。 2、不支持同名重复section和key。(重复section可视为错误,重复key则可能造成分歧) 3、不能提取所有section或key名称。 使用只需两个文件inirw.h、inirw.c,另有测试程序和工程文件,支持windows和linux




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