


Sets the initial and maximum size (in bytes) of the heap for the young generation (nursery). Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, m or M to indicate megabytes, g or G to indicate gigabytes.


The young generation region of the heap is used for new objects. GC is performed in this region more often than in other regions. If the size for the young generation is too small, then a lot of minor garbage collections will be performed. If the size is too large, then only full garbage collections will be performed, which can take a long time to complete. Oracle recommends that you keep the size for the young generation between a half and a quarter of the overall heap size.

新生代区域的堆用于新对象。与其他区域相比,在该区域执行GC的频率更高。如果新生代的大小太小,则会执行许多次要的垃圾回收。如果大小太大,那么将仅执行完整的垃圾收集,这可能需要很长时间才能完成。 Oracle建议您将新生代的大小保持在整个堆大小的一半到四分之一之间。

Instead of the -Xmn option to set both the initial and maximum size of the heap for the young generation, you can use -XX:NewSize to set the initial size and -XX:MaxNewSize to set the maximum size.



Sets the initial size (in bytes) of the heap. This value must be a multiple of 1024 and greater than 1 MB. Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, m or M to indicate megabytes, g or G to indicate gigabytes.

设置堆的初始大小(以字节为单位)。此值必须是1024的倍数且大于1 MB。

If you do not set this option, then the initial size will be set as the sum of the sizes allocated for the old generation and the young generation. The initial size of the heap for the young generation can be set using the -Xmn option or the -XX:NewSize option.



Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of the memory allocation pool in bytes. This value must be a multiple of 1024 and greater than 2 MB. Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, m or M to indicate megabytes, g or G to indicate gigabytes. The default value is chosen at runtime based on system configuration. For server deployments, -Xms and -Xmx are often set to the same value.

指定内存分配池的最大大小(以字节为单位)。此值必须是1024的倍数且大于2 MB。默认值是在运行时根据系统配置选择的。对于服务器部署,-Xms和-Xmx通常设置为相同的值。

The -Xmx option is equivalent to -XX:MaxHeapSize.



Sets the thread stack size (in bytes). Append the letter k or K to indicate KB, m or M to indicate MB, g or G to indicate GB.


This option is equivalent to -XX:ThreadStackSize.



Sets the minimum allowed percentage of free heap space (0 to 100) after a GC event. If free heap space falls below this value, then the heap will be expanded. By default, this value is set to 40%.



Sets the maximum allowed percentage of free heap space (0 to 100) after a GC event. If free heap space expands above this value, then the heap will be shrunk. By default, this value is set to 70%.



Sets the ratio between young and old generation sizes. By default, this option is set to 2.



Sets the ratio between eden space size and survivor space size.



Sets the desired percentage of survivor space (0 to 100) used after young garbage collection. By default, this option is set to 50%.



Sets the size of the allocated class metadata space that will trigger a garbage collection the first time it is exceeded. This threshold for a garbage collection is increased or decreased depending on the amount of metadata used. The default size depends on the platform.



Sets the maximum amount of native memory that can be allocated for class metadata. By default, the size is not limited. The amount of metadata for an application depends on the application itself, other running applications, and the amount of memory available on the system.



Enables the use of thread-local allocation blocks (TLABs) in the young generation space. This option is enabled by default. To disable the use of TLABs, specify -XX:-UseTLAB.



Sets the initial size (in bytes) of a thread-local allocation buffer (TLAB). Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, m or M to indicate megabytes, g or G to indicate gigabytes. If this option is set to 0, then the JVM chooses the initial size automatically.



Disables the use of compressed pointers. By default, this option is enabled, and compressed pointers are used when Java heap sizes are less than 32 GB. When this option is enabled, object references are represented as 32-bit offsets instead of 64-bit pointers, which typically increases performance when running the application with Java heap sizes less than 32 GB. This option works only for 64-bit JVMs.

禁用压缩指针的使用。默认情况下,此选项处于启用状态,并且当Java堆大小小于32 GB时,将使用压缩指针。启用此选项后,对象引用将表示为32位偏移量而不是64位指针,这通常在运行Java堆大小小于32 GB的应用程序时提高性能。此选项仅适用于64位JVM。

It is also possible to use compressed pointers when Java heap sizes are greater than 32GB. See the -XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes option.



Enables the use of the garbage-first (G1) garbage collector. It is a server-style garbage collector, targeted for multiprocessor machines with a large amount of RAM. It meets GC pause time goals with high probability, while maintaining good throughput. The G1 collector is recommended for applications requiring large heaps (sizes of around 6 GB or larger) with limited GC latency requirements (stable and predictable pause time below 0.5 seconds).

启用垃圾优先(G1)垃圾收集器的使用。它是一种服务器样式的垃圾收集器,适用于具有大量RAM的多处理器计算机。它极有可能满足GC暂停时间目标,同时保持良好的吞吐量。建议将G1收集器用于需要大堆(大小约为6 GB或更大)且GC延迟要求有限(稳定且可预测的暂停时间低于0.5秒)的应用程序。

By default, this option is disabled and the collector is chosen automatically based on the configuration of the machine and type of the JVM.



Enables the use of the serial garbage collector. This is generally the best choice for small and simple applications that do not require any special functionality from garbage collection. By default, this option is disabled and the collector is chosen automatically based on the configuration of the machine and type of the JVM.



Enables the use of the parallel scavenge garbage collector (also known as the throughput collector) to improve the performance of your application by leveraging multiple processors.


By default, this option is disabled and the collector is chosen automatically based on the configuration of the machine and type of the JVM. If it is enabled, then the -XX:+UseParallelOldGC option is automatically enabled, unless you explicitly disable it.

默认情况下,此选项是禁用的,并且将根据计算机的配置和JVM的类型自动选择收集器。如果已启用,则-XX:+ UseParallelOldGC选项将自动启用,除非您明确禁用它。


Enables the use of the parallel garbage collector for full GCs. By default, this option is disabled. Enabling it automatically enables the -XX:+UseParallelGC option.

允许将并行垃圾收集器用于完整的GC。默认情况下,此选项是禁用的。自动启用它会启用-XX:+ UseParallelGC选项。


Enables the use of parallel threads for collection in the young generation. By default, this option is disabled. It is automatically enabled when you set the -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC option. Using the -XX:+UseParNewGC option without the -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC option was deprecated in JDK 8.

允许在年轻一代中使用并行线程进行收集。默认情况下,此选项是禁用的。当您设置-XX:+ UseConcMarkSweepGC选项时,它将自动启用。在JDK 8中,在不使用-XX:+ UseConcMarkSweepGC选项的情况下使用-XX:+ UseParNewGC选项这种方式已过时。


Sets the number of threads used for parallel garbage collection in the young and old generations. The default value depends on the number of CPUs available to the JVM.



Enables the use of the CMS garbage collector for the old generation. Oracle recommends that you use the CMS garbage collector when application latency requirements cannot be met by the throughput (-XX:+UseParallelGC) garbage collector. The G1 garbage collector (-XX:+UseG1GC) is another alternative.

启用CMS垃圾收集器适用于旧版本。当吞吐量(-XX:+ UseParallelGC)垃圾收集器无法满足应用程序延迟要求时,Oracle建议您使用CMS垃圾收集器。 G1垃圾收集器(-XX:+ UseG1GC)是另一种选择。

By default, this option is disabled and the collector is chosen automatically based on the configuration of the machine and type of the JVM. When this option is enabled, the -XX:+UseParNewGC option is automatically set and you should not disable it, because the following combination of options has been deprecated in JDK 8: -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseParNewGC.

默认情况下,此选项是禁用的,并且将根据计算机的配置和JVM的类型自动选择收集器。启用此选项后,将自动设置-XX:+ UseParNewGC选项,并且您不应禁用它,因为在JDK 8中不推荐使用以下选项组合:-XX:+ UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:-UseParNewGC。


Enables class unloading when using the concurrent mark-sweep (CMS) garbage collector. This option is enabled by default. To disable class unloading for the CMS garbage collector, specify -XX:-CMSClassUnloadingEnabled.



Enables the use of the occupancy value as the only criterion for initiating the CMS collector. By default, this option is disabled and other criteria may be used.



Sets the maximum tenuring threshold for use in adaptive GC sizing. The largest value is 15. The default value is 15 for the parallel (throughput) collector, and 6 for the CMS collector.



Enables invoking of concurrent GC by using the System.gc() request and unloading of classes during the concurrent GC cycle. This option is disabled by default and can be enabled only together with the -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC option.

通过使用System.gc()请求启用并发GC的调用,并在并发GC周期中卸载类。默认情况下,此选项是禁用的,并且只能与-XX:+ UseConcMarkSweepGC选项一起启用。


Sets a target for the maximum GC pause time (in milliseconds). This is a soft goal, and the JVM will make its best effort to achieve it. By default, there is no maximum pause time value.



Enables the use of adaptive generation sizing. This option is enabled by default. To disable adaptive generation sizing, specify -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy and set the size of the memory allocation pool explicitly (see the -XX:SurvivorRatio option).



Enables the option that disables processing of calls to System.gc(). This option is disabled by default, meaning that calls to System.gc() are processed. If processing of calls to System.gc() is disabled, the JVM still performs GC when necessary.



Enables printing of detailed messages at every GC. By default, this option is disabled.



Enables printing of tenuring age information. The following is an example of the output:


Age 1 objects are the youngest survivors (they were created after the previous scavenge, survived the latest scavenge, and moved from eden to survivor space). Age 2 objects have survived two scavenges (during the second scavenge they were copied from one survivor space to the next). And so on.

1岁年龄段的对象是最年轻的幸存者(它们是在前一次清理之后创建的,在最新清理之后幸存下来,并从伊甸园转移到幸存者空间)。 2岁年龄段的对象幸存了两次清理工作(在第二次清理工作中,将它们从一个幸存者空间复制到了另一个幸存者空间)。等等。

By default, this option is disabled.



Disables garbage collection (GC) of classes. This can save some GC time, which shortens interruptions during the application run.


When you specify -Xnoclassgc at startup, the class objects in the application will be left untouched during GC and will always be considered live. This can result in more memory being permanently occupied which, if not used carefully, will throw an out of memory exception.



Enables the dumping of the Java heap to a file in the current directory by using the heap profiler (HPROF) when a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception is thrown. You can explicitly set the heap dump file path and name using the -XX:HeapDumpPath option. By default, this option is disabled and the heap is not dumped when an OutOfMemoryError exception is thrown.



Sets the path and file name for writing the heap dump provided by the heap profiler (HPROF) when the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError option is set. By default, the file is created in the current working directory, and it is named java_pidpid.hprof where pid is the identifier of the process that caused the error.

设置-XX:+ HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError选项时,设置用于写入由堆分析器(HPROF)提供的堆转储的路径和文件名。默认情况下,该文件是在当前工作目录中创建的,它的名称为java_pidpid.hprof,其中pid是引起错误的进程的标识符。


Enables the use of large page memory. By default, this option is disabled and large page memory is not used.



Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) a softly reachable object is kept active on the heap after the last time it was referenced. The default value is one second of lifetime per free megabyte in the heap. The -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB option accepts integer values representing milliseconds per one megabyte of the current heap size (for Java HotSpot Client VM) or the maximum possible heap size (for Java HotSpot Server VM). This difference means that the Client VM tends to flush soft references rather than grow the heap, whereas the Server VM tends to grow the heap rather than flush soft references. In the latter case, the value of the -Xmx option has a significant effect on how quickly soft references are garbage collected.

设置在最后一次引用之后,软可访问对象在堆上保持活动状态的时间(以毫秒为单位)。缺省值是堆中每个空闲兆字节的生命周期的一秒钟。 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB选项接受整数值,该整数值表示当前堆大小(对于Java HotSpot客户端VM)或最大可能堆大小(对于Java HotSpot Server VM)每1兆字节毫秒。这种差异意味着客户端VM倾向于刷新软引用而不是增大堆,而服务器VM倾向于增大堆而不是刷新软引用。在后一种情况下,-Xmx选项的值对软引用被垃圾收集的速度有很大影响。


Use optimized versions of GetField.

使用Get Field的优化版本。


Enables printing of ergonomically selected JVM flags that appeared on the command line. It can be useful to know the ergonomic values set by the JVM, such as the heap space size and the selected garbage collector. By default, this option is disabled and flags are not printed.


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