
13 篇文章 0 订阅
9 篇文章 1 订阅

create database execise_new;
use execise_new;
-- 建表
-- 学生表 
create table Student(
   s_id varchar(20),
   s_name varchar(20) not null default '',
   s_birth varchar(20) not null default '',
   s_sex varchar(20) not null default '',
   primary key (s_id));
-- 课程表
create table Course(
   c_id varchar(20),
   c_name varchar(20) not null default '',
   t_id varchar(20) not null,
   primary key (c_id));
-- 教师表 
create table Teacher(
   t_id varchar(20),
   t_name varchar(20) not null default '',
   primary key(t_id));
-- 成绩表
create table Score(
   s_id varchar(20),
   c_id varchar(20),
   s_score int(3),
   primary key(s_id,c_id));
-- 插入数据
-- 插入学生表测试数据
insert into Student values('01' , '赵雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男');
insert into Student values('02' , '钱电' , '1990-12-21' , '男');
insert into Student values('03' , '孙风' , '1990-05-20' , '男');
insert into Student values('04' , '李云' , '1990-08-06' , '男');
insert into Student values('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('06' , '吴兰' , '1992-03-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('07' , '郑竹' , '1989-07-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');
-- 课程表测试数据
insert into Course values('01' , '语文' , '02');
insert into Course values('02' , '数学' , '01');
insert into Course values('03' , '英语' , '03');
-- 教师表测试数据
insert into Teacher values('01' , '张三');
insert into Teacher values('02' , '李四');
insert into Teacher values('03' , '王五');
-- 成绩表测试数据
insert into Score values('01' , '01' , 80);
insert into Score values('01' , '02' , 90);
insert into Score values('01' , '03' , 99);
insert into Score values('02' , '01' , 70);
insert into Score values('02' , '02' , 60);
insert into Score values('02' , '03' , 80);
insert into Score values('03' , '01' , 80);
insert into Score values('03' , '02' , 80);
insert into Score values('03' , '03' , 80);
insert into Score values('04' , '01' , 50);
insert into Score values('04' , '02' , 30);
insert into Score values('04' , '03' , 20);
insert into Score values('05' , '01' , 76);
insert into Score values('05' , '02' , 87);
insert into Score values('06' , '01' , 31);
insert into Score values('06' , '03' , 34);
insert into Score values('07' , '02' , 89);
insert into Score values('07' , '03' , 98);
-- 练习题和sql语句  
select st.*,t1.s_score,t2.s_score from Student as st,
(select sc.s_score ,sc.s_id from Score as sc where sc.c_id='01')as t1
(select sc.s_score ,sc.s_id from Score as sc where sc.c_id='02') as t2
where t1.s_score > t2.s_score ;
select a.*, b.s_score as 01_score, c.s_score as 02_score from
      Student as a
      join Score as b on a.s_id=b.s_id and b.c_id='01'
      left join Score as c on a.s_id=c.s_id and c.c_id='02' or c.c_id=null 
      where b.s_score>c.s_score;
select a.*,b.s_score as 01_score,c.s_score as 02_score from
Student as a
join Score as b on( a.s_id=b.s_id and b.c_id='01')
left join Score as c on (a.s_id=c.s_id and c.c_id='02' or c.c_id=null)
where b.s_score<c.s_score;
select a.s_id,a.s_name,avg(b.s_score) as avgscore from
Student as a ,Score as b
group by  b.s_id
having avg(b.s_score)>60;
select b.s_id,b.s_name,round(avg(a.s_score)) as avg_score from
Student as b,Score as a
group by b.s_id,b.s_name having round(avg(a.s_score),2)>=60;
select b.s_id,b.s_name,round(avg(a.s_score)) as avg_score from
Student as b
join Score as a on b.s_id=a.s_id #先连接再group by
group by b.s_id,b.s_name having round(avg(a.s_score),2)>=60;
        -- (包括有成绩的和无成绩的)
select b.s_id,b.s_name,round(avg(a.s_score),2) as avg_score from
Student as b
left join Score as a on a.s_id=a.s_id
group by b.s_id,b.s_name having round(avg(a.s_score),2)<60
select a.s_id,a.s_name ,0 as avg_score from
Student as a
where a.s_id not in (select distinct s_id from Score);
select a.s_id,a.s_name,count(b.c_id) as count_num,sum(b.s_score) as sum_num
from Student as a
join Score as b on a.s_id=b.s_id
group by a.s_id
select a.s_id,a.s_name,0 as count_num,0 as sum_num from
Student as a
where a.s_id not in (select distinct s_id from Score);
#答案做法 用了left join,省了很多步骤 
select a.s_id,a.s_name,count(b.c_id) as sum_course,sum(b.s_score) as sum_score from 
    student a 
    left join score b on a.s_id=b.s_id
    GROUP BY a.s_id,a.s_name;
select count(t_name) as count_num from
Teacher where t_name like '%李%';
FROM course c
    JOIN Teacher b ON b.t_id = c.t_id
    JOIN Score d ON c.c_id = d.c_id
    JOIN student a ON a.s_id = d.s_id
WHERE b.t_name = '张三'

select a.* from 
    student a 
    join score b on a.s_id=b.s_id where b.c_id in(
        select c_id from course where t_id =(
            select t_id from teacher where t_name = '张三'));
##自己做法 有重复记录 
select a.* from Student as a
join Score as d on a.s_id=d.s_id
where d.c_id in
select c.c_id from Course as c where c.t_id in
(select b.t_id from Teacher as b where b.t_name!='张三')
##根据答案改变 注意not in
select * from Student c where c.s_id not in(
select a.s_id from Student as a
join Score as d on a.s_id=d.s_id
where d.c_id in
select c.c_id from Course as c where c.t_id in
(select b.t_id from Teacher as b where b.t_name='张三')
##答案做法 注意not in放在哪里 
select * from 
    student c 
    where c.s_id not in(
        select a.s_id from student a join score b on a.s_id=b.s_id where b.c_id in(
            select c_id from course where t_id =(
                select t_id from teacher where t_name = '张三')));

## 自己的答案
select * from Student where s_id in (select t1.s1_id

from (
select  a1.s_id as s1_id from
Student a1 join Score d1
on a1.s_id= d1.s_id where c_id = '01'
) t1

join (select a2.s_id as s2_id from
Student a2 join Score d2
on a2.s_id= d2.s_id where d2.c_id = '02')
on t1.s1_id = t2.s2_id

select a.* from 
Student as a,Score as b,Score as c
where a.s_id=b.s_id and a.s_id=c.s_id and b.c_id='01' and c.c_id='02';
select a.* from 
Student as a,Score as b,Score as c
where a.s_id=b.s_id and a.s_id=c.s_id and b.c_id='01' and c.c_id!='02';
##正确答案  注意in /not in的用法 
select a.* from
Student as a
where a.s_id in (select s_id from score where c_id='01') 
and a.s_id not in (select s_id from score where c_id='02');
#根据上面的灵感 可以把第9问写成下面的形式 
select a.* from
Student as a
where a.s_id in (select s_id from score where c_id='01') 
and a.s_id  in (select s_id from score where c_id='02');
##自己的做法 (比答案更简单~~)
select a.* from
Student as a where a.s_id in(
select s_id from score group by s_id having count(c_id)<3);
select s.* from 
    student s where s.s_id in(
        select s_id from score where s_id not in(
            select a.s_id from score a 
                join score b on a.s_id = b.s_id and b.c_id='02'
                join score c on a.s_id = c.s_id and c.c_id='03'
            where a.c_id='01'));
select a.* from
Student as a where a.s_id in(
select s_id from score group by s_id having count(c_id)>0);
##答案做法  注意in的用法 更general
select * from student where s_id in(
    select distinct a.s_id from score a where a.c_id in(select a.c_id from score a where a.s_id='01')
#自己的做法 并不对  
select * from student where s_id =(
    select distinct a.s_id from score a where a.c_id =(select a.c_id from score a where a.s_id='01')
#正确做法 最后的having过滤很重要 
select a.* from student a where a.s_id in(
    select distinct s_id from score where s_id!='01' and c_id in(select c_id from score where s_id='01')
    group by s_id 
    having count(1)=(select count(1) from score where s_id='01'));
select a.s_name from student as a
where a.s_id not in (
select distinct s_id from Score where c_id in(
select c_id from Course where t_id=
(select t_id from Teacher where t_name='张三')));
select a.s_name from student a where a.s_id not in (
    select s_id from score where c_id = 
                (select c_id from course where t_id =(
                    select t_id from teacher where t_name = '张三')) 
                group by s_id);
select a.s_id,a.s_name,ROUND(AVG(b.s_score)) from 
    student a -- 注意这里的left join是因为avg用到了而且一定要用join 
    left join score b on a.s_id = b.s_id
    where a.s_id in(
            select s_id from score where s_score<60 GROUP BY  s_id having count(1)>=2)
    GROUP BY a.s_id;
##自己的做法 没有排序 
select a.* from Student as a where a.s_id in(
      select s_id from Score where c_id='01' and s_score<=60)
select a.*,b.c_id,b.s_score from
student a,score b
where a.s_id=b.s_id and b.c_id='01' and b.s_score <60 order by b.s_score DESC;
##17.按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的所有课程的成绩 以及 平均成绩
## 自己做的 没有每一门的成绩 
select a.*,b.c_id,b.s_score,round(avg(b.s_score),2) from
Student as a,Score as b
where a.s_id=b.s_id
group by a.s_id
order by round(avg(b.s_score),2) DESC;
select a.s_id,(select s_score from score where s_id=a.s_id and c_id='01') as 语文,
                (select s_score from score where s_id=a.s_id and c_id='02') as 数学,
                (select s_score from score where s_id=a.s_id and c_id='03') as 英语,
            round(avg(s_score),2) as 平均分 from score a  GROUP BY a.s_id ORDER BY 平均分 DESC;
-- 及格为>=60,中等为:70-80,优良为:80-90,优秀为:>=90
##答案做法 自己不会  
select a.c_id,b.c_name,MAX(s_score),MIN(s_score),ROUND(AVG(s_score),2),
    ROUND(100*(SUM(case when a.s_score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when a.s_score then 1 else 0 end)),2) as 及格率,
    ROUND(100*(SUM(case when a.s_score>=70 and a.s_score<=80 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when a.s_score then 1 else 0 end)),2) as 中等率,
    ROUND(100*(SUM(case when a.s_score>=80 and a.s_score<=90 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when a.s_score then 1 else 0 end)),2) as 优良率,
    ROUND(100*(SUM(case when a.s_score>=90 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when a.s_score then 1 else 0 end)),2) as 优秀率
    from score as a left join course as b on a.c_id = b.c_id GROUP BY a.c_id,b.c_name;
    select a.s_id,a.c_id,
        @i:=@i +1 as i_,
        @k:=(case when @score=a.s_score then @k else @i end) as rank_,
        @score:=a.s_score as score
    from (
        select s_id,c_id,s_score from score WHERE c_id='01' GROUP BY s_id,c_id,s_score ORDER BY s_score DESC
)a,(select @k:=0,@i:=0,@score:=0)s;
##没运行出来 也没错啊!!!
select a.s_id,
    @i:=@i+1 as i,
    @k:=(case when @score=a.sum_score then @k else @i end) as rank,
    @score:=a.sum_score as score
from (select s_id,SUM(s_score) as sum_score from score GROUP BY s_id ORDER BY sum_score DESC)a,
    (select @k:=0,@i:=0,@score:=0)s;
select a.c_id,b.c_name,round(avg(a.s_score),2) from score as a
join Course as b on a.c_id=b.c_id
group by a.c_id
order by round(avg(a.s_score),2) DESC;
select a.t_id,c.t_name,a.c_id,ROUND(avg(s_score),2) as avg_score from course a
        left join score b on a.c_id=b.c_id 
        left join teacher c on a.t_id=c.t_id
        GROUP BY a.c_id,a.t_id,c.t_name ORDER BY avg_score DESC;
#22、查询所有课程的成绩第2名到第3名的学生信息及该课程成绩 涉及函数先放着
##答案做法 自己反正不会23333
select distinct f.c_name,a.c_id,b.`85-100`,b.百分比,c.`70-85`,c.百分比,d.`60-70`,d.百分比,e.`0-60`,e.百分比 from score a
                left join (select c_id,SUM(case when s_score >85 and s_score <=100 then 1 else 0 end) as `85-100`,
                                            ROUND(100*(SUM(case when s_score >85 and s_score <=100 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)),2) as 百分比
                                from score GROUP BY c_id)as b on a.c_id=b.c_id
                left join (select c_id,SUM(case when s_score >70 and s_score <=85 then 1 else 0 end) as `70-85`,
                                            ROUND(100*(SUM(case when s_score >70 and s_score <=85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)),2) as 百分比
                                from score GROUP BY c_id)as c on a.c_id=c.c_id
                left join (select c_id,SUM(case when s_score >60 and s_score <=70 then 1 else 0 end) as `60-70`,
                                            ROUND(100*(SUM(case when s_score >60 and s_score <=70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)),2) as 百分比
                                from score GROUP BY c_id)as d on a.c_id=d.c_id
                left join (select c_id,SUM(case when s_score >=0 and s_score <=60 then 1 else 0 end) as `0-60`,
                                            ROUND(100*(SUM(case when s_score >=0 and s_score <=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)),2) as 百分比
                                from score GROUP BY c_id)as e on a.c_id=e.c_id
                left join course f on a.c_id = f.c_id;
-- select声明变量时候必须:=
select a.s_id,
            -- i的顺序一直变大 
                @i:=@i+1 as '不保留空缺排名',
            -- 只有在前后两次排序值不同时才使用顺序号 
                @k:=(case when @avg_score=a.avg_s then @k else @i end) as '保留空缺排名',
                @avg_score:=avg_s as '平均分'
        from (select s_id,ROUND(AVG(s_score),2) as avg_s from score GROUP BY s_id order by ROUND(AVG(s_score),2))a,
        -- @k 表示最终的排名(相同值时序号相同)
        -- @j 表示顺序排名  
        -- @avg_score上一次排序值
        (select @avg_score:=0,@i:=0,@k:=0)b;
select a.s_id,a.c_id,a.s_score from score a 
            left join score b on a.c_id = b.c_id and a.s_score<b.s_score
            group by a.s_id,a.c_id,a.s_score HAVING COUNT(b.s_id)<3
            ORDER BY a.c_id,a.s_score DESC;
-- 做对啦
select count(s_id) ,c_id from score  group by c_id;
#我的做法 =答案做法
select a.s_id,a.s_name from Student as a
where a.s_id in(
select s_id from Score group by s_id having count(c_id)=2);
select count(s_sex),s_sex  from student group by s_sex;
select * from Student where s_name like '%风%';
##自己的做法 少了group by
select a.s_sex,a.s_name from student as a
 join student as b on a.s_name=b.s_name 
and a.s_id!=b.s_id ;
select a.s_name,a.s_sex,count(*) from student a  JOIN 
                    student b on a.s_id !=b.s_id and a.s_name = b.s_name and a.s_sex = b.s_sex
        GROUP BY a.s_name,a.s_sex;
select * from Student where s_birth like '%1990%';
select c_id,round(avg(s_score),2) from Score 
group by c_id
order by round(avg(s_score),2) DESC,c_id;
select a.s_id,a.s_name ,round(avg(b.s_score),2) 
from student as a
join score as b on a.s_id=b.s_id
group by b.s_id
having round(avg(b.s_score),2)>=85;
#我的做法 --也对~
select a.s_name,b.s_score from student as a
left join score as b on b.s_id=a.s_id
left join course as c on c.c_id=b.c_id
where c.c_name='数学' and b.s_score<60;
select a.s_name,b.s_score from score b LEFT JOIN student a on a.s_id=b.s_id where b.c_id=(
                    select c_id from course where c_name ='数学') and b.s_score<60
select a.s_id,a.s_name,b.s_score from student as a
join score as b on a.s_id=b.s_id
group by a.s_id,a.s_name;
select a.s_id,a.s_name,
                    SUM(case c.c_name when '语文' then b.s_score else 0 end) as '语文',
                    SUM(case c.c_name when '数学' then b.s_score else 0 end) as '数学',
                    SUM(case c.c_name when '英语' then b.s_score else 0 end) as '英语',
                    SUM(b.s_score) as  '总分'
        from student a left join score b on a.s_id = b.s_id 
        left join course c on b.c_id = c.c_id 
        GROUP BY a.s_id,a.s_name;
##我的做法 :另一种思路 
select a.s_name,b.c_name,c.s_score from student a
left join score as c on c.s_id=a.s_id
left join course as b on b.c_id=c.c_id
where c.s_score >70
group by a.s_name, b.c_name;
select a.s_name,b.c_name,c.s_score from course b left join score c on b.c_id = c.c_id
                left join student a on a.s_id=c.s_id where c.s_score>=70;
select a.s_id,b.c_name from score as a
join course as b on b.c_id=a.c_id
where a.s_score<60
group by a.s_id,b.c_name ;
select a.s_id,a.c_id,b.c_name,a.s_score from score a left join course b on a.c_id = b.c_id
            where a.s_score<60 ;
#自己做法 也对
select a.s_id,a.s_name from student as a
where a.s_id in (
select s_id from score where c_id='01' and s_score>80);
select a.s_id,b.s_name from score a LEFT JOIN student b on a.s_id = b.s_id
            where a.c_id = '01' and a.s_score>80;
select count(s_id),c_id from score
group by c_id;
select * from student a where a.s_id =(
    select s_id from score where c_id =(select c_id from course c JOIN
Teacher t on c.t_id = t.t_id where t.t_name = '张三') order by s_score desc limit 1
-- 查询老师id   
        select c_id from course c,teacher d where c.t_id=d.t_id and d.t_name='张三';
-- 查询最高分(可能有相同分数)
select MAX(s_score) from score where c_id='02';
-- 查询信息
select a.*,b.s_score,b.c_id,c.c_name from student a
            LEFT JOIN score b on a.s_id = b.s_id
            LEFT JOIN course c on b.c_id=c.c_id
            where b.c_id =(select c_id from course c,teacher d where c.t_id=d.t_id and d.t_name='张三')
            and b.s_score in (select MAX(s_score) from score where c_id='02');
select distinct a.s_id,a.c_id,a.s_score from score as a 
join score b on a.s_score=b.s_score and a.c_id!=b.c_id;
select a.s_id,a.c_id,a.s_score from score a
        where (select COUNT(1) from score b where b.c_id=a.c_id
                and b.s_score>=a.s_score)<=2 ORDER BY a.c_id;
-- 要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列  
#自己写的 也对
select c_id,count(s_id) from score
group by c_id
having count(s_id)>5
order by count(s_id),c_id;
select c_id,count(*) as total from score GROUP BY c_id HAVING total>5 ORDER BY total,c_id ASC;
select s_id ,count(c_id)from score 
group by s_id
having count(c_id)>=2;
select s_id,count(*) as sel from score GROUP BY s_id HAVING sel>=2;
select a.* from student as a where a.s_id in(
select b.s_id from score as b group by b.s_id having count(b.c_id)=3 
#key(select count(*) from course)
select a.* from student as a where a.s_id in(
select b.s_id from score as b group by b.s_id 
having count(b.c_id)=(select count(*) from course)
#不会 看的答案 
select s_birth,(
--  -- 按照出生日期来算,当前月日 < 出生年月的月日则,年龄减一
-(case when date_format(now(),'%m%d')>date_format(s_birth,'%m%d')then 0 else 1 end)
)as age
from student;
#自己写的 不对。。。。
select a.* from student as a
where (date_format(now(),'%m%d')-date_format(a.s_birth,'%m%d'))<=7;
select * from student where WEEK(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d'))=WEEK(s_birth);
select * from student where WEEK(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d'))+1 =WEEK(s_birth);
select * from student where MONTH(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d')) =MONTH(s_birth);
select * from student where month(date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d'))+1=month(s_birth);

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