

以下是 IEEE Transactions on Communications 的政策,与 IEEE 政策(参见 IEEE Publications and Services Products Board Operations Manual,第 8.1.7.E 节)和 ComSoc 政策一致,该政策旨在鼓励作者提交论文作为会议论文的扩展,ComSoc 没有量化阈值来确定提交的手稿是否有足够的材料超出会议论文的材料。相反,他们把这个判断留给了编辑委员会。本文档的目的是为 TCOM 编辑委员会提供具体指导,以帮助确保此类“判断”的一致性。

  • TCOM 编辑和审稿人被指示将会议和期刊论文视为完全独立的出版场所。
    • 会议论文不能简单地在没有显着差异的情况下重新发表。
  • “旧”政策是期刊和会议版本之间应该有“30% 的差异”。请注意,这不是 IEEE 政策,也不是 ComSoc 政策。如果它曾经是,它不再是。 IEEE 政策只要求“实质性”差异,“实质性”的含义由编辑自行决定。 TCOM 编辑被指示遵循此处更明确的政策。
  • 事实上,文本和图表可以从会议论文中准确复制到期刊论文中。这不是双重出版。期刊论文应使用至少略有不同的标题,以描述通常更广泛的期刊贡献并避免档案记录中的混淆。
  • 在提交过程中,在提交期刊论文时,应在以下两个位置引用会议版本(或版本,如果论文基于多篇会议论文):(i)在要求此信息的手稿中心字段中,以及(ii)在期刊论文本身。对于 8 页或以上的会议论文,必须在提交的文件中包含解释差异/相似之处的摘要作为补充文件。
  • 也可以同时提交期刊和会议版本。或者甚至可以先提交期刊版本。但是,在提交该论文的会议版本时不应出现期刊版本。
  • 然而,作者有责任确保他们在 IEEE 之外做出的任何版权承诺不会被最终的 IEEE 期刊出版物违反。

该政策的总体理由:应鼓励作者在 IEEE 会议上向社区展示他们的工作,这不可避免地涉及发布会议版本。阻止会议论文稍后在期刊版本中发表的政策会产生相反的效果,并阻止研究人员在会议上展示他们最好的工作。同样,如果创新思想被禁止在 IEEE 期刊中发表,这将损害 IEEE 期刊的质量,仅仅是因为它们是以会议形式呈现的。

Background: There has been a lot of confusion in our community over the issue of conference papers appearing as journal papers (or more rarely, vice versa).  The goal of this policy and webpage is to reduce or ideally eliminate this confusion by articulating a clear policy.

The following is the policy at the IEEE Transactions on Communications, which consistent with the IEEE policy (see IEEE Publications and Services Products Board Operations Manual, section 8.1.7.E) and and the ComSoc Policy, which is to encourage authors to submit papers that are extensions of their conference papers, ComSoc does not have a quantitative threshold for determining if the submitted manuscript has enough material beyond that of the conference paper(s). Rather, they leave that judgment to the editorial board.  The goal of this document is to give specific guidance to the TCOM editorial board to help ensure that such “judgments” are consistent.

  • TCOM Editors and Reviewers are instructed to consider conference and journal papers as totally separate venues for publication. 
    • Conference papers cannot simply be republished without significant differences.
  • The “old” policy was that there should be a “30% difference” between the journal and conference version(s).  Note that this is not IEEE policy, nor is it ComSoc policy.  If it ever was, it no longer is.  The IEEE policy simply requires “substantial” differences, with the meaning of “substantial” being at the discretion of the Editor. TCOM Editors are instructed to follow the more explicit policy here.
  • Text and figures can in fact be exactly copied from the conference paper(s) into the journal paper.  This is not double publishing.  An at least slightly different title should be used for the journal paper, to describe the typically broader journal contribution and to avoid confusion in the archival record.
  • During the submission process, the conference version (or versions, if the paper is based on multiple conference papers) should be cited when submitting the journal paper in two places: (i) in the Manuscript Central field requesting this information, and (ii) in the journal paper itself.  For conference papers of 8 pages or more, a summary explaining the differences/similarities must be included as a supplementary document in the submission.
  • It is also possible to submit the journal and conference version at the same time.  Or the journal version can even be submitted first. The journal version should not have appeared, however, at the time of submission of a conference version of that paper.
  • It is the responsibility of the Authors to ensure that any copyright commitments they have made outside the IEEE, however, are not violated by the eventual IEEE journal publication.

Overall rationale for this policy:  Authors should be encouraged to present their work to the community at IEEE conferences, which inevitably involves publishing a conference version.  A policy that prevented conference papers from being later published in a journal version would have the opposite effect and discourage researchers from presenting their best work at conferences.  Similarly, it would damage the quality of IEEE journals if innovative ideas are barred from publication in them, simply because they have been presented in a conference format.

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